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Chris Jericho in TNA?


King Of The Ring
(This was on WZ on April 21st, 2010)
The following are some excerpts from a recent interview with Chris Jericho from The Sun out of the UK:

Jericho on possibility of joining TNA: "Never say never. I hope they do great and although I've taken jabs at Eric Bischoff on Twitter, I like him and I'm happy that he's in TNA... So it would have to be some kind of really crazy circumstance for me to not be working there until the day I retire."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

As we all know, Chris is most likely on his way out of WWE. He got some backstage heat over some TV show he's doing, etc. They're already planning the way he's going to go out, making him lose a lot so he eventually "quits" a la Batista.

So, if Chris does indeed do what he did a few years ago and leave WWE to pursue some other careers, do you think that he'll go to TNA before/if he ever comes back to WWE?

Do you think that he can be a valuable asset there?

And please, don't Troll-NA on this thread, provide logical answers.
Of course Jericho can be a valuable asset to TNA. He might not be drawing in ratings for WWE big time. But he's a guy you like to watch in the ring.

I doubt that Chris would really be going to TNA. At least not for now. I believe he might either take a year doing stuff with his band and all that if he does indeed leave. All in all it's being discussed in the WWE section right now. I don't believe Chris will be leaving. At least not to TNA. He will most likely end his career with WWE. And I can only understand that he wants to do that.

WWE has given Chris quite a legacy. A great career. To go to TNA wouldn't necessarily be the solution to end off his career. Especially not if he wants to end it with good terms for Vince, and a potential Hall of Fame induction.
The old saying does go never say never but i personally believe its more of a long shot then a possibility. Also the thing of him being an asset he would be but do to that dreaded WWE trademark on names he would have to undergo a name change i believe seeing that his last name is Irvine. We would have to wait and see on that one but regardless i would be pretty shocked to see him turn up their. It was talk of it years ago while he did his band thing last time and nothing ever came of it.
Would I love to see it? Yes. Do I see it happening? Not really. As much as I never thought I'd see Kurt Angle in TNA, I really don't think I'll see Jericho there. Granted I'd enjoy seeing Jericho cut promo's the way he used to, none of this "parasite, hypocrite, blah" stuff he's been doing in the WWE. So honestly I don't see it happening, but I would definitely like to see it.
He would give the company another name to use in dream matches. And then said dream matches can be thrown away on Impact or onto a PPV that barely anyone buys.

Jericho is a great worker and I enjoy his work. I do not feel he would ever end up in TNA unless he wanted to actively pursue his TV/music activities. The schedule would allow that. Maybe, just maybe, it will be worth seeing what happens with his contract. Or if Downfall gets another go-around.

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE star Chris Jericho is expected to take some time off from the company when his contract expires this fall. WrestleZone was the first to exclusively report awhile back that there was heat on Jericho for accepting the host position on ABC's game show "Downfall," and it appears that both the game show tapings and upcoming Fozzy dates might see Jericho taking time off from WWE. There is speculation that he might finish up with the company altogether, but that has not been confirmed at this point.

^ From the main page
I don't see Chris Jericho appearing in a TNA ring any time soon. Granted it's not impossible I guess, and stranger things have happened, but I just don't see why Jericho would take such a drastic backwards step at this stage of his career.

I imagine he's financially stable. He's in good health. As far as I know, there's no actual heat between him and the WWE brass. There has been speculated heat because of this game show he's hosting, but it's certainly not uncommon for the main page to post unsubstantiated news from unknown sources which has no validity whatsoever.

I think Jericho's comments regarding Bischoff and TNA are just him playing the IWC, he has done this many times in the past. I also remember him making comments recently (allegedly) that he was very happy in WWE and comfortable with his role at this time. I don't think he's going anywhere.

You don't work for your entire career to reach the pinnacle, just to clue it all up by stepping backwards. You don't, for example, strive for an entire career in MLB, only to request to be sent back to Triple A to conclude your career. You go there if you are sent there against your will, or have no other options, hardly applicable to Jericho.

No one in WWE goes to TNA by choice. They either go there because they've been released, or they're disgruntled with Vince McMahon and the WWE. Or, because your ego is so huge that you believe you can be the saviour of TNA by yourself and are upset with WWE because you haven't been the centre of their universe (Angle).
Chris Jericho would be a valuable assett in whatever company he works for. He's great in the ring, he's great on the mic, he's got charisma out his ass and, if anything, he's only gotten better with age. I don't think anybody in wrestling is as good at putting guys over and still look strong doing it as Chris Jericho is.

Do I think he'll wind up in TNA? Well, it's always possible I suppose. I don't think that it's very likely, at least not at this point. Jericho has been treated very well in the WWE and, whether anyone likes the WWE or not, it's a fact that can't be disputed. But, Jericho has been looking into outside projects and the WWE doesn't care much for that. Jericho is almost 40 years old, he doesn't have to worry about money and he's still incredibly healthy. If TNA can make an attractive enough offer to Jericho, it's possible. But, I do have a feeling that Jericho is pretty loyal to the WWE.
look at it this way.... most of the guys that came over after "retiring" or leaving WWE is because they NEEDED the money. Jericho much like...say JBL.... isn't technically in need of money, word is he was extremely good with his money....so he isn't one of the guys that NEEDS an income from this. SOOOO... unless for some rediculous reason, he felt the insatiable desire to work for TNA..... I don't ever see it happening.... remember...this is, first and foremost, a business... and money talks.... if you need to hear it.. lol
jericho's first love has always been his music, so i see him touring for awhile before making a decision.

tna's "lax" schedule would probably be a tempting offer, but it would suck for jericho to not be able to use the Jericho name.

he is like a lot of others who jumped ship and went. going to tna would, i think, tarnish his legacy.
No I dont see Chris in TNA EVER. If I rember right Chris said in interview recently that he is very happy with his role in WWE and he still wants to wrestle and him and WWE are in talks of renewing his contract.
But to answer your question Yes he would be an asset He's Chris Jericho he's GOLD on the mic and has Great in-ring skills.
So if Chris does take time off(which i dont think he will) I see him returning with WWE in 6 months to 1yr. if he takes time off but i dont think he will
jericho's first love has always been his music, so i see him touring for awhile before making a decision.

tna's "lax" schedule would probably be a tempting offer, but it would suck for jericho to not be able to use the Jericho name.

"oh my god, he's got him in the WALLS OF IRVINE!!!!!!!!!!" no thanks

plus, like others said, i am sure he hasn't been dumb with his money.
It could happen... I rememer last time he took time off, there were a lot of rumors about him going to TNA and Fozzy even did a music video for one of TNA's PPV's...

I'm pretty sure that he owns the name Jericho since he used it in Japan and stuff like that before he came to ECW or WCW...

Jericho would do a lot of good for TNA... I would love to see him as a face again and I think the Impact Zone would blow the roof off if he actually did show up...

And for the guy who compared going to TNA to going from MLB to Tripple A baseball... I think that's kind of an unfair comparison because TNA isn't WWE's farm league... He would have to be going to FCW for that to be true...

Jericho has said it himself... He has done everything he can do in WWE... He has reached his peak there and now he's just there to put over people with half his talent... Why not go to TNA where he can probaly get a lot of exposure for his band out of TNA... He can have a very relaxed schedule where he persue any other projects that he may want to do while still being relevant to the wrestling world...

He will be in the Hall of Fame one day regardless of rather he signs with TNA or not... Plus if WWE doesn't view TNA as competition than it shouldn't piss off Vince that bad to where it would ruin his HoF chances...

Every TNA fan should do a little prayer at night in hopes that your savoir, the Ayatollah of Rock-n-Rollah, Y2J Chris Jericho comes to TNA!
He'd be a fantastic acquisition – the biggest since Angle, if you ask me – but I'm not sure how viable an option it is for him, honestly, as I'd imagine he's taking time off from wrestling in general (not just the WWE) to work with his band, likely touring and on a new album, but in the event he's not, I'd absolutely love to watch Jericho debut in the TNA.

The only thing I'm not entirely sure of is whether or not he'd actually be able to debut as Jericho, and not as Chris Irvine, as I'm not sure whether or not "Jericho" is intellectual property of WWE's, seeing as they likely inherited it in the WCW sale.

Jericho is one of the best workers in the business, and TNA, I'd imagine, would benefit greatly from having a man of his stature working with their young boys.
Hmmm... Chris Jericho in TNA? I'm not sure how I feel about that. Would I like to see another Jericho v Angle feud? Sure. I'd love to also see Jericho v Styles too. Do I personally see it happening? No. The best thing about this would be he would basically be given free reign of promos which is somethings hes had to take a step back on in WWE since the PG rating was implemented. I'm pretty Jericho would be rather selfish about this decision though. He would want A LOT of cash and would not be content jobbing like he has been doing lately in the "E". Jericho is a sure fire Hall of Famer in the WWE and I don't think he would screw that up.
As cool as it would be to see Jericho against Sting, Styles and Angle, he would be just another "WWE guy" on the roster, further putting TNA's home grown talent to the wayside. Jericho could be a huge asset to TNA wrestling, but he'd have to have a name change and what not and at this point in his career, he doesn't need it and doesn't need to bother with it EVER.
I really doubt that he would have to change his name... Guys like Raven and Taz didn't have to change their names...

Plus Jericho didn't have to ask permission to use his name for the Downfall show or his VH1 spots...

I'm pretty sure since he used his name on the indys and stuff before that he owns the rights to his name...
While I would love to see it, I just can't see it happening anytime soon. Chris seems to be content with his position in WWE (and who wouldn't? Getting that fat paycheck and being able to do half the work you can and STILL be one of the top guys) and if he oesn leave I have a feeling it would be for his music and not to go wrestle. And if he did wrestle again I can see him doing a one or two night shot for ROH
idk. it would be another superstar to jump from wwe 2 tna. chris has a alot of ability, but hes prob not gona boost their ratings much
The biggest reason why I want to see Y2J in TNA is that he won't be limited in the ring. We know that Jericho can do some pretty sweet moves as he is a sound technician. I've not seen THAT Jericho for some good 10 years. The reason why Cena "has 5 moves" is because ( and that's just me ) he's being told to do it, and he's a Main Eventer. I remember HBK doing a shoot video, saying that when he became a top guy he wanted to be unlike the rest of the main eventers who just punch and kick, and when he got to that status he found himself doing the same thing. Chris rarely has an oponent that can support him in the ring and sell his ass off and all of that. TNA is full of guys ready to get beat up and do the running around for the benefit of the match, and Chris has that same mentality too I believe. Plus, he'd put together some classic matches, cut awesome promos and all of that.

Would it tarnish his legacy? Why? Because of the company name? I thumbly disagree. Just because TNA is a small time company, that doesn't mean that Jericho can't do some outstanding work there. After all, that's what a career is all about.

The way I see it, Jericho is done with WWE. Creatively. Personally, I don't find him interesting or captivating anymore. They killed off Y2J. He really IS dead, and I hate WWE for doing that. He's a magnificent heel as he is right now, but I miss the old Y2J.

I see him going to TNA. Someone said that it's all about money and the business and that is absolutely correct, but not when you're Chris Jericho. The guy loves to wrestle and entertain. He's an entertainer in any way you roll the dice. You can tell by the fact that he's not winning anything and puts over people non stop. If he was all about the business and the money he'd be an absolutely dominating Main Eventer like, say, Triple H.

I sure hope Chris stops by and gives TNA a try. No wrestling fan would lose from that. Besides, if I was in Chris' shoes I wouldn't give much damn, 'cause with Vince's recent behavior toward HBK and J.R, my legacy would be squashed anyway in case I piss off Vinnie.
Chris would be great in TNA. Great asset no matter where he goes. He is good on TV, he is good on the mic, and has a decent band.

However, TNA needs to build more of a brand, before Chris comes into the company. I'm trying not to knock TNA, but it needs something more then another good free agent. Yes, this free agent can really get the company off the ground, but he can't do it all.

Chris in TNA might create huge stress levels for the man. He would be all over the company building a lot of talent up. Things that he is good at, but shouldn't have to do it. Where in the WWE he can focus on his matches, his opponents, and his character. In TNA, he would end up doing the booking, the promotions, everything. He would have to do TNA's job, just like his.

Don't forget to mention, we might not have a TNA in another year or 2.
I think its a very good probability. TNA's schedule is much lighter that WWE which is a big plus for older wrestlers. And the lighter schedlue would give Jericho plenty of time for other projects (Band, shows, etc.). I think it makes alot of sense.
Eh, the guy is just bland and boring. I mean his gimmick, not his overall ability to perfrom and entertain.

If he comes to TNA the way he is, then i PREY he doesn't come and stay's in WWE.

If he comes to TNA as Y2J, then he's welcome anytime.
I have to agree with those saying while it is anything but a lock it might be more likely than some realize. I remember when Heyman was considering TNA there was a rumor he contacted someone in wwe to see what their plans were after their contract ended soon. Jericho was one of the most likely people to fit that rumor. If Heyman came to TNA I would give them a solid shot at getting Jericho. Even without him it is still a decent possibility. Jericho seems to really enjoy making stars like Angle does. Jericho could do several projects and it would not be an issue in TNA.
I don't really get the IWC love for Jericho. Despite his talent on the mike, he is not particularly entertaining in the ring, much like the Miz.

I do see him going to TNA as he still enjoys his wrestling and he could continue to do his other stuff (band, TV shows). I also think he is the sort of man who would want to help a company grow.

Having said all that I believe all his IWC fans would start hating on him if he joined TNA and then people would start saying "He is too old" blah blah blah (39).

YES - Chris Jericho will go to TNA bitches!!
I don't really get the IWC love for Jericho. Despite his talent on the mike, he is not particularly entertaining in the ring, much like the Miz.

I do see him going to TNA as he still enjoys his wrestling and he could continue to do his other stuff (band, TV shows). I also think he is the sort of man who would want to help a company grow.

Having said all that I believe all his IWC fans would start hating on him if he joined TNA and then people would start saying "He is too old" blah blah blah (39).

YES - Chris Jericho will go to TNA bitches!!

Haha you make a good point. It seems that people notice age only when someone comes to TNA. Everyone was fine with Flair wrestling on WWE every single week. Now he does one match in 3 months and IWC goes banana sandwich on poor TNA.

And I think that Jericho has no reason to go full force in the ring. He's mainly putting guys over, and one way to do that is to tone down your offense and let them do the cool stuff. We've all seen what he can do when he wants to look good.

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