Cherished games in your Videogame collection

I used to cherish my copy of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. I loved that game. Loved it like a brother. Same goes for Motocross Madness and Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - incredible games.

Now, I cherish nothing.
Megadrive - Comix Zone

N64 - Turok 2 , Wrestlemania 2000, Mario 64

PSX - Resident Evil 2

PS2 - Manhunt, Smackdown:Here Comes the Pain, Resident Evil 4

DS - Mario Kart DS, Dementium 2
Let's see-

I like to kick it old school with my Nintendo
-Paperboy (all time favorite)
-Super Mario Bros.

I kick it even more school with the 25th anniversary Galaga arcade game I bought. Oh, yeah, giggity gig.

I also like-

Guitar Hero > both on Playstation

and Wii Bowling (why?! because I'm lame).

We turned the basement into a one large man gave and stocked it full of toys and game room accessories.
I have two, both for the original NES.

Tetris and Tecmo Super Bowl.

Among all of the games in my collection, over numerous systems, spanning over 25 years, it always goes back to those two games. I still play them, I still haven't gotten tired of them.
Arkham asylum is on my list, Arkham City is well on it's way. That game is phenomenal.
I'm not one for sentiment. I keep the stuff I want to replay and trade in anything that'll get me £10 or more. I'm cold and heartless, I know. That Bioshock case though - so, so sexy.
I'm not one for sentiment. I keep the stuff I want to replay and trade in anything that'll get me £10 or more. I'm cold and heartless, I know. That Bioshock case though - so, so sexy.

My brother does this, he traded in Arkham Asylum before i got a chance to play it the cunt.

EDIT: I guess you could say i cherish my original copy or Final Fantasy 7. First game i ever got for the ps1. Back in the day when those games were good.
all zeldas are the most cherished games i have. Ive beaten each one atleast 2, most of them atleast 5 times. It just the best video game series ever.
I don't have a HUGE collection of classic games, and some aren't even that critically acclaimed, while others are incredibly typical. I was blessed in that my parents never got rid of any of my old games, so I still have them around. I trade in a LOT of stuff that comes out today, and keep the ones I think will remain great forever. Some just remind me of times as a kid... In addition to the ones I have below, I have every Pokemon version created since Red/Blue (excluding the terrible spin-offs) for their original system. I also am not going to list the other handheld games I have kept. Too many! Listed are the games I will never get rid of, even though I don't actually have the system to play some of them...

-Super Mario Bros./ Duck Hunt duo-cartridge
-Dr. Mario
-Super Mario Bros. 3

-ToeJam & Earl
-James Pond 3
-Double Dragon
-Sonic the Hedgehog
-Joe & Mac
-Meximum Carnage

-Super Mario All-Stars
-Yoshi's Island
-Donkey Kong Country
-Final Fantasy III
-Super Mario Kart
-Chrono Trigger

-WrestleMania 200
-WWF No Mercy
-Pokemon Stadium
-Pokemon Stadium 2
-Pokemon Snap
-007 GoldenEye
-Super Mario 64
-Star Fox 64
-Diddy Kong Racing
-Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
-Majora's Mask
-Super Smash Bros.

-In the Hunt (original over-sized hardcase)
-Final Fantasy VII
-Legend of the Dragoon
-WWF Smackdown
-Tekken 2
-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
-Crash Bandicoot
-Ape Escape
-Grid Runner

Misc. Modern Games
-Final Fantasy X (PS2)
-Final Fantasy XII - Special Edition Metal Case (PS2)
-Morrowind (XBox)
-Skyrim (PS3)
-Dark Souls (PS3)
-Windwaker (GC)
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
-Super Smash Bros. Melee (GC)
-Halo 2 (XBox)
-Halo: Reach (360)
-Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
-Smackdown!: Here Comes the Pain (PS2)

I know the question was "which games do we cherish?" I'd like to say all of them, but if it came between these games and killing a baby... Eh? Coin flip... Gun to my head, if I had to pick three of them to take with me into the next life, I'd pick Legend of the Dragoon, Super Mario Bros. All-Stars, and WrestleMania 2000.
Old games that I've kept or got on emulation because I love them?

Final Fantasy VII
Street Fighter II
Civ II
Fantastic Dizzy
Theme Park
Rollo to the Rescue
Lost Vikings
Desert Strike
Super Mario Kart

All timeless games that I can quite happily spend the day playing even now.

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