Chavo Guerrero Released


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I had a quick scan and couldn't find any threads on this. But it looks like Chavo Guerrero has finally been released after years of doing very little.

Personally, I think he's a good wrestler, but he's become stereotyped as a jobber over the past few years. Was the Sin Cara feud a Last Hurrah or a Last Chance?

Your thoughts?
i just went on facebook and have seen that WWE posted that Chavo has been given his future endeavours.. i've got to say i'm surprised by this after everything he's done in the WWE.

what does everyone else feel about this?

(P.S. this is my first thread, if it's in the wrong place please move it)
Yeah wow I'm suprised after how long they kept him around doing nothing

I think he could be of great use to TNA if he wants to go there , he could actually showcase his talents there instead of being neglected
I feel like WWE was finally starting to use him more after not using him at all for years. The timing seems odd. I'm interested to see if this is only the beginning of the future endeavors or if there was a specific circumstance for Chavo.
Yeah, iv just seen it on Joey Styles twitter and i have to say i was quite suprised by the news. I think Chavo is a really talented wrestler, yet like a lot of others wasnt thought highly of and was used as a jobber. I mean he has been with the company for many years and TBH, thinking about it now im not suprised. All he was for the last few years was a jobber.
It's sad how Chavo tarnished his talent in WWE for soooo many years.

Yeah, so sad that he decided that making a decent living without killing himself was more important than taking all the indy bookings he could get and working for peanuts in TNA. What a shame.:rolleyes:

Sad to see him go though. I was always a fan of his in ring work and hell, he wasn't too bad a talker either. It's a shame he was let go when there's such an influx of new young talented being pushed to the forefront that could really use his veteran guidance.

It'd be cool to see him go to TNA, but hopefully he has enough dough to tell them to fuck off if they low ball him. He shouldn't be busting his ass for next to nothing.
I'm shocked to be honest. It'll be a shame to see Chavo go, even though we've not seen him on T.V much in the past few years. Oh well, give it 91 Days, I'm sure TNA will have snapped him up. He'd be a good addition to the X-Divison.
I cant believe wwe would do this
WTF??? :wtf:
Has wwe forgotten chavo is the nephew of legend eddie guerrero
chavo guerrero is a legend and a future hof
It was kool to atleast have a guerrero in the wwe (vickie doesnt count)
wwe made a huge mistake
im very upset this had happened
and like what someone said above me
the timing was odd and strange cuz he was in a middle of a story line on nxt wasnt he?
The most surprising release for a while. You'd assume Chavo would've worked behind the scenes with WWE after his career ended. Which could explain his release. Perhaps WWE informed him that they no longer required him as an on screen talent and Chavo requested his release.

Considering TNA hired Hector Guerrero I'm sure Chavo will have a job waiting for him there.
Chavo is a jobber to midcard talent, the only reason he had a job for so long was because of Eddie. Last time I say him live he wrestled MVP and fuck the entire match up, at one point in the match you could even hear MVP say come on Chavo.(Dark Match before Bragging Rights)
The guy doesn't draw a fuckin dime, and he was just holding up a spot a much more deserved wrestler could have.
Oh well.

I mean, look, he's a good hand and I thought they'd keep him as a road agent, but he's not some huge loss. I liked him and all but his release affects nothing. At least he got one last PPV match before he went.

He probably asked for his release. He was making remarks on Twitter before his release and he's been in the business long enough. He deserves a healthy retirement, with maybe a few independent appearances every now and then.

My question is if he'll be replaced on NXT. He was a pro. Then again, I suppose if there is only one episode left it won't matter.

I had a quick scan and couldn't find any threads on this. But it looks like Chavo Guerrero has finally been released after years of doing very little.

Personally, I think he's a good wrestler, but he's become stereotyped as a jobber over the past few years. Was the Sin Cara feud a Last Hurrah or a Last Chance?

Your thoughts?

My first reaction to your question is to say it was a last hurrah, but I think it was a last chance, which would suck if it were true, because Sin Carra is a bit of a fuck-up and it would be wrong to ask Chavo to carry him if indeed this was a last chance to prove himself. Personally, I was beginning to like his role, but apparently WWE brass didn't. Such a shame, he could have been a road agent or mentor to any new Mexican stars coming into the company. It'd be interesting to see him appear in Impact. Here's to a class act.
Chavo said he asked for his release cuz he was tired of not being used correctly. ''Just cuz u can make other ppl look good, doesn't mean they should just have u lose to them. The same thing Happened to Eddie. After being champ, they still had him working mid card status. Being a Guerrero, we've been taught since diapers to get
The most out of ppl & matches. It's our gift, but also our curse. WWE has always used us to make other ppl look good.''
So was this "the big news" he was tweeting about? Nothing against Chavo, but I think a lot of people saw it coming. He was a good wrestler, but he didn't have the personality and charisma Eddie did.

As for his future, TNA ..., ahem, Impact Wrestling or Ring Of Honor might make him an offer, but he's 41/42 years old. He'd be better off as a road agent at this stage.
@Gaga777: No you don't. Unless you happen to work there, all you have is conjecture and opinion.

As to the release, I guess I'm glad in a way. He got worse than he deserved in terms of a push, and I'm still and always will be a Chavo mark. Whether he jumps to TNA or ROH or goes abroad to New Japan or Mexico, I'll definitly be following.
I like Chavo, but at 40 years old, he was the 7th oldest wrestler in the WWE (behind The Undertaker, Kane, William Regal, Goldust, Triple H and Mark Henry). Like William Regal, he should have tried a move to commentary or at least as a manager. I think he could bring heat to any heel who needed it. A longer feud with Sin Cara would also have been appreciated.

Anyway, I think it was his choice to leave. He probably still wants to work in the ring and try and be a star. He wasn't going to get that opportunity in WWE. I doubt TNA wants the 40-year-old Chavo to join them, but if they do, I guess he should. I think realistically, he should try and go back to WWE, and try working as an agent or office guy. Maybe help them get promotion in Mexico or at least help set up Sin Cara's matches. Hell, he can even be on the Spanish announce team.

Chavo has so much potential, I hate to see him go like this.
I'm very surprised with that release, first he is a Guerrero, second he is with the company for so long that he made me feel that he was now part of the furniture.
He isn't going to be missed, because he wasn't even on TV, but I thought that he would become a road agent or whatevs...

Vickie watch your back, they don't care about family Legacy anymore...
I realize they didn't use him alot, but I was also under the impression that he was being used backstage to help the younger talent. I felt that was why he was brought in to work a program with Sin Cara, because he could speak the language and sell the moves. If you take a look back, sure Chavo didn't have a ME career, but he held a few titles and had some good fueds back when he was more in his prime. We read too much into it sometimes, maybe Chavo asked for his release and wanted to go persue other things. Perhaps Chavo wanted to go home and be a normal person for awhile and be with his family.
Chavo is a jobber to midcard talent, the only reason he had a job for so long was because of Eddie. Last time I say him live he wrestled MVP and fuck the entire match up, at one point in the match you could even hear MVP say come on Chavo.(Dark Match before Bragging Rights)
The guy doesn't draw a fuckin dime, and he was just holding up a spot a much more deserved wrestler could have.

Why do marks who didn't watch wrestling before the year 2000 continue to post on this board? Chavo was one of the top cruiserwieghts in WCW for a while. He was over until the WWE decided to job him to that midget Hornswaggle.

Chavo was misused and abused in the WWE. I'd love to see him goto TNA, or ROH for that matter.
Such a talented wrestler and was never pushed properly by the WWE. After the cruiserweight title was taken away he has nothing to do. They tried keeping him relevant when he won the ECW title and when he was with La Familia but never won the big one or any of the midcard titles. I was hoping they did a huge feud with him, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara with Chavo trying to change Sin Cara into a heel but thats out the window. I also think it has something to do with that in the bouts with himself and Sin Cara, Chavo messed up a few moves which may have contributed to his release. He's 40 odd years old, never really pushed, irrelevant, a jobber and by misusing him they are tarnishing the Guerrero name. I like Chavo and I only want him to stay if he is being pushed, if he is a jobber he should consider heading back to Mexico to finish his days there or maybe go to TNA and join the Latin stable (unaware of the name). Personally I think he should retire in Mexico and compete in the AAA instead of TNA so Vince would consider inducting him into the Hall of Fame.
Well, he wasn't doing anything either way. His feud with Sin Cara had a lot more potential but was quickly rushed for a PPV match and gladly he got one more PPV match before leaving.
I feel sad for Chavo but at the same time his release would not make an iota of difference to the WWE. Perhaps the writing was on the wall for Chavo when he started getting flak for not putting up good matches with Sin Cara as was expected for him. It is obvious that Cara was at fault in this case but that is how the ball rolls in the world of pro wrestling. Cara is young, athletic and can do flippies and jump real high and already has a huge fanbase in Mexico while Chavo at this stage of his career is more of a solid rather than a flamboyant performer and that is usually the type of guy who gets the cut.

I thought that Chavo could have contributed immensly behind the scenes in the WWE. It is clear that WWE is interested in tapping into the Mexican fan base and Chavo, who is adept in both the Lucha Libre and the WWE style, could have helped those wrestlers a lot.

I have always liked Chavo. He was never going to be a main eventer but he might easily be one of the best wrestler never to have gotten a World title shot. He could certainly work in the ring and cut good promos. His feuds with Rey Mysterio and Eddie were very good. It's not that his WWE career has been a smooth ride. A lot of fans would love to forget about the Chavo/ Horswoggle series or even the Kerwin White persona but there isn't a shadow of doubt that whatever Chavo did, he gave his 200% into it. Be it as a face or as a heel he always put a smile on my face, which is something that I can say for few other performers.
I'm not sure how I feel about this release; I didn't see this one coming. I really think he could have beenn utilized more in transitioning young talent to the main stage or a trainer. He was great in the ring and a good talker. I guess this is a case of WWE trying to get younger and moving on. It'd be great to see Chavo in a role in TNA's X Division as a techinical wrestler. TNA can use him to help the young talent they have there.
Sad to see him go, but maybe he's realizing that it's better for him to just leave the business. A lot of future stars may suffer from not having his experience backstage to help with, but I think Chavo being released is a good thing for Chavo, especially if he doesn't go to TNA.

I honestly think Chavo, if he wanted, could have a career in acting. Maybe he can find a film company to produce him a sitcom and pitch show ideas to networks.

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