Chavo Guerrero, Come On Now Son

Yeah, today... and even then it's arguable. But Flair at his peak was more popular World Wide than Cena will ever be. That is a fact.

I'm sure Flair didn't have any kids wearing his merchandise in my neighborhood. You're underrating kids. I argue 50% of under 14 boys around the world know him, and I can tell you Ric Flair has never been close to the amount of fans Cena has today world-wide.
i do agree with that he is a better wrestler than cena, shit who isn't, but don't be bitter, because you never got a big push
I'm sure Flair didn't have any kids wearing his merchandise in my neighborhood. You're underrating kids. I argue 50% of under 14 boys around the world know him, and I can tell you Ric Flair has never been close to the amount of fans Cena has today world-wide.

You're overestimating how many people allow their kids to watch wrestling in the first place.

Also, while Flair probably was never "liked" by as many kids, kids sure as shit knew who he was during the eighties and nineties, and they most likely hated him because he was a bad guy.

Much more people watched and followed wrestling during Flair's peak than they do now. And even now, a lot of people know who Flair is. If they didn't, then why did Sportscenter have him open up the show just the other day? Why do other sporting events have him make special appearances? Why do the New Orleans Hornets play "Wooooooo" every time they make a three point shot? Flair's "Wooooooo" alone.... that's perhaps the most popular saying to ever come from professional wrestling. Yet, you still want to sit there and say Cena is a guy who is more popular than Flair ever was? Come on, man.
Initially I would have scoffed at that but the more I think about it, the more it might be true. On the internet Flair gets away with having about 6 moves he regularly used.

And yet Cena gets shit on for only having five - even though he actually has more. Fanbase R Cruel!

I'm still eager to know in what ways Cena is better than Flair though. I don't think he's inferior to Flair. But on what bases are we saying Cena is better?
This is nothing more than Chavo working the Internet marks, much the same way Punk did with his comments about Triple H and his wife. Maybe Chavo really does believe it, but he's only SAYING it because he's trying to get himself over with Internet fans, the only people he'll be working in front of for the rest of his career.

Chavo will likely never work in the WWE again, so might as well begin working the Internet marks.
So what, Just because they play Wooooo in New Orleans games he is more popular?

I invite you to go up to strangers and do both You can't see me and Wooooo and see which one is more recognized.

Cena is the face of wrestling in this time which makes easier for him to be popular because of how media has grown.

I think you're just looking at US. I live in middle east and Almost everyone under age of 18 knows him or wears his shirts and lots of people under 25 know him in one way or another. I don't think you could say the same about Flair.
Well being a company guy for starters. If you're asking a guy to represent you're company for the length of that persons career, John Cena wins that going away.

John Cena is company first, Ric Flair is Flair first.

John Cena is just as good, if not better on the mic then Ric By Gawd Flair. When Cena isn't doing his kiddy routine, he's hands down better then Flair.

Spare the typical, Flair wrestled and won world titles when it meant something. Yeah whatever. Under Flair's NWA reigns, the WWF title became the world title. Let's not pretend John Cena isn't out there wrestling out there every night. Cena is doing it in a time where he's on live TV every week.

John Cena has a better look, he's more charismatic, he's better on the mic, and he's more marketable. Ric Flair was on Sportscenter, good for Flair. John Cena is selling Razorblades for Gillette and footlong Subs for Subway.
Well being a company guy for starters. If you're asking a guy to represent you're company for the length of that persons career, John Cena wins that going away.

John Cena is company first, Ric Flair is Flair first.

John Cena is just as good, if not better on the mic then Ric By Gawd Flair. When Cena isn't doing his kiddy routine, he's hands down better then Flair.

Spare the typical, Flair wrestled and won world titles when it meant something. Yeah whatever. Under Flair's NWA reigns, the WWF title became the world title. Let's not pretend John Cena isn't out there wrestling out there every night. Cena is doing it in a time where he's on live TV every week.

John Cena has a better look, he's more charismatic, he's better on the mic, and he's more marketable. Ric Flair was on Sportscenter, good for Flair. John Cena is selling Razorblades for Gillette and footlong Subs for Subway.

Well being a company guy for starters. If you're asking a guy to represent you're company for the length of that persons career, John Cena wins that going away.

John Cena is company first, Ric Flair is Flair first.

John Cena is just as good, if not better on the mic then Ric By Gawd Flair. When Cena isn't doing his kiddy routine, he's hands down better then Flair.

Spare the typical, Flair wrestled and won world titles when it meant something. Yeah whatever. Under Flair's NWA reigns, the WWF title became the world title. Let's not pretend John Cena isn't out there wrestling out there every night. Cena is doing it in a time where he's on live TV every week.

John Cena has a better look, he's more charismatic, he's better on the mic, and he's more marketable. Ric Flair was on Sportscenter, good for Flair. John Cena is selling Razorblades for Gillette and footlong Subs for Subway.

Why is this amusing to you, shattered dreams? Ok, I was dubious at first when Shocky said Cena was better than Flair. But then he backed it up with reasonable explanations, and now I have to admit it's hard to dispute what he said. It's pretty rude, not to mention a very lame comeback, to attempt to shoot that down with a little smiley.
Anyone who says Flair only has 6 moves must've only seen Flair matches from the last few years. Flair, like every other great wrestler, has a move set that he sticks with (just like Hart, Michaels, Angle. Etc.). Still, Flair's ability to wrestle has been proven time and time again. Also, to say "Cena > Flair" is comparing apples to oranges. Two different eras, styles; a totally different business. In many facets, they're a lot a like. Cena is the best mic worker today, probably one of the better workers of today and easily the top draw. All those accolades could've been used to describe Ric Flair circa 1984-1995.
Why is this amusing to you, shattered dreams? Ok, I was dubious at first when Shocky said Cena was better than Flair. But then he backed it up with reasonable explanations, and now I have to admit it's hard to dispute what he said. It's pretty rude, not to mention a very lame comeback, to attempt to shoot that down with a little smiley.

I remember how I 1st came across nwa/wcw. I seen what I thought at 1st were WWF toy rip offs on telly here in England. Then my Dad corrected me and told me it was a different wrestling federation that was on at 2am-ish on monday mornings.

So I can't vouch for other countries but I can say safely that most of wcw's existence it was about as big over here as TNA impact is right now here. Except we only got wcw worldwide a few vhs's and figures and maybe 1 0r 2 tours. Cena has done more in wrestling than Flair as he's always been with the big company whereas all but two of Flair's world titles were with a smaller company.

Great as Flair was it's like comparing AJ Styles TNA Grand slam to HBK's WWF/E one. Not really equal. I know nwa/wcw was big but not on the worldwide level of wwf/wwe the past 30 years.

The IWC would have hated Flair like they do Cena if it was like it is now back then.

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