Chavo Guerrero, Come On Now Son

Justin LaBar said:
When John Cena beat Alberto Del Rio at Night Of Champions, he captures his 12th world title. HE has won the WWE Championship 10 times and the World Heavyweight Championship 2 times. Ric Flair of course has his legendary 16 world title runs.

WWE Superstar Chavo Guerrero has vowed to stop watching professional wrestling if he breaks the Nature Boy's legendary record.

He stated Monday night on Twitter:

"If Cena brakes the great Ric Flair's 16 time champ record, I will never watch wrestling again. I call a boycott of Cena matches if he does!"

Guerrero also asked his Twitter followers:

"How many of u are tired of John Cena being champion? Don't get all excited, it's just a question." He wrote moments later, "'s an overwhelming "tired of Cena" response! It's not me, it's all the fans. I could literally retweet hundreds of tired responses!"

Guerrero later tweeted : "Now, my opinion...Cena is better than me on the mike,but I could out wrestle Cena with my eyes closed and 1 hand tied behind my back! Truth!

"Some are saying that Cena is a great athlete. Really? C'mon. Are u blind? I know Cena & I could beat him in any sport except weight lifting!

"Golf, basketball, bowling, a race, tennis, horseshoes, hitting a baseball pitch, catching a football...anything!!!!

"Lol...some1 just said Cena is a better athlete than Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior! Lol are u ******ed? No offense to a challenge person."

Of all the shitty irrelevant stories on the main site, this one stood out to me.

My first thought reading this was, "How old is this guy? Too old to be tweeting like a 15-year-old girl: 'Lol are u ******ed? No offense to a challenge (no D) person.' He deserves the Picard Face-Palm. I'm totally going to the Spam Zone right now to post this followed by a Picard Face-Palm picture."

Then I thought: Wait, no, he's kind of got a point ... lots of people are supporting what he's saying, and ... it is Ric Flair's record that's being supposedly threatened here ... I mean - let's be realistic: Cena probably will get those five reigns he needs in order to top Flair.

And then I questioned myself again: Is it acceptable for Chavo to direct derogatory terms like '******' at people just for having a different point of view from him? It's perfectly understandable that someone would consider the footballer Cena a better athlete than Hogan and Warrior. I would.

So many questions! How right is Chavo? How wrong is Chavo? Is he just trying to stay relevant? Is this just another thread about Cena? Quite possibly, Godwin's Law says so. And when will Paragon make the obligatory statement that he respects Chavo "as a wrestler"? All that and more, here, in the Wrestlezone Wrestling Spam Zone, live on USA network at 9/8 CT.
I guess we're ignoring HHH who has 13 titles and is closer than Cena?

Anyway, Chavo comes off as very whiny here. Yes, you're more athletic than Cena. Now answer this. When was the last time that someone saw Chavo Guerrero's name on the top of a card and ran to the box office to get a ticket? When was the last time Chavo got the response Cena gets? I've seen Chavo and Cena wrestle live before and Cena's pops are roughly 50 times louder.

Bitter grapes all around.
I guess we're ignoring HHH who has 13 titles and is closer than Cena?

Thome has more home runs than Arod. That doesn't make him more likely to top Bonds.

Anyway, Chavo comes off as very whiny here. Yes, you're more athletic than Cena. Now answer this. When was the last time that someone saw Chavo Guerrero's name on the top of a card and ran to the box office to get a ticket? When was the last time Chavo got the response Cena gets? I've seen Chavo and Cena wrestle live before and Cena's pops are roughly 50 times louder.

Bitter grapes all around.[/QUOTE]

Now answer this. When did he say he was a better draw than Cena? All he said was he was more athletic (something you agreed with) and that he didn't want to see Cena beat Flair's record (the main point of what he said and something you failed to even comment on). He then added that apparently there are a lot of people that tired of Cena as well. Which is also true. How is it awesome when Punk does it on TV and bitter grapes when Chavo does it on twitter? I give Chavo props for having the balls to say it like it is because stuff like this is not good for your career so you really have to have conviction to speak these truths.

I thought they had killed the Cena winning everything hate by just process of elimination, what was left? Flair's streak is left and that would indeed piss me off quite a bit.
When Punk says it, it's bitter grapes too and it's the whining of a guy that doesn't get that simply because you can use a lot of moves or are a great athlete doesn't mean you're the top guy. I love Punk and he's been wrong with almost everything he's said.
This is absolutely ridiculous that Chavo would even say these things. He needs to get over himself and stop whining like a little baby on the internet. This douche has lost so much of my respect since he got released by WWE. And by the way, the notion that he can "wrestle circles" around Cena is pretty stupid too. I'll take a Cena match over a Chavo match any damn day of the week.
Thome has more home runs than Arod. That doesn't make him more likely to top Bonds.
A-Rod: 629 Home Runs
Thome: 603 Home Runs


I thought they had killed the Cena winning everything hate by just process of elimination, what was left? Flair's streak is left and that would indeed piss me off quite a bit.

Why the hell does it matter if Cena gets more then 16 World Title Reigns, 17 reigns, or 72 reigns?. Everyone and their mother knows that he only has more because the turnover rate for championship reigns is considerably smaller, thanks to the advent of weekly cable broadcasts and more PPVs. Ric still likely has held the championship for more days, and has (likely) more title defenses. Cena winning the belt 16 times would just mean he's been the top draw in the company (which he has most certainly been).

If Flair wanted to make himself sound better then Cena, he would start to count the days he was champ, and the number of defenses. That's really the only way you can compare current and past champions.
Let's all pretend that Flair's title reigns are pure and wholesome athletic feats of brilliance and power and Cena's title reigns are just corporate manufactured moose nuts shoved down our throats.

WWE doesn't owe Flair shit. He was a great performer (still is), WWE gave him a wonderful send off and tried to keep him on the payroll. It wasn't enough for Flair.

Hey Chavo, your dead legend of an uncle's wife still works for Cena's company. Not to mention your offspring may want to pursue that same company someday. How about you watch your mouth and not say anything that would make Thanksgiving dinner uncomfortable? You sound like a arrested development bitter internet mark (that's our job).
I guess I finally understood why Chavo lost his job. He was supposed to teach Sin Cara about the WWE style of wrestling and it is pretty clear from his posts that he knows jack shit about it himself.
The only truthful part of what Chavo said is that people are sick of Cena being champion. Everything else he said is laughable.
So going to go ahead and put this out there.

Cena > Flair. It needed to be said.
Initially I would have scoffed at that but the more I think about it, the more it might be true. On the internet Flair gets away with having about 6 moves he regularly used.
If and when Cena breaks Flair's record the bitch whinnery will be off the charts, and Chavo has a point, aren't we glad that it's Flair with the 16 reigns rather than a Hogan?
Fact of the matter is, Chavo's always been a whiny git. He did this when in WWE (and then would apologise/grovel afterwards) and of course he'll do it outside too. No one cares about Chavo Guerrero, or at least not in the same way that they care about John Cena.
Way I see it, Cena, HHH or whoever it is that breaks Ric Flair's record will be adding a genuine achievement to their list of accolades but in-truth, Ric Flair won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship seven times and that was when holding the belt actually labeled you as being one of the best.

Winning the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship the same amount in modern day pro-wrestling isn't half the achievement it was back in the 80's.
Not really quite sure what to think of this.

Just a note; Chavo and Punk's points are not the same. While Chavo seems intent on running down Cena, Punk's point is about the tiredness of the product. Punk's admitted that Cena is one of the very best in the business on numerous occasions. There's a clear distinction.
So going to go ahead and put this out there.

Cena > Flair. It needed to be said.

In what way, exactly? Flair owns him in every category you could possibly think of.

Anyways, the title reigns are a joke these days, who cares if someone breaks the record? We live in an era where Edge was, what, an 11 time World Champ throughout a 5 year span? Okay....
There's only category that really counts and that's popularity.

Cena is way more popular. That's where he owns him.

Yeah, today... and even then it's arguable. But Flair at his peak was more popular World Wide than Cena will ever be. That is a fact.

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