Charlotte/Becky - Heel/Face Dynamic


Staff member

This is a really good article looking at the heel/face dynamic between Charlotte and Becky Lynch.

It was very obvious to everyone that, since SummerSlam, Lynch has been portrayed as the heel in the ongoing feud. She was the one who attacked Charlotte after the SS match and she was the one who cut a heel promo on Tuesday night. She slated the fans, saying that they had basically forgotten all about her when she was at her lowest points. Interestingly enough, when it came time to publish that segment, that monologue was cut. In fact, the whole segment is more favourable to Lynch in many ways.

Honestly, I didn't see this coming. The WWE is not keen on realising they've made a mistake, or for listening to what the fans actually want. Charlotte, as has been noted by almost everyone, is the more natural heel. Becky, undoubtedly, is the more natural and plucky face. The WWE Universe is quite happy with that dynamic and will love both of them in that role. There was literally no need to change that dynamic in the first place. But it does strike me as odd that they're actually listening to what the fans want. You can hear the reaction for Becky throughout the segment, there's no getting away from it.

In actual fact, without Lynch having a go at the fans, the segment comes across as very Cena-esque. Tell me that you haven't heard John Cena saying the same things about getting fired up and wanting to have his hand raised above his head etc.

There's no doubt in my mind that this move is intentional. Who knows what will come from it though

- credit to @klunderbunker for the article
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The editing of the segment for YouTube was really interesting. It was the first time that I know off that they did such a extreme editing job for a segment on YouTube.

This make me want to see where they are going with the feud now. Last tuesday, I thought for sure that Becky was the heel and Charlotte the face but now with this development, I don't know anymore.

Charlotte for all her flaw should always be a heel as she's more comfortable in that role, same goes with Becky, she a natural baby face and giving her a edge to her character will be even better for her when she finally win the belt.

Anyway, I hope that they realize they're mistake and do the appropriate changes to this feud.
I had an idea in my head that Becky would come out every week as a new Becky mocking Charlotte's perceived entitlement due to her lineage. One week she would be Becky Rogers, then Becky Kowalski, the next she would Becky "The Giant" Kamala. They could step it up even further by Becky pointing out Ric's shortcomings as a human being and a father. Maybe bring out David Flair to be Becky's Ellsworth. Just please don't bring up Reid. That's a depressing show killer.

This altered promo makes me think that they are just going to take things a step back and do a generic face v face feud with Charlotte coming out on top and everyone acting like nothing really serious happened that can't be forgiven. In other words, I just don't see Charlotte losing here regardless of who the heel or face may be.
If WWE were smart you have Becky win this feud in the long run and stay face. If they really want to take advantage of Rousey's run they need to move Charlotte to Raw and start that epic feud. Charlotte belongs as a heel it just makes more sense. Wrestlemania matches for Women should be Rousey vs. Charlotte, Becky vs. Asuka, and Sasha/Bailey vs. Bliss/M. James for 1st ever Women's Tag Titles.
New poorly thought out idea:

Week 1: Becky brawls with Charlotte and cuts her open somehow. Becky finishes by saying that she has some words for Ric regarding his daughter.

Week 2: Becky makes Ric bleed in similar fashion.

Week 3 (go home show): Becky has Ric and Charlotte out. She has an envelope. She explains that she took their blood and sent it out to be tested. "Ric! Charlotte is not you daughter!" Crowd goes full Maury Povich show. Ric is shocked, Charlotte is angry. Becky says, " See you Sunday Charlotte Snow."

PPV: Charlotte comes out with no music or robe and is introduced as just Charlotte. Becky beats her.

This goes on for awhile. Charlotte puts over other talents while Becky plows through the rest of the roster. Even gives Asuka her win back. Charlotte somehow figures out that Becky faked the results (This is a big part of the whole "poorly though out" piece of this storyline). She gets her name and persona back and defeats Becky to get back the title. She moves on to Ronda for Mania.

Come on WWE. Nobody reads this site. Please use my idea. It's soap opera gold dammit! And pay me for it. GSB needs a velvet smoking jacket.
The WWE has the potential to make Becky into a perennial main-carder, but it's more likely that they'll squander her potential in an effort to maintain the reputation of their chosen status quo.

I see Becky having the potential to be the female Stone Cold, in that her heel turn had more potential to turn her into the fans' favorite anti-hero as opposed to turning her into someone who makes Charlotte look better. That type of character can sell tickets with or without a belt.

I see that some within the WWE are testing the waters on multiple social media formats to get a feel for how the fans perceive the Becky character, there's no real way to know if that'll amount to anything significant in terms of a major storyline change. Even then; there's also a chance that this "Becky is so bad she's good" angle has been planned by the WWE from the beginning.

The WWE wouldn't really have to do much to honor the fans' reaffirmed love for Becky. Play Becky like the heel that she was supposed to be if the crowd was booing her, but let her win some matches as well. Throw some shenanigans in there, maybe have Becky beat Charlotte after Charlotte was beaten down by the Iconics or something.

Sometimes the crowd wants to cheer for the jerk, let Becky be that jerk.
I find it interesting that Ric Flair is going to be at Evolution. I can't imagine it is just for parental support. He has to get involved somehow. Maybe as a heel getting his daughter a cheap win or maybe turning on Charlotte. Something to consider.
if you have to have becky as a heel and i personally love her as a heel you need her to be booed and hated this could have been done so easily at
Evolution you have flair injure her leg drop to the floor clutching it after coming of the top rope ric comes "running" down to check on his daughter becky gets a chair gets back in the ring puts her foot on ric's chest holding him down looks at Char and say stay down for the count or i cave daddys face in. You dont need ric bleeding and at his age he shouldnt be you dont need anything more than the threat that she will do it the crown would have no choice but to turn on her as its a terrible thing to do instant heat and your heel is now being booed

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