CH David

Oh, fuck! I had forgotten about the rabbit! Keep that thing far away from me. This is not a joke. I am PETRIFIED of rabbits.
Scared of rabbits?

Whatever for?

Long story. When I was three, my daddy took me, my brother and my sister (this was before mom passed away, but she was out with my pappaw for lunch), to see a friend of his, whose kids owned a bunny. I was sitting there, petting the furry little bastard, and out of nowhere, the fucker bit my finger. Daddy had to rush me to the ER, to get me checked for various diseases. I've been terrorfied of them ever since.

This is also the same reason one of my favorite Buffy characters has always been Anya. You know, after Faith and B, of course.

You know I'd never hurt you, right Dewey?
Good to know this went in another direction after I fell asleep. I need to talk to KB more. I haven't and it makes me sad.
Wait, I'll get it back on track.

RiVaLGaMeR is a god among men. I was the one that put him back into green. It was me, CH David. It was me all along. Etc. etc.

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