Cesaro & Tyson Kidd: The *NEW* WWE Tag Team Champions


Just a few minutes ago, Kidd & Cesaro defeated The Usos at FastLane to capture the tag titles in what I thought was a very good match. The Usos have an automatic rematch, so one has to wonder if it's going to happen at some point on Raw or SmackDown! over the next month or if they're going to wait and have a tag title rematch for WrestleMania.
They're good. They deserve it. They're also incredibly held back by the lack of story time for the tag team division. They're feuding in a story-line with no plot, and have no chance to showcase their heel charisma (which unlike what transpires from tv, they actually have: Kidd's promos in his later months in NXT were great, and the few time I sawCesaro talking in a bit more freeformly in WWE's webshows he came across as a really fun smug heel)
Best tag match I've seen in the WWE in quite a few months if not years.
Glad to see these guys get a little recognition with a title run. Hope the Usos don't win it back tomorrow night or some other lame nonsense. Sad part is there are no "face" teams to have them beat in the coming weeks/months.

The New Day? *Puke*
Best tag match I've seen in the WWE in quite a few months if not years.
Glad to see these guys get a little recognition with a title run. Hope the Usos don't win it back tomorrow night or some other lame nonsense. Sad part is there are no "face" teams to have them beat in the coming weeks/months.

The New Day? *Puke*

The reunited Prime Time Players seem like a sound choice
I like the title change. If WWE sticks to form don't be surprised if at WM if there was a fatal 4-way scenario including the Ascension, the Uso's and fill in the blank.
glad they won the titles. hopefully WWE is smart with them, gives them televised entrances and promo time and allows them to be great heel tag team champions while they build up another tag team to be against them as faces. i like the New Day idea, but i dont like the happy go lucky types they are. keep the music, change the attitude. quit having them dancing and happy, have them come out serious...but i'm a huge fan of this move. Cesaro and Kidd weren't doing anything and needed to be a team.
I like the title change. If WWE sticks to form don't be surprised if at WM if there was a fatal 4-way scenario including the Ascension, the Uso's and fill in the blank.

I could see it. The Usos vs. Cesaro/Kidd (c) vs. The Ascension vs. Prime Time Players. WWE seem to always have that one match where they try to fit a bunch of wrestlers that don't seem to fit in the original story line.
Made sense for them to win because The Usos are great Tag Champs and holding the title for a few months is about the right length for them because they get usually a good title defense or two in there to solidify them as legit (just like the old Dudley Boys, Hardy Boys, Edge & Christian, New Age Outlaws were always legit threats to win the tag belts even if they just lost them), The Usos will do better going into WM chasing the titles than if they were still holding them.

I like The Usos but I do think that the lack of interesting tag teams in the division hurt The Usos because we see them too often in the same matches and that makes everything more boring even as hard as they all work to put on great matches.

I know Usos will get their rematch but I'm not sure if it'll be soon after so that Cesaro & Kidd need new #1 Contenders or they will make their rematch for WrestleMania.

I'd prefer to see The Usos get a rematch soon, lose because of interference from another tag team like The Ascension then have a #1 Contenders Tag Team Tournament where Usos are eliminated by The Ascension and maybe Prime Time Players win the tournament over The Ascension when The Usos cost The Ascension their victory. That would lead to a fresh feud with The Usos vs The Ascension and Cesaro & Kidd vs Prime Time Players heading to WrestleMania.

In that time the Tag Division needs help though! Cesaro & Kidd are good wrestlers but any program with them will suck if the teams they are facing have little established value or charisma. You can't keep putting Usos vs Cesaro & Kidd and New Day is a lukewarm gimmick. The Ascension is getting mixed reviews. Probably Sin Cara & Kalisto should officially debut soon because it wouldn't be that hard since Sin Cara is known to all WWE fans by now and it would be an easy addition for fans to get with Kalisto.
I'm happy for Cesaro and Kidd but man that match was lackluster. Built off a damn smackdown dinner segment three weeks ago.

I have no idea where they're going next. After this I hope Cesaro's back to singles.
I was shocked when I saw Cesaro and Kidd holding the belts I am not going to lie. I thought if they were going to get the belts then it probably would of been at Mania if not afterwards. I thought the Uso's could've gone into Mania with the belts no problem maybe adding a bit more interest in the division, even if it is minimal. Overall though I can't complain. Happy to see the Uso's as the challengers once again and get a new line of feuds happening for the belts.

I really like the idea of having a four way tag match at Mania for the belts. Everyone likes more than just a normal match most of the time so this could get more fans interest. Ideally for me though it should be an Elimination match. Obviously have the Uso's, the champs and then Ascension has the third team.

The last spot could really go to anyone as they will probably be the first ones eliminated but an idea I had is maybe throw in two high card guys to form a team who have never tag team wrestled before. Throw them a storyline of not having the right chemistry as a team or not knowing how to be a succesful tag team and have them feud with Ascension. After Mania you can just swap the two tag team feuds around and continue that for another few months until there are real legit contenders for the titles. Meanwhile the two guys who just formed the tag team have slowly gotten to be one of the best in sync tag teams at the time and win the belts. It's a bit like Jerishow and all those teams but if you bring in the two high midcard guys it could be a good way for Cesaro to feud with some big stars but obviously in a tag team which leaves the rest of the card for Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Cena, Lesnar, Bray and all the other main eventers.

It's a cheap way to extend the feuds of the tag team but it's just what you gotta do. In my opinion the elimination match is perfect because if Cesaro and Kidd win which they should it sets up whatever the next PPV is for one last singles tag team match between them and the Uso's which could even be a gimmick match. So you have two months to potentially set up a new team to either take on Cesaro and Kidd or Ascension while keeping around New Day and the Uso's.
The Usos are about to get the tag title win at Mania they didn't get the last year, I guess.........

Cesaro&Kidd seem to be the better choice to have a transitional title reign and make The Usos look fine right now.
I don't know how to feel about this in actual fact.

I actually like that Cesaro finally has something to do that can be called worthwhile. The match itself was actually one of the best matches on the entire card, which is not surprising either, it's exactly what all of those guys had to go out and prove.

That said, Cesaro has the talent to go up the card very quickly, not stuck in the Tag Division fighting teams like The Ascension and The New Day. This is the same guy who won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal last year and looked as though he was on his was to the top of the card at a rapid pace. It sucks to see a guy with so much talent being forced to make the best of a bad situation but that's just way it is right now, the WWE just don't believe in him.
Man, some of the moves the two teams performed were sick! There was a lot of "sacrificing your body" action last night. It was a more entertaining match than I thought it would be, and much of it was due to Tyson Kidd.

Has he ever appeared on a PPV before? I can't recall seeing him, yet hope we get to some more. I've always seen him as technically superior, yet the company never gave him a chance to shine. Last night, he was the one who scored the winning fall, and despite the baleful manner in which the Usos were looking at him, the pin was clean and unaided.

Plus, it's nice to see Cesaro with a title belt around his waist. The man works and works, yet seems to get nothing but the back of their hand from WWE management.

As for the Usos', they'll still be around, doing the same old thing even as their bodies continue to take on the shape of their Dad.

I like the kissing between the married couple after the match. Kiddaro is supposed to be a heel team but it's mighty hard to root against guys who hang with Natalya.

It's all good.
There have been rumors of WWE pairing Dolph Ziggler and Ryback up and if that's the case, I think they would be perfect #1 contenders heading into Wrestlemania. It seems that neither are doing anything at Wrestlemania at this point(unless Ziggler/Bryan happens) and they have the potential to put on a great match. It's also a lot of exposure for both the Tag Team Division and Cesaro/Kidd.

I have a feeling that WWE scrapped original Uso/Ascension title plans for Wrestlemania based off of the Ascension's recent performance and crowd reaction. Usos vs Ascension may still happen without the titles on the line at Mania, or, as others have said, we can very well see a 4 way tag team match.
Best tag match I've seen in the WWE in quite a few months if not years.

Years??? Now now :p :p If I had to go with what I thought was the best tag match in years, off the top of my head, I'd be tempted with The Usos vs. Harper & Rowan last year.

All In all, I thought it was a strong match and I'm personally glad to see Kidd & Cesaro get the titles. I'm hoping they have a decent run with the titles and don't drop them back tonight or at WrestleMania.
It was a good match, probably the best of the event, which surprised me, as I expected the Rhodes bros to steal the show. I say keep the feud going and get as much out of it as possible. These are the two best tag teams right now, so WWE should showcase its best. I would hope for some type of gimmick match at WrestleMania, maybe a ladder match for the titles.
I just want them to hold the title for more than two PPVs. They got potential and they surely worth carrying the title. just please I don't want them to loose the title in any rematch on Raw or Smack down. The feud between the Usos and the new tag champions can be worth watching!!

Mustang Sally tyson kidd has been on a couple ppvs when he was teaming with davey boy smith jr. As for cesaro and kidd winning the belts i loved it and i feel that kidd works with cesaro so well. Their chemistry is close to what he had on the indies with Chris Hero. I hope they get a nice run with the belts and if wwe can use some guys to buildbtheir tag division it could be good tv.
Like everyone else, I am happy for Kidd & Cesaro. Both have been team players long before they were paired together, and it is nice to see them rewarded as a unit.

With that said, I have zero faith this will mean anything for either man's career beyond dropping the belts back to the Usos while they dance with their daddy at Mania.

The commentary for the contest was painful, as more time was spent on Total Divas than anything else. Sadly, it should probably serve as a harsh reality check for those of you hoping for anything meaningful from the tag team division.

Can we see a tag team ladder match at wrestlemania between these 2?!? They really need to take the tag division to the next level. The Usos have done almost everything in basic tag team matches and tag team 4 way... They are itching for more and they have no where hit the glass ceiling.. I'm rooting for tag team title ladder match Usos vs cesaro and kidd
I thought it was a let down sell.

I'd have liked them to lose and come back in a long feud and finally get over the Uso's. There was no need to fasttrack this feud and unless the Uso's are going on break, there is no reason either.

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