Cena trying to get over with Internet fans?


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
So in the past week or two it seems that John Cena has really been trying to get over for the IWC. First he commented about the release of Carlito about a month or so ago on Twitter. He then goes and talks on Twitter and in an interview about the "release" of Daniel Bryan.

He then goes and says that the spinner belt that he created is "outdated and gaudy". So I really like the fact that Cena is doing things like this and trying to connect to the crowd of people that dislike him.

I've never been a Cena hater but this really makes me more interested in him and the product overall. So do you all think that Cena is doing this to get over with the IWC or he is just speaking his mind?
As reported on the front page, this IS an attempt to get the adoration of the IWC. I can't blame him and I think it's a good idea. It's about time SOMEONE from WWE start listening and paying attention. If Cena can pickup what we are putting down and the WWE listens, there could be some really good changes in store. From what I can tell Cena is just doing what is right in talking about these things and getting behind some of the other wrestlers. It's earned him quite a bit of credit in my book.
I'm still not-so pulling for Cena's Twitter account. Day by day I feel it's not him that's texting that in, but the WWE. He is still doing things "in character" and it feels like he is just kissing up to the IWC. If that is really him, then I have two words for you:

Brown nose.

I don't hate him. I never said a bad word about him here unlike many others. But if that is really him updating his status on things he himself made happen (he complained to management that Bryan spat in his face) then he is just like any other politician. Trying to maintain popularity even though he did things we would discredit him for.

That can't be him. No human being updates a public site sponsoring themselves over and over and over again. That's his character tweeting. So I'm thinking it's WWE not really Cena. If he really does do that then my opinion of him goes down a lot.
yea i doubt that is cena tweeting, it doesn't make sense either, Cena the man should be trying to get the IWC to like him, not cena the character. Tweeting in character just makes me think it's WWE trying to get him over. If it was cena himself who came out and said fuck DB for spitting in my face but he shouldn't have got fired over it or something like that, i can respect that, but tweeting in character doesn't make him any more likeable, it just shows WWE is catching up to the times. I think its especially a bitch move if it his him and he's saying he wants DB back but in reality he played a part in him getting fired.
Just because Cena's character is a good guy doesnt mean that the real Cena isnt a good guy himself. I mean the only close to ebing negative thing I heard about him is him trying to get Anderson fired but of course thats all here say.

I honestly believe that Cena is speaking his mind while TRYING to stay in character.

And I also believe that if this is all a work to try to get over with IWC than it is a futile attempt. He will always get a mixed reaction from the crowd and IWC no matter what he does in the future.
It actually kind of pisses me off. I've never had a problem with John Cena before, EVER. But when I found out that all of these tweets were a ruse, it pissed me off beyond belief. You can be this generation's WWE superhero all you want, that doesn't bother me. What bother's me is lying to the fans in an attempt to make them like you. I would have had SO much more respect for Cena if he came out and said, "Yeah, I had Danielson fired. He shouldn't have spat on me when it wasn't discussed before hand." I can understand that. What I don't understand is someone being behind the firing of a colleague and turning around and trying spearhead this "movement" to get the said wrestler re-hired.
I'm not sold on this whole train of thought. Sure, it's entirely possible, and yes, Cena probably politics as much as any other top guy. But this article, like so many of the ones that have followed Daniel Bryan's release, screams of smark bait. "So, Cena, a guy the internet is luke warm at best to, has come to bat recently for two smark darlings. You know..." and so emerges a story that really isn't there. It's like the bi-weekly "Punk is in the dog house" stuff you'd see while he was getting pushed in ECW and picking up wins on television. I'm even more suspicious of a story that attempts to qualify Cena's motivations, despite the fact that the writers of this trash are entirely unqualified to do that. It's entirely possible, but I'm not accepting the articles at face value.

*Edit* If it is true, I couldn't care less. A face is trying to get people to like him. Wow, controversy! Umm, no. What's WZ's next big exclusive going to be? "Yoshi Tatsu poses for the audience; desires applause"? It's a non-story in my book.
John cena told on Danielson, but not to fire him, but to let vince know he didnt like when he got spat on, and we all know besides hhh and orton, cena is in good terms with vince. so cenas tweet was nothing more then him feelin quity.
Personally I think that he's full of crap. he is the company's TOP performer. which means that if he walked into the corporate headquarter in Stamford and told them I think it's time we update the WWE Title and get rid of the spinner belt THE NEXT Raw they would debut a new belt. not going around saying that he is pushing to get rid of it and just need to talk to the right person. and on the subject of Bryan Danielson I wouldn't really be surprised if John Cena himself had something to do with his release just as stated in the most recent editorial from Kevin Kelly I personally think that Mr. Kelly is right on in his opinion on the John Cena twitter postings. But then again I haven't liked John since he dropped the rapper gimmick.
I honestly think this is Cena shooting from the hip, aside from the obvious tweets where he is in full charecter, i believe he is speaking his mind, but in a way his charecter would, ya follow? I've always found Cena to be a great, geniune guy, (just isnt the best wrestler) and seriously, do you guys think he cares whether he is over with us? No, he doesnt give half a shit what we say, it doesnt matter, we arent sitting in the stands cheering for him, he even said the reason why Bryan was fired, it was cause he breached the PG rating, and i think he would have been fired regardless of Cena complaining or not (I wouldnt like to have been spat on without warning either). So no, he's not worried about getting over w/any crowd except the live one that he is performing in front of.
John Cena is a desperate son of a gun. He's just trying to win over the IWC so people like him more. I never been a Cena hater, but he's just being an idiot. He wants Daniel Bryan back? I think it's a load. John Cena sometimes really makes me mad. I'm not a big fan of him and how he cuts his promos on Raw, but I was never a big time hater. John Cena just lied on his tweets, to earn more respect. I hope nobody else falls for his lies.
I agree with wat kevin kelly said if cena feels so guilty the why doesn't he tell that to vince instead of posting tweets every week?i have been anti cena from day one but not for all the reasons every else has but because I think he's a poser.always has been,always will be and not even turning him heel will change that in my book
No, I'm not buying it.

After reading that piece about how the spitting contributed to Danielson's release, it forced me to consider the possibility, is Cena a master bullshitter? I pretty quickly decided no, no he is not.

I mean, it's possible that this John Cena personality we see–pushing young guys, being a WWE loyalist, being brutally honest with fans–is just one big facade created by just under a decade of lies. It's POSSIBLE that Cena does all of this to try to attract more fans... but it doesn't really make sense.

Why would Cena waste so much time trying to attract a group of fans that makes up about 10% of wrestling fandom? Does he really care that much about the negative reactions he gets on rare occasions? Furthermore, why would he talk up the internet favorites if he doesn't really care about getting them back? Wouldn't they only steal his spotlight?

John Cena is not a dumb man, and if this whole thing is a lie then that's even further proof he's got a good square shaped head on those shoulders, but he also knows that we internet fans are pretty... for lack of a better word, flaky. Our opinions change more than the weather, and everything can go from good to bad to good again in a matter of weeks.

Cena used to be the most hated man in wrestling, but if you look around this forum, most of the regular posters generally think pretty highly of him. And I remember about a year ago when Dolph Ziggler was just starting to be used to his potential, people were freaking out about him... and now he's hardly ever mentioned. Now these are but two small examples in the huge industry of professional wrestling, but there are countless others. Would it really be worth it to Cena to win over a group of fans that might not support him in a year from now?

There are just two many questions like that that need to be answered before I can buy into this theory that Cena is just putting on a show to connect with internet fans. To me, it sounded like whomever the author of that article talked to was a Cena hater of sorts, because I am sure there are some of them that work backstage at the WWE.
A small word about everyone throwing a fit over the fact that Cena complaining about being spat on was an additional reason for Danielson getting fired. First, I highly doubt that John Cena thought Danielson would have ended up getting fired over it. Personally, if someone spat on me without my permission, I'd be pissed off over it, too. But I think that Cena's main goal in complaining over the spit was just to complain - I'm nearly confident he didn't expect management to add it into his firing.

Second, who cares if he's trying to get over with the fans on the internet? Everyone gives him mixed reactions, but plenty of the time, I hear more boos than cheers for him. He used to be able to brush off the fact that the majority of adult fans don't enjoy him, but apparently some wrestlers have spoken up backstage, and said that it's actually been bothering him lately. If he wants to get over the fans, then let him try and get over with them. If he's not, and he's just trying to give us an "inside" look at how he really is, then kudos to him. I've personally never had an issue with Cena (except everytime he gets those massive boos, I always find myself getting annoyed at him), and I say let sleeping dogs lie. Let him do what he wants. It is the internet.

The whole spitting ordeal is a massive pile of ****eallygivesafuck, and him trying to get over with the internet fans is his business. You either like him or you don't. Simple as that.
First of all I will admit that I am very biased of John Cena. I can't stand him, well John Cena the character at least. I am tired of him and that spinner belt. However, on the topic at hand. I feel like this could be a way of Cena to keep what little support he does have, if he had anything to do with the firing. It's clear that the Internet community is highly dissatisfied with the firing so if word gets out that Cena was connected, he's going to lose alot of fans. So I think his twitter posts are all just a ploy to save his ass whether he wrote them or not. WWE wants Cena to be the beloved face of the company and they don't want to take a chance of making him even more hated than he already is.
I honestly think this is Cena shooting from the hip, aside from the obvious tweets where he is in full charecter, i believe he is speaking his mind, but in a way his charecter would, ya follow? I've always found Cena to be a great, geniune guy, (just isnt the best wrestler) and seriously, do you guys think he cares whether he is over with us? No, he doesnt give half a shit what we say, it doesnt matter, we arent sitting in the stands cheering for him, he even said the reason why Bryan was fired, it was cause he breached the PG rating, and i think he would have been fired regardless of Cena complaining or not (I wouldnt like to have been spat on without warning either). So no, he's not worried about getting over w/any crowd except the live one that he is performing in front of.

Why would he care? Because internet fans do, you know, attend shows, and so they are the live crowd he is in front of. And yeah you can make the argument that internet fans account for like 10% of wrestling fans, but when we are in an era where the other 90%, consisting of people 10 years old and younger, do nothing but sit on their hands and maybe throw out a few weak 'you suck' chants... that loud 10% of internet fans are noticeable.

And honestly I do not think Cena cares, I think it is the case that some other people have mentioned - it's the WWE management people who care, and it's them who are tweeting this.

In all honesty I don't really like or dislike DB either, but the fact that WWE is trying to make Cena look innocent is what is so fucking annoying. If this is all true, anyway - about Cena complaining about the spitting and then signing the petiton to save his ass and make himself look like a great guy.

And the excuse that Cena wasn't trying to get Brian fired, he just wanted to complain? Yeah, okay. That's the same thing Orton said about Kennedy. If Cena just wanted to make it known that the spitting was out of line, he should have told Brian that personally, not went and whined to Vinnie Mac or whoever it was he whined to.

Again, this is all just assuming that these reports are true since there is no proof of anything of course.
I really don't think it matters if this is the truth or not. Regardless of what Cena does he is probably not gonna win over most people who are not fans of his already.

I have never cared for him. Everytime I go to a wrestling show I boo for dear life when he comes out. I tell myself everytime that I am not gonna do it, but as soon as that music hits I can't stand but to boo lol. My point here is that it is very hard to change someone opinion of a wrestler based on one or two things. I think it would be a little silly of him if this is what he is trying to do.
why Cena want's to be over with IWC if he is sooo over with kids? simple as this, in music people like the Jonas Brothers, or Miley Cirus are loooooooved by little kids! however, a more mature crowd hates them (most of us). why? how the fuck can you respect someone who calls themselves "MUSICIANS" but only plays for little kids? would you like to call your self a "musician" but not being respectd by a crowd that have listen to the best in all genres!?

the same with Cena, yes he is the face of the WWE and yes the kids loves him! but a mature crowd does?? I think that 60 to 70% doesn't enjoy John Cena's character. how can he be respected by the people that have seen the best in the wrestling business? how can be considered the best?! as I said with my metaphore with musicians, not because you sell's 42895945 records and 8 to 16 years old enjosy it doesn't mean that you are respected, and that my friends I guess it can be frustrating sometimes. I mean in the 80's everyone loved Hogan, but is not the same with Cena...

Led Zep are an influence for almost every rock band that exists, Jonas Brothers don't. Flair is one of the best of all time and people really respect's him, Cena.....NOT EVERYONE like's him. and for that, the E wants people to take him seriously and not only kids (who are the majority of their programming)
It's on Twitter. Nobody should give a shit about Twitter. If people are drooling over this junk, why not drool over Dixie's... umm... junk? Basically, if what they say does not materialize, then stop believing it. It basically makes the internet fan's look stupider than the marks. We fall prey to speculate whatever in fed to us. No matter how ridiculous and nonsensical it may be. It's worse that the tabloids.
I'm still not totally sure, but I'm leaning towards disbelief. Cena has never (visibly) cared about the negative reaction he gets from the IWC, so why start now? Also, just because he stuck up for Bourne and Danielson doesn't mean he only did it to win us over. Has anyone even considered that Cena may legitimately care about those two and feels they were screwed over? I'm not a huge fan of Cena, but it this behavior seems...off, for him.

However, if this IS true, then I'm a bit disappointed in Cena. After all this time, he should know us better than that. If he REALLY wants to get over with the IWC, he'd march right into Creative and demand that he be turned heel immediately, return to the rap gimmick, replace the spinner belt with the winged eagle one, and have his finisher changed to a top rope 720 splash called the "MTFO". He would also make the demands via a freestlye ending it with a bitch slap to HHH.

Now THAT'S how you win the Internet, John.
The IWC needs to be careful here i think. He is publicly commenting on things that are WWE management issues. When HHH did it we all knocked him for it because he wasnt management so he shouldnt act like it. HHH using his influence to get his friends pushes/not job and Cena is now using influence to get superstars pushes and wanting people rehired etc. The IWC needs to be careful because they could be made to look like hypocrites if they suddenly go to a Cena love-in. I doubt they will go to that length but some may like him more. The IWC is the minority though and they love the whole Cena getting the mixed reaction because he is a lightning rod etc for heat/divides WWE universe opinion.
LOL x 1 million.

Not a fan of Cena for a start.

Why would he care about the smallest minority of wrestling fans? Internet fans account for what maybe 10% at the most, of the actual number of wrestling fans world wide.

Guess what, Cena and any other wrestler can be a star with either company in-spite of the internet. Cena himself is a prime example of that fact.

No he isn't trying to get over with internet fans - cos they don't matter
It actually kind of pisses me off. I've never had a problem with John Cena before, EVER. But when I found out that all of these tweets were a ruse, it pissed me off beyond belief..
When did you find this out? I never saw any report that said the tweets were a ruse, and he's said the same thing in at least two interviews he's done since the release.

I don't buy this theory because I don't think Cena has cared about what the IWC has thought of him for a long time. Maybe in 2006 he did, in 2010 he's gotten used to it as we could plainly see at WrestleMania. He's kind of right about the spinner belt being outdated, although I still like it, he was right about Carlito never achieving his true potential, and he's right than Danielson should be rehired eventually if that's what the fans want. Why is it hard for people to believe that Cena is a smart man who knows the business well and has solid opinions?

I also have not seen one single report claiming that Cena complained over the spitting. If Danielson did it without his permission, then I can see why he might have, but Cena's generally too nice of a guy to throw a fit over something like that. Maybe the sponsor or whoever caused the release thought the spit was a little over the line, but as I understood it the driving force behind the release was the fact that he choked Justin Roberts with a tie, which in all honesty is understandable given certain events of three years ago.
I don't think this really changes anything.

Cena may be trying to give some more transparency to the IWC by giving them his honest thoughts on matters like Carlito, the WWE Championship belt and Daniel Bryan, regardless of kayfabe but it wont change anything, I fear. Some of the IWC are just idiots and no matter how much pandering you do to try and get them to just watch the show and enjoy it, they will never attempt to make things better for themselves. I think that people like to boo John Cena but I can't understand why. Some people probably see him as a target because he is the man who is taking the WWE into the next generation and they don't like the direction that the WWE is going in. I mean, it's barely his fault that he was in the right place at the right time and was selected to run his gimmick that we all see today.

I like John Cena. I have seen him both inside (WWE Programming) and outside of the ring (Interviews) and the guy is probably one of the nicest dudes you are ever likely to see. He is entirely genuine and has a good head on his shoulders. I think he is a new generation of wrestler that is coupled by the new generation of wrestling. I think that the gang mentality and company pull that exists behind the scenes isn't that evident any more. It's obvious that John Cena is the top guy in the WWE but have we ever seen him exploit that? Have we ever seen him bitch about having to lose at WrestleMania or being pinned clean on television? No, I certainly haven't.

So with that being said, I don't blame John Cena for wanting to get some things off his chest but that's not what this is. This is straight from the top of the WWE pile. I would not be surprised if it emerges that the WWE have told him what to say etc in an effort to make him look as though he is standing up for the general populace that watches the show. I don't think it will make a difference on me. If he is a face, I will listen to him and likely cheer him and the inverse is true of heels. Saying some things about Daniel Bryan is not going to change that, well, at least not for me.
I don't know what to think about Cena and his Twitter to be honest. He talks about random things and compared to the other WWE superstars, he never seems to "get out much". People like Ryder, Miz and the NXT rookies are always bantering on about their personal lives. Cena just talks rubbish most of the time.

Just my opinion.

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