Cena & Punk as a Tag Team?


Getting Noticed By Management
So this year it seems John Cena is still regarded as The Face of WWE and THE Main Eventer even though CM Punk holds the most valued Title in Wrestling.

Have read a lot of posts here saying CM Punk should be Main Eventing over Cena, because 1) Punk is WWE Champion and 2) Punk is stealing the show with his 20-25 minute matches at PPV's

Solution :

Have them form a Tag Team for a while.

I do realise there are many good/bad points to this solution so will try to list those i can think of.


CM Punk being in the Main-Event with Cena could possibly put Punk on Cena's Level. Think back to The Mega Powers Hogan and Savage. (Savage elevated to Hogan's level) Austin and Triple H formed a Tag Team (as heels) back in the Attitude Era (Triple H elevated to Austin's Level), The Brothers of Destruction (Kane elevated to Takers level)

When you think of Triple H was he put into a Tag Team with Austin to raise him to the top, there was DX aswell. What about The Rock and Sock Connection ? Mankind teaming with a HUGE name like The Rock. The list could go on. My point is, could CM Punk get Elevated if he forms a Temporary tag team with Cena?

Another good thing that could come of this is you could keep Cena and Punk faces in the process. They could challenge any other thrown together teams. Brock Lesnar springs to mind now. You're imagination could run wild of who Brock's partner could be. Imagine a heel Ryback teaming with Brock Lesnar (Our Heroes Cena/Punk trying to overcome 2 Powerhouse Beasts, Fantasy Booking)

The best thing about this is it could Heel turn one of them down the line. Punk could turn on Cena or Vice Versa turning one of them heel. this could open up a Brand New Cena/Punk singles fued which is probably going to happen anyway in time. (Hogan and Sid Justice springs to mind here)

Now for the Bad

People don't like thrown together tag teams. Cena and Punk probably wouldn't even have a name let alone stick together for to long and wear the same attire. Although i think it wouldn't matter to much if the idea was to heat up another Cena/Punk fued if one of them turned on the other.

PPV's - putting the biggest names in tag teams at PPV's could damage the undercard.

Punk as WWE Champion means when does he Defend the WWE Championship? and who does he fued with for the title if he is tagging with Cena?

This idea could completely bury the Tag Team Division (can't see Truth/Kofi standing a chance against Cena and Punk)

-- Will leave it there, if anyone else can think of anymore good or bad things to this idea then please give your thoughts --
This is not entirely stupid, because CM Punk and Cena have something in common... they don't like Johnny. Daniel Bryan can carry the WWE title for awhile and Punk/Cena would be exactly like what DX was... which was fun to watch. They both have a sense of humor also. They would look dominate. A possible Tag Title Run would make those titles worth watching and whoever can beat them for the titles will look good............ and by WM season they can break up or possibly face each other at WM if there is no part timers for them to wrestle.
Great Idea, thats an excellent way to get CM Punk to Cena's type of level.

Punk as WWE Champion means when does he Defend the WWE Championship?

Let CM Punk drop the tittle to Daniel Bryan. It would be perfect bcuz DB wont be in the main event right away and therefor we can see just how good of a champion he is before he can take the main event role. While CM Punk and John Cena Team up and fued with people.

Although its hard bcuz CM Punk and Cena wont have much good tag teams to face. THat where I would bring in Kings of Wrestling(after months of beating tag teams) KOW attack ''CM Cena'' for weeks and get the right to face them at a PPV for TAG Team championships. At the end of that ''should be a good match'' Cena is going for 5moves of doom and CM Punk picks cena up and GTS's him and KOW win Tag team championships. THE END.

from there u have A great tag team and rise of KOW, and the begining of PUNK vs CENA v.2
I'd love to see it, throwback to Rock n' Sock. I remember when Orton was on top and he'd team with Cena every once in a while, it just had such an epic feel to it. That one time Cena flung a guy from an AA right into an RKO is still one of the greatest tag moves I've ever seen.

Can you imagine an AA into a GTS?
I think this would be a great Idea, could you imagine if CM punk was relevant. More than once I am watching wrestling and out come CM Punk and I see him and think " holy crap that is who has the WWE title".

He has got to be the most pointless champion since Alberto Del Rio. ( yes, I am still a fan of Del rio's but his reign seemed lame)

The Main story was always the WWE champion. The end of the show you saw the Champion, at the beginning the champion. Now it is always Cena, the WWE needs to make CM punk the first guy we see and the last if you want to make him relevant....see Smackdown. ( god I can't believe I just used smackdown as a point of goodness.)
Although both were clearly already established this reminds me of when John Cena and Shawn Michaels were teaming for a while. I don't think this would be the worst thing on the planet but i definitely wouldn't want it going on for very long. I also would want CM Punk to remain WWE champion. If i had to put one of the two into a tag team i would rather have Zack Ryder team with Cena considering Zack hasn't been doing anything besides jobbing lately. This would be a good way to keep Cena out of the WWE title picture, help Ryder get over because he needs it more than Punk, and would be less thrown together since they're supposed to be friends.
This is not a bad idea at all...except for one thing.

This idea worked great when there were many good tag teams with main eventers. These days, we all know the tag division isn't what it used to be.

Lets take the team of Stone Cold and Triple H for example.

These two were huge main eventers and tagged for a while. The reason this could work back then was look at who they were facing. They faced teams like The Brothers Of Destruction, The Hardy's, and The Dudley Boyz. All while Austin held the WWF Title and HHH held the Intercontinental Title. It was interesting and put a little light on the horrid heel run of Steve Austin.

Who would CM Punk and John Cena face?
These two against Kofi/R-Truth, Hawkins/Rex, Primo/Epico....it wouldn't sell.

BUT the way to make this work is not have them as an actual team for the titles. Although, have them in a fued with the two they are fueding with....
Say CM Punk & John Cena vs Wade Barrett & Daniel Bryan... There is enough backstory for all of them. Punk & Barrett should be in a WWE Title rivalry and Cena/Bryan in a rivalry also. But there's backstory with Barrett/Cena and Bryan/Punk. Have them fight in numerous tag matches with the WWE title on the line every once in a while....UNTILL... the teams break down over the title....which culminates into ONE, BIG, GIANT, Fatal 4 Way match for the WWE Championship

This could work....Or I could have just wasted 10 minutes rambling on.

Either way, it's a good idea. Good thread!
the way to do it is to have cena and punk team up at various times in tag teams just likeke when hogan and savage made the mega powers, they teamed up on the big ppvs like summerslam and survivor series and on an episode of the main event. do the same way with cena and punk for a team, have them feud with johnny henchmen
case anyone hasn't mentioned it.
Mega Powers II. lol

well it's obvious Cena is the Hogan of his era or atleast as close to as anyone could get.
and Punk is the guy that was putting on quality matches so he got to the main event due to fan support while Cena is taking time off from the main event. which is directly what happened with Hogan and Savage.

but soon as Savage on a similar level to Hogan, Hulkamania stepped back in again, which could likely happen with Cena and then they could lead to a fued between the two.

Mega Power II explode at WrestleMania 30, 25yrs after the original Mega Powers exploded and killed off Savage's career for several years.
case anyone hasn't mentioned it.
Mega Powers II. lol

well it's obvious Cena is the Hogan of his era or atleast as close to as anyone could get.
and Punk is the guy that was putting on quality matches so he got to the main event due to fan support while Cena is taking time off from the main event. which is directly what happened with Hogan and Savage.

but soon as Savage on a similar level to Hogan, Hulkamania stepped back in again, which could likely happen with Cena and then they could lead to a fued between the two.

Mega Power II explode at WrestleMania 30, 25yrs after the original Mega Powers exploded and killed off Savage's career for several years.

This ^. Putting them into a tag team together would only further the already quite tired comparison between Cena/Punk and Hogan/Savage.

I do not believe that long term it would be GOOD for either of them. It certainly would not be good for the tag team division (hurr durr let's put our two biggest names with the belt - that way when they inevitably lose it to whatever tag team we throw together on our patented tag team pairing dartboard we can really make them look strong)

I think on paper it's an idea that isn't necessarily terrible, however like Marxism, it is impossible to make work in the real world.
Punk and Cena together is a nice idea, there is mutual respect there from both.

Maybe with Vince coming back he will join forces with Laurinaitis and there stable of Show, Otunga etc will need someone to fued with.
Well first of all, I wouldn't like Cena and punk to be a team , they should be kept as singles competitors, but then again would it elevate the tag team division as a whole? Would we see more credible main event heel tag teams such as Kane n big show, I loved their tag team champs run yonks ago, could they work together again... I mean you couldn't really be asked to believe that primo n epico would be credible challengers to punk n Cena?
I think the occasional teaming of the two, would be beneficial to punk especially, but it makes you think that there could be a really good feud coming out of the pairing.
I really feel there should be a 'force' of a heel tag team to force the two (punk n cena) to team to be the 'only ones' that could save whatever...

Another point is that I don't see where the tag team championships could be implemented into this picture because they don't mean much at the moment tbf.

I'd like punk to be more of a tweener if this was to go ahead as we've already learnt, Cena Isnt going to embrace the hate anytime soon.
There is no way they would form a tag team right now they are both in to big of a push and if they did win a title it would be for less than a month most likely leading to a feud between the 2.
Lets take the team of Stone Cold and Triple H for example.

Heh, I came to this thread specifically to see if anyone had mentioned Austin and HHH as a team. There we go.

Anyway, it's not a bad idea, but I think it comes back to competition, as has been mentioned. It worked for a team like Austin and HHH because there were great formal tag teams and plenty of big name main event stars. When Cena was teaming with The Rock, their opponents were... The Miz and R-Truth. I like both of those guys, but they booked that to make it look like they didn't stand a chance against Cena alone, much less The Rock.

Basically, if you're going to put your two biggest stars into a faction, you have to make sure there's at least a reasonable amount of competition for them to face.
Guys come on Punk is not there yet. He is nowhere near the Cena level. When guys like Hogan, Austin,Rock, and Cena were on their climb to the top- the ratings were with them -as well as tons of main stream attention. I know people love Punk but he is not climbing the same ladder. He is climbing the Bret Hart ladder. Great wrestler but lacks the mainstream appeal.

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