Cena/Miz/Show at Summerslam?


Occasional Pre-Show
So there I was, watching Raw, anxiously awaiting the start of the Miz/Cena match that I have been waiting for for the last month when who decides to show their big ugly bald headed face? The Big Show. I screamed out loud "This is bullshit! Why can't they just let these 2 have a match already?"

Well we all saw what happened; and I'm not afraid to admit that they got me. When Miz ran at Cena and got thrown out of the ring I was just about as mad as I can get. What's the point of putting Miz in a "program" with Cena if they're never going to touch each other? (That sounded bad).

Just when I was about to give up hope, Miz took a steel chair and smacked that buffoon Big Show like 4 or 5 times. Not gonna lie.....I definately marked out for a minute.

I really think that this is going to be the beginning of the build-up to a triple threat match at Summerslam and, quite frankly, I can't wait. I never really liked Miz while he was teaming with JoMo but ever since they split up and he started calling out John Cena, I can't get enough. The Miz is a great talker and hopefully sticking him into the Cena/Show feud will give him the push he deserves. If they keep booking this feud like they did last night, then this is going to be really good and will elevate Miz.

What do you guys think?
I'm totally with you on this. They seem kinda iffy on puttin Cena and Miz in a program on their own. Maybe they think adding the Big Show will add some depth to the feud. Either way, I really like where they are going with this. I hope it delivers.
i think its a good idea. I think it will happen the next ppv at night of champions. I think the gm wont be as niave as vickie was and pt the three in a tripple threat falls count anywhere match. This match wont be too extreeme for normal ppvs but it will do better then a normaal tripple threat. To book this match right have big show demolish cena through some spotlight or something (again) then have miz hit the bigshow a couple times with a chair knocking him off the stage and getting a quick pin on cena and winning the match. This will work perfectly because it will still keep big show elevated with his tough strong man and it will elevate the miz by taking advantage of the opprutunity which if i remeber right is exactly what cena said about the miz.
i think its a good idea. I think it will happen the next ppv at night of champions.

I don't think its going to happen at NOC. None of these men are champions but I do think that if Miz gets a shot at the US title against Kofi Kingston at the PPV, it will be a perfect opportunity for Big Show to interfere and try to beat everybody with Cena making the save and having a moment with Kofi.

Perhaps there will be a tourny for the now (or soon to be) vacated WWE title pitting Cena vs. ? where Cena loses the match due to interference by Show or Miz (hopefully Miz), thus continuing the feud and giving a heel champion a cheap win (Orton???) and some good heat (he needs it)
I think the reason why the included Big Show in this feud, or added Miz, or whatever, is to give the Miz a fighting chance against Cena. Let’s face it, Cena is the Face of the WWE and Miz one on one with Cena “should be a squash match” for obvious reasons. Now that Show is included, it adds the extra, “steal a victory” story for the Miz to go over Cena without Superman touching Kryptonite. Big Show could punch Cena out cold and I don’t know, Miz could knock Show out with a Chair or something, and then Miz cover John, 1, 2, 3. Upset, sort of and all three men still look “credible”. Be happy that it keeps Cena away from Spinning objects, if you know what I mean.
this feud could be really strong as far as words go. Miz is great on the mic and disses Cena like never i have seen before. if they let these two go at it on the mic we could have the ultimate promo of all time. when Cena gets pissed he is gold on the mic throw in Miz and there you got greatness. this feud could last till Summerslam but not past that. Miz does need a major rub though.
Be happy that it keeps Cena away from Spinning objects, if you know what I mean.

The truest statement I've read on here all day.

And you're right, it does give Miz the opportunity to get a clean pin on either Cena or Show. The fact that the fed is giving Miz this chance speaks volumes about their expectations for him as a heel.
No no no!!! I'm tired of Cena and Big Show in the same ring. Really why would you want that? All we will get is the same basic match with Cena and show that we have already seen. The only difference is that Miz will be in there to get some cheap shots. But in the end Cena will beat both of them.

. This will work perfectly because it will still keep big show elevated with his tough strong man

How does show look strong now? The last two pay-per-view Cena has pinned him and made him tap. Is that's your Idea for making him look strong? I want Show to look strong but as long as he's with Cena he's going to get beat.

They need to get show involved with someone else, because let's face it as long as he's in the ring with Cena in a match he's going to lose. Really when was the last time that Show actually beat Cena?

They need to move on from Show and Cena. They can build Miz right to where he is a legit challenge to Cena. But if you throw Show in there Miz will eventually get lost in the mix. They can have the Miz against Cena go on for awhile maybe even Survivor Series. With Show involved it's going to get old. Cena vs. Show is already old, and over done.
The Miz is the only reason to watch RAW. His evoulution is very interesting to watch ever week. Now with the possiblity of adding Maryse in the mix we now have Tully Blanchard/Dark Journey 2009. He's a great tweener leaning towards heel. Mixing him with Cena and Show is a work of genius and it shows that the wwe is investing in this talented guy. I'd like to see him get gold but I think he can get over without it due to his program with the biggest face and the biggest athelte.
Miz and Cena at SummerSlam will happen. They might add Show in the mix. And I see the Miz winning. He's not a huge guy like Cena is used to. He's a smart and sly heel who can use his smarts and find a way to beat Cean( and Big Show)
For once the WWE is doing this feud right...
plz dont fuck it up...
What is with the WWE and putting Cena into fueds that he had years ago?Last year was JBL and this year is the Big Show.It's really geting to the point where they must not have anything else for Cena to do on Raw.As far as a fued between these 3 goes, I don't mind,as long as the outcome is The Miz winning it.
If they push the Miz right he could become a stronger and better heel. But if it comes to Summer Slam and it’s a triple threat involving the Big Show, then it will be boring. I think Cena could help the Miz grow both in the ring and on the mic. Have the Miz fued with Cena for the rest of the summer, then build him up to go for singles gold with the US title. The best thing to do would be to keep pushing him as a cocky heel who doesn’t want or need help from a partner of any sort. Keep the Miz away from Triple H and a BS Triple H squash match prior to a PPV and they can make him credible.
Cena’s gold and can only help build the Miz up more.
As far as the Big Show he may be the Largest "Athlete" in professional sports, but he’s also boring. How many times have big show and Cena feuded? Out of those fueds, how many times has big show come out on top? They’ve had at least 100 matches on air, and 2 or 3 major long term feuds. Cena always comes out on top, just drop it already.
I am really looking forward to the oncoming triple threat match. And I think that Miz/Show singles matches might be more entertaining than Cena/Show matches. At least then you can see Show squash someone and win, unlike with Cena. I wish Vince would let Cena look bad for once, but with all his merch sales, you can't make him look too terrible.
I think it'll be a triple threat at The Bash, with an eventual 1 on 1 between The Miz and Cena at Summerslam. Raw next week has Cena vs Big Show vs Triple H vs Orton for the WWE Championship, to maybe The Miz costs Cena and Big Show the match and sets up a triple threat.
I can tell you why the need Big Show. Miz can't keep a reaction going. Did you see his promo on Monday? He had the crowd for 3 minutes or so, then lost them. In a match with Cena Cena could keep the crowd into it. But they need more opportunites to have Miz interact with someone, instead having him out there by himself.

At Summerslam I was really hoping for a Cena title win. But The Bash? NOC? Plenty of time to get this Miz feud over and done with. So that Cena can get his title match, then Miz can pick back up with another Cena feud, if it is absolutely needed. ...But I suppose a three-way at Summerslam is valid. Especially if they won't let go of Orton with that damn title.

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