Was There Any Point In Miz/Cena?


Dark Match Winner
We all know that Cena would have been front and center and put Miz over in this little feud if creative had booked it that way, but other then that, why did this feud even happen? Did Miz piss somone off in WWE management or booking? He comes out for weeks trash talking Cena, the Big Show gets involved for a while making it a three for all, and then Cena and Miz have two matches, one at a Pay Per View and one at Raw, and Miz gets buried twice! He barely even got to use any decent offense in either match. Now I am not a huge Miz supporter, but this feud almost seems like someone in WWE changed their minds about the outcome midway through it! All the hype, and no reward,IMO. This feud didnt even help out Cena, as all he did was beat a weak mid-carder, main event wanna be.
We all know that Cena would have been front and center and put Miz over in this little feud if creative had booked it that way, but other then that, why did this feud even happen? Did Miz piss somone off in WWE management or booking? He comes out for weeks trash talking Cena, the Big Show gets involved for a while making it a three for all, and then Cena and Miz have two matches, one at a Pay Per View and one at Raw, and Miz gets buried twice! He barely even got to use any decent offense in either match. Now I am not a huge Miz supporter, but this feud almost seems like someone in WWE changed their minds about the outcome midway through it! All the hype, and no reward,IMO. This feud didnt even help out Cena, as all he did was beat a weak mid-carder, main event wanna be.

Are you kidding? Miz held his own at the Bash, and then the next night on Raw, I'm sorry but, Miz absolutely OWNED Cena. Sure, he lost, but the Miz looked like a very legit threat to Cena on Raw. Besides, Miz wasn't on Raw Monday. Why? WWE will keep him off TV until Night of Champions, make everyone forget about him, and then he'll return to put the screws to John Cena so they can feud going into Summerslam.
The Miz did not get buried. As a matter of fact he was elevated by just working 2 matches with Cena. Yes he lost, but he lost to the top guy in the company and one of the best. The Miz should be happy that at least he was prominently featured on Raw and worked a program with Cena, who like I said is the top guy in the company and one of the best.

Also, why would they have the top guy in the company lose in a match to someone who hasn't even proven himself as a mid-carder? It just wouldn't have made sense to have Cena lose to Miz, as it would have made him look weaker. Also, remember Cena just won a couple of matches against Big Show. It would make Big Show look weak too since he couldn't defeat Cena and Miz could.

I really do wish people would stop saying Miz got buried, because in reality he was elevated by working with John Cena.
The Miz didn't get buried. He pretty much dominated Cena in both matches, and was able to get a good amount of TV time ever since he's been drafted to Raw. He's on WWE's flagship show, and was in a feud with WWE's top face. Miz losing to Cena won't hurt him because Cena is already in a feud for the WWE championship, and he hasn't done any promos bashing the Miz ever since.
the miz will gain alot of experience from his mini fued with cena but i do agree that after NOC miz will b back doing the same thing calling out cena than we'll have there fued carry to summerslam than they'll have another match. Witch i think Miz might come out on top for that one
I completely agree with drog2000, there was no reason to try to put Miz over. Creative can try all they want, hell give him every title and the fans will never take him seriously. It just won't happen, it's the same thing in TNA, Jenna Morasco will never be taken seriously by the actual WRESTLING fans. You can't go reality douche to wrestler, it just won't work.
Miz didn't get burried! He opened eyes and turned heads! I don't think the Miz ever got this much heat! Or be mentioned in the same breath as main eventers like Triple H, Big Show, Cena,etc. And you still don't know for sure, it seems the feud just cooled of but what if theres another angle to it. Don't say Miz is buried people! Just a month or two to see what WWE will do with this guy and than say he's buried, because if he isn't I'll be there to pwn you :).
I think the whole Cena/Miz thing was WWE's way of addressing the people who constantly hate on Cena for no legitimate reason.

Miz's multi-week tirade of calling Cena out was basically repeating many of the negative comments made about Cena by the IWC

When Cena finally did respond to Miz, I saw that as Cena saying to his doubters "I have better things to do than be concerned with what you think of me"
These days, it isn't as much about winning matches or championships, as it is about being on TV. Miz was featured a LOT lately, and people took notice, so this certainly elevated him in my opinion, whether you like him or not. Miz may have lost to Cena, but he looked real good in the process, and as far as matches go, someone can get over, even if they lose. One of the best examples of course is Stone Cold, after Bret beat him at WrestleMania.
I think the whole point of the Miz/Cena feud was to gauge just what kind of heat The Miz could get on his own. I think the WWE was "testing the waters" with Miz to see if he could possibly be a successful draw by throwing him in a mini-feud with Cena.

The bottom line, the point was for the WWE to gauge if Miz was capable of anything greater then his current role, and by his mic work, ring work, and how well the mini feud turned out, I would say that the WWE's plan was a success, and that The Miz definately has some sort of heel heat now that they can potentially build upon.
wwe creative actually looked like they were going to do something right... until the pay per view. for weeks prior they built up the miz, even though he never really got a win or a match for that sake over cena, they were building the miz's character, they made people hate him... i honestly loved it because for year i have hated cena... cena sells t-shirts to 8 year olds. his matches are boring... 5 moves of death is all he has... he disgraces the bulldog move for christ sakes... this fued was way to short. the miz needed to build several eins, whether it be cheap or clean over cena. i know that cena is superman and the miz CAN'T realistically beat cena... have the ref get knocked out, cheap shots with a chair, salt in the eyes behind the refs back, something... but no... wwe creative had a great fued and flushed it right down the toilet... on top of that, they had a chance to elevate the miz to a upper-mid card level... but no, a short ppv match and cena getting a clean win trahed the whole fued... now what??? throw cena into the title picture again to sell a few hundred more 25$$ t-shirts that 8 year old kids cry to their parents for... same thing with mvp... wwe had a chance to elevate him to upper-mid status by having him stand up to the champ orton... but they flushed that away too, now wwe creative has nothing for mvp and he misses pay per views to hang with the fat view chick at black peoples one night a year, the bet awards... soo all in all dont expect to see the miz for a while because wwe creative probably ran out of ideas for him... wwe creative is horrible, they drown all potential and hurt their own product... and people wonder why vince is always firing people... they need MARK MADDEN back on creative to chew the idiots out... yeah freddie prince jr on creative... that lasted about a month or two then he was canned... the feud between cena and miz could of lasted for a few months and actually been a candidate for feud of the year (if jericho n mysterio didnt win, which it will)... thank you wwe creative for burying another possible star and elevating cena to superman status once more.. and they wonder why ratings are dropping, the only weekly watchers are handicapped cena fans and 8 year olds... all the adults have switched to TNA to watch real feuds that last more than a month, actually have meaning, and elevate characters... (remember when samoa joe was not main event??? i know he's a fat blob... but he proved he can be in the main even... kurt angle wasnt always main event... he was built from lower card to main event...)
We all know that Cena would have been front and center and put Miz over in this little feud if creative had booked it that way, but other then that, why did this feud even happen? Did Miz piss somone off in WWE management or booking? He comes out for weeks trash talking Cena, the Big Show gets involved for a while making it a three for all, and then Cena and Miz have two matches, one at a Pay Per View and one at Raw, and Miz gets buried twice! He barely even got to use any decent offense in either match. Now I am not a huge Miz supporter, but this feud almost seems like someone in WWE changed their minds about the outcome midway through it! All the hype, and no reward,IMO. This feud didnt even help out Cena, as all he did was beat a weak mid-carder, main event wanna be.

I'm tired. So I'm not going to launch into this post. I will, however, answer the question of the thread.

There WAS a point to Miz/Cena. A big one, incidentally. No one would ever believe Miz could beat Cena. No one. Not ever. So, in order for Miz to be a main-event heel (which they want, considering they really only have Orton and Big Show up there) he needed a feud that could build him that high. Who better to feud with than Cena?

They had Miz be himself, a cocky heel. The first match they had, Cena owned Miz. That's reasonable. Miz was a tag-team champion at best, going against a former World Champion Cena who had been rediculed by Miz for how many weeks? Cena was pissed. He trounced Miz. It's what happens.

Then, they had a rematch the next Raw. The entire match's story was Miz learning from that past Sunday, and giving Cena a run for his money. It hinged on Cena selling incredibly well, a la his match with Swagger. Cena delivered, and made Miz seem a credible threat. If you want to see another example, see Orton's match on Raw against Dibiase. Incredible recreation of what Cena did for the Miz and Swagger. Miz is all the better for having both matches with Cena, even though he lost both times. Miz got a mega push on that Monday Night Raw alone.

So. That re-telling of the feud was all for one point. The point of the feud was to sell Miz as a legit threat to Cena, and by association, the main-event. Cena and Miz pulled it off.

On top of that, if Cena wins the championship at NoC, Miz has an instant window into a main-event feud. "I'm 7-2!" See? Creative isn't completely clueless.
so miz might screw cena out of the championship. big deal. i personaly dont care for the raw mainevent. love cena love orton love HHH. the storyline sucks. sucks hard. i can't wait till the swagger MVP feud develops. talk aobut some good and new matches.

anyway i hope miz does do something and actually beats cena at least once. of corse cena would win the fued but keep it entertaining. i have to believe the miz could win. in their first two matches i did not believe it.
Actually, Miz beat the hell out of Cena throughout their match on RAW. He threw in 2 different suplexes, neck breakers, power clotheslines, a top rope axe handle, and other efficient offense. I didn't see the Bash match but I heard that was more of a squash. Cena made Miz look like a descent worker who can hold his own and put on a solid match. I'd throw him in the U.S. Title Hunt cus he's not main event material yet.
Are you kidding? The point of the feud between Miz and Cena was to see if the Miz could hold up against such a great talent in John Cena and see if he is a future maineventer. It is the same with Morrison on Edge except they didnt feud. It was basically a test, and if you ask me I think the Miz got a perfect score. He did very well against the top face of the company and did everything that was needed. He put on good promo´s and had solid matches with him. You will see him in a world title match by the end of next year for sure.
I liked this feud. The Miz got time to develop and he did it without having to be putover. I never really saw his work until the draft show (my sched is only friendly on Mondays). And he took command of the mic a lot more than I thought he could.

I am not a fan of his look but he does make it work. And while I didn't see the BASH match I saw the follow up on Raw and he more than held his own.

The best they coul do for him is let him win the US title and taunt Cena (assuming he has no belt after NOC) in backstage segments. He is capable of drawing the heat and the charachter seems able to spread it out over a long period of time. Make him US champ and run with it for no less than 6 months.

For the record I think his smackdown of John Morrison was on par with Shawn Michaels on Marty Janetty in the Barber Shop. It showed which charachter was more willing to achieve and 10 years down the road should Miz (who has suprisingly great mat skills) be a big time player that clip will be played over and over.
Let's get a couple of things straight here before we try to dig deeper and figure this all out....
1) The Miz absolutely did get buried at The Bash...there are no 2 ways about it,....short match , with very little offense, and if I recall correctly, none of his gimmick moves.....end of story.
2) Great Great follow up match on Raw....This was the match that they should have had on the PPV...It was a match that showed that Miz was more than capable of holding his own and carrying his portion of the match from a psychology standpoint as well as the physical aspect.

Now, lets look at some other things....why was the Bash match so short? If you notice The Bash went right up until 11 pm EDT, which never ever happens on a WWe PPV....they always end at 10:45 sharp.....It is my opinion that sometime throught out the night they clearly got off schedule and had to shuffle some things around. If you look at the HHH/Orton match, it just didnt play out the way it should have or we thought it would have, as far as some of the action and to me the way it ended, and I dont mean the result. I believe the powers that be had to shorten the Miz/Cena match in order to get atleast 15-20 mins from the title match, Hence the reason why we got a full match from the 2 the following night on Raw. Anyone who has a clue about wrestling, knows that the PPv match was the one we were going to see on Raw the following night.
The one thing that does concern me is where was Miz this past Monday....not even a segment with Maryse. That makes me wonder now what they are going to do, especially heading into their 2nd biggest PPV of the yr, with an abundance of wrestlers out with injury and taking time off. He is supposedly on his way and being pushed, yet I dont see anything developing for him to play a major role in Summerslam. If they are infact intent on pushing him then why is he not in the US title hunt with Kofi and Evan Bourne instead of the Big Show....it makes no sense at all.
All that being said, I wouldnt say he is being buried, cause one week isnt burying someone, and losing to the companys Flagship performer isnt being buried either. However if they arent going to do something with him soon, soon enough for summerslam, then yes, it absolutely does look like they wasted their time. Experiments in WWE should last more than a couple of weeks...they had solid promos and spots on Raw which led to great build up, the lack of usage now is just too bad.
Don't read too deep into this whole Miz Cena thing. The whole point was for Miz to get an upper card rub simply as that. As someone else said it was kind of a test. I agree that Miz handled himself well when he needed to, but no one would legitimately believe he can beat Cena still, so there is more work to be done if they want him to be on that level.

Here is a nice little fact for you. On June 19 Here in Des Moines, Iowa the Big Show was scheduled to wrestle John Cena, going along with what has been happening as of recent. Unfortunately Big Show was delayed in flight to Des Moines and couldn't make the show. So, with Big Show out of the show, they needed to replace him with someone to fight Cena. It was, none other than the Miz. This would have been their first actual match together, and Miz lost. Of course on Raw the following Monday they carried on as though nothing happened because it was at a house show. But, we in Des Moines, Iowa actually got to see the first actual match with the two of them and it was pretty good. Of course Cena hit his 5 moves of death and it was over which you knew was going to happen but, it was a good match nonetheless. Point being that Miz had already lost to Cena in front of a live crowd before the PPV which is kind of funny considering they acted as if nothing happened. To his credit, Miz had a match earlier in the night for some tournament they did for a shot that night at the U.S. title which he lost as well.

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