Cena: Leader Of The Shield?

The biggest flaw to this idea is that Punk is CLEARLY already an affiliate of The Shield. It couldn't be more obvious without being openly stated. If this had been set in motion months ago it would have made (a little) more sense, but that time has passed.

The problem there is that, if they are affiliated, of Punk ends up facing Undertaker, does the Shield play a role in it?
Weren't you a part
Of that whole E-fed thingy?
Standards have fallen

One time he challenged me fully expecting he could beat me and then I proceeded to destroy him. He's pretty much my bitch.

After the horrocity (combination horror/atrocity) that is this thread, I don't want to be associated with him anymore.
it wouldn't make any sense, really.

Cena is presented as an even bigger super hero than other faces, so him getting help from them would be odd. Characters wouldn't mix well either, imo.
Let's bring some legitimacy to this thread with a lesson in Speculation 101. I believe that the Shield doesn't have a true leader, and I believe their true motive and goals are still unknown. But I believe that they do have a fourth hidden member that has yet to be revealed... a member working on the inside. Who is that member?

Let's bring some legitimacy to this thread with a lesson in Speculation 101. I believe that the Shield doesn't have a true leader, and I believe their true motive and goals are still unknown. But I believe that they do have a fourth hidden member that has yet to be revealed... a member working on the inside. Who is that member?


I think that will happen too but Brad Maddox isn't working on the inside when hes not even employed by the wwe.
Oh, I have no doubt that Maddox is ultimately affiliated with the Shield, and in fact, I believe there are even more members to be revealed as time unfolds. Maybe I'm naive, but I'm not convinced that there is definitely an association between Punk and the Shield, or at least one that Punk is directly aware of. Granted, I realize he has benefitted multiple times from Shield activity, but I'm thinking this may be a Heyman stunt with no direct knowledge on Punk's part.
Oh, I have no doubt that Maddox is ultimately affiliated with the Shield, and in fact, I believe there are even more members to be revealed as time unfolds. Maybe I'm naive, but I'm not convinced that there is definitely an association between Punk and the Shield, or at least one that Punk is directly aware of. Granted, I realize he has benefitted multiple times from Shield activity, but I'm thinking this may be a Heyman stunt with no direct knowledge on Punk's part.

This is pretty much exactly what I figured and I'm honestly surprised this notion hasn't been brought up on air.
I think that will happen too but Brad Maddox isn't working on the inside when hes not even employed by the wwe.

That's not the point... so far Maddox has been associated with some of the biggest names on the show, getting close to them, striking deals, forging alliances. He still has his refereeing abilities - that would make the Shield very dangerous.
Why does everyone want Cena to turn heel?

Its just bad business plain and simple. You may not like how things go (for example as I've said before I'm not keen on Rock vs. Cena 2) but it is the best course of action to take at this point of time. As much as some of the IWC may hate it at the end of the day WWE is a business and they got to do what they feel will make them the most money. At the end of the day you don't make decisions based on what some fans want you base the decisions on what will maximize profits. If Vince doing whats in his best interest pisses you off then I suggest you watch something else.

In regards to your Shield idea, I've seen better ideas written by a 5 year old.
The problem there is that, if they are affiliated, of Punk ends up facing Undertaker, does the Shield play a role in it?

I can see Punk as a viable opponent for The Undertaker, unlike many people, and think that him and Taker would be kind of fresh. They only had a fling at it back in '09 times so it's nothing approaching overdone. The only options I can imagine if The Shield were to get involved in that match is that:

a) It results in the ending of the streak. That's highly controversial and useless if it doesn't lead anywhere so it would require a good deal of foresight.

b) The Shield try to interfere unsuccessfully and it leads to their disbanding. If you can manage to keep The Shield fresh up until Wrestlemania, which I know some people see as a feat, it sounds like a do-able option to work with. It creates a shift in story, extends Taker's streak and releases new individual talent into the WWE talent pool.

However, I can also envision a situation which involved Punk facing Taker and those guys not being involved due to a storyline shift involving them prior to Wrestlemania itself. In fact, I think The Shield is going to undertake a big shift on RAW tonight.
Oh, I have no doubt that Maddox is ultimately affiliated with the Shield, and in fact, I believe there are even more members to be revealed as time unfolds. Maybe I'm naive, but I'm not convinced that there is definitely an association between Punk and the Shield, or at least one that Punk is directly aware of. Granted, I realize he has benefitted multiple times from Shield activity, but I'm thinking this may be a Heyman stunt with no direct knowledge on Punk's part.

Explain to me how this works without turning Punk face. I'm being honest, because it doesn't work for me. Do you think Punk is going to sit idly by, whining, while Paul Heyman just cost him the WWE Title?
Explain to me how this works without turning Punk face. I'm being honest, because it doesn't work for me. Do you think Punk is going to sit idly by, whining, while Paul Heyman just cost him the WWE Title?

And is it totally out of the question that Punk could gradually turn face again? WWE loves the surprise turn, the swerve, so while I'm not necessarily saying it will happen, it absolutely could. The fans love to cheer for Punk, so safe to say at some point, he's going to undergo a face transition.

Plus, there's plenty of heels around these days. With the continued emergence of the Shield, there are at least three heels right there, possibly more. Lesnar will definitely be a heel. There's speculation of another Jericho heel turn (an idea I hate). And who knows, there could even be another heel as a result of the main event of WM29.

Heyman cost Punk the title. Inadvertently. I don't have too much difficulty believing that Punk will be pissed off with Heyman because of it, especially as Heyman's attention starts to revert back to Lesnar. Would feed nicely into an eventual Punk/Lesnar program, for which a face turn for Punk would have to happen.
And is it totally out of the question that Punk could gradually turn face again? WWE loves the surprise turn, the swerve, so while I'm not necessarily saying it will happen, it absolutely could. The fans love to cheer for Punk, so safe to say at some point, he's going to undergo a face transition.

Plus, there's plenty of heels around these days. With the continued emergence of the Shield, there are at least three heels right there, possibly more. Lesnar will definitely be a heel. There's speculation of another Jericho heel turn (an idea I hate). And who knows, there could even be another heel as a result of the main event of WM29.

Heyman cost Punk the title. Inadvertently. I don't have too much difficulty believing that Punk will be pissed off with Heyman because of it, especially as Heyman's attention starts to revert back to Lesnar. Would feed nicely into an eventual Punk/Lesnar program, for which a face turn for Punk would have to happen.

I agree with the Jericho part.

It's not that he can't turn face, it's that he hasn't been a heel for even a year yet. Do you really think they'd want to turn him back so soon? Really, he wasn't even a face for very long either. He's not TNA's version of Ken Anderson. He shouldn't turn so often. Punk's good enough to pull it off just fine, I just question the need.

And in today's wrestling society, every heel who is at least decent gets somewhat cheered. There's too many marks out there for it not to happen. Now, obviously heels like Punk and Jericho (when he is heel) get cheered more than most, I'm just saying it rarely dictates a turn. Randy Orton 2010 and CM Punk 2011 are the few exceptions. And Punk isn't getting cheered nearly like he was in 2011.
It's not that he can't turn face, it's that he hasn't been a heel for even a year yet. Do you really think they'd want to turn him back so soon? Really, he wasn't even a face for very long either. He's not TNA's version of Ken Anderson. He shouldn't turn so often. Punk's good enough to pull it off just fine, I just question the need.

But the decision as to whether he functions as a face or as a heel is dictated largely by the need at the time. So I we get the progression of a new heel faction. And a returning heel monster. And a returning heel veteran. And the ever rumored Randy Orton heel turn. And the possibility of potentially failed face turns (the Miz or ADR for example, although frankly, I'm shocked at how much I'm enjoying the face version of ADR, who I despised as a heel). And the potential for a significant turn after the main event of WM29. If any or all of this transpires, WWE may need a significant face turn. And Punk is skilled and versatile enough to pull it off.

Plus, where does Punk go next if the above scenario doesn't play out? He won't be in the main event. He won't have Rock or Cena at his disposal. Punk and Ryback is played out. Personally, when it comes right down to it, I ultimately do believe he will remain as a heel and will be preoccupied with a heavy dose of rattlesnakes. But if I'm wrong about this, a face turn bringing him into a head on collision with Lesnar, it could definitely happen and would definitely work.

And in today's wrestling society, every heel who is at least decent gets somewhat cheered. There's too many marks out there for it not to happen. Now, obviously heels like Punk and Jericho (when he is heel) get cheered more than most, I'm just saying it rarely dictates a turn. Randy Orton 2010 and CM Punk 2011 are the few exceptions. And Punk isn't getting cheered nearly like he was in 2011.

I would concede most of this paragraph as well thought out commentary. However, Punk is one skilled promo, one pipe bomb, away from turning face at the snap of a finger, if that is what is requested and required. At the end of the day, I hope it doesn't happen, ultimately I don't think it will (yet). All I am saying is, don't discount it as being implausible.

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