Cena just go part-time already? (Cena Fan)

What Should Cena Do?

  • A-Retire after beating Taker at Mania

  • B-Don't Go Part-Time

  • C-Go Part-Time

  • D-Stay Full-Time Turn Heel

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Wrestlezones Top Heel
I say this could be the start of it he is still injured and coming to do the match with Del Rio with him attacking his arm could lead to his real-life retirement.It only takes one big mistake so I say keep this match slow have Del Rio target his other arm instead of the injured one.Have Cole say that's the one tha't injured but have Cena go super cena and reverse the cross armbreaker and hit the AA.Act hurt before pinning him after celebrate as Del Rio hits an arm enziguri then armbar Sandow cash in on Cena biggest win of his career.Cena comes out the next night like Triple H did and say's he don't know if he can go anymore only to return during the road and turn heel (finally).He don't do TV matches anymore or be on every tv taping he just do like every other week like the other ones.After Mania...

A-Retire after beating Taker at Mania

B-Leave Again or go Part-time

C-Stay for Extreme Rules leave come back for Summerslam

D-Don't go Part Time and start a heel Faction

His Opponent for Mania Should be

The Undertaker (Cena Heel Turn)

Hulk Hogan (Cena Heel Turn)

Stone Cold (Cena Heel Turn)

Daniel Bryan (Cena Heel Turn)

Triple H (Cena stay's face)

Randy Orton (Cena stay's face)
where's dont go part time and stay face lol?
why is everyone wanting cena to turn heel.
cena is best fit for face cena is top dog in the wwe.
and he can either pass the torch to another or cena can stay top face!
but cena would have to be face to do either one of them things.
im tired of people wanting cena to turn heel!
i wanna see face cena for along time! cena may can help daniel bryan become top face? who knows but cena needs to stay face until the torch has been passed after the new face steps up then cena can turn heel.
to turn cena heel is like saying lets get rid of the biggest seller, biggest rating drawing, biggest wrestler, and biggest fundraiser supporter.
if cena left someone would have to take all of that on!
and daniel bryan ain't ready to appear on red carpets and things like that.
cm punk is ready but cm punk in my opinion is way ahead of bryan already.
where's dont go part time and stay face lol?
why is everyone wanting cena to turn heel.
cena is best fit for face cena is top dog in the wwe.
and he can either pass the torch to another or cena can stay top face!
but cena would have to be face to do either one of them things.
im tired of people wanting cena to turn heel!
i wanna see face cena for along time! cena may can help daniel bryan become top face? who knows but cena needs to stay face until the torch has been passed after the new face steps up then cena can turn heel.
to turn cena heel is like saying lets get rid of the biggest seller, biggest rating drawing, biggest wrestler, and biggest fundraiser supporter.
if cena left someone would have to take all of that on!
and daniel bryan ain't ready to appear on red carpets and things like that.
cm punk is ready but cm punk in my opinion is way ahead of bryan already.

You Ever Heard of Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock we got rid of them but by dammit Cena so invinceable dammit you might want to accept the face that if he keep pulling the dumb ass tatics he's doing like coming back 4 Month's early from an injury.He will have no damn choice whether you like it or not I don't give damn !!!! but as for the option it's on the damn poll punk ass bitch remember you just got your ass (verbal) whooped by " Da One " 5000
I'm turning heel on WZ.com - DaOne5000
Didn't Dagger Dias already trash a post of yours that is exactly like this one?

And no, John Cena isn't and shouldn't go part-time or retire. He is still recovering from an injury. I'm no fortune teller so I can't predict whether or not Cena is going back to the injured list, but it's almost a given. Pretty sure he isn't 100% and that will come into play at Hell In A Cell.

Why does everyone want him to either stay off the air or turn heel? Have you not seen the product lately? They practically need him at this point, babyface and all.
Didn't Dagger Dias already trash a post of yours that is exactly like this one?

And no, John Cena isn't and shouldn't go part-time or retire. He is still recovering from an injury. I'm no fortune teller so I can't predict whether or not Cena is going back to the injured list, but it's almost a given. Pretty sure he isn't 100% and that will come into play at Hell In A Cell.

Why does everyone want him to either stay off the air or turn heel? Have you not seen the product lately? They practically need him at this point, babyface and all.

I don't want Cena off TV and he trashed it because it wasn't relevant at this point in time it may be possible is why I posted this if he keep getting injured and coming back early he will either have to retire or go part-time i'm just making a valid point and ir your not down with that I got two words for ya
Cena is the face of the company, PERIOD. Daniel bryan and cm punk are NOT the face of the company. Vince is not going to allow the face of the company going part time especially when buyrates and ratings are declining heavily as evident right now. And cena is not gonna go heel. If he did not turn heel last year, the year before, etc etc etc.. The possibility of him turning now is just low.
Why would Cena go part-time. He is in his prime, still fairly young and the number one guy in the company. He is one of the biggest names in the history of the company and it would be foolish for him to turn go part-time or turn heel.

The only way Cena should/would ever go part-time is if he decided to pursue and acting career or the injuries became to damaging. He has a great thing going, with the WWE and the Make-A-Wish foundation. People don't get that he is actually a hero to many kids and their families. Going part-time makes no sense because the WWE doesn't have someone who can fill his void. Bryan is doing ok, Punk is still a big name but they are not John Cena.
cenas injured yes but that happens in wrestling on occasion and providing he heals up well i imagine he will make a full time return.hes also in his mid 30s which to most atheletes is nearly retirement age but for a lot of pro wrestlers its there prime.i think all going well with his health he will be the main guy for a few more years yet.although i do think his character really needs to evolve the goody two shoes persona has served its purpose it helped fix wwes tainted reputation convincing parents everywhere that its safe to let there kids watch wrestling now.its really getting tedious though complimenting fans for booing the hell out of him and such its a bit pathetic really the crowd want to hate him so a heel turn is the obvious choice but its not likely as he makes too much money.so what id like to see is him return as normal but with a new take no crap ruthless attitude no more sucking up to the fans when they boo him or telling his opponents he respects them and shaking there hands after the match ect it wouldnt be a heel turn but i think it be a much needed change in his character.
YES, lets keep our biggest star off tv and turn him heel so we cannot sell Millions and Millions of merchandise to children. We need to get over Cena being stale to us, because he is new to every child turning seven for ever,which he has mass appeal to. The need to keep him around until he stops making money. Keep him Face, the few months off we had from him might be enough. If someone could step up and take his place, thy will, remember it is a popularity contest, and just because us Fanboys are sick of it and ready for someone else, it doesn't mean the rest of the world is.
Cena should beat Taker at Mania and Do a massive heel turn. I don't see what else is their for him to do as a face? He's fought everyone in the company multiple times. He needs to be the heel to make those same matches fresh again.

Or put Cena on smackdown only. They don't need him on RAW anymore. This way we all win because no one watches smackdown anyway.
Cena already is a heel. Everything he does, from his shit eating grins and not doing what the fans want is all a part of him trying to get a negative reaction from the crowd. There's just a bunch of small children and (probably) mentally handicapped people who go to WWE events that refuse to know what's behind the curtain and cheer for him.

I personally think he should turn face again and trash talk people in lyrical, rhyming format and beat up everyone cowardly. That way the real fans will cheer for him.
I think there is value in a part-time Cena. In fact, I think a part-time Cena can make them more money in the long run. If they use him like Brock and Rock, they can keep him for special PPVs and people will actually pay to see him in those big match-ups. But if you have him on every week he'll just be another bland and boring part of Raw.
You Ever Heard of Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock we got rid of them but by dammit Cena so invinceable dammit you might want to accept the face that if he keep pulling the dumb ass tatics he's doing like coming back 4 Month's early from an injury.He will have no damn choice whether you like it or not I don't give damn !!!! but as for the option it's on the damn poll punk ass bitch remember you just got your ass (verbal) whooped by " Da One " 5000

I think your like 13 years old?
when did you ever watch the rock during his biggest days?
and you beat me verbally you can have it, i don't wanna get a fight started with da one 5000 the best 13 year old punk fan in the world lol.
I don't want Cena off TV and he trashed it because it wasn't relevant at this point in time it may be possible is why I posted this

1. Periods and commas are your friends.
2. It's still not relevant. He's been out for barely two months. With an injury. You think when a high profile athlete is out for two months, it's time to start discussing retirement/part-time?
3. He's in his prime.

if he keep getting injured and coming back early he will either have to retire or go part-time

No he doesn't. Where do you get these ideas?

i'm just making a valid point

but you're not.

and ir your not down with that I got two words for ya

I have two words for you too:

You're adorable.
You Ever Heard of Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock we got rid of them but by dammit Cena so invinceable dammit you might want to accept the face that if he keep pulling the dumb ass tatics he's doing like coming back 4 Month's early from an injury.He will have no damn choice whether you like it or not I don't give damn !!!! but as for the option it's on the damn poll punk ass bitch remember you just got your ass (verbal) whooped by " Da One " 5000

You mean the same Stone Cold that had many, many nagging injuries including with his neck?

You mean the same Rock that was pursuing other media outlets?

And your ending statement is... off.
Christ are threads like these really an indication of the level of intellect in the wrestling fan community or is this thread mostly infested by trolls?

Onto the actual topic.
Option A: No he should not retire after beating 'Taker at 'mania. The guy is what, 35 years old? He sells the most merchandise, is the most marketable superstar in wrestling and makes himself and the WWE a ton of money. So a few internet smarks might not like it but he is the face of modern day wrestling.
Option B: I agree, he shouldn't go part time
Option C: How many 35 year old wrestlers in their prime 'go part-time?'. Sure, the Rock done it but he was the exception to the rule.
Option D: Stay full time Turn Heel? Stay full time- yes, turn heel- no. It's just not viable. Would it freshen up his character for the more mature wrestling fan? Yeah sure it would but John Cena's character isn't aimed at us, it's aimed at children. Would a 7 year old in a Cena jersey and cap really understand? No they wouldn't. All his charitable work is based on him being a 'nice guy' and a role model to children. Like it or not wrestling is more focussed on that demographic than any other.

John Cena, as others have pointed out, is the true face of WWE. Sure Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are popular, world class athletes but you need more than that to sell a product. I'm no Cena mark nor do I dislike him. From my own personal point of view I'm 31 years old and I do sometimes groan when Cena does his 'superman' comebacks but for the kid's that what makes him stand out as a wrestler. If I was 31 years old in 1989 I would have probably reacted the same to Hulk Hogan 'Hulking Up' but as a child I loved it and that is basically what the appeal is of John Cena is now to children.
Christ are threads like these really an indication of the level of intellect in the wrestling fan community or is this thread mostly infested by trolls?

Onto the actual topic.
Option A: No he should not retire after beating 'Taker at 'mania. The guy is what, 35 years old? He sells the most merchandise, is the most marketable superstar in wrestling and makes himself and the WWE a ton of money. So a few internet smarks might not like it but he is the face of modern day wrestling.
Option B: I agree, he shouldn't go part time
Option C: How many 35 year old wrestlers in their prime 'go part-time?'. Sure, the Rock done it but he was the exception to the rule.
Option D: Stay full time Turn Heel? Stay full time- yes, turn heel- no. It's just not viable. Would it freshen up his character for the more mature wrestling fan? Yeah sure it would but John Cena's character isn't aimed at us, it's aimed at children. Would a 7 year old in a Cena jersey and cap really understand? No they wouldn't. All his charitable work is based on him being a 'nice guy' and a role model to children. Like it or not wrestling is more focussed on that demographic than any other.

John Cena, as others have pointed out, is the true face of WWE. Sure Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are popular, world class athletes but you need more than that to sell a product. I'm no Cena mark nor do I dislike him. From my own personal point of view I'm 31 years old and I do sometimes groan when Cena does his 'superman' comebacks but for the kid's that what makes him stand out as a wrestler. If I was 31 years old in 1989 I would have probably reacted the same to Hulk Hogan 'Hulking Up' but as a child I loved it and that is basically what the appeal is of John Cena is now to children.

CM Punk, a world class athlete....you gotta be joking with that one. The guy is slow, clumsy and has a low vertical. No Punk hating here, I think the guy is an all time great but he isn't athletic.

I pretty much agree with the rest of the things you said though. I don't like Cena but Raw has been horrible since he left. Orton and DB are showing the WWE why they need Cena. The last two ppv's have been trash. I am having a hard time getting through raw. Cena brings the show together and makes the main event scene better. I honestly never noticed how much Cena does for the show til now. DB, Orton, HHH, Big Show, and Steph are boring me to death.
I love how people can never give their own opinion of Cena they just talk about him selling Merch and being the too star. Anyways I don't like Cena. Think he's boring and would rather not see him. I'd be delighted if he retired or went away and did movies or whatever. I don't care about what the kids think or anyone else because I'm not a kid and I can form my own opinion. If he turned heel he probably still wouldn't be any better as he would seem insincere as fuck and not worth watching.
From now on the WWE should book Cena in a way that intentionally pisses off his critics. He should start off by winning both the WHC and WWE titles on his first week back. Then he should win the Royal Rumble and choose to face the Undertaker seeing as he's already got both belts. Then he should make the Undertaker tap out and remain face. Eventually the undesirable fans will just go away. It's win/win.
Cena could go part time temporarily until he fully recovers from his injury.

Let him win the World Title and disappear from TV with it like the Rock did with the WWE Title. The WHC doesn't matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, so Cena could just hold onto it forever, and stay off TV except to defend the belt in PPVs, while everyone else is focusing on the WWE and IC Titles.
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