Cena is a bigger star then Hulk Hogan.


Dark Match Jobber
Ok guys... hear me out before you jump on me, That's goes for all of you, everyone ok? All of you cena haters.

Cena is the face of the company now and have taken wwe to new heights. And started the wwe network and become big on social media.

The stats don't lie either. Cena has more world titles then Hogan, Rock, austin taker etc...

He has soon more world titles then Flair. So Cena is soon a 16-time world champion. It's just around the corner..

I don't mean to disrespect old Hulk, I know he made a lot for the company and made Vince rich and the wwe empire.

But Cena a has done more for the company the last decade, being the face of the company, taken wwe to new heights, with the wwe network, and he also has 9 more titles then Hulk, and second most then every other superstar in history.

Cena is becoming bigger, and is a young star, while Hulk is just an old broken man now, a grandpa, that is just an empty shell, an old man that almost took his own life because he was so depressed. While Cena is winning the titles and running the company.

Cena has 15 titles, and becoming bigger the business.
And your old hurt grandfather Hulk, can't compare to what john cena has done.

And that goes to all of you...
Okay, I get it. You're a Cena fan. Nothing wrong with that.

First off, we shouldn't be comparing stars from different eras because there are a lot of unquantifiable variables involved. Cena is undoubtedly the biggest star of this generation and is going to remain one for sometime. However, simply stating that X is better than Y just because it is your opinion doesn't make it true.

Are you absolutely sure that 20 years from now Cena will not become what Hogan has become today? There's no time machine to see what Cena would be at Hogan's current age. Let me state a fact. Whether you like Hogan or not, no one made a bigger impact on wrestling business than Hogan. You can make any argument you want against it, but it doesn't change the fact that Hogan's impact on pro wrestling took it to a whole new level. Cena can never have that impact.

I would always rate Cena better than Hogan in terms of in ring abilities. But when it comes to Hogan's charisma, no one in his prime could touch him. Another thing that remains to be seen is if Cena can pull a successful heel turn. Whatever the circumstances were behind Hogan's turn, it was the biggest moment in the history of pro wrestling at that time. I am not sure if Cena's turn would have an impact as big has Hogan's did. Hogan has had some of the biggest moments of pro wrestling. Cena just cannot touch any of those.

The long and short of this is: Hogan made an impact on the business that Cena can never match. And it comes from someone who wasn't even Hogan's biggest fan. Don't paint your opinion as fact. And as far as Hogan being a washed up has-been is concerned, we'll revisit this topic in 20 years.
In USA? Maybe.
Overseas? No.
I can walk here, where i live, on the street and ask who Hogan is, and some will actually know who he is or heard about him. If i ask the same question about Cena, 99% of time i will get "Who?" as my answer.

There is also a reason why WWE brings in Hogan every time (if possible) they go in Japan - Hogan is still well known here, Cena - not so much.
First of all You are a dumbass troll.

Secondly I agree with you on some terms..
Fact that Cena is a bigger star than Hogan.. Fact that Cena is going to hold more world titles than any other star in this industry.. Fact that he has carried WWE for so long and performed and worked his ass off to raise the value...

But the true fact of the matter is he ain't a greater wrestling superstar than the immortal Hulk Hogan.. Cena may have a bigger star value right now but he is just not on the levels of greatness that Hulkster has garnered..

So John Sheena always<<<<<<Hulk Hogan...

And by the way Austin is bigger than both Hogan and Cena in terms of literally everything and Rocky is way bigger a star than Austin has now outclassed every others ..He has done too much in such a short period of time and is still young and has turned everything that he did to platinum.
So allow me to declare the biggest of all facts that THE ROCK is the biggest and greatest superstar in the history of this industry...

Cena is the face of the company now and have taken wwe to new heights. And started the wwe network and become big on social media.

First of all, John Cena did not "start" the WWE Network... He's the face of the company. That's it. The WWE Network has probably been a work in progress since before John Cena even BECAME the fave of the company. CENA has taken WWE to new heights? Hulk Hogan almost single-handedly turned professional wrestling into a worldwide phenomenon. Without Hogan, there IS no Cena. Remember that. Also, Hulk Hogan was wrestling in the 80's and 90's when social media was substantially less pronounced than today. It means nothing when comparing the two. Hulk Hogan had a cartoon created about him, was on talk-shows almost once a week, and basically transcended the industry. I don't know if Cena has done that yet.

.The stats don't lie either. Cena has more world titles then Hogan, Rock, austin taker etc...

You're right about that, but again it doesn't mean much. Ric Flair rarely pops up in the discussion of top 3 of all time, much less the greatest.

.He has soon more world titles then Flair. So Cena is soon a 16-time world champion. It's just around the corner..

Don't jump to conclusions. It COULD happen, but it hasn't yet. Even if it does happen, again, it's not a primary factor.

.Cena is becoming bigger, and is a young star, while Hulk is just an old broken man now, a grandpa, that is just an empty shell, an old man that almost took his own life because he was so depressed. While Cena is winning the titles and running the company.

So Cena's better because he is younger? Don't forget, 30 years ago Hulk Hogan WAS John Cena. Hogan was the one getting better with age. Come talk to me, in 30 years when we see what all the steroids has done to John Cena's body. Hogan and Cena are two peas of the same pod, you obviously just haven't seen it yet.

.Cena has 15 titles, and becoming bigger the business.
And your old hurt grandfather Hulk, can't compare to what john cena has done.

And that goes to all of you...

This is why everybody dislikes Cena fans. You say you don't want to disrespect "old Hulk" and than go on to disrespect him in a variety of ways. You don't respect or care about the business at all. All you watch for is John Cena.
I hate the title argument. Cena has 16 title reigns but that also means he lost it 15 times lol.

Hogan was the better champion, he held the titles longer. I think having multiple titles is good but it comes down to how many days you have it. Yeah cena is a 10 000 time world champ, but hogan has officially held the title longer in physical days. I think Bruno is at the top and hogan right under.

Cena is the companies star. He has the better look then hogan and sells a shit ton of merchandise and that's credit to him for working the hardest by doing all kinds of charities and work outside them ring.

As a pro wrestling fan I'm sick of him always being at the top, a lot of his matches are predictable, now he's a better wrestler then hogan but not a better Face. When hogan was top face he was over with everyone you can't say the same with cena, there are certain towns he visits and there are more boos then cheers that never happened to hogan when he was a face. Hogan was also good enough to be a top heel and get ththe most heat, something I just don't think cena is good enough to reach.

I have hogan above cena just because I believe he has left a bigger impact on the wrestling world.
Geez I don't think you could have picked a worse comparison for Cena. Yes he is the biggest star in the WWE today, but bigger than Hogan, no.

Hogan has been around forever, and he arguably is the biggest name this sport ever produced. Even non wrestling fans know who Hulk Hogan is, Cena not so much.

Who's better in the ring, that's something you can't really compare either, as they both came along in different era's. Had Cena wrestled at the same time Hogan did, I doubt he would be anywhere as big as he is now, there was too much competition back then. Everyone was a big name.

Cena is the face of the WWE today, but Hogan is the face of wrestling. That's something Cena no matter how many titles he wins, will never achieve. No one will ever be as big as Hogan, name recognition wise.
Cena a bigger star then fucking HULK HOGAN???? :lmao:

Jesus christ, are you for real??? :lmao: :wtf:

Cena is the face of the worst era in wrestling. Hogan made WWE. Cena wouldn't be a millionaire or famous today if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan.

Hogan turned heel and created the second boom. The only boom John Cena created is when he farts and laugh at himself.

Jesus christ, holy shit a delussional john cena pg kid who recently start to watch wrestling :lmao
I disagree.

Yeah, Cena has more belts, etc. but remember that Hogan didn't wrestle for as long and the times have changed. Belts change hands much quicker these days. To me, being the bigger star equates to being famous. Everyone knows who Hogan is, wrestling fan or not. Only fans really know of Cena. I think Cena is a better performer than Hogan, but Hogan is the biggest wrestling star of all time.
Hogan changes the business in ways that Cena can't even imagine. Cena has simply filled a void. Cena really hasn't pushed the business to anything new. Both are great but Hogan's impact is second to none.
Hogan was a pop culture icon in the '80s. Is Cena a pop culture icon? No. Hogan's name was said amongst guys like Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson, Michael Jordan, etc. Is Cena's name mentioned amongst Floyd Mayweather, Derek Jeter, Lebron James, etc.? No. Sure Cena did and does more for the company, but that doesn't make him a bigger star than Hogan.
This has to be a troll or a little kid.

As several people have mentioned there would be no Cena without Hogan. He was a pop culture icon/household name/crossed over to movies and had a huge run as a face and a heel.

Older wrestlers will tell you they knew they were going to get paid when Hogan was on the card and stressed out when we would take time away to film movies, etc. and Warrior couldn't fill those shoes.

Agreed, as a wrestling fan it is time to rely less on Cena to carry the company now. Title runs do not mean what they used to, belts get tossed around all the time.
This is the only me but everytime i hear John Cena's weak ass theme music i want to vomit, but when i hear Hogan's it sturs up some really confusing patrotic feelings in me (i am not even american! i am a Brit but frankly God Save the Queen just doesnt get patrotic juices flowing like Real American does!) Frankly Hulk Hogan made wrestling mainstream, as he always says "Hulkamania will never die" and i believe that! Do you think people are gonna remember the Cenanation when he goes, i doubt it.
If you did not have Hulk Hogan, you do not have John Cena. Hogan made wrestling what it is today. Cena is just carrying the torch in WWE.
He's not, of course he isn't, but I don't think he is as far of as some want to suggest. Cena has taken the WWE to immense highs. They are an all round commercially successful company. They have various sponsors and a strong social media presence. Of course, this isn't all down to Cena but the company somewhat mirrors their top guy which is indeed Cena.

In terms of influence and whatnot, I rank Cena third. He is behind Hogan and Austin and I can't imagine anyone ever really surpassing those two. Hogan was responsible for two separate wrestling booms with his first one taking pro wrestling mainstream. Austin saved the WWE which is kind off a big deal.

Cena's merch sales are incredible. As his is longevity, work rate and overall performance inside and outside the ring. Nevermind all his stuff for charity promoting the WWE. He was the top guy during the whole Benoit saga which could have destroyed the business, it didn't, and they have recovered to new highs. Even with all that Cena has accomplished; he just isn't a bigger star than Hogan or Austin.
The biggest star in the wwe isn't even cena even tho he is the guy they are driving.

The biggest star today known for being a wwe superstar is the Rock. And he isn't even really on the roster, but he's the the guy that will headline wrestlemania if he ever decides to work one because of his instant draw power. Some guys can just reach that status on their own. With the amount of push wwe has given cena he just wasn't able to reach that mark. Not a knock against him. Some guys are just milemiles above the rest.
If we're talking about World Titles:

Hulk Hogan: 2185 Days as WWF/WWE Champion with 6 Reigns
John Cena: 1240 Days as WWE Champion with 12 Reigns

For Comparison sake Bob Backlund has 2138 Days on 2 Reigns and Bruno Sammartino had 4040 Days with 2 Reigns as well.

Hulk Hogan: 1177 Days as WCW Champion with 6 reigns.
John Cena: 154 days as World Heavyweight Champion with 3 reigns.

However, totally different eras. Just saying that going by title reigns can be deceptive.
Ok guys... hear me out before you jump on me, That's goes for all of you, everyone ok? All of you cena haters.

Cena is the face of the company now and have taken wwe to new heights. And started the wwe network and become big on social media.

The stats don't lie either. Cena has more world titles then Hogan, Rock, austin taker etc...

He has soon more world titles then Flair. So Cena is soon a 16-time world champion. It's just around the corner..

I don't mean to disrespect old Hulk, I know he made a lot for the company and made Vince rich and the wwe empire.

But Cena a has done more for the company the last decade, being the face of the company, taken wwe to new heights, with the wwe network, and he also has 9 more titles then Hulk, and second most then every other superstar in history.

Cena is becoming bigger, and is a young star, while Hulk is just an old broken man now, a grandpa, that is just an empty shell, an old man that almost took his own life because he was so depressed. While Cena is winning the titles and running the company.

Cena has 15 titles, and becoming bigger the business.
And your old hurt grandfather Hulk, can't compare to what john cena has done.

And that goes to all of you...

Dumb post. Can't compare titles. Wrestling moved MUCH slower back in the Hulkamania era. They didn't have title matches every single month at a PPV. They had a couple per year.

They also had only ONE title(duh) back then. Cena wrestled most of his career in an era with 2 titles.

And "took WWE to new heights"?? LOL. Wrestling was much more popular in the Hulkamania era than has been in Cena's whole run.

Hulk was responsible for Hulkamania and the NWO.....2 things that will always resonate much more with wrestling fans and the general public than anything Cena has done.

Cena's been the top guy for a very long time. Respect to him for that. But ultimately he's just a guy. Hogan was a movement. Actually, 2 separate movements.
First of all, John Cena did not "start" the WWE Network... He's the face of the company. That's it. The WWE Network has probably been a work in progress since before John Cena even BECAME the fave of the company. CENA has taken WWE to new heights? Hulk Hogan almost single-handedly turned professional wrestling into a worldwide phenomenon. Without Hogan, there IS no Cena. Remember that. Also, Hulk Hogan was wrestling in the 80's and 90's when social media was substantially less pronounced than today. It means nothing when comparing the two. Hulk Hogan had a cartoon created about him, was on talk-shows almost once a week, and basically transcended the industry. I don't know if Cena has done that yet.

You're right about that, but again it doesn't mean much. Ric Flair rarely pops up in the discussion of top 3 of all time, much less the greatest.


Whoa, now. What??

I agree with much of what you said, but really take issue with this. My experience is completely different. If there is someone whose name is almost ALWAYS brought up, it's Flair. Rightly so, IMO.
Oye Vey

John Cena has ALMOST as many titles as Ric Flair. Not has as many, has ALMOST as many. Nothing to really hang his hat on due to the fact that back in the day, there was the WCW Title and the WWF Title. There was a stretch of time in WWE that every match of every PPV was a title match. Cena's accomplishment in that aspect is the same as Sammy Sosa hitting all those home runs in the late 90's. TAINTED.

No arguement from me or anybody else on this forum that the key to sustained success in this business is being OVER. Nobody in their right mind would argue that he's over. He's been over and going to continue to be over. However he is beyond boring.

If you watch any YouTube you will notice that all of the "Old Timers" talk about keeping their character fresh, and switching up, and evolving. John Cena went from the Dr of Thuganomics to the dude who gets to motorboat the beautiful set of cans of Nikki Bella. Same tired act, same tired promos, same old entrance, and We all know you can't see him.

Hulk Hogan knew that he was getting boring and dared to be different, he went from the yellow and red to the black and white, stabbed fans in the back, and still made his money. Made a lot of money. He did get a little to much operating room when it came to creative and decision making but that is well documented. He came up with the ideas to put the Warrior over and also put Goldberg over to help the business.

Cena is too simple to see the writing on the wall. Peeps are tired of seeing the same old crap with him. People would love the opportunity to see John jump to a heel, myself included. Yes that would ruin his Make A Wish work but not forever. Have your year run as a heel, show people a new dimension of Cena that the hardcore fans are begging for and show the mean streak that we all know is in there.

You have a good 2-4 years left to get back to the good wholesome John Cena that you love but switch it up a little bit.

In closing, John Cena, while a good superstar and one of the most over superstars of all time, is not better than Hulk Hogan. If he ever wants to be know as the "GOAT" he needs to venture over to the dark side and atleast give it a shot.

Sorry for the rambling... I just hate John Cena
Whoa, now. What??

I agree with much of what you said, but really take issue with this. My experience is completely different. If there is someone whose name is almost ALWAYS brought up, it's Flair. Rightly so, IMO.

From my experiences, the three legends who are ALWAYS brought up or discussed as GOAT have been Hogan, Austin, and The Rock. Some may take issue with this, seeing as it's all a matter of perspective, but this is just what I have noticed over the years. To me, Flair is usually discussed in that elite second group with the likes of Shawn Michaels, Taker, Bret Hart, Randy Savage etc. Sure they have the select few fans who feel that they were without a doubt the greatest but the main players in that talk are usually the three listed above. I suppose Cena will be in that category as well soon.
I have no problem with this thread but please don't be a troll for Cena xD just down the line...don't post like 3 threads a day about how Cena is better than Hogan and Stone Cold just to cause fights. We already have people for that :p

Anyway, I'll be this guy. Number of title reigns means absolutely nothing. If Ryder held the belt 50 times...is he better than a Ryder who held it for 20 years consecutively? No, he's not. Not even close to be fair.

So what did Hogan do for wrestling? Well he actually made it possible to become a star from wrestling. I mean, name a wrestling star from before Hogan's era. To elaborate, by star I mean someone popular with regular folks. Hogan, helped popularize the sport.

In comparison, what has Cena done? He's held the company pretty tight for 10 years, not arguing that. But he's basically been the guy who's done damage control for the WWE. He isn't improving the sport, he's keeping it where it's at. Of course this is all opinion, but if someone brought up Benoit killing his family as proof that wrestling is horrible. You can say well John Cena spends a huge chunk of his free time granting wishes for Make A Wish Kids, he's also this this and this.

I'm not saying Cena is a bad guy, but you can't credit him for the WWE network...and if you really wanted to, we can argue that WWE pretty much has viewed it as a failure thus far. Hence why they cram it down our throats so hard on Raw, the failed launch, the money they lost because of it in stocks...I mean, that's not Cena's fault at all. As CM Punk said "I'm just a spoke in the machine." While Cena has more power, he's still just a spoke.

I wasn't alive for the Hogan era, so I can't truly say who was the "bigger star" but I'm calling this one equal...because why does it matter anyway? Cena is being debated as Hogan's equal, as Flair's equal, as the Rock's...that's a success. Who cares if he's higher, he's there. In elite company, be happy for him
Hulk Hogan is basically a worldwide synonymous for american wrestling. Cena's not. 'nuff said.

(and I absolutely can't stand Hogan, even more than Cena, but it's indubitable that he's the most iconic american wrestler)
Oh when I hear this stupid crap about who has more world titles. It doesn't matter at all! Hogan is 10x the star Cena is. The only reason why Cena has all those titles, is because he's in an era where wrestlers titles change hands more frequently, due to PPV and weekly TV shows.

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