Cena After The Title Reign


The Winter Soldier
It looks as though at Summerslam it officially kick off Orton's heel turn and his feud with Daniel Bryan (thats what it looks like at the moment). But after that match what will John Cena be doing? He is not scheduled for a rematch with Bryan at NoC. This leaves me wondering, what will John Cena be doing after his match with Daniel Bryan at SS. I would like to get your guys opinion on this topic and no "Oh I hate Cena i hope he does nothing" posts. He is the face of the company and Vince will have him doing something. What do you guys think he will do?
If orton cashes in I think we could see a triple threat at noc the way I see it bryan wins at ss cena has rematch but orton cashes in on bryan at ss which means d bryan has a rematch so on raw cena and bryan have a match to decide who gets the shot first and it ends when orton interferes double dq and then you have a triple threat match for the wwe title at noc orton vs cena vs bryan
I see a Triple Threat at NoC between Cena, Orton and Bryan. Cena overcomes the odds and wins back the title, and then defeats Orton in a Hell in a Cell match at HiaC. Then at Battleground, Cena will face either Bray Wyatt or Dean Ambrose, and at Survivor Series, he'll face Punk again. He'll probably lose it, have a rematch at TLC, and then go on to win the Royal Rumble for the third time. Punk drops the title to Lesnar in a rematch of SS at Elimination Chamber and Cena/Lesnar is set for Mania.
I actually think this would be a great time for the golden boy to take a few months off. Not a big hiatus but just a little period to let the rest of the roster breathe and let Orton and Bryan take the spotlight if that is truly the direction they are wanting to take.
Who says he isn't 'scheduled' for a re-match? That is a rumour. It will remain to be seen if any of this comes true or I it simply serves as a new subject for marks to bitch about if Orton doesn't cash in. I can see people now, complaining that the WWE pulled a bait and switch by not having Orton cash in. The only problem is that they didn't bait. Hell, The E ANNOUNCED that Show was coming back Monday, and he didn't, which goes to show that from day to day things change.
Who says he isn't 'scheduled' for a re-match? That is a rumour. It will remain to be seen if any of this comes true or I it simply serves as a new subject for marks to bitch about if Orton doesn't cash in. I can see people now, complaining that the WWE pulled a bait and switch by not having Orton cash in. The only problem is that they didn't bait. Hell, The E ANNOUNCED that Show was coming back Monday, and he didn't, which goes to show that from day to day things change.
They kayfabe wrote Orton out with an injury so we could be "caught off guard" when he cashed in. Same thing they did with Miz and his "anxiety attack" which was probably one of the most ridiculous ways to hide the cash-in.
They kayfabe wrote Orton out with an injury so we could be "caught off guard" when he cashed in. Same thing they did with Miz and his "anxiety attack" which was probably one of the most ridiculous ways to hide the cash-in.

UMM, ok Vince, is it? Let's face facts, that is the rumor that is currently making the rounds. You have read it on a dirt sheets and will feel ever so slighted by the E if they don't do it, won't you? You are not an insider, nor am I. The point is that that MAY be the case, but the thing to remember is that the rumor came out right after the E acknowledged that they have a leak in creative as reported on reddit and since picked up by news outlets. It is fun to watch people mark out for rumors weeks before the show takes place and laugh at the fact that they believe that the E's plans are set in stone.
UMM, ok Vince, is it? Let's face facts, that is the rumor that is currently making the rounds. You have read it on a dirt sheets and will feel ever so slighted by the E if they don't do it, won't you? You are not an insider, nor am I. The point is that that MAY be the case, but the thing to remember is that the rumor came out right after the E acknowledged that they have a leak in creative as reported on reddit and since picked up by news outlets. It is fun to watch people mark out for rumors weeks before the show takes place and laugh at the fact that they believe that the E's plans are set in stone.

What makes people laugh is seeing people write "the E" and expect to be taken seriously.

Orton was removed from TV so he can shockingly cash in soon. It might not be at SummerSlam, but it is definitely the plan. You are correct in that plans might change, but that doesn't change the fact that it is obviously the current plan. It doesn't take an "insider" to figure out WWE's writing.
What makes people laugh is seeing people write "the E" and expect to be taken seriously.

Orton was removed from TV so he can shockingly cash in soon. It might not be at SummerSlam, but it is definitely the plan. You are correct in that plans might change, but that doesn't change the fact that it is obviously the current plan. It doesn't take an "insider" to figure out WWE's writing.

Ok, Vince, is it? There is one person making decisions, and anyone who says that something 'is definitely the plan' must have a private meeting with Vince, or actually be Vince, right? *sigh* If you're old enough, I bet you used to beg your parents to call the hotlines, didn't you? Dirt sheets claim that the Orton 'injury' is to make a cash in more of a surprise, so that MUST be true, right? Well, no, actually it doesn't have to be "definitely the plan', does it? In fact, again I point out that this very specific scenario was released right after the E acknowledged the leaks.

To answer the OP question, Cena will fight for te title at NoC.
There is a strong possibility of Orton, Bryan and Cena in a triple threat at NOC. That's the most plausible story WWE might run with. As for what happens after that, it remains to be seen. I don't see them writing Cena out of WWE championship scene just yet. May be Orton and Cena revisit their rivalry (they haven't done that in sometime now). Good thing is it's difficult to guess.
interesting conundrum, especially as Punk will possibly be free once he beats Lesnar at Summerlsma and Lesnar goes away until Mania or Rumble season.
I see Bryan winning the WWE Championship, and somehow have Orton cash in on Bryan either on Raw the next night or even at Summerslam. Bryan blames Cena for the loss of the title he fought so hard for and overcame Vince and Steph and the creative holding him back blah blah blah. I see Bryan vs Cena matches occuring, but not for the WWE Championship. I see Randy Orton feuding with CM Punk over the belt leading to the Rumble and Bryan and Cena exchanging wins. With Cena and Bryan both dating Bella twins, I can easily see these pair feuding with them divas involved and wothout the WWE title being involved, which is a great move as we dont want to see the title get buried after the great work WWE have done making it valuable once again.
Odds are he will remain involved with the WWE Championship until at least Night of Champions. I firmly believe Daniel Bryan will defeat John Cena at SummerSlam, with Cena invoking his rematch clause the next night. In that match, I could see a possible double countout or disqualification or something which doesn't award either the win, perhaps interference from Orton, only for him to cash in. I don't think Daniel Bryan deserves a second screwing (after WrestleMania XXVIII), but it would make for a good storyline.

Anyway, back to topic, it will more thank likely work out that it will be Randy Orton (c) vs Daniel Bryan vs John Cena in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship at Night of Champions. Now WWE can then go two ways. Have Orton feud with Cena and have a feud that we haven't seen since 2009, is it? Or the alternative would to have Orton feud with Bryan, which is more likely and probably the best option.

As for the Cena then, I can't see who he can feud with. Dolph Ziggler perhaps, but didn't we see a little of that at the end of 2012 as well? I'm not sure. I could easily see a feud with the Wyatt Family coming up, so I wouldn't be surprised if after Night of Champions, he starts a feud with Bray and the family.
Everyone is suggesting this triple threat match but Im suggesting it happens in a different way. I believe D-Bry will win at SummerSlam and I believe that Cena will have a rematch clause that he will try and cash in on RAW but what if he was attacked backstage? I mean it could easily be Randy Orton who "attacks" Cena backstage preventing the match from happening. Cena could be shelved until Over The Limit or Battlegrounds whatever its called so that he can challenge there. I would have Randy attack both but D-Bry and Cena but not cash in. They could then have the triple threat match at HIAC and have D-Bry retain and then Orton snaps, Punts him, Pins him and gets the title. This "injures" D-Bry until Royal Rumble. He then wins Rumble and its Orton vs Bryan at Mania where Daniel Bryan wins and gets his glory moment making up for his 18 second loss.

Some predictions and some fantasy booking but this is what I ultimately think will happen with John Cena.

Well, I think John Cena will be champion heading into WM30. I also think that Orton successfully cashes is MITB in and I can definitely see Bryan winning the WWE championship. All that put together suggests Cena looses the belt but is involved in a triple threat at some point, probably HIAC.

I think we will see Orton vs Bryan one-one-one for the belt at least once, most likely at Survivor Series, allowing Cena to be in mult-man match - teaming with HHH, Brothers Of Destruction or something big.

Thereafter, my best guess is Cena winning the belt at RR leading to him facing Lesnar or The Undertaker at WM30.
MCMG, the only holes are that I can't see them putting either Lesnar or Taker in a WWE title match at Mania. Taker has to win, only to what, take the belt home for a year, or drop it right away after, if he's able. Lesnar vs Cena isn't as compelling as it might have been had they not hot shot it after Mania 28. More likely will be Lesnar vs Rock or vs Taker, or dare I hope a triple threat with Rock vs Taker vs Lesnar promoted as the biggest threat to the streak as taker doesn't have to lose to have the streak end.

As for Cena, now we're getting to some decent ideas. I do think that if Cena is pulled from the title pure it'll be to maybe take on the Wyatt's. They have been pushed on their entry and there's no better way to get over than to jump Cena.
Orton will cash in, win the title, then he will have a feud with Orton where Cena goes over in the end.

Bryan isn't a long term thing, they aren't getting behind him, he is just a stop gap option for this match before Orton cashes in.
Orton will cash in, win the title, then he will have a feud with Orton where Cena goes over in the end.

Bryan isn't a long term thing, they aren't getting behind him, he is just a stop gap option for this match before Orton cashes in.

Thank you for also reading the dirt sheets and not answering the question. Are you going to cry if this doesn't happen? After all, it is a rumor, which you claim is a fact.

Bryan is not a 'stop gap'. Have you heard the reactions he gets? Daniel Bryan will be at the top of the card for the rest of his contract.
They kayfabe wrote Orton out with an injury so we could be "caught off guard" when he cashed in. Same thing they did with Miz and his "anxiety attack" which was probably one of the most ridiculous ways to hide the cash-in.

So, go to the main page, start reading and listen for your sad trombone sound, kid. So much for what you read elsewhere and what is 'definitely the plan'...
So, go to the main page, start reading and listen for your sad trombone sound, kid. So much for what you read elsewhere and what is 'definitely the plan'...

They don't do an injury angle and then drop it for absolutely no reason. I said plans could change, and I guess they did. Doesn't change what was originally the plan.
They don't do an injury angle and then drop it for absolutely no reason. I said plans could change, and I guess they did. Doesn't change what was originally the plan.

But, you said that was 'definitely the plan'. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was never the plan. But according to you, Vince, (is it?) that was the only plan. It was a rumor, it wasn't a plan. There is a difference, that seems to have been lost on you. Rumors and fantasy booking are all over the internet, all the time. It doesn't make them plans, kid.

Apparently, Orton got his bell rung by Del Rio, and was out with a mild concussion. It wasn't an angle.
i honestly think wwe should push a Bryan and Orton feud let cena rest for a while then have cena face taker at mania
It's important to remember that Cena is that he's 36, and he's built up some serious injuries over the last decade, most notably the broken neck. 36 is the same age Edge's injuries started to catch up with him. Cena has been going pretty much non stop for 11 years now, and it's difficult to tell just how long he has left. Obviously, if it were up to Cena, he'd wrestle forever, but I have to feel there will come a point where the doctors tell him to slow down, start taking time off.

With that said, it's difficult to tell when exactly Cena will no longer be full time, so I think, from now on, that he should start helping to elevate younger talent when he's not fighting or holding the WWE championship. A good feud with Cena, if booked properly, could do wonders for guys like Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose, who have plenty of heat and main event potential, plus have never been seen as jobbers by the fans.

So yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. Rather than just throwing him into a feud with Del Rio or Big Show or Kane, do something a little different and have him work with a younger, future main eventer. Although, eventually, Cena will do his stuff with Undertaker or Punk or whoever he's facing at Wrestlemania.
Its about time Cena goes on a vaca. The only time he seems to go away for bit is when he is seriously injured but I think he should go for a couple months vaca and maybe people will anticipate his return and when he returns he should have some character tweaks or a change that makes him interesting. The only interesting thing about him now is the crowd reaction but even thats expected and nothing new. Same half boos half cheers. Hope if he does go for a hiatus he'll return with either a more gritty Austin like face character or a veteran hardcore Triple H type character. Not saying exactly like them but to a certain degree
It would be great to finally see Cena in bad guy mode. I was sure it was happening after WM29, when he finally seemed to be expressing resentment at the constant booing he's endured. Also, coming off a match against a good guy legend like Rock appeared the perfect time for a face change. Instead.....nothing new.

Now, I'm hoping for it again, this time against Daniel Bryan. The little shit seems to be at the height of his fame as a face.....and it's hard to believe they plan to have him lose to Cena, at least not without any drama taking place.

And yes, the way Cena stood silently looking down at Daniel after announcing his choice of opponent for Summerslam seemed unlike him, whom under different circumstances might have enjoyed Daniel's antics. He sure didn't appear to enjoy them on Raw 7/16.

Despite what we read about Vince McMahon's not thinking much of Daniel, WWE knows how to ride a winner and Bryan has been maneuvered into the top spot as a face. In the last major PPV at WM29, we saw the unusual spectacle of face vs. face in the main event. Frankly, I don't think we're going to see it again this soon: I say Cena turns bad and the possibilities for him after the PPV are endless.

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