Cashing in the Briefcase (Money in the Bank)


Equal Opportunity Poster
So, as I sat here this evening, I thought back to remember if the MITB briefcase had be cashed in yet and it triggered this idea in my head for a topic that may have been brought up in the past but I'm pretty sure not recently.

Is it a better idea to keep the briefcase around until Wrestlemania approaches and a new MITB is coming up or is it ok/better to use it earlier or whenever?

What made me wonder about this was the fact that I even had to think about whether it had happened yet or not. If they keep it closer to WM it helps to constantly keep it fresh in the fans minds that the MITB match is coming up. I mean, it served its purpose this last time but now that it isn't being carried in by someone every show it can easily slip from one's mind if you just go on and follow the normal program.

What do you guys think though? Preferences?
The briefcase to me shouldn't be used to plan a match, it should feel spontaneous. RVD using it worked because everything came together. Kennedy cashing it in one year wouldn't have worked out as well, in my opinion. Unless a lot falls into place I don't think pre-planning the "cash in" would work.

Keeping it for a long time could get tiring. I remember being so bored with Edge constantly attacking people with it. It became expected and was his only real gimmick at the time.

I think it would actually be shocking if the winner cashed it in the same night they won it, at Wrestlemania after the main event. I'm not sure if shocking is good in this case but it would definitely be shocking.
I think it would be cool to tease it a few times. Have the winner come out and then decide that this isn't quite the right time and leave. It would serve a storyline purpose of keeping the champ on edge, cause he will never know when the owner of the briefcase will be right there behind him ready to cash in.

Kinda related though, when is a MITB winner going to lose? Right now, the MITB winner is a guaranteed future champion. Nobody has ever won the briefcase and not won the title (except Kennedy, but he never officially "cashed it in"). It would suck for the person that they do it too, but in my mind to keep the match and the whole idea of Money in the Bank fresh, there has to be some sort of a chance that just because you won the briefcase, you still have to beat the champ to get the title.

I think the perfect candidate would be the Miz. He could hold it over the champ for months with fake cash-ins, and promos saying that it's only a matter of time before he becomes champ, he's just waiting for when HE wants to do it. Then at just the right time have him cash in and have someone else interfere and cost him the title, perhaps someone he screwed in the MITB match itself when he won the briefcase. It could start a huge program between him and whoever they have interfere, and if it's done right, it could give him more of a push than a token month or two title reign might.
I'm not sure if shocking cashing in the MITB after the main event is the word to use, depends on who does it(like Miz or Christian(has anyone noticed no one has won it from ECW, only former ECW, punk comes to mind)). MITB I think was brought up to give superstars a real push(again, Pumk comes to mind) because everyone who was won MITB(Edge, Anderson,Punk, RVD, Punk again) has used it to in their first world title(edge and punk second or third also). so to tell you the truth i would like to see kofi win to complete his push.
I think the way :worship:Edge held the MITB it was awesome, he was still having upper mid card matches, such as:

vs Beniot (Backlash)
vs Kane {(Vengeance) This was a loss, but the performance was great}
vs Matt Hardy (RAW and Summerslam, great loser leaves RAW/Money in The Bank "Title Match"
vs Ric Flair (New Years Revolution) Match ended in a DQ but it Ended good, I dont think Edge was ready to win the IC title and later on the WWE title

Mr Kennedy (TNA's KEn ANderson) tried to do the same and save the title shot till the next wrestlemania, to which im sure the wwe writers would have let as an already main event for the event, or not liked and have him cash it in at summerslam etc, but injury caused him to lose the contract.

CM Punk (1st MITB) and RVD both carried it good as well although Punk had no feud to go along with while RVD did (IC TITLE).

SOOOO im ganna say Edge is the only MITB member to hold it closer to WM, but it wasnt stale, he was doing things so people knew he was MR MONEY IN THE BANK!
Here is an idea. It seems like when the MITB winner cashes in, the match is always over in like 2 minutes. Why not have a longer match?

Something like this would work..... Randy Orton beats Sheamus in an epic match at Royal Rumble. Then the MITB winner comes out to cash in, and him and Orton proceed to have a 30 minute match. Orton emerges the victor once again, having one of the most brutal, yet successful nights in WWE history. That would be a HUGE boost for Orton, and it wouldn't hurt the MITB person either. It would show that they are capable of having a long, hard fought match with the WWE Champ.
I think it should be different every year. While this is a good way to push young guys, remember, the most important thing is putting on a good show. To have the MITB cashed in at the end of another match in "shocking fashion" could get old (still shocking, yes). I would do something different with it everytime. One year the MITB guy loses, one year he sets up a match in advance, the next year the winner attacks a guy after a grueling match and takes the title. I think they need to keep this a bit off balance, not letting the eventual outcome always be the same. Winning the MITB is a big achievement in itself, that person does not always need to win the gold when cashing in the briefcase.
I would like to see Shelton Benjamin win it this year. He is in it every year, puts on a great performance, then someone else climbs the ladder and wins it. I think it should be his year to win it.
I would like to see Shelton Benjamin win it this year. He is in it every year, puts on a great performance, then someone else climbs the ladder and wins it. I think it should be his year to win it.

Agreed. I hate how he was built up only to get crushed down. His time in the worlds greatest tag team was awesome, then he heads to raw and holds the IC title forever, loses it, wins it back and so forth. Has an AMAZING match with HBK on Raw.... gets the IC title back... loses it... then goes to the lower card for the rest of his career.

I'm actaully more into ECW than the other shows... out of both shows it makes the most sense(which is bad huh?). That said.... I also know ECW is the whipping boy's show and he couldn't even win the ECW title.... he is an amazing talent and it blows that he doesn't get his shot. Money in the bank should be his this year... he should go on to lose his title match, but then be in the title picture and hopefully win the title in a real match later in the year.
I would like to see at Wrestlemania 26 Kane win MITB as it will be his last reign as champ and he needs a streak as wwe champ.

and he should cash it in on the same night, If undertaker vs HBK happens and then they have another 40+ min match and Taker wins. As he has the belt in hand, gets down on the knee, the arena lights go purple and then BANG !!!! flames and Kanes music hits, he cashes in the MITB and beats Taker to take his WH Title.
What I'd like to see happen is someone, whomever it is, cash in the briefcase the very same night at Wrestlemania, after the Undertaker match, and then take away his streak.

Assuming he was the champion still, of course.

I think that would be a pretty huge swerve/push.

But I don't think Kane should do it.
I would like to mention that the point of the topic was to discuss the usage ("Cashing in") of the briefcase, not who should win it this year. I've seen a couple posts that just say "So and so should win the MITB this year." but that isn't the topic at hand.
What i'd love to see is the Money in the Bank winner cashing in in the middle of a match.

For example John Morrision is the MITB holder and there is a match going on between Batista and CM Punk, John Morrision comes down and hangs around for a while while those two beat each other up, he then cashes in the middle of the match and takes them both out before winning the championship.
i would like to see as well the Mitb cashed in the same night is won.... i mean it s never been done before.... and it would create instant heat in the case the face after chasing the title to the biggest stage of them all just has the title stolen from him the same night.... or create instant cheers... i mean do you remeber WM 9 with Hogan winning the title out of nowhere from Yokozuna, who just had beaten a babyface bret hat??? that place went crazy
Another one I want to see see is a title match goes on and before the challenger comes out whoever has MITB takes the challenger out with the briefcase. It could also work with the champion. Say the champ is in the ring waiting for his opponent then the guy with the briefcase comes out of the audience and attacks him then cashes in and pins the champ.

The other thing I'd like to see is somebody cashing it in and losing. It hasn't been done yet and many people were really hoping it would happen to CM Punk. I think that is still stuck in their head as a good idea.
If someone wins at WrestleMania and cashes it in and wins the title, it would need to be a face that does that, and it would need to be the title match that ISN'T the main event - unless the cash-in is a long match. We wouldn't be happy if, for instance, we had Jericho go into WM26 as champion, beat Edge, and then out of the blue Kofi Kingston comes in, does Trouble in Paradise, and wins the title, and then WrestleMania is over. It would feel weird.

However, it WOULD be a good idea to do something similar. Last year, CM Punk lost his title due to Randy Orton and then they never really had a feud to settle it between them. Punk just teamed up with Kofi, won the tag titles from Legacy, and then dropped them a few weeks later. The whole angle was forgotten. When Punk won the MITB a second time, I thought it would have been very interesting to see Randy Orton beat Triple H, punt him, and go against the grain. When does the sadistic heel ever beat the champion at the end of WrestleMania and win the feud that he started by beating up family members? Never. So you do that and everyone is shocked, and then bam, Punk cashes in, they have a 10 minute match and CM Punk comes out of it the winner. Everyone leaves WrestleMania in a good mood because the bad guy did lose, we had two title changes, and they weren't expecting a shocker with the MITB.

When it comes to non-WrestleMania situations, well, it depends. Should someone cash in their shot and lose? Yeah. But it needs to be done in a way that can still elevate them to main event status. And it needs to be done in a way that doesn't piss off all of us. For instance, it would be a huge mistake to have the Miz win Money in the Bank, cash it in against John Cena, and immediately run into an Attitude Adjustment and lose, and then start a midcard feud with someone. That would just be counter productive and annoying, and the entire point of it would be just to give Cena something he doesn't need in expense of someone who could be more. It could work, though, if for instance, the Miz won, cashed it in against someone, and somehow gets disqualified or rolled-up real quick, and then lays the person out. Then, you have Miz challenge and face the champion at the next pay-per-view anyway because they're now in a feud. Maybe at this ppv or maybe the next one, Miz does win the title. You elevate the talent, you shock people by not having him win in the cash-in, and everyone wins...except it requires the face to actually put the heel over, so you know that'll never happen with Triple H.
I think it depends on who wins it and when. I'd like to see it cashed in at WrestleMania, but it might also be good to wait until the next WrestleMania as Mr. Kennedy said he would. To be honest though, it is the timing that matters. When Punk won it the first time, he cashed in after Batista had beaten Edge up, and there wasn't much build for him. Two double DQs later he lost the title. Crap. The second time, it came on the wave of a huge heel turn and it was well executed. In short, what needs to be done is an analysis of who wins it and when. A face shouldn't try and sneak a win, they should cash in in advance. A heel can cash in slyly, but it has to make sense. That being said, the cash in should come as part of a sustained push, as it did with Edge, RVD, Edge, and Punk the second time, and not as it did with Punk the first time.
I have a clusterfuck idea. They should hold Mania earlier than the previous one. The previous MiTB winner should keep his briefcase until the night of Wrestlemania, where right after the Main Event, he cashes it in on the winner. Then, the guy who won MitB earlier in the night cracks the guy who just cashed in with the briefcase, and he cashes in on that guy.
I think that it would b great to have the winner cash in the case the same night. Two title changes would b hella cool and unexpected at WM. It would actually make more sense than how Batista got the title and he wasnt even scheduled to b there lol
I would like to see at Wrestlemania 26 Kane win MITB as it will be his last reign as champ and he needs a streak as wwe champ.

and he should cash it in on the same night, If undertaker vs HBK happens and then they have another 40+ min match and Taker wins. As he has the belt in hand, gets down on the knee, the arena lights go purple and then BANG !!!! flames and Kanes music hits, he cashes in the MITB and beats Taker to take his WH Title.

You my freind obviously didnt watch the royal know...the PPV where Taker LOST his Title to Chris Jericho. ANyway back on Subject i would like Christian to win and cash it in b4 the Jericho/Edge match, makin it a triple Threat. Have the brothers double team Jericho, then have Christian Turn on Edge,b4 Jericho gets a sneaky win. This gives us a lot of things:

1: Jericho retains, and hopefully has a good run as champ
2: We get a nice brotherly feud
3: For the first time the winner of MITB does NOT go on to become champ, but at the same time makes Christian look strong and puts him in the ME scene
You my freind obviously didnt watch the royal know...the PPV where Taker LOST his Title to Chris Jericho.

Um, Taker lost to jericho at elimination chamber actually. But thats not the point.

I think this would be a good way to do it and would incorperate a few of the things people have already said. Have the winner hold onto it for a while, until after the mitb ppv. then you have 2 people with the briefcase. then have the world champion have a massive, brutal match with someone, and end up victorious. the challenger could win as well, it doesn't matter either way. then BOTH mitb winners come out to cash in. the champ is layed out on the floor. the to challengers have a good 20 minute match, that ends with the champion getting a roll up at the end. then the mitb players have lost. if the qualty of match was good neither would look weak. and it would certainly be shocking.

Do you guys reckon that would work/be likely?
I don't really like the whole thing how if you win MITB you are pretty much guaranteed a title win. I think it would be more shocking if the winner cashed it in and then lost. It would add to the unpredictability of the cashing in process, something that WWE direly needs to keep the MITB concept from getting stale. I also think switching up how it's cashed in would also help keep the concept fresh. Like others have said, maybe one year a match gets set up in advance, the next year the guy cashes it in after the champ is beat down, or maybe, just maybe like WWE says every year, the winner cashes it in at Wrestlemania?
I have a feeling that, with the upcoming MITB PPV, the winner of that one will be the first to cash in to set up a Wrestlemania match in advance, or at least that's what I feel is a highly likely course of action. Assuming that is the plan, I don't know if I can see this year's WM winner cashing in that night. If they do, then the PPV winner may not bookmark their Superbowl. But that might be exactly what they want me to think.
I would like to see the winner of MITB at Mania keep the briefcase until after the MITB PPV and then have 2 MITB holders. I would then like to see one of the wrestlers(preferably a heel) cash in the briefcase and become champion and then immediately the other briefcase holder(preferably a face) cashes in his shot and takes the very same title. It would be something very different and something I would like to see.
Now the MiTB is prestigious as it is but like i think if the right person won it say for instance Christian (i Hope) somebody like him could hold it until the next Wrestlemania, during this time he could fake cash ins have programs over it come out on top, this will also add to the prestige of winning the briefcase and also make Christian a sure and common contender for the major titles and also provides a fresh main event what does everybody think ?

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