Carter signs paperwork to fire Abyss; Big swerve coming?


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So we all saw at the beginning of the night that Eric Bischoff was able to calm down Abyss and got him to let Dixie go. Wierd huh. Thought Abyss was all about destruction and domination and proving a point. Why then does he let Dixie go, and dont tell me its because he likes Eric. And then just a few minutes ago Eric walks up to Dixie and says here sign these papers, there to have Abyss fired as off the 11th. Ummm hello, how did the attorneys draw that up that fast? Why did Dixie not read it? I know she trusts Eric but this has huge swerve written all over it. Eric gets Dixie to sign Abyss's "termination" paper to have him fired as of the 11th. Then on the night of the 10th its revealed Eric is behind the whole thing like we all think. But now he has a paper giving him full control of TNA signed by Dixie Carter. I know this is a stretch and I know its been done plenty of times before, but doesnt this just seem like something TNA and especially Vince Russo would do? Lets get your comments on this, and yes this is my first thread ever so take it easy!
I thought da same thing da moment I saw her sign it I fel like it's a recycled swerve but could turn out in tnas favor. Now I'm new 2 dese forums so bare wit me but if bischoff takes ova who would he side wit wat happens 2 Joe and Jarret? Da new wolfpack (nash,pope,sting)? Dis swerve leaves space 4 a lot of new angles and new character involvement tna needs new feuds and dis could b da way 2 have sum new ideas cum in
When Impact started, Abyss had Dixie Carter chained to him, and only let her go when Eric Bischoff came out, and instructed him to. As a result, Dixie told Bischoff she wanted Abyss fired. Eric didnt want to at first, but he finally relented. As he was calling Abyss out to fire him, RVD interrupted, and inadvertantly(as well as coincidentally) kept Bischoff from firing him until after the PPV. RVD spoke of an unwritten code between wrestlers, that they settle things in the ring. Bischoff agreed without even consulting Dixie.

Backstage later, there was a segment where Dixie was upset about the "code", noting that things had gone beyond that. Bischoff agreed, and said Abyss would be fired after BFG at 12:01AM. Bischoff produced a document from seemingly nowehere, stating it was from TNA's lawyer. All Bischoff needed was Dixie's signature, and Abyss would supposedly be terminated.

Dixie, without even reviewing said termination papers, signed away. Who knows what she was really signing? As president of the company, and not seeing eye to eye with Bischoff lately, dont you think she would at least review the document first? I can understand her being upset and all, but that just seems like bad business to sign something without actually reviewing it. This seems like a swerve to me.

So my question is, what was Dixie Carter really signing? I think she was unknowingly signing official power and control of the company over to Bischoff. They've been dropping enough hints that Bischoff has an ulterior motive, and gaining power and control of the company would allow him to accomplish this. But what do u think? Was Dixie really signing Abyss' termination papers, or something else? If something else, what was it?
Thats pretty much exactly what happened. I think it was set up well enough. Should lend to some interesting storylines.

Joe, Jarrett, Nash, Sting, Pope, Angle team up after BFG. That will bring us up to 4 stables with Fortuine, EV2, NWO2, and "TNA". Im sure Angle wins the belt will help lead the TNA team.

Plus suposedly Tag team wrestling is making a come back...

TNA really needs to get Explosion on a channel that every gets so they can expand a bit and really start using the enormous roster they have accumulated in the past year or so.
I thought the same. Its apart of the Deception angle IMO. I dont believe Deception and They are related. Sting goes to Dixie and says I told you so and he helps her win back the company.
This screams swerve. Its kinda like a tv show where someone says "he sign this contract real quick and its all set." Then they get screwed in the end. Oh wait Bischoff said that....wait a minute.

Its obivious this will lead to Bischoff gaining something with whoever he aligns with, blah, blah, blah. Way to predictable on TNA's part.
my friend and i called that too as soon as we saw the papers. tna can be so predictable. i called the battle royal before it started. i also think the hogan thing is a work too.
Well the rumors have been that "they" could be Bischoff and others so it wouldnt surprise me if this is a swerve and i wont be shocked if others are in on it, including other wrestlers. i WANTED Jarrett and Foley to be "they," but TNA didnt want to go with that route, if i had to guess now, Bischoff and others will be they and Hogan and Jarrett could be a part of the plan.
I sure hope this is part of the deception angle and not "they" angle. "They" has to be something really special and Eric taking control of TNA is old and been done before. I'm looking for something big and Bishoff in charge is a major letdown for the "they" storyline.
I think that it will Play into The Deception Angle and not the They angle. Dixie probably just signed all her power away or something along those lines to Bishoff and Hogan thus proving Sting to be right that Hogan and Bishoff were in it for themselves. Should be pretty interesting to see how this plays out.
And, maybe Im looking at it too closely, but maybe RVD was purposely distracting Dixie so Eric could get whatever it was on that paper signed. Dixie gave Eric the responsibility of firing Abyss and RVD came out and had Bischoff wait so there was no need to beg Dixie for anything.

Hogan was in love with RVD so obviously RVD siding with Hogan and Bischoff wouldnt be a stretch by any means and if Hogan and Bischoff turn heel RVD will likely follow with them. Once again i think this is part of the Deception angle and not the They angle. I dont think both are connected.
Of course it's a swerve. There's no way Abyss is going to be fired. I don't know what exactly is on the paper Carter signed, but your idea makes sense. It probably wouldn't be enough for Bischoff just to tear up the paper, because Carter could still fire Bischoff & Abyss. So Bischoff has to have some kind of control he can use to run the company like a heel, which is what he's always done best. I still say Anderson wins the title match w/help from "They", turning him back to a heel and setting up a stable he can lead. Angle wouldn't have to retire necessarily-Anderson could pin Hardy & Angle wouldn't have lost, or Anderson could cheat, compelling Angle to stay around & get revenge. Of course, Angle could always turn heel, but I think Anderson would be a better option for that.
For anyone that still thinks They and Deception is not related. You are out of your mind. The evidence is clear and cut. No reason for TNA to put over TWO major swerves at the PPV. It's the same angle. It's pretty cut and dry. Bischoff is the only one to make Abyss to let go of Dixie Carter. Abyss kidnapped Dixie to setup the contract signing later. If Bischoff was not involved with They, Abyss would have been fired earlier.
my friend and i called that too as soon as we saw the papers. tna can be so predictable. i called the battle royal before it started. i also think the hogan thing is a work too.

Keep in mind that nothing has been revealed yet. We all could be completely wrong, so calling TNA "predictable" here is a bit premature.

And I'm sure a lot of people didn't pick up on it.
This swerve has been brewing up since December when Foley drove to Nashville to meet with Jarrett in the bar. Jarrett hasn't been seen in months due to Dixie benching him for his inappropriate behavior with Karen Angle. Foley convinces Jarrett to meet with Dixie to have his job back.

Hogan/Bischoff are running the show but it's still Dixie's company. Not in Jarret's eyes. TNA should be his. He's the founder after all and it always will be Jarrett's. So Jarrett cooks up a master plan to take his company back with the help of Hogan/Bischoff.

Hogan steps aside to let Bischoff conduct Jarrett's hazing because Hogan would rather not open the Bash at the Beach wound. Bischoff has Jarrett jump through ridiculous hoops to not make Dixie suspicious of their collusion while at the same time undermining and overturning Dixie's business decisions.

Bischoff hands Dixie Abyss' "termination" papers, which she doesn't even peruse, possibly signing away the company to the very man who wants TNA back the most, Jeff Jarrett. The "code" applies more so in the Jarrett/Hogan/Bischoff scenario than what RVD was referring to.

Makes sense to me that "They" are Jarrett/Hogan/Bischoff. Jarrett gets his company back from Dixie. JJ hasn't forgot Bash 2000. That was WCW's "Montreal screwjob". With Russo behind the cameras as well, there is a possibility of a double swerve. The ultimate collusion of JJ/Russo to make life a living hell for Hogan/Bischoff.
Dixie just sold her company to her parents name. It was hinted at the start. It happened, that was the change. Her parents will then re-hire Abyss as the new owners of TNA and do what they please.

RVD, Abyss, Bischoff, Hogan are in on it. They know what's up. This could explain the recent signing of Brother Love who is a WWE creative/producer of 20 years alongside Vince McMahon.

Bob and Janice will hype the slate clean and start everything new creatively. We could see Live Impact weekly, even going on the road.

Dixie will still be involved somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if she fights back against her parents and RVD, Abyss with bringing in Batista or somebody else to fight her way back into the company down the line.

It's basically a bigger version of Vince vs. Donald in control of Raw.
Last week Russo said that Bischoff's main goal is to be the main guy, in charge, running it all. Your theory fits this perfectly. They put Russo on Reaction for a reason. They made him say what he said for a reason.

Bischoff wants the company - he just got it. I can see Bob and Janice carter being involved in this in some way.

Anywho, great theory, and I'll be more than happy if that happens. Heel Bischoff is the shit. Just don't let it be JUST Bischoff.
Win or lose, someone is going to rehire Abyss. I assume Bischoff and Russo may be the ones that are in charge that somehow get the ownership of TNA away from Dixie. I don't know how that could be possible, but sometimes you have to suspend disbelief in TNA. Abyss isn't going anywhere, which is too bad because I could really care less about him at this point. He is sloppy and the character has been nothing but annoying. RVD will probably get his revenge on Abyss only to have "they" come out and rip up the contract that Dixie signed to terminate him. My guess is Bischoff and someone else.
So if Bischoff tricked Dixie into signing papers assuming they were Abyss' termination papers as you say, why would someone assume that it was Hogan and Bischoff are in it together. Let's go back about 3 or 4 months when Hogan asked Bischoff to tone it down and fall in line. Bischoff was doing things behind Hogan's back, he got caught and Hogan put him in check. So now Hogan is having the back spinal cord stimulator implanted. I had that done, and there is no ICU stay. It is done out patient. It takes about an hour. That footage of surgery they showed wasn't putting in a SCS. That may have been from previous back surgery where they work on a disc in his back. The STS are wire leads that are put in through a needle, done with local anestetic and you go home an hour later. You have wire leads outside tour back for a week or so, and if the STS helps you go back and they shoot the wires all the way below the skin, and they cut a pouch in your but to burry a battery no bigger than a matchbook.

Back to the story. I think Bischoff signed papers giving TNA control to Eric Bischoff. Sting and Nash for some reason give me the feeling that they're going to put an ass whooping on The Pope at 10/10/10/. He's doing a lot of the running off at the mouth. Nash and Sting have been kind of reserved these last few shows. I don't believe the storyline would have Jarrett in on the deal. Unless it's a swerve and I say this because Dixie suspended Jarrett for a long time. Jarrett had to jump through hoops to get back to wrestling. Cleaning toilets, cooking food, and all the other crap Bischoff made him do. Jarrett and Bischoff could have that a work so it seems like Bischoff is against Jarrett. It may have been Jarrett who made a deal with the devil he knows, instead of with the devil he may not have known well enough(Dixie).

So he makes a deal with Bischoff that if he can get his company away from Dixie he would give him a percentage of the company. Now Dixie is so upset and humiliated by Abyss that her anger makes her sign something that she didn't even look at, and Bischoff used her moment of anger and distraction to put the company in his and Jarrett's name. He let Jarrett in on it because maybe they needed Jarrett's signature to finalize any deal, because he still was a minority shareholder who had rights of first refusal if Dixie were to sell her shares. Jarrett would have the right to buy them first. But Bischoff convinced Jarrett to trust him saying he can get Hogan to sign his shares over, and he devised away or an elaborate scheme to wrestle control away from Dixie, and ever so slyly behind Jarret's back into his own control.

Now maybe Nash and Sting heard part of the plan and they think Hogan and Bischoff are in the scheme together, when in reality Hogan has no idea. But Bischoff is going to be able to throw that in his face. What Bischoff forgets his according to the storyline he's and investor and an equal partner with Dixie. So maybe with Hogan weakened with a back injury they can continue this whole thing even longer by trying to force Hogan to sign over his shares. Which could create a power struggle when Jeff Jarrett finds out the truth about Bischoff's double cross. Now Bischoff owns shares, Hogan own shares, Jarrett owns shares, and Foley owns shares.

Now lines in the sands can be drawn with a HUGE power struggle. Foley has all the ECW guys behind him, Hogan get's the sympathy of the the guys who came over from the WWE, Jarrett has the loyalties of all the TNA originals less the guys in Fourtune, with Bischoff aligning himself with Flair and Fourtune. All of which leaves Dixie without anything, and she can be written out of storylines for a long while, and therefore written off of television. Then they could have PPV's that work towards the shares of the company eventually going back to Jarrett, or better yet to Hogan.

In the end Hogan can win back all the shares by coaching his crew through the storm. He can then have a live Impact contract signing where Dixie get's all her shares back, while Jeff Jarrett never get's to wrestle or fight for all the shares, that way Jarrett can't win them all back and fire whoever he wants, making the company solely his again.:lol::wtf:
And you have it. Dixie probably signed documents giving all power to Bischoff. It was nicely done and quite believable.

The only thing that I have on my mind right now, is where is Hogan in all this? Is he a part of this, or maybe Bischoff decided to use the fact that Hogan is not present and take the control by to himself only, leaving Hogan out.
Bischoff as lead heel head of TNA could work nicely. Hogan can't wrestle & Hogan isn't as good on the mic as Bischoff. So I really see so no role for him. Have them be dual co-runners of TNA as heels will not work. With him being a walking cripple right now and a possible no-show for upcoming Impacts it would be smart just to cut Hogan out of the storyline altogether.
I can honestly say that I have absolutely no idea where everything is going with respect to Bound For Glory on 10/10/10. With theories and speculation running rampant, I have not fully arrived on anything concrete which I think with confidence is going to happen. With one exception.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Dixie's signing of Abyss's "termination papers" without reading them is going to be an integral component of the storyline. I am convinced that what she has done is sign over complete control of TNA to someone (remains to be seen who) and that lo and behold, Abyss will not be fired, and someone arrives at BFG with papers in hand, signed by Dixie herself, saying they're now in control of the show.

If this is indeed how it plays out, it would appear that both Abyss and Bischoff are involved: Abyss freaking Dixie Carter out to get her to demand his termination, and Bischoff to dupe her into the paper signing. I fully believe the "they" angle and the "deception" angle are one and the same, there's no way they are running two separate storylines of this magnitude concurrently.

I have stated my opinion from day one that there has to be an outside force coming as well to be front and centre amongst all of this. If "they" are coming, as Abyss continues to rant and rave about, they have to be coming from outside, they all cannot already be there.

I see it like this. Abyss and Bischoff are major players involved in the angle. Hogan will be on the outside looking in at the beginning and will not appear at BFG (even though all along I was convinced he would be there and that it was all a ruse regarding his back surgery). Eventually he will lead the charge against them, only to later be a part of them afterall (more deception). I no longer believe that Angle, Anderson, or Hardy are involved. I now think that RVD is a part of it all, that his assault at the hands of Abyss was a work (all happened off camera conveniently). He will challenge and later defeat the winner of the title at BFG. And the outside entity coming in will be none other than Paul Heyman. All of his negativity towards TNA was a work, he's been the plan all along, working the IWC by suggesting otherwise.

In a nutshell, "they" are Abyss, Bischoff, Hogan, RVD, Heyman, and likely a couple of other secondary guys for support. They assume control from Dixie Carter and are now in charge of TNA.

And to the guys who talk about any of this being predictable, give me a break. There's countless theories and suggestions making the rounds regarding all of this. Somewhere amongst all of this will be the way it all actually plays out, and then all the know-it-alls will come out of the woodwork saying I told you so and it was too predictable. TNA has run this angle reasonably well, I just hope it all doesn't fall flat on Sunday, it will be catastrophic to TNA if it does.
You guys continue to forget Dixie's parents are involved. Abyss made it very clear of that.

Dixie would be unemployed. Who has the legit power (Realistically) to fire Dixie Carter? Her parents the CEOs of TNA and Panda Energy. Bob and Janice Carter.

The silver spoon will be taken from her mouth is what Abyss said. Dixie's riches come from her parents.
What if Vince Russo storyline wise gets full control of TNA? He has good mic skills and is a good natural heel, it would play off greatly for him to take control. Say he did not want Hogan and Bishoff to run TNA to ground like wCw and that he is upset cause people think that he did it when he could say was really Hogan and Bishoff who destroyed wCw. He could also say that he can make TNA that great company and best in the world like he tried to do with wCw, and say was not Vince McMahon but him who made WWF great in attitude Era cause he had all them nice ideas and Vince got them and stole the from him. ''They'' could be Russo, Abyss, Anderson, Sting, Nash and Pope. Bishoff could then get a team to go against them with Angle, Hardy, Jarrert, Joe and RVD.
Some great ideas and scenarios here. Whoever is behind the swerve aims to wrestle control away from Dixie. she's a business person. Moreover, she's a woman. A non wrestling minded woman as president of TNA doesn't fit in with the "code".

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