The blame should be shared for Carlito's depush. For one, he has definitely been lazy and unwilling to work lately. But the reason for this could be that the WWE is shoving him out of the limelight and into gimmicks that would piss anyone off. If he is ever going to become huge, he has to learn to deal with this sort of stuff, and if he can't, you can guarantee that he won't be main eventing in the WWE at all. He seemed a lot more free when he had the cocky heel gimmick, and that worked well with him and the fans because they loved to hate him. He has got ability, but he needs to stop worrying about how he is being pushed, and more so on impressing the guys who matter.
He is obviously giving them a bad impression so he definitely needs to shape up. There is a good reason behind the depush, and he needs to dig himself out of it. He didn't deserve to be put into this hole in the first place, but he is digging himself deeper into it. We all want to see him back in the character he was, and only he can get himself back there. Otherwise he is going to remain in this position because he is too lazy to get back on track and sort his career out.
To me, the Ric Flair promo reflected my sentiments exactly. He doesn't even look like he cares about wrestling anymore, and the fans are starting to see that. He needs to get his act together and learn to work with the crap the WWE gives to him, because if he does, he will be rewarded down the track, or he can get the hell out.