[OFFICIAL] Michael Tarver / Carlito Discussion Thread

Double post, bant.

Tarver did very well on the mic. It's a shame they look to be voting him off early, because he's been doing well the few times a mic has been placed into his hand. He has a very intense but natural delivery, and his words flow well. Disregarding any "Win or lose, I will not lose!" moments, his promos have all been decent-to-good.

I still wish he'd adapt his moveset to his gimmick. He's supposed to be a boxer, so start using more punches!

Oh well, he's not going to be around for very long, so I suppose it's not a big deal.

I actually see they can do more with Carver than they can with Otunga. Even his crappier promos are better than Otunga's best. And he's better in the ring than Otunga too (not that it's saying much). Carver should go find an ugly, "not quite" a-list celebrity to have sex with so he can get the attention Otunga gets. I don't think having him refuse to do the competitions is such a good idea unless they had him winning his matches. He's got 3 weeks left in his WWE run though. He better enjoy those weeks.
So, the main site posted this:

According to a new report, WWE has told NXT star Michael Tarver to stop using the Kill Shot, which is a knockout punch, as it has been Big Show's finisher for quite some time now.

Uhm, wow. They base his whole 'gimmick' on the fact that he can knock someone out in 1.9(?) seconds, he has a fucking t-shirt that says it and now this?

Seriously, maybe I'm an idiot for expecting anything to happen, but couldn't they have thought about that before they gave him this knockout shtick to work with? Real bright.
I also expected him to stick around longer because they let him appear to be such a loser, he could've turned out to be the awesome surprise contestant or whatever.
Yeah, I saw that story and thought it was incredibly stupid.

So, Tarver continues to impress promo-wise this week. How did they not push him like this from the start? Tarver is infinitely more interesting than someone like Darren Young or Heath Slater. I hope he doesn't get eliminated because he really has a ton of potential that they just aren't utilizing. Tarver is a darn good talker and an OK wrestler (though I seriously wish he'd add in some more MMA or boxing inspired moves) and he's probably going to be the first one kicked off. Rubbish.
What I' wondering is why do all of the NXT wrestlers besides maybe Otunga have awful finishers? Did anyone see Tarver's finisher? It was like a World's strongest slam, only not as strong. I feel bad that he's gonna get voted off first, when I think it should be Slater. I see nothing in Slater at all. He's awful. His finisher is a roll-up, if I'm not mistaken. I mean, really, Tarver has apparently 5 kids, he used to be homeless, and he had to work 3 jobs to provide for his family. Since he isn't winning NXT and will be voted off first, I think he should be Dibiase's "Virgil". Everyone on the show, except Slater, should get a shot at being on the main roster.
I feel bad that he's gonna get voted off first, when I think it should be Slater.

I feel exactly the same way. It's awful, because seeing some of Tarver's work in FCW, he is much better on both promos and in ring than Slater, and yet Slater is getting this push (a win over Jericho! Why?!) That's not that Slater is awful, but I just prefer Tarver, he even has a good character going on here, losing but trying to prove himself. I can only hope he comes up some other way.

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