Canucks vs Bruins

At the moment, I am embarrassed to be a vancouver citizen. And that has nothing to do with the game, but rather the bullshit that went on after the game. twice in 20 years now people have done this, and it's ridiculous. The NHL should take the team out of the city, and give it to a city with smarter residents.
They have reports of a few dead people now?? That's so stupid. It's a god damn hockey game. Looting, burning cop cars.. Oh, and all on CAMERA!! do they really think nothing is going to come from this? "Best fans in the World" my ass.
I agree, it's stupid. for the sake of my city, I hope the canucks never EVER make it to the finals again.
Its like the ultimate slap in the face. Your team lost and the loss was dreadfully pathetic :lmao: That said, I'm sorry for the 2 dead and the riots breaking out. I do sort of understand why it happened. This kinda thing also occurred in LA. Emotions just get out I suppose
I agree, it's stupid. for the sake of my city, I hope the canucks never EVER make it to the finals again.

What's sad is this is the exact same thing that happened 17 yrs. ago when they lost the Cup to the NYR, it's just sad, pathetic, stupid, & incredibly immature. I've never understood what the point of destryoing your city, other peoples property, & killing people makes any sense, a team you don't even play on lost a game, and this is how you're going to act, grow the fuck up

I honestly wish Bettmen would just force the Canucks to move from Vancouver, if for no other reason than the safety of the Canadian people, though the fact that the Canuck fans clearly can't handle losing gracefully should be enough to take their team away alone. sadly teh NHL just doesn't work that way
As I said, I'm GLAD I'm not a Canucks fan, and have never been. Yes, It may have been a "small number of people" but watching the news for the past 4h now, that small number is over a couple hundred. That's a couple hundred too many. This is the second time in 20 years. Look at the last 2 years. Who lost in the finals? Detroit, and Philly. Now if THOSE fans didn't destroy their city the way Canuck fans have, that shows how bad it is. The team had a great season, and made it to game 7 of the finals, be proud, there are 28 other teams who would have gladly taken that spot. The real sad part, is that this would have happened even if they won. It's the mentality of some of the people here. Move the team to Seattle. They deserve it more than this city does. This is strike 2.. How many more is the NHL willing to give?
Any chance Canucks can come to the Maple Leafs. Fuck the Leafs. We'll take the Canucks. They're probably gonna die in Vancouver anyway.
I was really upset when I saw the riot on the news this morning.

1. It's different then the riots for G4 in Toronto earlier this year (or last, I can't really remember) because at least that was against the Government - not that that is an acceptable reason. Who gets affected by the riot that took place last night? Not the Bruins, not the Canucks. It was nothing but a pointless riot.

2. I can't help but think that this didn't start by hockey fans but by idiots that were going to riot regardless of the game. Hockey fans just got caught up in mob rule.
>Canucks lose against Boston
>Destroy their OWN city

Montreal did this way better last year. At least they won the game before the riot.
It was a big loss for the team\fans. Anytime a team loses in a shutout its tough- but game 7 of the finals is big.

The fans took it way over the top- again. The players took the loss & handled it like professionals. If they werent taking it to the streets- why the fans chose to do so makes no sense.

I can understand being loud & drunk- but these actions are over the line. 2x in less than 20 years shows that something needs to be done. If nothing else, the police should have been way more prepared. The NHL needs to look into some sort of penalty. If i was them i would pose that if you are a season ticket holder & arrested for participation in a riot like this- then you can be stripped of your future tickets & banned from the arena. Maybe that would wake some folks up. I think moving the team wouldnt be allowed by the city\NHL & seems unfair to fans who arent total psychopaths & can act their age.

With that said- congrats to the Bruins.
The news of the riot made me laugh. Why? Goes to show just how classless Vancouver fans are, again. The previous riot in '94, plus them burning a Blackhawks jersey after winning Game 7 of the opening round this year? Butthurt fans.
It's just stupid all around, the City itself will have to repair all teh damage from this, which will cost them a boat load, plus I'm sure this will cause them to take a hit when it comes to tourism as well. The fans just gave the NHL a black eye, and all the repair the NHL was doing to their image and fanbase over the past several years is going to be taking a hit, plus you know media outlets are just going to look at this and generalize all Hockey fans as stupid dipshits that burn their city down when they lose a game. Boston's Stanley Cup win is just going to be lost in all this, as everyone covering it is just going to focus on the riots & you won't hear shit about how great the Bruins played, or anything, there moment will just be lost in the shuffle as everyone scrambles to get news on the riots. The Vancouver fans have just proven they are the most immature classless fans in professional sports (at least for the time being) congrats fucktards
Well, there is a bit of good news in all of this.. There is a large number of volunteers out in the streets as we speak. Have been since 5am. They are helping clean up this mess. justinsayne was right though, people are not focusing on the great game, or series. The focus is all going to those ASS CLOWNS on the streets. Both the major hospitals were so busy that they were treating people in the parking lot. Now people are saying the city is to blame? Well yes, in a way they should have had the damn army on hand.. But at the same time everyone thought we were over the shit of the past. Burning cars in the middle of the street, looting, stabbings. Yeah, everyone's going to want to come here now :disappointed:This is one of the few times I think I would have been okay with them shooting one or 2. Vancouver didn't deserve the Olympics.
I read an article this moring that basically said, that you get a large group of people together that have consumed a lot of alcohol, and are angry about something, they come outside and see a bunch of police standing there in riot gear, and the fans drunken thought process goes to "Oh so your you're ready for a riot, fine we'll give you a fucking riot!!!" and then well... we all saw what happens next. Now where I can see that logic, and it makes sense, I don't think it would be smart to not have riot police around at the same time, it's really a tricky situation, and the city shouldn't be blamed, the idiots in the streets doing the rioting are the ones who deserve ALL of the blame in this, not the city, the city is just doing their best to repair the fucking damage (at least as far as I can tell) blaming the city for this is just stupid, it's the people who live in the city that fucked up, blaming the city in this situation is like a toddler blaming his parents for not disciplining him before he was naughty, seriously rioting fuckholes take responsibility for your own stupid actions and stop trying to shift the blame elsewhere
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to justinsayne again.

Yes! the city knew shit was going to go down, and got ready as best they could. There were people saying there wasn't enough cops there.. Well they had all they could get. Premier Double C said that the policing is a municipal problem, not a provincial one. That anything the people of Van do to their city, will be paid for by THEM. Not the province. She's right though, why should the whole province have to pay for the actions of one city? There was groups set up on facebook and other sites where people who were there are supposed to send their video's and pictures. Along with any info about the people doing the rioting. I commend the VPD for what they did last night. They kept their cool, and did all the could to stop it.
Absolutely pathetic the shit that Canucks fans are doing. They need to grow the fuck up.
WTF?!? they should've had more cops?!?, do the idiots saying this know what the ratio of Drunken 'Nucks fans to police is in that town!? No way could the city have the many cops on standby ready to in case their citizens wanted to be fucking stupid classless losers

Now to shift back to the Boston side, I read an interesting fact posted & retweeted by @ThatKevinSmith on twitter

[QUOTE-@ThatKevinSmith]Via @jaypreston "fun fact about the Cup: Tim Thomas is 37, and made 37 saves in the 3rd Game 7 in the series. #37 " In a row? #StanleyClerks[/QUOTE]
'94 when Rangers beat Canucks in Game 7

'02 when Guns and Roses cancelled the night of the show

'11 When again Vancouver looses in game 7

These idiots will riot for no reason at all. A hockey game? A concert? That's it. I'm moving.

That's a cool Boston fact. I was surprised to hear it's only there 6th cup? Wow, for how long they have been around, thats not many.
Any city that riots because a shit band like Guns n Roses cancels a show deserves to be wiped off the face of the Earth, I'm sorry.

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