Can you see me? John Cena's Legacy

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
In WWE, Cena has won fifteen total championships, including nine World Titles (having won the WWE Championship seven times and the World Heavyweight Championship twice). In addition, Cena has also won the WWE United States Championship three times,[7] the World Tag Team Championship two times (once with Shawn Michaels and once with Batista),[8] and the WWE Tag Team Championship once (with David Otunga). Cena also won the 2008 Royal Rumble match, and the 2009 Superstar of the Year Slammy Award.[9]

He is also the allstar face of the WWE and is currently the biggest superstar that the WWE has. As his great career may show he is one that people will be talking about for generations to come...or will he.

After watching the Old School Raw and seeing the legends appear I got realizing that John Cena isn't really as Legendary as he seems. He has had several title reigns and several great feuds but really has nothing that defines him. Really there is nothing that sticks out from his career.

So the point of this thread is basically just to discuss the following: Will John Cena be discusssed as a legend, What will John Cena's legacy ultimately be? What will Cena be remembered for, and finally do you believe that John Cena is a superstarf that will never be forgotten?
cant really say if he will be discussed as a legend because his career is not over. I would definitely say he will be remembered. To me he is the face of the pg era, I don't think you can forget cena.

Now if Cena were to turn heel, and start something BIG, then that could start to define his legacy.

Off topic - is the release of Cena's dvd right before SS an inidicator of anything for SS?
Cena will not be forgotten. Plain and simple. Barring some kind of catastrophe in his personal life, such as with Chris Benoit, like him or not, Cena will be in the Hall of Fame eventually. While some may dislike Cena, like him or not, he puts people in the seats. Whether you love him, or you hate him, he's evoking a reaction, and that's what it's about. If the Cena haters truly want him out of WWE, all they have to do is stop reacting to him altogether, but that's not going to happen. That being said, I do agree. Cena hasn't really had any one thing that defines him. Piper had Piper's Pit. Hogan had his catch phrases. The Rock and Stone Cold had...well...everything. Cena, while skilled on the mic, doesn't have one thing that defines him, but what you have to remember is that Cena has a long career ahead of him. I could easily see him going another 10-20 years.
I think he will. He has not really had a defining moment yet and he is already the face of the WWE. I think that is what he will ultimately be remembered for. Being the face of the WWE for a good number of years. I don't thin he will be forgotten either. He is easily going to be remembered by most people who watch and will continue to watch after he is gone.
Cena will absolutely be remembered as a legend. The only reason you think otherwise is because you see him every week so you’re taking him for granted. Years from now when he is making occasional special appearances after retirement he will seem every bit the legend as anyone else. Probably more than most. I don’t see how some are saying he has not had a defining moment. He’s been in a world title match at six consecutive WrestleManias. I’d say he’s made his mark.
Cena could retire tomorrow and he would absolutely be a legend. You said it yourself- Nine time WWE/World Champion. How many "legendary" wrestlers can make that claim? Not The Rock. Not Stone Cold Steve Austin. That alone should cement his legendary status.

As for him not having any career defining moments, how long have you been watching wrestling? JBL was a mega-heel who held the WWE title for almost a year. Who took it from him, co-main eventing Wrestlemania 21? John Cena. Who made HHH tap out the very next year IN the main event? Cena. He did the same to Triple H's DX partner in the main event the next year, HBK. How are those NOT career defining moments?

To answer your questions.....
Will John Cena be discusssed as a legend?

Without a doubt. He already is a legend. He'll be remembered with the Hulk Hogan's, Ric Flair's, and HBK's. He's had as many career defining moments as anyone in the business at his stage, if not more.

What will John Cena's legacy ultimately be?

As the greatest performer of the 21st century. You listed his accomplishments already, i won't go back through them. He's had career defining promos throughout the years as well that he'll be remembered for. Between his accomplishments in the ring, his larger then life gimmick, and his presence out of the ring, he'll go down as one of the greatest of all time.

What will Cena be remembered for, and finally do you believe that John Cena is a superstar that will never be forgotten?

He's a guy that you'll miss when he's gone. Just like with HBK, when he retires, people will be begging him to come back. No, he won't be forgotten. As you've mentioned the word several times, Ill use it. He'll be remembered as a legend, as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.
I do believe John Cena will be remembered and will make it into the Hall of Fame but I do agree with a lot of people saying that he has not had his defining moment. Personally I really enjoy Cena but when I think WWE (and I'm a younger member) I don't see Cena I see guys like Undertaker, DX, Jericho. Guys who have had a moment where clearly they were the best at what they did at the moment. Cena is still young but the truth is he hasn't done anything that in 20-30 years will be like remembered like Taker's wrestlemania streak or Jericho becoming first undisputed champion
Cena will be remembered and will be remembered as the man who lead the WWE in times of PG. He is the guy who got rid of Nexus (not yet, but ultimately, he'll be the man). His legacy is that he has taken on challenges and is already a 9-time World champ. I think he has more than enough years to go past Triple H and probably Ric Flair in terms of championship reigns. Plus, that guy can put a huge match. And for his defining moment, it's simply: JONATHAN ANTHONY CENA
Anyone who has won the amount of titles and championships as him will never be forgotten. Ever.

The whole thing is when you compare him to the other greats in the business like Taker, Flair etc he is no where near them in terms of in ring ability. You go down the list and check all the greats off and then suddenly you get to Cena and you're thinking...meh.

I'm a guy that peruses these forums, but doesn't post. But I decided to create an account to chip in, mainly in regards to sTyLnK and LSN80. Their main argument, mainly LSN80 who really seems to herald Cena as if he's a modern day Christ, is that since Cena has won so much, he's "the greatest performer of the 21st century". My rebuttal is that: Championships mean nothing nowadays.

Titles change hands so often in today's business, with the IC and US titles treated like crap and falling into the hands of just about anybody. We have Jack Swagger who's already won a World Title, and you can pretty much say with certainty that there'll be a new World Champion (from either brand) every other or so PPV.

That's why you have guys like Edge (no offense to him, because he's great) and Cena who have won so many titles, simply because it changes hands so fast, and they get it back so fast.

And going back to what Piper said at the Old School Raw - there are a ton of Legends that haven't even had the World Title around their waist, yet they're still revered. So the fact that Cena has had so many titles won't make him the greatest 21st Century Wrestler, however, yes, obviously he'll be in the history books.

Bottom Line: Cena will have a legacy, yes, but I don't see him even coming close to being "remembered with the Hulk Hogan's, Ric Flair's, and HBK's". In terms of defining moments, all I remember of him are those "inspirational" catchphrases, and various fueds with heels (which he wins, of course). I will say though, that if Cena does turn heel soon, then that could very well propel him to being remembered along with the aforementioned legends.
Anyone who has won the amount of titles and championships as him will never be forgotten. Ever.

The whole thing is when you compare him to the other greats in the business like Taker, Flair etc he is no where near them in terms of in ring ability. You go down the list and check all the greats off and then suddenly you get to Cena and you're thinking...meh.


But how much does in ring ability really play into it? Look at Hogan, Goldberg, Batista, hell even The Rock and Austin used the same moves alot of the time. I personally think Cena CAN do more than what he does move-wise, but if you haven't noticed WWE is big on in ring routines.

Cena will be remembered as a legend. He'll be featured as a legend in the games, and talked about as one of the greats. As long as he doesn't do something to damage his own image. As for defining moments, I still vividly remember his big return at the Royal Rumble match. I realize all he did was show up unannounced, but it was a "big" moment. He has lots of time to create a moment that defines his career.
I feel history will be much nicer to Cena than the present. Right now, Cena is a cause for division among fans. Some love him, and some hate him. There really isn't a middle-ground.

I think I'm one of the odd-men-out because I'm not a big Cena fan, but I don't hate the guy either. I think he's very popular among casual fans, as a whole, but you couldn't tell by seeing him live and in person. He gets boo'ed a lot, and that's never a good thing when you're the (baby)face of the company.

But on the other hand, he's the leader of this generation. The PG-era belongs to Cena, being the biggest draw they've had (maybe with the exception of Taker). I think in 20 years, people will look back on Cena as a huge draw. Will they think of him in the same way we think of Hogan and/or Austin? Probably not, I don't think he's reached that kind of mainstream popularity. But, that doesn't mean people will look at him like they now do The Ultimate Warrior.

As of this moment, John Cena has to be one of the top ten most popular superstars in WWE history. I wouldn't say he's one of the ten best, but definitely among the ten most popular. I think guys like Hogan, Flair, Austin, Rock, Bret Hart, HBK and Andre The Giant are more respected among fans, but that doesn't mean Cena isn't right there with those guys in terms of popularity. Cena has been the leader of an era in wrestling, and that alone solidifies his legacy.
Love him or hate him (it's irrelevant), you won't forget him PERIOD!!!
He was a huge part of the post attitude era and is a huge draw.

He's faced everybody there is to face thats on the roster and other than the Undertaker, he's beaten them all one on one

are we heading towards a one on one rematch with a Heel Cena and a face Taker like they did at Vengeance 2003. and that was an entertaining Cena. - Cena vs Taker part 1 - Cena vs Taker part 2
John Cena will be remember, because he already is a legend in my opinion. How many manias has he headlined? 6 and he will probably headline this years and more to come. He has stared in movies (even though they really aren't the best movies) he has been on several commericals. Hell if you really think about he is just as big as The Rock or even bigger. He will probably be inducted into the hall of fame the year he retires, if he retires, because the way he wrestles he'll be in the ring until he is flair's and hulk's age. So yes John Cena is a legend
he wont be forgotten thats for sure but ive always thought cena was different to past faces of the company like stone cold and the rock and not in a good way either i think there progression to the number one spot was natural and gragual and they got there because they were simply the most entertaining in the company.

but with cena to me it feels like the wwe people said to themselves shit were running out of major stars but hey what abowt that guy cena hes got that cool rap guy image lets make him the top guy.

in my opinion its kinda like they decided overnite that hes gonna be the number 1 guy guy whether the fans like it or not as i said earlier john cena will not be forgotten he is the face of the company and probally will be for a few more years but i just dont see him in the same league as hbk undertaker hulk hogan the rock ect and its not cause i dont like him its just cause john cena being the face of the company has always felt a little bit forced to me.
John Cena = forgettable? Are you kidding me? There's no one else on the roster in their prime that is more unforgettable than Cena (save maybe Orton). He catapulted his character into this era happening now in WWE, and is the major reason why the company is catering to more children then they did back in the day. He is a super-over hero character that "never backs down never quits"; how can this Superman-esque persona be forgotten?

He is the #1 asked-for person in the Make A Wish Foundation to boot. He is practically this generation's Hulk Hogan in some ways. When it's time for him to hang up his boots there will be thousands if not millions of people clamouring on this kind of website throwing around their "Why can't he come back? We miss him!" to the IWC. May not feel like it now but just watch. Cena is this generation's Rock, Austin, Hogan, etc.
If you divide the WWE into roughly three eras: Classic/Old School (late 80's- early 90's), Attitude (1996-2005) and then PG, then there is an icon that stands out for each era.

Classic: Hogan- the original superman, responsible for the popularity of WWE today, he is as important to the company as VKM.

Attitude: Stone Cold- took it to a new level, made wrestling cool again for teenagers and adults.

PG: John Cena. Like it or loathe it, he's the clean living, never give up, perfect attitude superman. The kids love him, he's the face of the company and conducts himself perfectly outside the ring.

Unfortunately, Cena's legacy will be just as big as Hulks and Stone Colds.
Cena will absolutely be remembered as a legend. The only reason you think otherwise is because you see him every week so you’re taking him for granted. Years from now when he is making occasional special appearances after retirement he will seem every bit the legend as anyone else. Probably more than most. I don’t see how some are saying he has not had a defining moment. He’s been in a world title match at six consecutive WrestleManias. I’d say he’s made his mark.

Totally agree. To compare, Hogan during his 'Hulkamania' run had the benefit of rarely appearing on television so when he made an appearance it was special and he still had that larger then life mystique, wheras with Cena he appears every week on television so it is really easy to take him for granted.

As for his one defining moment, I think its true he doesn't have that 'one' moment that will define his career, wheras Hogan has slamming Andre at WM (among other moments like his heel turn), Austin has passing out to the sharpshooter at WM, Rock has facing Hogan at WM. I think a Cena VS Rock match as Mania would be John's defining moment
I'm a guy that peruses these forums, but doesn't post. But I decided to create an account to chip in, mainly in regards to sTyLnK and LSN80. Their main argument, mainly LSN80 who really seems to herald Cena as if he's a modern day Christ, is that since Cena has won so much, he's "the greatest performer of the 21st century". My rebuttal is that: Championships mean nothing nowadays.

Titles change hands so often in today's business, with the IC and US titles treated like crap and falling into the hands of just about anybody. We have Jack Swagger who's already won a World Title, and you can pretty much say with certainty that there'll be a new World Champion (from either brand) every other or so PPV.

That's why you have guys like Edge (no offense to him, because he's great) and Cena who have won so many titles, simply because it changes hands so fast, and they get it back so fast. .

Ummm, Cena's first title reign lasted from Wrestlemania 21 til New Year's Revolution the following January. That's a ten month reign. His third championship reign? Over a year long, 370 days to be exact. If he hadn't torn his pectoral, it may have been longer. How do those qualify as "frequent" title changes, my friend?

And going back to what Piper said at the Old School Raw - there are a ton of Legends that haven't even had the World Title around their waist, yet they're still revered. So the fact that Cena has had so many titles won't make him the greatest 21st Century Wrestler, however, yes, obviously he'll be in the history books.

No, its the total package that Cena brings to the table that will have him remembered as the greatest wrestler of the 21st century. He's the best promo
guy in the business, hands down. He was as a heel, he was the pre-PG days, and he is now. He's a terribly underrated wrestler, and is actually one of the most talented wrestlers in the company. Pardon me if Id rather watch a guy tell a great STORY in the ring then do flips and dives. Cena's storytelling from a psychology standpoint is unparralled. And the 9 championships certainly don't hurt!
Bottom Line: Cena will have a legacy, yes, but I don't see him even coming close to being "remembered with the Hulk Hogan's, Ric Flair's, and HBK's". In terms of defining moments, all I remember of him are those "inspirational" catchphrases, and various fueds with heels (which he wins, of course).

I guess you missed those moments when he defeated JBL, HHH, and HBK at 3 straight Wrestlemania main events. Please tell me how those aren't "defining moments? JBL was a heel champion that had the belt for almost a year before Cena took it from him. He made HHH and HBK tap out in consecutive years. Those are quite "career defining moments", if anything ever is.

I will say though, that if Cena does turn heel soon, then that could very well propel him to being remembered along with the aforementioned legends.

How in the blue hell would Cena turning heel make him a legend if he's not already? The man is, and has been, the face of WWE for 5 years now. Name another wrestler that's been the face of the company for that long. You can't. End of story. A heel turn would be intriguing, sure, but it wouldn't add or detract from his already legendary status.
Never really liked Cena. Hated the rapper gimick and he will always remind me of how WWE lost Brock Lesnar and what might have been. (FU =/= F5). But as much as I dislike Cena from the start, I will never deny that he is one of the all time greats. (unless a Benoit happen to him)

Headline Wrestlemanias: Involved in the main events of every Wrestlemania since 21.
Solid reign as Champion: His year long reign as champion stands out in an era of short reigns.
Main rival: Randy Orton, Edge
Recognizable mannerism: That stupid hand over face thing
Catchphrase: "You can't see me"
Great matches: A few that I personally like. WM vs HBK, WM vs Batista, ONS vs RVD
Classic moments: Spinner belt, Royal Rumble return.
Mainstream success: Not as successful as Hogan, Rock or Austin but he is still recognizable by non-wrestling people.

I think the Nexus angle to put Cena over as a face will push him towards the next level of stardom. Hell it worked for me as I am even marking out for him now to defeat Nexus and I don't even like the guy that much.
You guys seem to forget that he is not even a decade into his career yet and look how many things he has accomplished just at the age of 33 (i believe, correct me if I am mistaken). I won't go down the list, as it has all already been said, but if Cena retired tomorrow he would easily be hall of fame material.

I doubt that if wwe lost Cena right now they would not be anywhere near as successful, especially in this current era of wrestling. People pay to see Cena whether that be to boo or cheer him, like its been said he puts asses into seats and their is a sea of orange or purple "Never Give Up" shirts in every arena. He is the number 1 most requested person in the make a wish foundation. He has accomplished more in his around 8 year career then most wrestlers could even dream about doing. Regardless of what anyone says about him he is the best in the world right now and will easily be in a top ten (if not 5) list of all timers.

Yes I like Cena, never saw a problem with him, and he worked his ass off to get to where he is. He started at the bottom and climbed up to the ladder. Has he had that defining moment yet? Some may say yes, some may say no, I can't really argue that because their are definitly things I remember him for like for instance, him getting both Big Show and Edge up for an FU, making Triple H and Shawn Michaels Tap out at respective manias, etc.

Point is Cena is a legend in the making and will be remembered for years to come as one of the best long after his time is gone.
Lets put it this way. Do you think if hogna had packed his bags in 93 for good people would have forgotten him. Cena has been on top for nearly as long as hogan now and while hogan brought people to the game, cena has done a good job of keeping them there. It is like a marriage, for better or worse you will always remember john cena. And I dont know about the definaing monet thing, I think that may be now folks. I think I'll remember this nexus story for as long as. So yeah, in-ring ability aside, he is a legend because like it or not he almost single handidly upon drawing power along has held WWE upon his back for years.
Lets put it this way. Do you think if hogna had packed his bags in 93 for good people would have forgotten him. Cena has been on top for nearly as long as hogan now and while hogan brought people to the game, cena has done a good job of keeping them there. It is like a marriage, for better or worse you will always remember john cena. And I dont know about the definaing monet thing, I think that may be now folks. I think I'll remember this nexus story for as long as. So yeah, in-ring ability aside, he is a legend because like it or not he almost single handidly upon drawing power along has held WWE upon his back for years.

Cena has been on top for only five years. Hogan has been on top of two companies for almost two decades. Cena is still relatively young and has had great matches and there's no doubt in my mind that will continue. However, wrestlers like Hogan and Austin don't come around ever so often and while Cena may be a legend in his era, he will be far behind what Hogan and Austin were able to do.
Cena has been on top for only five years. Hogan has been on top of two companies for almost two decades. Cena is still relatively young and has had great matches and there's no doubt in my mind that will continue. However, wrestlers like Hogan and Austin don't come around ever so often and while Cena may be a legend in his era, he will be far behind what Hogan and Austin were able to do.

He'll be "behind what they were able to do" because of the fact your viewing him now, as opposed to the way your viewing hogan and austin with hind-sight. And I did say about hogan stopping in '93 if you notice which would have left hogan at 8 years and cena at five which isn't that far away. Wrestlers like hulk hogan are ten a penny, hulk hogan was a lucky one. The only thing hulk hogan was able to do is look at the crowd and that was what got them on his side. He had good ability to read the crowd but apart from that, why is he any better than say ultimate warrior or goldberg. Austin did indeed have talent beyond john cena but the fact remains that cena carrys the company on his back like those guys did. Putting ability aside, which is debatable anyway, you will remember him when the dust settles for being THAT guy. Like I said for better or worse, no matter how good he was, you WILL remember him.
John Cena will be remembered in years to come. No it wont be on his wrestling ability as his matches are the same each and every time that he steps into the ring. He will be remembered for his ability to get the fans behind him, his work with the Make a Wish foundation and his loyalty to WWE and Raw. He is to WWE now as Hulk Hogan was to WWE in the early 80s and 90s. Im a Cena fan, I look forward to seeing him in the ring, on the mic and when he is high fiving the fans at ringside. He is a modern age Hero of WWE and I hope he has many more years with the company. I dont care if he is face or heel. Ive been to live events and watched his matches on tv since he came into the company. Ive never seen him not acknowledge the fans whatever his mood may be or physical condition he is in, he is always professional and friendly. Something that nowadays is sadly lacking from other superstars. In 8 years he has done everything he can do quicker than Hulk hogan ever did.

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