Is John Cena a legend or is he a future legend ?


Dark Match Jobber
he should be a legend cause he has won the wwe title most times (9) he has also won world heavy weight championship twice he has won us championship 3 times and in addition he is a 4 time tag champion Cena also won the 2008 Royal Rumble match, and is a two-time Superstar of the Year Slammy Award winner (2009 and 2010). He is also the fourth longest WWE Champion
behind Bob Backlund,Hulk Hogan & Bruno Sammartino
John Cena is already a legend. Do you realize that aside from Hulk Hogan nobody has been the consistent top guy longer than Cena? Not Austin, not Rock, not Hart, not Michaels, not anyone. John Cena could retire forever right now and already be considered a legend.
There's no doubt Cena will be a legend one day. He already has the resume. I say one day only because he's only in his 9th year in the company. For me legend is 10 years or more. That's just my opinion
Cena is 100% for sure without a shadow of a doubt, a future legend. To some he already is one today. It might be tougher to call him a legend now because he is still the present top guy, "the now" if I may. Guys who are yesterday's news are easier to call legends than someone like Cena who is still there at the top showing no signs of leaving. Cena has done more with his career so far than most people do in a lifetime, and he's still in his prime. By the time he retires he will be a shoe in for legend status. I guarantee it.
There's no doubt Cena will be a legend one day. He already has the resume. I say one day only because he's only in his 9th year in the company. For me legend is 10 years or more. That's just my opinion

The Rock worked for WWE "full time" for 7.5/8 years

yes he was "Stunning" Steve and Ringmaster earlier in his career but Stone Cold was only around for 8 years

i'd say both of them are legends. i'm sure there are several other examples but i assume you get the point
John cena is already a legend based on what he's accomplished in his career. There's no doubt about it. He's done more than the "great one" more than the rattle snake. And a hell of a lot more than the hulkster. Now I say done more not for the industry as a whole but the WWE. He's a house hold name threshold be enuff considering the state of wrestling now a days. I think the real question should be would he be a legend if he was in another era? imo he could be in any but the attitude. I kinda think he would be overshadowed of used as a punching bag for SCSA. That's my two cents, wait what were we talking about?
He's a legend but he doesn't "feel" like a legend. Not on the level of Hogan, Austin, Rock, Michaels, Bret, Savage or Bruno. He's up there and all I will admit but there's just something about him that doesn't make me feel he is in that group. Sure Cena can put on really good matches but not a handful of them are talked about as legendary. He can talk on the stick but has Cena ever had a promo legendary like Austin 3:16?

List me as somebody who hates his character. He sells merchandise but Rock and Austin pulled in double the ratings and both of them at one point (Rock still does) hold the record for most gates in one year. Not to mention their pops blow Cena out of the water and hardly anytime when those guys were face did they get booed in person.

Cena is a legend, a surefire hall of famer, etc. etc. but he doesn't come across to me as a legend of that kind of magnitude. Maybe it'll change when he is done but for now, for me, meh.
Cena is definitely a future legend but with his current position in the company makes it hard to call him a legend of today. He is still in the ME picture week in and week out. Sure he is used to put guys over like Miz and I'd even say Edge but he is still building his own career at the same time. To me, I'd say a legend has to be done pushing to the top of the tier, retire from the business, or tragically, die. After a retirement, or just long break to live life outside of wrestling, a comeback would be a great choice and would allow him to be a working legend
I think they throw the term "legend" around too much. I mean lets face facts, HTM is considered a legend today. If he can be considered a legend then Cena should be after another 10 to 15 years.
CM Punk is correct, Cena is a product of the system. With all his accolades and accomplishments, he's been nothing but a guy shoved down the WWE Universe's throats for the last 8 years.

I know he's a great human being and a great representative for his company. He works hard and loves the WWE. But he never really paid any dues to get to his first title. His current gimmick if it is actually a gimmick is stale, boring and so cheesy it makes me want to change the channel. His mic skills are overrated, his moveset puts people to tears and he his finishers are attrocious.

Please all the people on this board do any of you believe for a second that his STF is applied correctly and looks like it could hurt a toddler? Please someone get William Regal to teach him how to make it look atleast a tad bit real!!!

Is he or will he be a legend? Well that's a matter of opinion, but mine is that long gone are the days of great performers like the Macho Man Randy Savage being in the sport. And guys like Cena are just as CM Punk says...
Is this one of those "3 lefts make a right" questions? The hell is the point here? Legend, future legend? He's certainly not dud. What's next? Are you gonna be an adult when you grow up? Is one plus one gonna be two on my calculator? If the stove is hot and I put my face on it, will I get burned?

I think it's borderline obvious... who am I kidding, it's written on the wall he's massive. Whether he's a legend now or later is all up to when you wanna consider him one. But whoever says he isn't or wont be, deserves a good bitch slap.
There no doubt Cena is a legend. Not a future legend the guy is one now. The guy has been at the top of the WWE as long as anyone. (Besides Hogan) Not only that he's moved guys into the mainevent, he's put guys on the map. Guys like Miz, and Shamus. He's moved guys that were stuck in the upper midcard and solidified them as top guys, look at Edge, yes he had a couple of chances but never really broke out until he cashed in, and then the feud that he and Cena had over the summer of 06. Orton is another guy that Cena helped make a legit main eventer. It wasn't Triple h, or anyone else that moved Orton to the next level. Cena brought a guy was stuck and brought him to the level that he is today. Hell, he even did this with Punk as of late. Yes, Punk is great, but he had was stuck in that upper midcard and wasn't going anywhere else. Yes, Punk sparked a lot by moving himself up with his promo, but it wouldn't have been the same had he been going against say Orton. I'm not going to deny what Punk has done on his own, but had this feud that is going on with anyone else, the impact wouldn't have been nearly as big.

this post actually kinda made me laugh.

CM Punk is correct, Cena is a product of the system.

Cena is a prodcut of the system, and so has every other major star in WWE. Look at Austin, had Vince not have pushed him in the attitude era he would not have reached the level he did. Same with Rock and Triple H, and Undertaker. You can't say Cena is a product of the system and say the rest of them weren't. Because all of them, (besides Rock and Trips who started in the WWE) were nothing before Vince brought them in and changed them into the gimmick he wanted them to be. That's when they made it huge.

With all his accolades and accomplishments, he's been nothing but a guy shoved down the WWE Universe's throats for the last 8 years.

He's the main guy, he's suppose to be in the spotlight. Least the last time I checked. This most ridiculous arguement. "Omg he's been shoved down our throats" I don't remember people saying that about Austin when he was the main guy. He was tha main focus of raw for how long? Even when he wasn't in the title picture. I.E. when he feuding with McMahon, or him being rundown.

I know he's a great human being and a great representative for his company. He works hard and loves the WWE. But he never really paid any dues to get to his first title.

How did he not? He worked his way up. From OVW, then went to smackdown working in various tag teams, and then was a midcarder. Jobbed to the champ Lesner. One a midcard title multiple times. From there he went on to main event. Sounds a lot like every other major champion in history.

His mic skills are overrated, his moveset puts people to tears and he his finishers are attrocious.

How are the guys mic skills overrated? The guy went one on one with probably the best who's ever been on the mic in The Rock, and stood toe to toe, and beat him. His moveset isn't that bad, what the hell do you want him to be? He's exactly like every major champion in history, he has a moveset and uses it. Because of the day in age we live everyone feels they have a right to criticize it. No one criticized Austin, Rock, Michaels, Macho Man, Hogan. Yet, now we criticize Cena? It's ridiculous.

Is he or will he be a legend? Well that's a matter of opinion, but mine is that long gone are the days of great performers like the Macho Man Randy Savage being in the sport. And guys like Cena are just as CM Punk says...

Like what? There have been great preformers like Savagge, look at Michaels, Taker, Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, Triple h, Angle, Austin, the Rock, and Yes, John Cena. Each of them knew/knows how to tell a story in the ring, and captivate an audience. Which last time I checked is what is required of a great preformer. Are some better then others, yes, but that does not mean they aren't great.
There no doubt Cena is a legend. Not a future legend the guy is one now. The guy has been at the top of the WWE as long as anyone. (Besides Hogan) Not only that he's moved guys into the mainevent, he's put guys on the map. Guys like Miz, and Shamus. He's moved guys that were stuck in the upper midcard and solidified them as top guys, look at Edge, yes he had a couple of chances but never really broke out until he cashed in, and then the feud that he and Cena had over the summer of 06. Orton is another guy that Cena helped make a legit main eventer. It wasn't Triple h, or anyone else that moved Orton to the next level. Cena brought a guy was stuck and brought him to the level that he is today. Hell, he even did this with Punk as of late. Yes, Punk is great, but he had was stuck in that upper midcard and wasn't going anywhere else. Yes, Punk sparked a lot by moving himself up with his promo, but it wouldn't have been the same had he been going against say Orton. I'm not going to deny what Punk has done on his own, but had this feud that is going on with anyone else, the impact wouldn't have been nearly as big.

this post actually kinda made me laugh.

Cena is a prodcut of the system, and so has every other major star in WWE. Look at Austin, had Vince not have pushed him in the attitude era he would not have reached the level he did. Same with Rock and Triple H, and Undertaker. You can't say Cena is a product of the system and say the rest of them weren't. Because all of them, (besides Rock and Trips who started in the WWE) were nothing before Vince brought them in and changed them into the gimmick he wanted them to be. That's when they made it huge.

He's the main guy, he's suppose to be in the spotlight. Least the last time I checked. This most ridiculous arguement. "Omg he's been shoved down our throats" I don't remember people saying that about Austin when he was the main guy. He was tha main focus of raw for how long? Even when he wasn't in the title picture. I.E. when he feuding with McMahon, or him being rundown.

How did he not? He worked his way up. From OVW, then went to smackdown working in various tag teams, and then was a midcarder. Jobbed to the champ Lesner. One a midcard title multiple times. From there he went on to main event. Sounds a lot like every other major champion in history.

How are the guys mic skills overrated? The guy went one on one with probably the best who's ever been on the mic in The Rock, and stood toe to toe, and beat him. His moveset isn't that bad, what the hell do you want him to be? He's exactly like every major champion in history, he has a moveset and uses it. Because of the day in age we live everyone feels they have a right to criticize it. No one criticized Austin, Rock, Michaels, Macho Man, Hogan. Yet, now we criticize Cena? It's ridiculous.

Like what? There have been great preformers like Savagge, look at Michaels, Taker, Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, Triple h, Angle, Austin, the Rock, and Yes, John Cena. Each of them knew/knows how to tell a story in the ring, and captivate an audience. Which last time I checked is what is required of a great preformer. Are some better then others, yes, but that does not mean they aren't great.

I'm sorry but you shouldn't have used Austin in your example. Were you even watching WWF when Austin started getting over? Austin was never meant to be over... it was the crowd that made Stone Cold. The fans started reacting to the guy from out of nowhere, it was Austin's charisma and in ring style that suited the era at the time which moved him through the ranks.

Vince listened to the fans and pushed him in accordance to how they reacted to him. If Austin was getting the sucks chants Cena gets, he would never had been pushed at all. Austin worked his way up from the bottom.

Cena walked onto Smackdown and almost beat Kurt Angle in his first match. Then he teamed with the goddman Undertaker and then beat Jericho in his first or second ever ppv match. Cena dn Austin have nothing in common besides their superman pushes when they got to the top. The difference between Super Austin and Super-Cena is that the fans went nuts for the Stone Cold and half the audience absolutely detests Cena.

As for his in ring work, you purposely and quite conviently missed my refernce to his shocking STF. :rolleyes: He's a robot in the ring and just goes through the motions.

Yes his mic skills are overrated because all he ever does is scream and yell and doesn't bring the audience into his promos the way the greats and the legends have.

If his push was given to Chris Masters who is the same size I'd argue he would be in the same position right now, the face of the company bt hated by 60-70% of the WWE Universe
I'm sorry but you shouldn't have used Austin in your example. Were you even watching WWF when Austin started getting over? Austin was never meant to be over... it was the crowd that made Stone Cold. The fans started reacting to the guy from out of nowhere, it was Austin's charisma and in ring style that suited the era at the time which moved him through the ranks.
That's exactly what happened to John Cena too. Fans reacted to his thuganomics gimmick and Vince saw it, and pushed Cena. Same thing. The difference is Stone Cold was a rebel gimmick and Cena GOT SWITCHED to a hero gimmick. Cena himself doesn't want to play super-Cena, he wants to do his own thing, but he does what he has to for the sake of the company.

Vince listened to the fans and pushed him in accordance to how they reacted to him. If Austin was getting the sucks chants Cena gets, he would never had been pushed at all. Austin worked his way up from the bottom.
If someone had done a double murder suicide while Austin was the face of the company he probably would have been either canned or buried. Cena was forced to adapt and he succeeded at it, I don't believe Austin could have done that.

Cena walked onto Smackdown and almost beat Kurt Angle in his first match. Then he teamed with the goddman Undertaker and then beat Jericho in his first or second ever ppv match. Cena dn Austin have nothing in common besides their superman pushes when they got to the top. The difference between Super Austin and Super-Cena is that the fans went nuts for the Stone Cold and half the audience absolutely detests Cena.
Different times now. Austin was one of the old guard who got a push late in his career, though not as late as that of DDP. With superstars dropping dead like flies, retiring, and going somewhere else again, new guys needed to be pushed and pushed fast. Cena showed early signs of being a new, fresh, Austin like character when he was a heel, then comes Benoit, f**ks everything up, and now we have super-Cena.

As for his in ring work, you purposely and quite conviently missed my refernce to his shocking STF. :rolleyes: He's a robot in the ring and just goes through the motions.

Cena's good in the ring, and the STFU is a pretty darned good move. Does he apply it believably? No, but neither does Y2J with his boston crab, Ted DiBiase Sr. with his sleeper hold, or Bob Backlund with his crossface. The only two guys I've ever seen apply submission hold believably were Bret Hart with the Sharpshooter, and Mankind with his mandible claw (seriously he used to make everyone throw up).

Yes his mic skills are overrated because all he ever does is scream and yell and doesn't bring the audience into his promos the way the greats and the legends have.
Well that's simply not true. Not even remotely. He talks, he raps, he teases, honestly I don't see him yell very often at all.

If his push was given to Chris Masters who is the same size I'd argue he would be in the same position right now, the face of the company bt hated by 60-70% of the WWE Universe

I'm going with it this: Cena's a legend. His impact on wrestling will be remembered for a very long time and he's one of the all time greats, sounds like a legend me. Some people think Cena is average or overrated or whatever, but those people don't understand what makes a good pro wrestler, it takes more than just in-ring ability... it's about the look, mic work, crowd connection, overall entertainment, and Cena takes the cake. He's the face of the company and has been for a while now, that doesn't happen to just anybody, you have to be THAT good. Cena's a legend in my eyes.

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