Can we at least give him some respect?


Pre-Show Stalwart
No, I'm not a 10 year old kid who loves Batista... Hell, I'm not even a fan of his... But I think we should at least give him some respect for his contributions to the art of professional wrestling. Now, before you put me in my place, please read this:

With Batista to appear on this Monday's Raw, he's expected to be making a career altering announcement. This could be anything, it would be him jumping ships to SmackDown, becoming a color commentator, and perhaps even retireing. With this, the IWC has rejoiced because they know that there's a chance that Batista will finally be hanging the boots. He's been getting slammed by nearly every wrestling smark as being regarded as Boretista and has become accused by nearly everyone has a steroid user for a couple years now. But can we at least give him some respect?

"Batista can't wrestle."
- Let's be honest, Batista is not the greatest in ring performer of all time. He's no Shawn Michaels and he's no Bret Hart in the ring but then again, who is? The man is over 300 freaking pounds and stands at about 6 foot 5. What the damn hell do you expect him to do? Land moonsaults? Do cartwheels? He's improved vastly from his old days in Evolution and you know that it's damn well true. Just go watch his matches against Triple H, Michaels, Undertaker, Jericho, Cena, and Edge... And I know you're going to say that those guys carried the matches but c'mon, a good match is a good match. Give credit to both men.

"He sucks on the mic."
- This is something you can tell that he's worked on and improved upon. Go back to 2008 and watch his promos with Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho. There was some promo gold in there.

"He's a steroid freak."
- It's never been proven that Batista has taken steroids. For someone to accuse someone else of taking steroids is just wrong and disrespectful, especially to someone who travels the world nearly everyday and puts his body on the line just for our entertainment, whether he entertains you or not.

You don't have to like him, you just have to respect him.
I won't hide it, I do not like Batista, at all. He's been accused of a LOT of things, maybe far too much, but there's also a reason. This is not disrespect by just a few pot smokers that have no clue what professional wrestling is. This has been said many times. Batista is not good.

Now I agree with your points about him sucking on the mic and being a steroid freak. Honestly, I actually like Batista's mic skills. He talks the way a big guy would be expected to talk.

Steroid Freak? Can't say. The veins on his arms and his overall body just screams roids, but he's maybe a hard worker. Maybe he TOOK roids, but as far as I know Batista never pulled a Jeff Hardy in his WWE career. I may be wrong.

Now the biggest issue. Can Batista wrestle? Yes he can. Frankly, ALL WWE superstars can. Even Cena. But Wrestling is not just moves. It's not just bouncing off the ropes like a monkey. It's telling a story. Getting in that ring and talking without opening your gap, talking with your body. Take it as a dance, it takes two people. One leads, and the other follows. If he follows correctly the dance is beautiful and pleasing to the eye. And Batista is a very, very bad dancer. He doesn't have a wrestling mind. Just like Cena. Cena and himself are completely identical, it's just that Cena's gimmick and merchandise brought him to the top of the company.

Dave can do the moves, he can sell them, he's beliavable, but he doesn't know how to build a good match. The only way guys like him and Cena can have a good match is if they're facing people like Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jericho, 'Taker, Orton etc. Guys that are overall top notch competitors.

Whether or not Batista hangs the boots, I don't really care. If he stays, it would probably be bad for his healh. He always gets injured and let's face it, he'll never be a true top dog. A true fan favourie. A heel turn will probably keep me watching him for a few months but that's about it.
I'm not the biggest Batista fan but I'm also not a hater, I mean yeah, I'll be honest I have refered to him as Roidista at least once, BUT when I think about it, if he really was taking anything, he would not be with them, I mean look at the list of names that have been announced and suspended, and stripped of their titles due to taking something, some even released, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, John Morrison, as for Randy Orton I can't be sure if he was suspended for being tested positive on taking something but it might have been with him being out of line, so I don't know. But surely if they're willing to suspend top talent then surely if he had took something he would have been caught just like the rest. As for the man himself and his wrestling contributions, I get what you're saying, when he was in Evolution he was simply a bodyguard role and wasn't as good in the ring, but he improved (In my opinion, he and Orton improved greatly in the ring under the guidance of 'Naitch and Hunter) now he might not be the best wrestler to grace a WWE ring, but he's still put on some pretty good matches, I think he stood out in 2005, my favourite has to be HIAC against HHH. He can work a good match, but due to his injuries (much like Mr. K he to has been plagued, think back to 2003 he was out for a while with an injury, then in '06, then at the end of '08 and more recently before Extreme Rules this year) he's limited in the ring now, it can't be easy lifting guys above your head and slamming them down, something's bound to tear. His mic work, its not the greatest but it has improved over the years. As for his career altering announcment, it could be absolutely anything, but I'm thinking its going to be him announcing his return at Survivor Series, apparently he's ready to come back. Overall Batista has been outstanding, not the greatest performer but impressive strength, don't mind the guy.
Now I agree with most of what was said. Of course Batista isn't the greatest in-ring worker, he may not be the greatest talker either - but he managed to do something that also takes a certain skill: he was given a chance, he was given the ball - and he ran with it.

He was given an opportunity, and made the best of it. Now he entered Wrestling at a late stage of his career; he was not one of the guys who grew up watching and loving it, obviously (or he would have started sooner), but he went in, and dedicated himself to it, and made it work for him. And I think you've got to respect that.

He is what the Ultimate Warrior should have been. Warrior also was a "Muscle-and-Looks" guy, but his problem was that he was/is also a complete nutcase. Batista, however limited his capabilities are, managed to keep his wits together, and make the most out of what he had. And that is something I respect, definitely. I think he evolved into a decent mic worker, he is believable in his character - I say, just leave the flamboyance to guys who can pull it off, like HBK or The Rock, and let a big guy monster be a big guy monster. And Batista was given his role, and he played it well.

Maybe he is a victim of circumstance (though "victim" is of course not the correct word), and only made it this big due to the names he was able to work with (Triple H, Undertaker especially) who made him look better than he really would be on his own, but it still has to go to his credit that he managed to make it work, and stay in the top scene as long as he did.

Just take the recent developments with Jeff Hardy; Hardy more than obviously just was never cut out to be "the man". The fans loved him, WWE gave him the chance of a lifetime (or rather, "chances"), and still he managed to blow it time and again. He still made a lot of it I suppose, but he could have been so much more, considering the way the crowd was responding to him as of late. But apparently, he was just not cut out to make it. Batista on the other hand probably does not have the same passion for wrestling that a Jeff Hardy has (or at least had); maybe he does not have the abilities that a Jeff Hardy has - but on the contrary to Hardy, he saw his chance when it came, and he took it - and that's why I definitely respect about him.

He may not go down in history as one of the "greatest ever" - but he will go down as one who was greater than many would have thought he could be. And that's an achievement in its own right, I'd say.
I want Batista to retire:)
I never liked him that much.......when he was in evolution...he was like a bodyguard...though i must say that he improved a lot under the guidance of naitch and hunter.His feuds with hunter,edge and undertaker rocked.....i was a fan of him then...but in recent times....he became somewhat lame and boring...and in wrestling nowadays body and raw strength is not everything....he lacks that talent and i just hate his mic skills....he is damn over-rated now....the best for him now would be to retire
I'm not the biggest Batista fan but I'm also not a hater, I mean yeah, I'll be honest I have refered to him as Roidista at least once, BUT when I think about it, if he really was taking anything, he would not be with them, I mean look at the list of names that have been announced and suspended, and stripped of their titles due to taking something, some even released, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, John Morrison, as for Randy Orton I can't be sure if he was suspended for being tested positive on taking something but it might have been with him being out of line, so I don't know.


Firstly, he is still with them because WWE see him as a top-line guy. WWE will never suspend top-line guys. Ever wondered why WWE have never suspended Triple H, John Cena, Batista or anyone else at the top of the roster? Because they never test them. Vince knows that if they violate Wellness, he will lose serious money by not having a headliner there, as well as the publicity.

All those guys you said (other than Edge) are mid-carders, and can be sacrificed, to push their sham of a Wellness Policy. Edge got suspended, but only because he was already out injured for four months, and because his name popped up on a list of clients that Chris Benoit's doctor had. So it became a legal thing, and Vince couldn't keep it out of the media, so he suspened all the others (since they are expendable anyway), and had Edge serve his during his injury.

As for Orton, Randy Orton has violated Wellness numerous times, but is not fired because he is the future of the company. Chris Benoit failed Wellness three times, got a slap on the wrist, and see how that turned out. So, Batista will not be tested, so he can never fail Wellness, since he is Triple H's friend, and Vince wants to keep in good with Trippers and Steph.

But surely if they're willing to suspend top talent then surely if he had took something he would have been caught just like the rest. As for the man himself and his wrestling contributions, I get what you're saying, when he was in Evolution he was simply a bodyguard role and wasn't as good in the ring, but he improved (In my opinion, he and Orton improved greatly in the ring under the guidance of 'Naitch and Hunter) now he might not be the best wrestler to grace a WWE ring, but he's still put on some pretty good matches, I think he stood out in 2005, my favourite has to be HIAC against HHH.

Interesting story how Batista got that position at the top of the card. Triple H trained Orton and Batista, and Randy Orton v Triple H was set for WM21. But a problem occurred. Randy Orton became too prominent. His stickwork was better than Triple H, his matches were better, and Triple H could never allow this. This is why Triple H buried Orton at "Unforgiven '04". Batista, though, as a bland, monosymbollic "bodybuilder" type, would not outshine Triple H on the mike or in the ring, so he was less of a threat. Tripper only put him over three PPV's in a row, because he trained him, so it is like saying "Look how good this guy I trained is!", without any threat to triple H's insecurities.

He can work a good match, but due to his injuries (much like Mr. K he to has been plagued, think back to 2003 he was out for a while with an injury, then in '06, then at the end of '08 and more recently before Extreme Rules this year) he's limited in the ring now, it can't be easy lifting guys above your head and slamming them down, something's bound to tear. His mic work, its not the greatest but it has improved over the years. As for his career altering announcment, it could be absolutely anything, but I'm thinking its going to be him announcing his return at Survivor Series, apparently he's ready to come back. Overall Batista has been outstanding, not the greatest performer but impressive strength, don't mind the guy.


Batista is okay. Ignore the fact that he is a "dime-a-dozen" big guy, a bargain-basement Brock Lesnar or Goldberg. Forget his man-crush for Ric Flair, or his "I really respect my opponent. It should be a great match" promo style, or that they nevre turn him heal, despite fighting people like C.M. Punk, Undertaker and HBK on PPV. Batista has had some high moments.

His feud with the Undertaker was surprisingly good, by both men's standards. It was one of the better big man matches Taker has had, and a better WM match than Taker's against Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy or Mark Henry. Every match Batista and Undertaker did was very good. I would ahve preferred a Batista-heel turn to give the feud more heat, but Batista shined that year.
If Batista retires, I'll be happy. But it's not cause I think he's a bad wrestler or bad on the mic. And yeah, he's taken steroids. But so have 90% of wrestlers, I don't see it as a big deal. I respect him too. He's over as all hell, was one of the best world heavyweight champions ever and he does have a handful of good matches. And I find him mildly entertaining.

If he announces his retirement, I'll be happy. But not for the same reasons most other people will be happy. I know if they lose a major main eventer such as Batista, WWE will have absolutely no choice but to start pushing new talent. WWE knows they won't be able to build a title scene around Orton, Triple H and Cena. We've all seen those guys wrestle in various situations. And now Triple H is doing the DX thing. I think WWE were gonna throw Orton back into a feud with Batista, or perhaps Cena vs Batista.
But if he retires, they'll have no choice but to push someone who deserves a chance. And it will be fresh, whether the new main eventer is Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, MVP, Mark Henry or whoever.

So yeah, I respect Batista. But I'll still be happy if he goes.
I don't care much for the IWC so I never take what they say into consideration before a say something on this site. With that said, I AM a Batista fan. Yes, he can't do all the spectacular moves HHH, Y2J and HBK do, but he's good at what a guy his size CAN do. He's gotten a lot better on the mic and although he has trouble building up a match, he can at least sell his injuries (unlike Cena). He hasn't been proven of taking steroids, nor has he failed a drug test. He's on the road and busted his ass, yet gets bashed for not putting on a good enough performance!

I have an uncle who used to be on the road and train with these guys and he'll be the first to tell you just how much time Big Dave put into the gym and learned his craft. Don't bash the guy because he can't make you happy IWC. Look at the overall reaction he gets! The guy can draw and put butts in seats. On another note, just wait until his HOF induction is announces someday. You can def count on me to be there to talk that one up!

The guy has had amazing feuds with the likes of HHH and Undertaker along with his part with HBK and Y2J. Yes they carried the feud, but Batista did a hell of a job on his part. Must suck to know I'm right in that area, because the numbers don't lie. Batista sells and is good enough for the overall fanbase!
The same people who say Batista sucks are the same people who say John Cena sucks and are the same people who used to say Hulk Hogan sucked. You guys have to rember the smark wrestling fan is the minority most people watching wrestling neither no or care about the back scene type stuff and dont have a clue that this man isnt a great worker. They see a big bad ass crushing people which is exactly what they want him to be. Bottom line is this guy draws money so does Cena. Without these guys you would never get to see guys like your precious Danielson or other great workers because the company wouldnt be in buisness.
I do not respect the Ultimate Warrior....ugh wait Batista because everything the thread starter listed is true.

He cant wrestle his match's suck
He's terrible on the mic, absolutely garbage
and he's a steroid freak

not to mention he's a piece of shit backstage, a horrible dresser, and just an overall piece of shit
These are all reasons not to like the guy, not to mention that he brings nothing to the program or the business. Fuck Batista, I hope he says he's retiring asap.
I do not respect the Ultimate Warrior....ugh wait Batista because everything the thread starter listed is true.

He cant wrestle his match's suck
He's terrible on the mic, absolutely garbage
and he's a steroid freak

not to mention he's a piece of shit backstage, a horrible dresser, and just an overall piece of shit
These are all reasons not to like the guy, not to mention that he brings nothing to the program or the business. Fuck Batista, I hope he says he's retiring asap.

How can you say he bring nothing to the buisness when he is one of the top money makers in the company? I mean seriously guys wrestling is not all about you just because you dont like a guy doesnt mean he sucks.
I like Batista, but I am frustrated by him. His matches are fine. His promos are fine. He is just too damn injury prone. It seems every time he has something going he suddenly goes on the shelf with another injury. I understand this is a dangerous business and anyone can get injured at anytime. It just happens with Batista too often.

Another thing I hate is how he has been booked the past two years. This is more a problem with creative than Batista himself. There was a long stretch where Batista was in a title match every ppv even though he wasn’t the champion. He would get opportunity after opportunity and always come up short. After a while I just stopped caring about him getting title shots. Why should a guy who looses championship matches so often continue to get title shots? What was the point of him taking the title from Jericho last year only to loose it back a week later? Even worse was when he took the title from Orton at Extreme Rules when they knew he was hurt and would have to forfeit the title the next night. Why not just have Orton retain?

I’ve kind of strayed off topic. Overall I’m ok with Batista. The only problems are injuries and poor booking.
I probably one of the only few people on here and actually likes Batista. He doesn't bore me at all to be honest. I find him to be quite entertaining at most times. He doesn't take steroids. I hate it when people say that he takes steroids, just because he has huge muscles. Just because someone has big muscles, doesn't mean they take steroids. Why can't you gain muscles by working out and eating right? He's bad on the mic? Sure, he stumbles on his words quite often, but who doesn't? He still gets his point across.

With that said, I really don't see what with all the Batista hate. He's provided us with so many great matches over the past few years. He's a great performer, and like you said, even if you don't like him, you still have to respect the guy. Hopefully, he won't be announcing his retirement tomorrow night on Raw.
Someone care to explain to me why the fuck I should respect Batista? Respect is earned, not given, and what has Batista done to earn our respect? He's the classic example of someone who enters the wrestling business purely for money, and doesn't give a shit about the actual product. What has he done for me to respect him? Win a few world titles during a time when they are at their lowest value in WWE history (there's THREE of them for God's sake). Be the worst member of Evolution? There's no reason for me to respect Batista. He gets paid to do a job, and he does it (and poorly at that). Should we start respecting every person in the world that does their job? Again, respect is earned, not given.

Until Batista actually contributes something to this business, I don't see any reason to respect him. He's one of the worst main eventers in WWE history.
Your right, I do have respect for him but I do not like him as a wrestler though I respect him for putting his body in the line wrestling for us.
Batista's attitude toward the business has been clear since the start-he's in it for the fame and the money, not because he wants to entertain the fans, as demonstrated by the way he's acted toward fans (even young kids) at signings/publicity events. His interviews are bland and delivered with almost zero emotion with the best you can say about his in-ring skills is he's an average brawler who can throw in some generic power-moves to get a crowd reaction. As for the steroid allegations, no, he's not run foul of the WWE "Wellness" policy, but as we've seen in the past, programs like this aren't fool-proof and given his size and his background in bodybuilding plus his constant injuries, it's likely that he's taken them at some point. It's a shame to see anyone end their career like this, but as another poster says, respect is earned.
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I guess I am one of those lovely fans that is torn in two. I love a good big man, but I also love a good wrestler. I understand that people talk about how Batista can't do this or that because of his size. I can point out that size isn't the issue here though. A great case in point is Matt Morgan. The guy is huge and can wrestle with the best of them. Mind you, he still needs work, but I believe he is further along than Batista is skillwise in the ring and on the mic and he's been in the business for quite a bit less time to boot. However, we are not here to talk about Morgan, we are here to chat on Batista. When I say torn, here's my point, Batista can have great moments on any given day, but he doesn't. There are times when Dave is awesome and a joy to watch, however, it's sad that they are not consistent. I can say that he has had some really fun matches and some really well done Promo's. As for how he is with the fans, I wouldn't know, never met the guy. I happen to know some people who have met Dave and talk about what a great guy he was, so I can say that obviously some people just have a bad day or two. All in all though, do I like Batista? I can say I wouldn't put him at the bottom of the barrel. He's a fun guy to see in the ring and my favorite feud he was in was with Guerrero, just classic. Do I want to see Dave hand up the boots? Nope. I just want to see hime be more careful in the ring. The guy is gifted but he needs to focus on those gifts. If he finds them before the end of his career, well then Dave could become that main eventer he has always wanted to be. Even if you don't like him, he has had some classic moments in his career and for that, I have respect for him as he has worked hard, whether you like it or not.
Someone care to explain to me why the fuck I should respect Batista?

Because he is a WWE Main Eventer who is way over with the crowd, put on countless great matches and fueds, become one of the most important members of the roster and was pushing 40 before he even entered the business. That seems like a reason to respect a man.

Respect is earned, not given, and what has Batista done to earn our respect? He's the classic example of someone who enters the wrestling business purely for money, and doesn't give a shit about the actual product.

Who's to say that? I think the effort he puts into what he does, no matter who he's against shows that Batista does care about the actual product. He always gives it his best.

What has he done for me to respect him? Win a few world titles during a time when they are at their lowest value in WWE history (there's THREE of them for God's sake).

Eh, still an impressive champion though, certainly was good for Smackdown when he went over there.

Be the worst member of Evolution?

See, even at this point in time I would go so far as too say Batista > HHH > Orton > Flair

There's no reason for me to respect Batista. He gets paid to do a job, and he does it (and poorly at that). Should we start respecting every person in the world that does their job? Again, respect is earned, not given.

He really doesnt do his job poorly though, people love him, they care about him. That in itself makes any Batista fued interesting. The guy works hard at what he does, he does it all for paying customers. You could say that his only motivation is getting paid, I dont see the problem, my only motivation is getting paid, which is why I do the best job I can. Same goes for big Dave.

Only Batista is one of the most over people on the WWE roster, and he's maintained that popularity himself.

Until Batista actually contributes something to this business, I don't see any reason to respect him. He's one of the worst main eventers in WWE history.

Really? One of the worst? In a WWE pecking order of today, I reckon Batista ranks only behind John Cena, John Cena is the best wrestler in the world today. Batista ranks as higher than HHH, HBK, CM Punk, Randy Orton and all the other top dogs today.
Because he is a WWE Main Eventer who is way over with the crowd

Why should I respect that? It's his JOB Miko. Do you respect the guy pumping your gas? Do you respect the guy taking your order at McDonalds?

Respect is earned. He hasn't earned it. Guys like Terry Funk, Harley Race, Ric Flair. They've earned respect. Not Batista.

put on countless great matches and fueds

Huh? Are you serious? Batista is absolutely atrocious, the only feud he's ever had worth a damn was his feud with the Undertaker. That's literally the only time I've ever found him to be bearable. His matches are pretty much universally terrible.

become one of the most important members of the roster and was pushing 40 before he even entered the business. That seems like a reason to respect a man.

So I should respect a man who has admitted that he doesn't actually care about wrestling, and is only in the business for the sole purpose of making money? This is what I should respect?

Who's to say that? I think the effort he puts into what he does, no matter who he's against shows that Batista does care about the actual product. He always gives it his best.

If that's his best Miko, than I think you've proven just how awful he truly is. His matches are terrible, his mic work is terrible...literally the ONLY reason he is over is because of his look. The only reason.

Eh, still an impressive champion though, certainly was good for Smackdown when he went over there.


Impressive?! Explain to me what about Batista's title reigns has been impressive in the slightest amount. Who's he beaten? King Booker? Khali? Every Batista title reign has been completely forgettable. Probably because they usually end with him injuring himself yet again and having to vacate the title.

See, even at this point in time I would go so far as too say Batista > HHH > Orton > Flair

Did you really just say that Batista is better than Ric Flair? Tell me you're kidding me Miko, for the love of Christ tell me you are kidding me. Batista doesn't have even 1/100th of the talent, skill, or accomplishments of Ric Flair. Batista isn't even a pimple on Flair's ass.

He really doesnt do his job poorly though, people love him, they care about him. That in itself makes any Batista fued interesting.

No, it doesn't. The fans care about Hornswoggle and Chavo Guerrero in a cow suit...does that mean that's a good feud?

The guy works hard at what he does, he does it all for paying customers. You could say that his only motivation is getting paid, I dont see the problem, my only motivation is getting paid, which is why I do the best job I can. Same goes for big Dave.

Again Miko, why are these things reasons to respect him? What has he done for the wrestling business? He wouldn't even crack the top ten champions of this decade. I have more respect for Goldust than I do Batista.

Only Batista is one of the most over people on the WWE roster, and he's maintained that popularity himself.

During one of the biggest slumps in popularity in wrestling history. How impressive.

Khali gets great reactions as well. Should we begin respecting him and hailing him as a legend as well?

Really? One of the worst? In a WWE pecking order of today, I reckon Batista ranks only behind John Cena, John Cena is the best wrestler in the world today. Batista ranks as higher than HHH, HBK, CM Punk, Randy Orton and all the other top dogs today.

I see we have another member of the Slyfox cult in which drawing power is the only thing that matters.

There's a pretty large difference between being the most over wrestler, and being the best wrestler.

I'd honestly venture to say that outside of the Batista and Undertaker feud, most fans could hardly remember a single memorable Batista feud or match.

Batista is a joke, and always has been. I'll take HHH, HBK, CM Punk, Randy Orton, and countless others over him any day of the week. The only reason Batista is over is because of his look. It has nothing to do with his "skills" (of which he has very little).
Batista hasn't done squat to earn any respect. I give him credit for making a shit load of money at his age in this profession. I mean, honestly he's somehow gotten himself to the top so I guess I'll give hime some credit for getting there but that's it. And certainly no respect.

As X said, he hasn't contributed anything to the business so I won't be respecting him anytime soon. His match's and feuds are forgettable and his title reigns are useless. He moves like a fence in the ring and is sloppy on the mic. He draws, but it's because of his size/look, not because of talent and for that reason he gets none, NONE of my respect.

Really? One of the worst? In a WWE pecking order of today, I reckon Batista ranks only behind John Cena, John Cena is the best wrestler in the world today. Batista ranks as higher than HHH, HBK, CM Punk, Randy Orton and all the other top dogs today.

To say he is the best wrestler in the world only behind Cena is fucking bull shit. I would take Triple H, HBK, Orton, Cena, Punk, Hardy's, Morrison and Jericho etc over Batista any day. The only man I respect less than him would probably be.... Oh wait, no one.

Edit: I lie, Khali earns ZERO respect too.
His matches for a guy his size are good and he cuts decent promos. He's just been injury prone as of late and I blame the booking too. I mean who are these guys and where the hell to they get off getting away with the crap they book? The guy is a money maker too and I just love how that pisses the haters off.
I give Batista respect to a certain extent, but I don’t think he deserves to be respected as much as guys like Hogan, Flair, Savage, ‘Taker, Triple H, and I could go on but I think most of you know understand where I am going with this.

I respect those guys more than I do Batista because although I think Batista is decent at what he does, they are just so much better than him and those wrestlers have provided countless memories. Hell, I never saw the Elizabeth/Savage promo where Randy asks Elizabeth to marry him and the wedding until I bought the Randy Savage, and that right there is a lot more memorable to me than most things Batista has done. The same would go for all those other wrestlers I listed and many more.

Ultimately, I respect Batista to an extent for providing a few good matches that I was really entertained by, but he hasn’t really done enough for me to say I respect him as much as I respect the wrestlers I listed and many more. I don’t know when he’ll retire, but who knows, by the time he retires he might gain a lot of respect from me, but then again he probably doesn’t care about my respect. So…I do respect him to an extent but don’t think he really deserves a lot of respect until he shows that he can give fans more memorable moments other than being injured and starts caring more about the business.
Why should I respect that? It's his JOB Miko.

Same reason anyone else who makes it to the top of the wrestling business is to be respected. He earned it.

Do you respect the guy pumping your gas? Do you respect the guy taking your order at McDonalds?

I am a pretty respectful person generally, but I am not allowed to drive anymore by law and I dont eat McDonalds, so I dont deal with these people, besides I pump my own petrol.

Respect is earned. He hasn't earned it. Guys like Terry Funk, Harley Race, Ric Flair. They've earned respect. Not Batista.

I fail to see why, I mean, dont get me wrong I wasnt around for the glory years of Funk or Flair, but I still dont see how Batista hasnt earned respect. He's accomplished a great deal in his career.

Huh? Are you serious? Batista is absolutely atrocious, the only feud he's ever had worth a damn was his feud with the Undertaker. That's literally the only time I've ever found him to be bearable. His matches are pretty much universally terrible.

Well that's a matter of opinion that we could argue over all day. I've found nearly all of Batista's stuff enjoyable, his fueds watchable at worst and I am not the only one.

So I should respect a man who has admitted that he doesn't actually care about wrestling, and is only in the business for the sole purpose of making money? This is what I should respect?

Never heard him say that all he's interested in is making money, but sure why not? He's good at his job obviously. Makes lots of people happy.

If that's his best Miko, than I think you've proven just how awful he truly is.

By being one of the most entertaining people on the roster today? Dont take my word for it just look at all the people that go nuts whenever he does anything.

His matches are terrible, his mic work is terrible...literally the ONLY reason he is over is because of his look. The only reason.

Please, Chris Masters has a great look, there have been countless wrestlers with great looks who've failed miserably, many better looks than Batista. So why is Batista over?

Yeah his mic work aint great, which is why his promo's are usually, "I am gonna beat you up" works for his character, it wouldnt be right if Batista started shouting out catchphrases, or calling people jabroni's.


Impressive?! Explain to me what about Batista's title reigns has been impressive in the slightest amount. Who's he beaten? King Booker? Khali?

I dunno it was a while back, he is a better chaser no doubt, still an incredibly popular champion. Erm. . . Eddie Guerrero, HHH and I think Edge can be added to that list.

Every Batista title reign has been completely forgettable. Probably because they usually end with him injuring himself yet again and having to vacate the title.

Gotta say it's different from the usual screjob stuff. I dont know, his first reign was pretty impressive, well till' he got injured anway. The reign that Taker ended at Mania was quite good as well.

Well people seemed to like it, although I am beggining to wonder if what people enjoy is relevant at all.

Did you really just say that Batista is better than Ric Flair? Tell me you're kidding me Miko, for the love of Christ tell me you are kidding me. Batista doesn't have even 1/100th of the talent, skill, or accomplishments of Ric Flair. Batista isn't even a pimple on Flair's ass.

Hey you said worst member of Evolution, I was counting old saggy man boobs Flair from Evolution. Batista was better than that.

No, it doesn't. The fans care about Hornswoggle and Chavo Guerrero in a cow suit...does that mean that's a good feud?

Well, yeah if people are invested enough to care who wins and loses. Maybe not good from a wrestling standpoint, but thats the thing about the sports entertainment business for ya.

Again Miko, why are these things reasons to respect him? What has he done for the wrestling business? He wouldn't even crack the top ten champions of this decade.

Well he is against guys like HHH a few years ago, Hulk Hogan, The Rock and Cena, so you may have a point about the champions.

I have more respect for Goldust than I do Batista.

Thats your right, Goldust's career wasnt too shabby after all.

During one of the biggest slumps in popularity in wrestling history. How impressive.

You respect Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart dont you?

Khali gets great reactions as well. Should we begin respecting him and hailing him as a legend as well?

Maybe not as a legend, after all his career is nowhere near as impressive's as Batista's.

I see we have another member of the Slyfox cult in which drawing power is the only thing that matters.

I really am not a fan of that argument though, it's a good one in the sense that it's probably the most unbiased. I do put a lot of stock in things like in ring work as well, Batista's ring work I happen to be a fan of. Basic, big guy, beats the shit out of people. Totally works for his character.

There's a pretty large difference between being the most over wrestler, and being the best wrestler.

Maybe, maybe not, I mean, when somebody says that the most popular wrestler is the best, they have a valid point, they entertain the most amount of people, which is their job isnt it? To entertain people.

I'd honestly venture to say that outside of the Batista and Undertaker feud, most fans could hardly remember a single memorable Batista feud or match.

Couldnt speak for most fans I am afraid. I can barely remember a decent fued or match from anyone, so I am a bad example to be using.

Batista is a joke, and always has been. I'll take HHH, HBK, CM Punk, Randy Orton, and countless others over him any day of the week. The only reason Batista is over is because of his look. It has nothing to do with his "skills" (of which he has very little).

Ss far as skills go, well too many wrestlers with great looks have failed miserably for me to think thats the only reason Batista's over, there's gotta be something else, aint there?
Same reason anyone else who makes it to the top of the wrestling business is to be respected. He earned it.

Really? What did Batista do to "earn" his spot right now? He was instantly pushed to the moon, he didn't earn shit. He got the Goldberg and Lesnar treatment--- show up, and almost immediately be thrown into the main event.

I fail to see why, I mean, dont get me wrong I wasnt around for the glory years of Funk or Flair, but I still dont see how Batista hasnt earned respect. He's accomplished a great deal in his career.

Really? What has he accomplished? A few title reigns that were absolutely atrocious?

Well that's a matter of opinion that we could argue over all day. I've found nearly all of Batista's stuff enjoyable, his fueds watchable at worst and I am not the only one.

Guess we'll have to disagree there, because every time Batista comes on screen it's an immediate piss break for me and many others. He's as bland as possible, and absolutely terrible in the ring. This is the same guy that wasn't good enough to make the cut in WCW's Power Plant...I'm sorry, but if you aren't good enough to be let into the damn Power Plant, you're shit. Plain and simple.

By being one of the most entertaining people on the roster today? Dont take my word for it just look at all the people that go nuts whenever he does anything.

Yes, the same people who go nuts when Hornswoggle rides Chavo Guerrero in a cow suit.

Please, Chris Masters has a great look, there have been countless wrestlers with great looks who've failed miserably, many better looks than Batista. So why is Batista over?

There are very, very, very few wrestlers who look like Batista. It's not just the muscles; he's a good looking man. Maybe if Chris Masters had been pushed in the same manner as Batista was, he'd be on top too. Pretty hard to get over when your finishing move is a full nelson.

Yeah his mic work aint great, which is why his promo's are usually, "I am gonna beat you up" works for his character, it wouldnt be right if Batista started shouting out catchphrases, or calling people jabroni's.

Who said anything about catchphrases and jabronis? That's not what makes a good promo. You have to sell the match and the feud as being the most important thing going on. Batista has never done that. Look at a guy like CM Punk, or even John Cena. They know how to work a microphone. Batista is clueless.

Hey you said worst member of Evolution, I was counting old saggy man boobs Flair from Evolution. Batista was better than that.

I'm assuming you mean Ric Flair during his time in Evolution. Because if we're comparing Flair to Batista in general...well Batista loses that contest so quickly it isn't even worth mentioning.

I'd still take old man Flair over Batista. Atleast Flair has had a few good matches during his recent WWE tenure. I've seen maybe two good matches out of Batista.

You respect Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart dont you?

The difference being there was only one roster, one World title, much less TV time, less PPVs, less main eventers. Besides, both HBK and Bret have put on more great matches then I'm guessing Batista has even seen.

I really am not a fan of that argument though, it's a good one in the sense that it's probably the most unbiased. I do put a lot of stock in things like in ring work as well, Batista's ring work I happen to be a fan of. Basic, big guy, beats the shit out of people. Totally works for his character.

And Khali's in ring style totally works for his character as well. Do you enjoy his as well?

I like big men too Miko. Big men who can work. Like Vader or Bam Bam Bigelow or shit even Big Show. All have more talent then Batista.

We're just gonna have to agree to disagree here man. You respect him, that's cool. I don't respect him, and nothing you say is going to change that. I'd still totally stick it in your butt though. :thumbsup:
Batista debuted in the WWE 2002 and was in the main event in 2005. I don't see how that is showing up and going to the main event. He was the 2nd best member of Evolution behind Orton in my opinion. Granted he wasn't the best when he came back from injury in the 2006 but he has improved ever since. He has had great matches with Cena and the Undertaker and is somebody that you can get behind.

I don't care about his lack of mic skills because he doesn't need to cut long promos. He shows up, beats people up, and then leaves. I don't see anything wrong with that and he is over with the crowd. I'm not saying I'm a fan of Batista's. I just don't hate him like most people on this forum do.

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