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Can Wade Barrett be a successful face?


Fucking Hostile
First off, I wasn't sure whether to put this in Raw or SD considering Wade is a Raw superstar but it seems highly likely he will move to SD so I decided General WWE would be the way to go, move it if necessary.

Anyway onto the thread, in recent weeks since his apparent departure from Nexus rumours have been flying around in regards to Wade Barrett's future, the two major ones being a move to Smackdown and a face turn. Now I know know these are only rumours at this stage but all the IWC does is discuss rumours so I want to discuss this one, can Wade Barrett as a face work?

My initial reaction would no, not at first anyway. The fans would still resent him for all that he put their heroes John Cena, Randy Orton and The Undertaker through, with all of the evils that he committed I think there would still be doubts in the fans minds as to whether he had truly turned a new leaf. However I think after that initial period of doubt wore off it could work.

He has the look for it, a big, tall, handsome guy (just ask LR79 about that one) with a very smooth foreign accent. It sounds like the makings of a good face to me. I also think he could adjust his in ring style to fit it, in fact it would be easy as a lot of the moves he uses are quick and high impact ie bossman slam, pump handle slam, top rope elbow, they are perfect for a big comeback after a heel beat down.

It would be great for the WWE if it could work as they are currently very unbalanced in the heel to face ratio, especially with HHH and The Undertaker being taken out, to have Barrett successfully turn face would go a long way towards even that out.

Really though at the end of the day it would all depend on how the turn is executed, if they can put a strong storyline behind it then I think that it has the potential to work reasonably well.

What are your thoughts on this, can Barrett make it as a face or is he just too hated by the crowd for it to work?
I dont think so, i dont know why. British guys are hated pretty easily and i just dont see him getting over :/
Barrett is a natural born heel, he looks like a smug jerk and his ring style and average mobility make him more suited to working heel in the ring.
I doubt it. Not that their is anything wrong with it. He could be heel for his entire career if he wants.

I just dont see him as a face. It would be awkward. It reminds me of when Lance storm was awesome as a heel, then they changed him face and he...danced around/killed his career. Like what would wade barret do as a face? It just dosnt fit him. Hes a natural heel.

If he proves me wrong someday and is a successful face then good for him, but i just dont see it happening.
I think so. I was talking with a friend about how the WWE could turn Wade face, but they sort of missed the window for it.

What my plan involved was having him come out on RAW by himself and cutting a promo in the ring. He'd talk about how, since he lost to John Cena, he's lost everything; he lost the support of Nexus, he lost his friends, and he lost his self-respect. He then tells the audience that he's going to be taking a leave of absence to repent for his actions, but before he can say goodbye, Nexus comes out for the interruption. They make their way to the ring and surround it, the same way they did when they debuted. They then attack Barrett who barely puts up a fight, and then CM Punk comes out and delivers the GTS. He'd be gone for a a few weeks until he came back shortly before the Rumble to resume his feud with Nexus and Punk.

But like I said, this is all a moot point, because even if the WWE wanted to turn him face, they missed the window for that particular scenario. It would also seem sort of odd to turn him face at this point. There are bigger and better wrestlers that are worthy of feuding with the Nexus, and I think after bragging about injuring John Cena the WWE has firmly established Wade's place as a heel for the time being. This is also a problem for them because, while a heel-heel feud between CM Punk and Wade Barrett would be foolish and difficult to book, having Barrett just give up on Nexus would be just as strange.

Can Barrett be face? Yes, I'm sure of it. He's very talented on the mic, and I think with the proper storyline he could be easily turned face. That said, it doesn't look like this will happen anytime soon.
Well if Cena is gone for a while we may see a Barrett vs Punk feud for now, at least that's how I feel. But we will see.

I think it would be hard for him to be face but it can be done. If he feud with Punk get the grease out of his hair and stop acting like a british snob he may be able to be a face for a short while but he really shine more as a heel.
Anyone can be a face, and anyone can be a heal. I think with Cena possibly injured and the angle started on RAW with Barrett being removed from Nexus, it could start a feud, but it would be slow. The best thing to do is have some top face (like if Cena does return this week) nearly get attacked by Nexus, but have Wade Barrett make the save. He'd be cheered by default, and he could still act the same, but on the opposite side of the face/heal circle, exactly the same way Randy Orton did it a year ago.
I don't think he would make a very convincing face, much like Randy Shit Stain Orton, they are both born to be heels. I am sure he could get some nice face pops but he personality just fits the role of the snobbish heel so much better. So I for one definitely don't won't to see a face turn in Barretts future anytime soon.
Now this plan of mine depends on how long Cena is gone, or can be saved for when Cena returns (It doesn't sound like Cena will be gone for too long).

Have Barrett and Cena "bury the hatchet" and find a common goal, destroying Nexus. Have a month or two month long storyline of them two trying to end Nexus, because neither of them can do it on their own.

Also, when Cena returns he could say something to Barrett like, "And while I was gone, I found someone else who doesn't like Nexus." This could bring back either Chris Jericho or the Undertaker.

In the end, Nexus gets wrecked badly, ending the faction. Then at the draft, just separate the group up amongst the two shows so that there is "noway that Nexus could reform".
I honestly think that Barrett could work out as a face. Although his personality is strictly heel it could work. There are many superstars who drew massive heat but still were able to have a pretty good face run(s). Superstars like Triple H (1998 & 2002), Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Diesel, Owen Hart, Vince McMahon, X-Pac etc.

Now that's only a few and I know there's more. There were times where absolutely NO ONE thought that any of these wrestlers could be face. So you never know with Barrett. Maybe Barrett could have similar face run to Orton's back in 04', it wouldn't last very long and then he would go back to being an Ultra-heel. That would be the smart thing to do IMO. :wwf:
Barrett is a natural born heel, he looks like a smug jerk and his ring style and average mobility make him more suited to working heel in the ring.

Pretty much this. He's got greasy black hair, has the look and build of a heel, he's got a British accent (and we all know how Hollywood love bad British guys), he was the master mind behind all the beatdowns, his moveset and mannerisms are heelish. He screems out heel.

In addition to that, who do the people who like heels (the IWC) like more? Barrett or Punk? Exactly it's Punk. So if these two had a heel v heel feud, it would be Punk who the fans would treat as a face and not Barrett.

Barrett as face? No thanks.
I agree that Barrett has all of the makings of a great heel. If his role in the Nexus storyline had been handled differently, then CM Punk would not have been needed to come in and save the stable.

Barrett can become a great face. I never thought that Randy Orton would become a top face, but it happened. If Barrett can get a dedicated following, then he can be a successful face. What will it take? Maybe he performs a good deed like saving another face from a beat down. Maybe he takes out a greater heel. Maybe he has a change of attitude. Cheers from a live crowd are infectious and will spread quickly.

I've learned that we can never say never about an issue like this. Barrett has talent. It is too early in his career to dub him a life-long heel. Who ever thought that Hulk Hogan could be a heel?
barrett is not going face any time soon, he will fued with big show until elimination chamber which they will both be in. then fued with taker for the buried alive thing. maybe a triple threat with him taker and kane, but i hope not. then he's probably gonna fued with edge, maybe rey mysterio. probably by that time kofi will be ranked higher and he'll fued with him
I think I'd have to suspend judgement on this one until the company actually tries making him a face and just see how he does. I'll admit that, given I've only seen him as a heel, that I'm skeptical. Still it could be done, I'll bet.

What he has going against him is that he's already built a reputation as being an "evil mastermind" with his leadership of Nexus, is a proven cheat, and an arrogant SOB. But then again, these are very generic villain traits that are known to be thrown out the window when someone turns face (sometimes without any explanation other than a change of brands.) The fact that he's British, has an accent, and the fact that people with British accents are so often used as movie and television villains may work against him as well, but probably not as much as one may think.

What he's got going for him in the face category is that he's big, is believable enough at being classically handsome (going on second hand knowledge here, not being into guys myself), and would be believable as a kind of "rough-and-tumble, working class" heroic figure given his background.

Right now, I'm not certain how far they can take Barrett as a face and still keep the basic elements of his personality. But then again, I'd have said the same thing about Triple H in his beginnings, not to mention SCSA, so we'll just have to see.
I think he could work as a face. I mean, if you can turn Roddy Piper back in the day, who did all kinds of despicable things, into a face, why not? Another example of 80's face/heel turns that worked was Paul Orndorff. The way he acted as a heel was great, and he was pretty reviled. But then he turned face, helping Hogan, and people loved the guy. Hell, he was turned back and forth from heel to face probably as many times as Jericho has. If it's thought out right, and written believably, then he very well could be. But since they're not doing that, and instead dropping the ball on the Barrett/Punk/Nexus thing (after reading the SD! spoilers...), I would say that we will have to wait to see it.
I'm not really sure. When I look at Wade Barrett, I just see a guy that looks like a natural born heel.

We all know he's been a successful heel. Just the way he walks and carries himself all the time seems to scream heel. He always seem to have this perpetual scowl on his face as well. And that crooked ass nose of his just absolutely reeks of heel to me. I know that wasn't the intention but it just works so well to complete the mold of a guy that has a spectacular heel face. He's a handsome guy sure but he's handsome in a darker, far less friendlier way than someone along the lines of a John Cena or a Kofi Kingston.

I think that Barrett might work well in a tweener role somewhat similar to Randy Orton's. The WWE hasn't tried to make Orton a nice guy and I don't believe that they should try it with Barrett. As with Orton, just make a few tweeks to Barrett here and there. Make him somewhat more honorable but still ruthless enough in his pursuits to get whatever he wants and maybe incorporate some of that bare knuckle brawler mentality and physicality into his character.
I just think Wade Barrett is too much of a heel now to quickly turn face. I mean we have a wrestler who beat and embarrased the face of the company, helped bury the Undertaker and attack many legends like Bret Hart. Yes the Nexus did too but it was Barrett who was at the forefront of it. He is the leader of the most effective stable in the WWE history( WWE's words not mine- I know DX, the Corporation were alot better but like I said just saying what WWE are trying too feed us)

He has the look as well- a grumpy character who is greedy and wants to be the boss. The heat he got after SS was something else and I just feel turning him heel would be a mistake from the WWE
in my opinion i feel this will work for wade barrett... keep him heel, but play the babyface with cm punk... lose to cm punk... go to the royal rumbleand introduce him a new story... the undertaker returns, destroys and eliminates wade's chances of winning the royal rumble match and bringing undertaker to raw one last, but briefly run... have a promo where wade barrett said that the original plans of taking over the wwe is no longer the plan, its now his and out comes vince mcmahon, tells us why wade barrett helped bury the undertaker... i dont know what would it be about, but make it work and convince us and give us a reason why the undertaker will lose at wrestlemania. the adults not the kids. create a monster of wade barrett in the process, maybe have the undertaker get dominated during promos and post matches. but of course lose the match.
keeping babyface, nah inothinkso. too strong of a voice to have people cheering for him unless he become a gladiator gimmick and have him tag team with king sheamus. just kidding of course but who knows if its in the making.
my point is keep him heel. thank you.
This could work. To me, you never know unless you try. I think he's a talented enough speaker that he could do it. He's got the speaking skills, and the charisma to do what he wants. Besides, I don't know what people are so against. Need I remind you others have made the change from face to heel and some thought it wasn't possible but they did pretty damn good...like CM Punk, Jeff Hardy. I don't think it should be about how 'Wade is meant to play a bad guy because the British part of him makes it so good.' I mean if its so easy for British men to play villains in cinema, then why keep it up for so long? Why not expand his horizons, and go for the good guy role? I mean, there are good British guys, like British Invasion now,and James Bond, he could just as easily go for the good guy since being bad seems to come so easily to some people. Dare to be different.
Barrett has two things going for him that could maske him a successful face: natural charisma and speaking ability. While Id like to reserve judgment until I see him try, he does have the tools.

There are so many faces today within WWE that have been career heels that have successfully pulled off a face turn. If you would have told me a year ago that Randy Orton and HHH would now be considered faces given their starts within the company, Id have thought you crazy. Yet both get some of the biggest pops in the business. Why can't Barrett do the same to a lesser extent? He has mic skills that are seasoned beyond his years within the business, and such natural charisma in everything he does. Why couldn't those things be transitioned into a face run.

In the long run, he's obviously to me better off as a heel. His mannerisms and facial expressions come off as very heel like, but that can be worked on. If given the opportunity and more importantly, the right storyline to get him over as a face, I believe he's certainly capable. Perhaps he can succeed where Randy Orton failed in 2005, and thats as a successful face. He has the the commoditites that would make him successful, and that's natural charisma and great poise and speaking ability on the mic.
Not a chance in my opinion, he has the look of a natural born heel. Wade Baretts one of my favorite young superstars in the WWE. With the youth movement now, I want to see him as one of the top heels in the company for years to come. With the fact of all he's done in Nexus , the casual fan won't be so in to buying a wade barett face run
i don't want Barret to turn face now, all of a sudden. I am too much into this character now, thanks to the storyline actions he has done in the ring. If he turns face now, it will disrupt the rhythm about RAW for me. I really like to hate this character, i can relate to his story with Cena, and Barret has played this exceptionally well.

Whether it will work or not, is a different thing. I don't think Barret's character has done enough for it turn face. He has just been expelled from a heel group, which he was once a proud to lead. Cocky, schemer, and resource-full bad guy that Barret is, i am expecting him to make a comeback to outsmart punk. Remember, that Barret had a 'Big-Picture' plan, which is yet to be revealed. It is yet to be answered why Nexus attacked taker. And, above all who is RAW GM, and how is he related to Nexus (or barret, since he gave complete authority to Barret). All this will not look as effective without Barret at helm.

Barret's mike skill is well suited for somebody who wants and has authority. He should continue leading nexus, at least for few more months. Face-turn is an acid test for any performer, since they tend to appear bland. I wouldn't ask Barret to pass through it at this stage
It would be too soon to judge. Some guys like Austin, Rock, Eddie and Angle were great at playing both the face role and the heel role. Perhaps Barrett is talented enough to be a face. Yes he is an incredible heel but turning him face may not be as bad as some make it out to be.
Anyone could be a good face or a good heel if they are booked correctly. Barrett is no exception. In fact he is good on the mic and that will help his case if WWE ever want to turn him face.

But I do not think that now is the right time to do so. People hate Barrett now for doing what he has done to Cena and Undertaker, two of the biggest faces in the WWE. Plus it looks like, from the rumors, that Barrett is headed to Smackdown. The blue brand lacks main event heels and Barrett could be a welcome addition.
I agree with what you said rattlesnake in the second half of your post. It's harder to get over as a face than as a heel; but with Barrett's outstanding mic skills I think he could get over as a face.

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