Can I post in normal sections?

Awwww. The prisoners are forming a bond. I bet by next week they will be trying a double dutch rudder between the bars & sharing toilet wine recipes.
Wow, you even fail at infantile humour, lil bitch.
How do you not lock the thread after posting that gif?!?!?! You don't even need a reason.

Opportunity, wasted.
I this thread should be closed.Some one please close this what was this guy thinking.If you are in jail in real life you can't just ask to get out and be free.
I this thread should be closed.Some one please close this what was this guy thinking.If you are in jail in real life you can't just ask to get out and be free.
You can always just ask to get out and be free. And your jailors will mock you and laugh about it.

There's a lesson here in this board's ongoing Stanford Experiment.
You can always just ask to get out and be free. And your jailors will mock you and laugh about it.

There's a lesson here in this board's ongoing Stanford Experiment.

I don't suppose you've seen the German film based on that? There was an American version too with Adrien Brody and Forest Whittaker but it didn't manage to pack the same punch. The end of the German film was like a much more adult version of Lord of the Flies.
I don't suppose you've seen the German film based on that? There was an American version too with Adrien Brody and Forest Whittaker but it didn't manage to pack the same punch. The end of the German film was like a much more adult version of Lord of the Flies.
Newp. Name?
Aye, Das Experiment is its name, causing social tension is its game.

The trailer I've seen for it is one of those horrible 'just get an American to narrate the trailer itself and don't let anyone know its actually subtitled' ones but the acting and directing is pretty solid.

I can't post it, but if you YouTube Das Experiment, you can find the entire film.
Awwww. The prisoners are forming a bond. I bet by next week they will be trying a double dutch rudder between the bars & sharing toilet wine recipes.

Here's the thing, douchecanoe, we post here because some no life lil bitch power ranger decided he needed to boost his own "ego" and banned us from any other forum. You choose to be in "The Prison". I guess what they say is true in your case: you're seeking out negative attention because it is better than none at all. Either that or you think this actually is a prison and are hoping to be anally raped like you talked about wanting in other threads. Either way, you come to a wrestling site and the message board of a wrestling site and aren't able to talk about wrestling. Yup, that's what makes you a lil bitch douchecanoe with no life or friends except for the respite workers your echo cunt ****e mother (your opinion, not mine) pays to be your "friends".
Here's the thing, douchecanoe, we post here because some no life lil bitch power ranger decided he needed to boost his own "ego" and banned us from any other forum. You choose to be in "The Prison". I guess what they say is true in your case: you're seeking out negative attention because it is better than none at all. Either that or you think this actually is a prison and are hoping to be anally raped like you talked about wanting in other threads. Either way, you come to a wrestling site and the message board of a wrestling site and aren't able to talk about wrestling. Yup, that's what makes you a lil bitch douchecanoe with no life or friends except for the respite workers your echo cunt ****e mother (your opinion, not mine) pays to be your "friends".

You have used up your daily limit of insults all in this one paragraph. You should try pacing yourself next time.

Also, no-one banned you from any other forum, just 99% of this one. Please feel free to visit any other forum if you wish. Here is some bus fare & a granola bar in case you get hungry on your trip.
You have used up your daily limit of insults all in this one paragraph. You should try pacing yourself next time.

Also, no-one banned you from any other forum, just 99% of this one. Please feel free to visit any other forum if you wish. Here is some bus fare & a granola bar in case you get hungry on your trip.

You see, lil bitch, you don't know what "ban" means, nor do you know what "forums" are, clearly. I actually think "douchecanoe" might be too kind for someone as fucking simple as you.

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