Can i get out of here?

oh no! you just shattered my whole beliefs system.. What will I do now, there is just no point going on in life.. Oh.Wait. You're just some idiot who couldn't even follow a few simple rules. Yup you're a real winner there buddy! Just because I have a few Fozzy related things, you assume that I think they're the BEST EVER! You were crying like a bitch to get out of here, thought I'd give you a few tips on how to make that happen, but obviously you don't really want out. That's okay, ******s like you belong in here anyway. Do us all a favor, post some porn.

Fozzy isn't the best at anything except making crappy music. They actually think they are a real metal band. Chris Jericho should also stop wrestling. He punches like a girl.
Fozzy isn't the best at anything except making crappy music. They actually think they are a real metal band. Chris Jericho should also stop wrestling. He punches like a girl.

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Wow, never thought I'd say think, but I think Jenks puts up a better fight then you do. At least he's funny in the shit he says. Yours are just sad.
HAHA wow, I don't know whether to do this ---> :disappointed: Or to feel sorry for you, pat you on the head and give you a cookie
Must spread more rep before Red repping this idiot again..

Yes because Jericho is just the worst thing in wrestling today.. God im scared to see who who say is good.
World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT. Ric Flair has pussy punches as well, but he's entertaining. Jericho can do many other things in the ring. Things some people can't do at all. And he is entertaining. Hmm.. now why would that matter? oh, right, because he's in sports ENTERTAINMENT. Not UFC.
Do you ever support your opinion?

If your support your opinion, you wouldn't be getting raped by mongoose in this argument right now...
Maybe not where you are, but Chris is a bigger draw here then Flair is. HBK was another guy who had weak punches, yet still up there as one of the best ever. Geeze, I wonder why that is? God you're ******ed.
Really? Do you live here? I do. The last live show I went to where Jericho was there, there was a HUGE Y2J chant. Signs everywhere. He was even a Heel then too, going against a Face. I can tell from personal experience that he draws quite well here. What do you base it off of? Oh, right, talking out your ass again. Yeah, Jenks trolling is much more enjoyable then yours. He puts effort in being an asshole, you don't. One sentence don't quite cut it, that's spam in the regular forum's. Try adding a little substance into your arguments.
Really? Do you live here? I do. The last live show I went to where Jericho was there, there was a HUGE Y2J chant. Signs everywhere. He was even a Heel then too, going against a Face. I can tell from personal experience that he draws quite well here. What do you base it off of? Oh, right, talking out your ass again. Yeah, Jenks trolling is much more enjoyable then yours. He puts effort in being an asshole, you don't. One sentence don't quite cut it, that's spam in the regular forum's. Try adding a little substance into your arguments.

I don't care what you think Mongoose McQueef. Chris Jericho simply can't draw any money.
It's been asked, but it's worth repeating:

Why do you think you should be let out if the best of your posts are one line statements? You dun fucked up to get in here, and your only ticket out is to prove you can contribute to the boards. Or you can continue to be an obstinate ass and see where that gets you.

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