Can Ambrose Survive A Cena Feud?


Mid-Card Championship Winner

As we have been reporting, WWE has been discussing two possible scenarios for Hell in a Cell, one of which would see John Cena face Dean Ambrose on Raw, with the winner facing Seth Rollins inside Hell in a Cell at the PPV. The other plan would see Ambrose vs Cena take place as the opening match of the Hell in a Cell PPV, with the winner facing Rollins inside the cell later in the night.

According to, even if none of the above takes place, WWE definitely has plans to run a John Cena vs Dean Ambrose feud eventually, which would likely go beyond one match between the two.

I've liked Ambrose out of all 3 SHIELD members and pictured him being the Roddy Piper heel of the group, but his face time with Rollins has been good IMO, despite many thinking he is a bore.

I'm expecting this to happen with the little digs Ambrose has been making to Cena about getting in his way with Rollins. I'm not sure if I agree, but it has to happen with everything that's been going on.

Personally, with Ambrose being so over with the crowd, I don't think a heel turn is necessary. With the continued notion that Vince wants to eliminate the heel/face persona, this would be a perfect time to go back to the Stone Cold roots (and Punk) and have the fans decide whether they want to like or hate Ambrose during this feud.

The only problem is, Ambrose isn't going to come out of this ontop. I think a Cena/Ambrose storyline would be great, but we've seen too many Cena opponents fall flat in the past once put through the Cena machine.

Is Ambrose good enough to survive a Cena storyline? He seems to have everything going for him in regards to his personality, mic skills and in-ring skills. Unlike Henry, Ryback, R-Truth, etc.

Or will Ambrose be another of many who have gone through the ringer, only to go back to mid-card feuds.
I don't even know why Cena is involved with this feud to begin with, neither Ambrose or Rollins need him to bring any attention to it, or to get either one of them over. All three Shield members got over by themselves just being part of the Shield.

My guess is that he's involved because the feud he should be in with Lesnar, is being held up by the fact that Lesnar doesn't appear much. Would be very disappointed if having Cena involved halted the Ambrose momentum, but to tell you the truth I don't think it will. The fans seems to have embraced Ambrose without the WWE doing anything to help him along.

It was only natural after the Shield broke up for one member to go after Rollins and since Reigns was immediately elevated to main event status, that job fell to Ambrose, which for us has been great. It remains to see how this will play out, but the fans will let the WWE loud and clear if Cena's involvement gets to be too much or unwanted. Considering the two top level faces right now are Cena and Ambrose, and we don't have many more at their level, having the two of them feuding over Rollins seems kind of ridiculous. Not to mention a total waste. Fans want to see Rollins get the crap beat out of him, not Ambrose and Cena going at it.
I'm pretty confident that Ambrose can survive a feud with Cena.

Ambrose is over right now with the WWE Universe and unlike some of the others that couldn't survive Cena, (Ryback, R-Truth) Ambrose is good in the ring, on the mic, and has charisma. If Ambrose and Cena enter into a program, the adult fans will be cheering the hell out of Ambrose and if he can get a win or two over Cena, that can only help his singles career because he really hasn't faced anyone note worthy during his singles run yet.

So I like the idea of an Ambrose/Cena program.
The fans seems to have embraced Ambrose without the WWE doing anything to help him along.

Key statement right there. How many superstars have gotten over on their own without help, only to be totally buried and more or less gone sooner or later? Don't get me wrong, I pray that Ambrose goes the Bryan route where despite WWE doing everything they could he got over anyway. That's the exception though, not the rule. It really all depends on one man. Even if every fan in every arena loves you, if Vince doesn't then good luck. I really hope Ambrose makes it and that his apparent program with Cena will be different than almost any other program with Cena but I'm not holding my breath.
Ambrose can easily "survive" a storyline with Cena. The way all three members of the Shield have been built up and the way that Rollins and Ambrose have been going at it, I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to see Dean go over Cena. Kayfabe wise, with a character like his and all the things he's gone through to get his hands on Seth Rollins, he won't let anybody, not even a 15 time world champion, get in his way.
I think a Cena/Ambrose storyline would be great, but we've seen too many Cena opponents fall flat in the past once put through the Cena machine.

I see it the opposite way. Far from burying his enemies, feuds with Cena often boost them to heights they never knew before. He sells like few other performers, and seems to do it for the Lord Tensais' as well as the Randy Ortons.

Ambrose will not only survive the feud, he'll probably be bigger than ever because of it. Getting main event exposure against the company's top guy usually does that.

Some wrestlers might have fallen by the wayside after programs with Cena, but that was probably due more to themselves than him.
If he goes over.

I don't know why they don't have Cena put over more guys they know they want to be top guys. Cena is booked so strong, and has been for so long, that he always bounces back.

Did Cena losing to CM Punk hurt Cena? No. What about Lesnar? Bryan? No. No. Cena is still perceived as dominant as ever, yet it did WONDERS for Punk and Bryan. Probably Lesnar too, since losing would have destroyed his heat.

Yet they continue to have Cena go over on guys like Ryback, Ziggler, Barrett, Wyatt... and what happens? It stops them dead in their tracks to the point they were or almost were sent back down to the minors.

The answer is simple. Do they want Ambrose to be on the level of Bryan and Punk? Or Ziggler and Barrett? Answer that and book accordingly. Cena will be fine either way.
As far as Ryback goes, the heel turn the night after Wrestlemania 29 absolutely killed whatever momentum he had, and WWE drove the nail into the coffin with that awful bully character.

R-Truth showed some real promise as a heel, but the Little Jimmy stuff had a short life span. Eventually WWE turned the gimmick into a running joke, with Truth playing the role of this delusional nutcase week after week, and after that, there was no possible way you could take Truth seriously as a threat anymore. On top of that, the match at Capitol Punishment was pretty lousy, Cena won with a decisive victory, and that match diminished any interest for future matches.

Although, Bray Wyatt is a strange (and rare) case. The win at Extreme Rules feels cheap, because of all the outside shenanigans, including the little kid, and Cena picked up a decisive victory at Payback.

Lord Tensai? Forget it. The character was doomed from the word go, when WWE seriously expected the fans to forget about Albert or Prince Albert, a guy with one of the most recognizable faces in pro wrestling. The fans were supposed to immediately forget about the past, and buy into him as this lethal bad ass?

It'll be sooner than later, but I see Ambrose following the paths of Edge and CM Punk: a wrestler, who's only a few steps away from becoming a superstar or a main event guy, and a feud with John Cena pushes him to the next level. Ambrose is almost there, but he needs that one feud to get to the next level. If WWE books the feud properly, a feud with John Cena will do wonders for Ambrose's career.
I think he'd survive a loss to Cena if he's a face. The loss would look like Ambrose's inexperience cost him the win.

I think when they do face off they'll turn Ambrose heel, I can easily see him getting more cheers than Cena which I believe the powers-that-be don't like.
It's funny sometimes thinking about the stars that Cena has made. A feud with John Cena should be dream of an up and new comer. However, sometimes it is completely opposite.

As long as Ambrose remains face against Cena, he'll 'survive' the feud. Why? If you look at Cena's track record in last 3-4 years, faces have had way more benefit feuding with Cena than heels. Punk turned face when he feuded with Cena while Bryan was elevated to a whole new level. It's rather ironic because it feels like anyone who goes against Cena these days tends to get more cheers. Also, these faces had anti-Cena gimmicks. Ambrose in is current gimmick is completely opposite to what Cena is and if he goes over Cena, it'll be great for him in the long run. If he doesn't go over, he still would retain momentum unless he's simply fed to Cena (look Bray Wyatt).
I am honestly scared for Dean Ambrose. He has the most potential out of the shield to be a massive success. He is in the hottest feud right now with a solid old school heel like Seth Rollins. Seth is a great heel regardless of what some of you may think. The fans/kids/casuals hate him and because of that they are giving massive pops to Dean Ambrose whenever he shows up. THAT is how wrestling should be. People are into the feud and are actually cheering it!

But then Cena had too enter it..... :(. We all know half the crowd hates him and history shows the majority of people who fight him lose and get buried to the midcard. Cena on average loses clean maybe once or not at all per year. And when he does lose, it is usually to guys who are already over(Punk, edge, randy, brock, RVD etc).

If Cena fights Ambrose now, Cena will win or Cena looks super strong and loses because of interference or something. Because god forbid Cena even looks weak for more than 1 week.

Either way, Ambrose is going to get buried if he does not get at least 1 clean win over Cena. Do it on RAW. What is the big deal? Make it a hard fought battle which Dean just barely wins. Both still look strong, Dean gets elevated, it does not hurt Cena at all. But WWE creative are not that smart so whatever.
As far as Ryback goes, the heel turn the night after Wrestlemania 29 absolutely killed whatever momentum he had, and WWE drove the nail into the coffin with that awful bully character.

R-Truth showed some real promise as a heel, but the Little Jimmy stuff had a short life span. Eventually WWE turned the gimmick into a running joke, with Truth playing the role of this delusional nutcase week after week, and after that, there was no possible way you could take Truth seriously as a threat anymore. On top of that, the match at Capitol Punishment was pretty lousy, Cena won with a decisive victory, and that match diminished any interest for future matches.

Although, Bray Wyatt is a strange (and rare) case. The win at Extreme Rules feels cheap, because of all the outside shenanigans, including the little kid, and Cena picked up a decisive victory at Payback.

Lord Tensai? Forget it. The character was doomed from the word go, when WWE seriously expected the fans to forget about Albert or Prince Albert, a guy with one of the most recognizable faces in pro wrestling. The fans were supposed to immediately forget about the past, and buy into him as this lethal bad ass?

It'll be sooner than later, but I see Ambrose following the paths of Edge and CM Punk: a wrestler, who's only a few steps away from becoming a superstar or a main event guy, and a feud with John Cena pushes him to the next level. Ambrose is almost there, but he needs that one feud to get to the next level. If WWE books the feud properly, a feud with John Cena will do wonders for Ambrose's career.

^^^ totally agree with this.

just to add on to the names listed above...

Ryback was dead in the water before John Cena ever entered the picture. this poor sucker has had the worst writing I've seen in a long time. sure, some of it might be his fault between backstage politics and in-ring performance, but Ryback went from an unbeatable face to a heel that lost something like 9 consecutive ppv matches. so yeah, dead in the water, and that was BEFORE Cena. he can't be blamed for his burial.

R-Truth was short-term. remember, even though not as many people watch TNA, but they were doing their best work in years thanks to the career resurrection of Bully Ray. while he was becoming the BEST HEEL in the entire wrestling world, R-Truth was losing at Capitol Punishment and screaming about Little Jimmy. almost had an old school feel to it when you look at the angles side-by-side. in WCW you have the NWO and in WWF you have Aldo Montoya. R-Truth kinda suffered the same side-by-side perspective and his failed main event status is not Cena's fault.

Bray Wyatt is the exception to the rule. I have no idea what happened with him or why. just a mystery. I would've done things differently with him since Mania, but that's just me. always thought we missed out on a Shield vs. Wyatt Family feud and that Wyatt and Cena could have feuded later. but that's in the past and Bray will bounce back. he's too good not to.

Tensai was jut odd from day one. the best thing that happened to him was the transformation into Sweet T and teaming with Brodus Clay. if they were taken more seriously, they could both still be on WWE tv today, but again, I'm not the one writing the show.

Ambrose can totally "survive" a Cena feud. in fact, I'm looking at Ambrose in much the same way that I'd look at Edge, Punk and Bryan. their careers were made after feuding with Cena. it helps that they're all great workers and talkers and have incredibly strong work ethics, but I see all that in Ambrose as well. either way, with or without Cena, Ambrose will be a huge star in the wrestling world.
As long as Ambrose remains face against Cena, he'll 'survive' the feud. Why? If you look at Cena's track record in last 3-4 years, faces have had way more benefit feuding with Cena than heels. Punk turned face when he feuded with Cena while Bryan was elevated to a whole new level. It's rather ironic because it feels like anyone who goes against Cena these days tends to get more cheers. Also, these faces had anti-Cena gimmicks. Ambrose in is current gimmick is completely opposite to what Cena is and if he goes over Cena, it'll be great for him in the long run. If he doesn't go over, he still would retain momentum unless he's simply fed to Cena (look Bray Wyatt).

Spot on comment. I look at the comments and notice that the majority has a very positive feeling about this feud (so do I). Ambrose vs Cena only works with the who-will-get-to-Rollins-first vendetta and only for that reason (for now at least). With the speculation going that they will square off at HIAC for a shot at Rollins I will say this: Ambrose should go over in the opening bout. A ''cheap'' win with a leverage pinfall will do the job just fine even if Cena laughs it off (as I think he should just for it to be believable). Just imagine what a win for Ambrose will do for him against Cena even done that way. Then, they can go to different routes or face off again if creative books it.

Point is, Ambrose cannot be denied the Punk/Bryan push because people love his mannerisms,facial expressions, reactions and quite frankly the people always wants to cheer for the anti-hero, anti-authority guy and he is in that spot right now. So no, this feud cannot hurt him which I really, REALLY hope i'm right about.
Key statement right there. How many superstars have gotten over on their own without help, only to be totally buried and more or less gone sooner or later? Don't get me wrong, I pray that Ambrose goes the Bryan route where despite WWE doing everything they could he got over anyway. That's the exception though, not the rule. It really all depends on one man. Even if every fan in every arena loves you, if Vince doesn't then good luck. I really hope Ambrose makes it and that his apparent program with Cena will be different than almost any other program with Cena but I'm not holding my breath.

I don't understand how Ambrose relates to Bryan though. Creative has been very kind to Ambrose from the beginning. All his segments portray his character exactly and are very unique. Even when Reigns was around and Ambrose was beneath him creative and of course Ambrose himself gotten him more over.
It ultimately depends on how highly Vince thinks of Ambrose and whether or not Triple H can get through to him about offering Ambrose up as a sacrifice upon Cena's altar. Somehow, someway, Triple H is gonna have to convince Vince that Cena's at a point in his career where he's beyond fans losing belief in him. He's been on top for too long and against too broad a variety of opponents. As a result, Cena doesn't always have to come out looking superhuman when it's all said & done. If anything, people like a hero who comes up short every once in a while, someone that's not totally invulnerable. Otherwise, the result is what we've seen over the years: More and more people complaining about how Cena ALWAYS comes out smelling like a rose. People get burned out because Vince has insisted on booking Cena so strong, so consistently for the past decade that many fans come to the conclusion that they know how a program with Cena's gonna end before it even really starts. It's one thing to book a guy strongly, but Cena's an example of taking it to such an extreme that a good number of people are disenchanted.

John Cena's gettin' older his body is gonna start breaking down eventually, if it already hasn't started to already, because of the wear & tear of not only the business, but of being THE FACE of WWE and all the extra work that goes along with it. As it stands, there are a handful of guys on the roster who have the credibility or potentially will have the credibility to possibly take over that spot from Cena at some point and Dean Ambrose is one of those handful. Making him look bad just to Cena can look good is counterproductive because, as I pointed out, Cena's at a point very, very, very, very few wrestlers reach in that it's all but impossible for Cena to look bad. He's done too much and has been on top for too long.
I think this one falls on the announce team.. and without JR to sell it to the fans Ambrose going toe to toe with Cena will just be another Monday Night Raw throwaway main event.
The reason everyone invested in Austin is because JR sold it. They are clearly grooming Ambrose for that spot, but it's going to get old quick unless someone on the announce team starts to cheer lead for him
Bray Wyatt is the exception to the rule. I have no idea what happened with him or why. just a mystery. I would've done things differently with him since Mania, but that's just me. always thought we missed out on a Shield vs. Wyatt Family feud and that Wyatt and Cena could have feuded later. but that's in the past and Bray will bounce back. he's too good not to.

Daniel Bryan's injury was the main culprit. Had he stayed healthy, he would've faced Brock Lesnar at Summerslam and got stomped through the canvas. How did GoodMicWork put it, John Cena was a Placeholder for Summerslam. So when Bryan went down, there was no choice but to disconnect the Cena/Wyatt feud in order to get the backup plan in place.

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