
Dead Kennedy

Forever Holly
What is the deal with Lance Cade's "push"? At first everyone was shocked to see Lance Cade coming out and burying some main event guys (can't remember who it was right now.) and thought WWE were going to push him to the upper midcard/main event. Now he's the invisible "follower" of Jericho. I don't get it. How the heck can this benefit him? Where's it going?

I've never seen why WWE are so high up on this guy. He was generic when he played the Garrison Cade gimmick and downright boring when he was teaming with Murdoch. He's alright on the mic and has a small modicum of charisma, but nothing to warrant a big time player. Do WWE still have plans to pull the main event switch on Cade like all the Internet sites were reporting when Cade/Murdoch broke up?
Cade's got nothing special.

Back a year and a half ago, they split them up and Murdoch seemed to be the true star of the duo with his charisma and persona.

All of a sudden, Cade is off the roids, looks like a tall, skinny whiteboy and he's being pushed as Jericho's henchman.

I just think he's boring and his ties to Shawn Michaels may be what's keeping him employed and some agents high on him.
I like Cade. I think his connection to Jericho is due to Jerichos connection with Shawn. Their feud is coming to an end, leaving Shawn with nothing to do. And the WWE seem intent on pushing Cade. It fits perfectly. Shawn is one of the best wrestlers to ever step foot in the ring, just by working with him Cade will gain huge amunts of experience, and hopefulyl respect with how he handles himself with it.

Shawn also isn't the type to not let someone get a clean win over him, and I think Cade will get at least one. This will automatically eleviate him onto the upper mid card/main event status. However I don't think he'll ever be the champion. A good contender maybe, but I don't think many would buy him as being the big star.
I agree with Becca. I think the reason why Cade was chosen to be Jericho's "lacky" was because of the HBK, connection. It would do Cade alot of good to feud with HBK, and if he could score a pin or get the better of HBK during their feud, Cade would instantly become a bigger player. As for Cade himself he has a nice "look" and by that he's a built bigger man and we know how much Vince love's them "bigger". I think thats the reason he got pushed instead of Murdoch. Both were pretty average but Cade has the look the WWE likes.
who? oh you mean Jericho's shadow, lol, jk. I think Cade is getting good exposure with Jericho, but he needs to start talking more. I don't mind his matches now, I didn't much care for him when he was with Murdock and I absolutly hated him when he was Mark Jindrak (I always thought Jindrak would be one of the only WCW stars to make it big in WWE), but since then he's slowly grown on me. I look forward to him hopefully begining a feudwth HBK that will help him get the push he needs. I'm sure it will go similar to the HBK/Kennedy feud, with Cade getting a victory and a couple of upperhands but ultimatly HBK will win, but the feud will help Cade get the push he needs. They could follow this up with an IC title run. Either way, the WWE seems to have plans for Cade so I'm sure he'll be around for a while.
Imagine this for a set-up! Close your eyes. Chris Jericho have matches back and forth up to Survivor Series. ON all the Pay Per Views, Jericho cheats to win to keep Shawn down. Jericho bloodies him month after month. AT Survivor Series they meet in an 30 Minutes Iron Man Match, where the Loser has to Leave the WWE/Raw. 15 Minutes in, Chris Jericho damages the eye with the Ring bell. Jericho gets DQed, 1 point for Shawn. With Shawn blinded, Jericho rolls Shawn up for the pin. Minutes later, Jericho hits the CodeBreaker on Shawn for another Pin, its 2-1 for Jericho. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho a few minutes later, but Shawn just wont tap out. He finally gets to the Ropes and Jericho has had enough. He gets the chair out, goes to hit Shawn in the Head, but The Ref stops it. Jericho hits the Ref after the Ref gives Chris another DQ. Chris is working on Shawn, and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Shawn again gets to the ropes. By this point he is covered in blood and hardly moving. Jericho picks him up, and Shawn hits the Super Kick and gets the pin with seconds remaining. Shawn wins 3-2. While shawn is struggling to get up, Cade appears on the Titantron. He has taken Rebecca hostage and it was him who fuels Jerichos rage for Michaels, not the other way around, and if Shawn wants him, he must appear at Raw tomorrow to get him and Rebecca back...

This would set Cade up to be one of the biggest heels in the WWE, as well as brings him out of the spotlight
Cade is not anything great. He never has been. He has never really impressed me from day 1. His mic skills are poor and below average and his wrestling skills aren't anything to brag about and for some reason, I just find his matches unentertaining and boring. I don't really like his gimmick as I think its too basic and plain. I just don't find him entertaining at all. His new 'push' has been poor. He hardly wrestles and he currently looks like Jericho's bitch. He just doesn't do anything and he rarely gets involved in Chris Jericho's matches.

He isn't over very much as a heel and sure he is getting exposure and air time with Jericho, but he never does anything useful when hes on my t.v screen. His push hasn't been handled very well in my opinion. ECW would be the best place for him at the moment. That brand needs talent and Lance Cade can possibly benefit and could even get a chance at holding the ECW belt after a long and hard fought way to the top. I just don't see how he is benefitting right now with Chris Jericho. I never went crazy for the tag team of Murdoch and Cade as I thought they were bland.

Cade definately has the look of a superstar, but apart from that he has nothing else. He hasn't improved much at all since he debuted. I can see him winning the Intercontinential Championship one day, but definately not the World Title. He isn't much of a star at the moment and needs to be given a better push so that he can hopefully improve in many ways.
I've never seen the point of Cade's push. I get that he's HBK's protege, but that's all he's got going for him. His finisher is ok, his mic work is.......ok, but that's about it. For the last few weeks I've pretty much forgotten that he's been around. I don't remember the last time that he had a match at all. At the house show I was at about two months ago he was in the ring, and he wasn't that bad. But that's just it, he wasn't bad. I've never seen the massive appeal to him. It seems as if its been put on the back burner. Unless this is leading to a stable, and I hope that it doesnt, then I'm just not seeing where they're going with it.
If WWE creative know what they are doing, they'd let Cade do some things with Shawn Michaels. Make Cade feud with and defeat Michaels one time dirty and the second clean and aide Y2J in further screwing him over to gain some recognition. Then they should align Cade with Team Priceless and have JBL or Randy Orton run that clique. I think I'd prefer Orton cause his viciousness, cockyness and arrogance would blend in for the stable. Call it the Age of Priceless... or maybe. But they should do something with Cade 'cause it still seems he's just an armchair for Jericho. Cade has some talent and I still think he can make it high in the company.
Shawn also isn't the type to not let someone get a clean win over him..

Is that a joke? Have you just started watching Shawn Michaels?

On topic, I think it would be good if Cade helped Jericho to end this feud so that Jericho can go on to bigger things (perhaps even the main event) and Cade could then be put in an already set feud with Shawn Michaels for a while. This would be the perfect way for Michaels to give back to his "student" by helping to build and put over Cade and make him into a credible heel. I'm not saying that's going to happen, even if this feud does happen, but it'd be a good idea if they really want to take Cade seriously and make something of him in the future. I think Cade has potential, but we really haven't gotten a chance to see anything from him as he's, upto this point, merely been in the background and not giving any time to really develop a character or his place.
Lately HBK has been nothing but a jobber to the "new" stars. Batista, Cena, and Hardy have all cleanly beaten him and he is never in the "mainevent" as of late. I dont think he has any problem putting people over, as long as they deserve it.

Anyways I just thought of a different idea. We all assume Cade is gonna get a heel push, but why not a face push. Cade would probably be better off as a heel, since I dont think the fans could get behind him, but it may work. Have Jericho destroy HBK, and almost end his career and then have Cade interfere and take out Jericho. Cade could turn face by helping save his "mentor" HBK. It might work and by I'm not sure the fans would get behind Cade, but if he "saves" HBK, and the feuds with Jericho(who is getting pretty big heat) it may work.
What happens to Cade now?

Shawn Michaels is injured, there are reports he could be out for months. With this being said, is Cades push over? The general thoughts were that he was with Jericho in order to feud with Shawn as that finished. Cade has potential, and it would have been good for him.

Now, I don't know what they're going to do with him. Maybe a feud with Jericho? I think Punk will be busy with Orton, even though I thought Jericho should really have some title shots. Jericho is an amazing heel right now. If Cade is to be pushed as face now, it makes complete sense. I don't think it'd be anything with longetivity, but it'll get Cade through until Shawn returns.
What happens to Cade now?

Would it be too soon to say he's about to get wished well? :lmao:

Shawn Michaels is injured, there are reports he could be out for months. With this being said, is Cades push over?

I laugh slightly because the words "Cade" and "push" are being used in the same sentence, as if it was meant as a compliment. The fact is, he was better and bigger as a member of the "Redneck Wrecking Crew".

All he's been since turning on Murdoch has been some random guy who looks similar to Chris Jericho (Lenny Lane?) and follows him around to be the 'fall guy' on ass-whoopin's that're handed out.

The general thoughts were that he was with Jericho in order to feud with Shawn as that finished. Cade has potential, and it would have been good for him.

I laugh again at the mere thought of Cade and potential being seriously considered. Lance Cade is crap, plain and simple. Wow, Shawn Michaels trained him. I hate to break it to anyone, but just because a guy that's a soon-to-be Legend trains someone.. that doesn't mean THEY have potential.

And a Cade feud against H.B.K. would work about as well as a Brian Kendrick feud against the Undertaker right now. Sure, Kendrick's getting a huge push.. but does anyone really think he can beat someone that much greater? The same is being thought of whenever anyone mentioned H.B.K. against Cade.

Now, I don't know what they're going to do with him. Maybe a feud with Jericho?

Cade turning on Jericho would only be step one in believing Cade's about to be wished well. Since Murdoch was cut, Cade has no fall-back plan. Jericho's it.

I think Punk will be busy with Orton, even though I thought Jericho should really have some title shots. Jericho is an amazing heel right now. If Cade is to be pushed as face now, it makes complete sense.

I'd love to know where you found that logic.

A.) Why would Cade suddenly be pushed as a face? The guy can't get over as anything.

B.) While a feud with Jericho would be possible, sooner or later Jericho will still need a 'fall-guy' when H.B.K. returns.. so it'd be pointless to have Cade leave that position, just to give Jericho something to do in the meantime.

I don't think it'd be anything with longetivity, but it'll get Cade through until Shawn returns.

Once again, the funny thing is.. how would Cade be involved in the original plans regarding him and H.B.K., if Cade were to turn on Jericho.. then do what, return and rejoin Jericho, to feud with H.B.K. again?

Jericho & Cade could easily become Tag Team Champions in a meaningless lengthy period of time, while waiting on H.B.K. to return. But that won't do anything for anyone.
Please explain why you think Cade has zero potential. Dude fits McMahon's criteria for a big name (size, speed, not just-plain-ugly), and, by everything I've seen, isn't too shabby in the ring. The thing is, you have no idea what his potential is, all you know is what the bookers WANT you to know. It's not like he gets to go out there and call all of his spots AND the ending of the match. He's big, he's pretty damn agile, he's not bad on the mic, and his finisher looks cool. And, I'm betting that HBK would NEVER recommend one of his students to the WWE if Shawn didn't feel said student would go far, and by extension make Shawn look good. I think Cade has a pretty bright future in the industry. So does JR, and he knows a thing or two about the goings on backstage in the WWE.
Please explain why you think Cade has zero potential.

For starters, the guy is more plain than a loft of bread. He's more average than vanilla. He's had multiple chances at different gimmicks, and hasn't gotten any of them to lead him to any type of Championship.. except for a couple of Tag title reigns.. in a very weakened division.

Dude fits McMahon's criteria for a big name (size, speed, not just-plain-ugly), and, by everything I've seen, isn't too shabby in the ring.

Cade isn't as big as McMahon likes. He's average. He isn't fast, he's average. And his in-ring work is barely cutting the bare minimum of average, at best.

All in all, Lance Cade was probably the green guy in the Smackdown vs. Raw video games, doing all the moves. He likely knows how to do stuff, but he makes them look dull as shit.

The thing is, you have no idea what his potential is, all you know is what the bookers WANT you to know.

No, all I know is what Cade has shown me. And he's been in the business how many years now? You'd think he'd of wanted me to notice him by now, wouldn't you?

It's not like he gets to go out there and call all of his spots AND the ending of the match.

Actually, I'm pretty sure he gets to hit some of his signature moves, as well as his finisher in matches he wins. That doesn't mean jack. He still looks plain doing all of them.

Whether he gets to script his own match or not, whether he gets to playout how everything goes.. none of that has any barring on how talented the guy is suppose to be.

He's big, he's pretty damn agile, he's not bad on the mic, and his finisher looks cool.

Kane, J.B.L., the Undertaker.. they're "big". Cade is about the average size of a regular wrestler. And agile? Why? Because he can deliver a drop kick, or go to the top rope and hit an elbow? Wow.. he's the next Heavy-cruiserweight of the world. :rolleyes:

Don't even with the mic skills. He couldn't cut his way outta a promo bag. And his finisher isn't all that great, but I will say it's at least remotely better than some. It wouldn't be in the top 10-15 of finisher's in the company though.

And, I'm betting that HBK would NEVER recommend one of his students to the WWE if Shawn didn't feel said student would go far, and by extension make Shawn look good.

I'm betting H.B.K. WOULD push one of his students into the company, because it's HIS students, and any of HIS students that make it.. reflects on him.

Yet if any of his students fail, he doesn't have to take the wrap for it.. because he got them in the door, and it was up to them to "grow".

I think Cade has a pretty bright future in the industry.

If Murdoch returns, if they reform the Redneck Wrecking Crew, and if the Tag team division still remains incredibly weak.. I agree.

So does JR, and he knows a thing or two about the goings on backstage in the WWE.

We're talking about the same guy who isn't going to publicly bash anyone they're trying to push, right?
Cade goes a legit 6'5" 260 (those are not his WWE stats, but his actual size) That's 2 inches shorter than Matt Morgan. He is a legit big guy.

I see your argument and disagree with you. And I will do you one better with a question: what do you think of John Cena? You basically described him in your above rebuttals. Plain, slow, not a giant (although he is pretty fucking massive), not that great at wrestling. And yet, Cena is the biggest draw in the WWE. Smarks don't drive the industry, fat rednecks with 1 tooth and 12 dogs under their porches do. Dudes like that get behind guys like Cade, whether their reasons are well informed or not. Sometimes smarks just have to grin and bare it when a guy they don't think has "it" makes it big.

And that is not to say that I think Cade will make it big, but he has potential. And that can't be denied.
Cade goes a legit 6'5" 260 (those are not his WWE stats, but his actual size) That's 2 inches shorter than Matt Morgan. He is a legit big guy.

Yeah, cause Matt fricken Morgan is doing WONDERS in the W.W.E. right now. :rolleyes: Oh wait..

Well, he WAS in the W.W.E., and when he was, he was definately one of the best big men during that tim.. oh wait.

I see your argument and disagree with you.

I respect that. But I don't have to agree with what you're saying, either. I hope you can understand that.

And I will do you one better with a question: what do you think of John Cena?

I think John Cena is a piece of crap. I used to like him when he came in, then he took over the top spot similar to Hogan and never gave it up. I think people look too highly upon the guy, and he doesn't deserve the amount of credit he gets.

You basically described him in your above rebuttals. Plain, slow, not a giant (although he is pretty fucking massive), not that great at wrestling. And yet, Cena is the biggest draw in the WWE.

You see, the one thing I can do is be reasonable and neutral. While I personally don't like Cena, I'm not going to be naive and daft (I learned that word earlier, neat huh) enough to think he's comparable to Lance fricken Cade.

Cena is a HUGE draw because he has something.. okay, he has a lot of things, that Cade doesn't have. Mic skills, in-ring story-telling abilities, charisma, the "look", the ability to make fans want to see you. (even if they're 12)

Smarks don't drive the industry, fat rednecks with 1 tooth and 12 dogs under their porches do.

I'm pretty sure the W.W.E. Raw Nation commercials have informed me that the mainstream W.W.E. fans are Doctors, Lawyers, Police Officers, and high powered business execs. If they're missing any teeth, maybe we can compromise.

You see, I'm sure the only reason you never see the people in the Raw-Nation commercials in the front row.. is because a lot of them are rich and powerful individuals. That's what lux. suites in arenas are for. You're likely confused about the redneck thing because of the amount of homely looking people who sit in the front row.

Dudes like that get behind guys like Cade, whether their reasons are well informed or not.

Well, I'm pretty sure I've been a wrestling fan for over half of my life. I'm proud to say I have all my teeth, and even more proud to announce I have NO intention on backing a guy like Lance Cade on being anything, other than booted out the door.

I'm almost willing to bet hard money on the fact that, while he could have a fanbase, it likely isn't a big enough one to keep him with a job.

Sometimes smarks just have to grin and bare it when a guy they don't think has "it" makes it big.

True. Not much you can change about who gets a major push and who makes it.

Well, you know.. except for completely ignoring them, giving them absolutely NO attention, and sooner or later proving the point that you'd much sooner switch over to watch Tenn. against U.C.L.A. than seeing Punk in yet another fucking mid-card/main event match.. that people will likely give him full credit for, for whatever number the ratings produce, as long as it's good.

And that is not to say that I think Cade will make it big, but he has potential. And that can't be denied.

I like how you push Cade in defending him, but make sure you end with covering your butt when he.. ohh, excuse me.. "if he".. fails. ;) Nice cover, I won't say anything.
I'm not a Cade fan either. I just completely disagree with you about his potential. Anybody that looks like him, and had made it as far as he has, has potential. That fact can't be disputed. I've been a wrestling fan since I started watching Saturday morning television, so that's just about as long as you've been alive. I started going to house shows when I was 8. I went to my first televised taping when I was 10, for my birthday. I went to my first pay-per-view later that year. I started taking my my son to wrestling events when he was 3. He's 7 now, and has seen more live wrestling than most adults I know. And, for the record, I usually sit in luxury boxes when I go (because I have all of my teeth and a good job, which puts me in the minority when I attend events). The reason you never see those people in the commercials actually at the live events is because THEY ARE COMMERCIALS. Don't mark out so much that you believe an ad campaign. Do hamburgers at McDonald's look like they do in the commercials when you actually buy them? You don't like Cade, I get it. But, you don't like Cena, or Punk apparently, either, and they are huge draws right now. WWE doesn't cater everything to you smarks.
I'm not a Cade fan either. I just completely disagree with you about his potential.

You have every right to disagree with me. Just like I have every right to prove your theories wrong, and thus far have.

Anybody that looks like him, and had made it as far as he has, has potential.

By this logic, shouldn't the Brooklyn Brawler have been a 10 time World Heavyweight Champion by now? I mean, how long did he stick around in the business? How heavy was he? How tall was he?

Why hasn't The Great Khali been a Champion more than once? Why hasn't Kane been Champion more than once? Size means nothing.

That fact can't be disputed.

I just disputed it. Size means nothing. If it does, Rey Mysterio would've never been a World Heavyweight Champion. Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, even Bret Hart. None of them would be Champions if size mattered.

I've been a wrestling fan since I started watching Saturday morning television, so that's just about as long as you've been alive.

I'm happy for you. Fail to see how that has anything to due with Lance Cade being under or overrated though.

I started going to house shows when I was 8.

That's nice.

I went to my first televised taping when I was 10, for my birthday.

Happy belated Birthday.

I went to my first pay-per-view later that year.

So those two things must've been a highlight for you then?

I started taking my my son to wrestling events when he was 3.

And to think he likely won't remember it. What an ingrate.

He's 7 now, and has seen more live wrestling than most adults I know.

Still failing to see how it matters. But it's nice that you share something with your Son.

And, for the record, I usually sit in luxury boxes when I go (because I have all of my teeth and a good job, which puts me in the minority when I attend events).

So what you're saying is.. you could be too snobby to associate with the lower-case wrestling fan(s)?

The reason you never see those people in the commercials actually at the live events is because THEY ARE COMMERCIALS.

Well done. I'm glad you picked up on the sarcasm. [/sarcasm]

Don't mark out so much that you believe an ad campaign.

I suppose I'll save all that for marking out when Punk drops the title, and falls out of the Main Eve.. *cough* excuse me, I had shit in my mouth for a moment *cough* I mean.. midcard, Heavyweight Championship spot.

Do hamburgers at McDonald's look like they do in the commercials when you actually buy them?

Some do, actually. Depends on who's making my food. I pay top dollar and they make my food how I ask them too. Fresh as could be.

You don't like Cade, I get it.

You're his biggest/only fan. I respect that.

But, you don't like Cena, or Punk apparently, either, and they are huge draws right now.

Shawn Michaels is my all-time favorite wrestler. Edge is basically tied with that, if not directly below it. Both are big names in this business, and Lance Cade won't match up to either, if both of their career's ended right now.. and Cade's went another 10 yrs.

I'm a huge Lance Storm fan. Big on Billy Kidman. I like Raven. Enjoy watching THE Brian Kendrick.. and I can tell you right now, all of them, including Kendrick, have meant more to this business and will continue to mean more to it.. than Lance "Don't call me Garrison" Cade.

WWE doesn't cater everything to you smarks.

I'm sorry. I must've missed where I claimed they did.

The overall point is this. You're going off the entire basis of Lance Cade becoming a huge star in this business all because of his size. That's (no offense) about the dumbest claim a person could make. That's equal to me saying I'm gonna become rich and famous, because I'm a white male.

It's stereo-typical to say just because he has the build, he's instantly going to be a success.

I don't wanna burst your bubble, but Cade's biggest push has been recently with being Jericho's lackie.. and he's had all of ONE match on Raw since joining Jericho. Outside of that, he's done what? Been a bag boy? Taken H.B.K. beating after beating?

I'm sorry you're consumed with thinking shit rises to the top because it's bigger than your average turd. Cade is about the biggest piece of crap I've seen in the business, today. And the bigger they are, shit-wise, the quicker they sink.
I brought up my history as a wrestling fan, as did you, I might add, to show you that being a fan for "half" your life means about as much to me as my the length of time I've been a fan does to you. Being a mod on a wrestling website means dick. You've refuted nothing, I never said size is the ONLY important thing in being a champion, and I certainly never claimed that Cade's size is the only reason he will be a star. I mentioned speed and agility, as well as his finisher, and I'll add now that, from what I have seen, he's better than (WCW) Benoit on the mic.

This has been a futile conversation (there, now you've learned TWO new words today, your mama must be proud), and I'm done with it. By refusing to talk about this in a civil manner, indeed by being a complete douche, you've pretty much assured that I don't give a damn what your opinion is. The simple fact is that Cade IS being pushed, and obviously people who actually matter and make decisions disagree with you and see potential in him. So, I'll leave you with this: your opinion, in the grand scheme of the wrestling world, means absolutely nothing. You should keep that in mind next time you are acting like an ass instead of having a conversation like an adult.
I brought up my history as a wrestling fan, as did you, I might add, to show you that being a fan for "half" your life means about as much to me as my the length of time I've been a fan does to you.

Agreed. Just like I also agree that regardless of how long either of us have been fans of the sport, it has zero connection to Lance Cade, or his push.

Being a mod on a wrestling website means dick.

Well that's kinda harsh. I personally believe I've done a lot of good as a wrestling mod. Someone's apparently jealousy, that's all.

You've refuted nothing, I never said size is the ONLY important thing in being a champion, and I certainly never claimed that Cade's size is the only reason he will be a star. I mentioned speed and agility, as well as his finisher

I'm pretty sure most of our conversation saw you screaming at the top of your text-voiced lungs that Cade's size is a large part of why he's going to be something someday. If I recall, because "McMahon likes guys built like him".

And his finisher isn't a top 20 finisher, it's a lack-luster sit-out powerbomb. He isn't as fast as cruiserweights, and he's barely average for speed with midcarders. His Agility is next to nothing, compared to others in his divisional catagory.

and I'll add now that, from what I have seen, he's better than (WCW) Benoit on the mic.

A rock had more mic skills than W.C.W.'s Chris Benoit. But Cade doesn't fill out the talent level that Benoit did to make up for the lack of mic skills either.

This has been a futile conversation (there, now you've learned TWO new words today, your mama must be proud), and I'm done with it.

Someone's getting upset. You're borderline flaming. That's not very nice. I've respectfully said I respect your opinion, but apparently someone forgot what the word "opinion" meant. :rolleyes:

By refusing to talk about this in a civil manner, indeed by being a complete douche, you've pretty much assured that I don't give a damn what your opinion is.

I'm pretty sure I wasn't the one name-calling.

The simple fact is that Cade IS being pushed, and obviously people who actually matter and make decisions disagree with you and see potential in him.

Well that hurts. Just because I'm not on creative, that suddenly means I can't even have an opinion of how crappy the guy is? I'm sorry.. forgive me and my silly, silly thoughts of watching a sport I've enjoyed and having any idea of what I might like or might not.

Forgive me, please. Apparently I don't know what I really like, and people who're more important than me should obviously make my decisions for me.

So, I'll leave you with this: your opinion, in the grand scheme of the wrestling world, means absolutely nothing.

I hope my Happy Hour idea goes through so I can shove that in your face. :lmao:

You should keep that in mind next time you are acting like an ass instead of having a conversation like an adult.

Once again.. Mr. Flamey, I never once bashed you and apparently I've hurt your feelings. It's rather ironic, isn't it? How I can state why I disagree and all you can do in return is call me names, and say I'm the dick, douche, or ass.

Yeah.. great debating skills. :thumbsup: NEXT.
Personally, I don't think Cade has been used well. He's been swallowed by the Jericho/HBK feud, which is fine, as that is a decent story, but his role in this storyline is uncertain and probably should not have been included in the first place. He should have either gone his own way and not been involved in the feud (which would have been ok since this story is bigger than him right now anyway), or been more actively involved (say jericho could have made michaels "earn" another shot against him by first defeating
Cade or something).
Cade I think is suddenly in a little trouble as far as his use. He was obviously Jericho's little pawn and was getting a nice little rub from it. However now that Jericho's been crowned that champ, and HBK being out so his injury can heal... I really don't see any place for him anymore. Really the only thing I could see Cade doing when he split with Murdoch was feuding with HBK. I also figured that that feud would either make or break him in the long run of things. Depending how people reacted and how managment reacted to him would determine his future. Right now I think Cade's situation is pretty grim. He needs to either get involved in the IC title picture now or possibly going to Smackdown! I just don't see any place for him on Raw. On Smackdown at least he would be able to feud with guys like Hardy and other faces. On Raw, the faces are either to far up like Cena, or too far of a low card like Noble, to actually work well with Cade in a feud. The only person I can think of would be Kofi, but even that is questionable.
I dont think cades going to be a good main eventer hes an ok wrestler but i havent really seen any charisma or really anything super special about him. Hes already getting a good push from being involved in a great feud between shawn michaels and jericho. After that feud is over he'll probably be competing for the intercontinental title in the upper middle card
The point of Cade's role at the moment is that when the time comes in which they need to use him in a feud, or as a prop in a feud, or even as an extension of the HBK/ Jericho feud, the fans are already familiar with him so will accept him more than if he had just been left off TV for a month or three, (see Elijah Burke.)

You could argue that fans are already familiar with him as he was in Cade and Murdoch for so long, true, but here they are only familiar with him as the tag team partner as Lance Cade. Essentialy, when his time for a feud or even a matchup comes they have given him the best possible chance to compete as Lance Cade and not the other half of Cade and Murdoch.

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