C.M. Punk's Going To Get Buried

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Getting Noticed By Management
There's great irony in the fact that HHH and HBK once said that CM Punk didnt have anything special to put him over in the WWE,yet he out popped them at SS06,and is the most over superstar in the WWE right now.So could a HHH vs. CM Punk fued in line with WM23 be possible,seing as how HHH always likes jumping on the bandwagon of who ever is the next bing thing( Cena) Some guy once said that CM Punk would win RR07, it looks like a real possiblity,because there isnt anyone else.
Hopefully the WWE will push Punk. But, we all know how they sometimes overlook the talent.
It would be awesome if Punk got pushed into a Wrestlemania spot but I seriously doubt it'd be in the main event however because in the the eyes of the WWE Punk still has a ways to go. However I think what will need to happen first is Punk will need to put on some weight and tone his body a little more he is a skinny guy.

The sad thing is CM Punk was simply one of the best indy stars around for awhile and had some great moves like the Pepsi Plunge which was a top rope Pedigree which I supposed is named after the Pepsi logo on his arm. I think they are starting to realise that Punk is quickly becoming the most loved guy on any brand and given that he was invited to Iraq and got over on Shelton shows me that he is getting his recognition. I'd personally like to see him take on someone the likes of Mr. Kennedy at Wrestlemania or Chris Benoit for the Us Title
Hopefully the WWE will push Punk. But, we all know how they sometimes overlook the talent.

Sometimes? Besides that, Chris Masters is moving to ECW, so maybe that will leave an opening for CM Punk to move to RAW and get a IC title push...
The problem is that for Punk to make it to a WM,he needs to leave ECW,and they arnt looking at trading any of their talent right now.I'll be watching the Royal Rumble intently.Right now,the only guys who could be inline to win are Kennedy,Punk,Orton,Edge and HHH.Even if they they put over another guy(maybe Taker) the fact remains tthat under normal circumstances,Punk would be the obvious choice to headline WM23
With Punk jobbing clean to longtime looser Hardcore Holly, I think we've seen the end of his push. Personally I think it's because Vince did'nt plan on him becoming so popular. If he had planned on him becoming a star surley he would have put him in a more intresting feud and not bury him in the E.C. Vince dode'nt really like it when fan's try and dictate who the most popular wrestler is. With Lashley not being as popular as him or R.V.D. I see it as a way of trying to get him more over.
Yeah, CM will go the way of Shannon Moore. It's strange that Vince seems to get so pissy at the fans' favorites when common sense would dictate that if the fans saw more of who they liked, business would be better (like how JJ runs TNA, according to an IGN interview I read). CM Punk is capable of so much more, but with Heyman out of the way... welcome to the jobber squad!
i have another way of viewing it. Vince may have put cm punk in ecw because he knew that he was liked by the fans. They are building tword cm punk beating holly then maby the ecw title. He does have a bright future in the wwe its just the road can be a little rocky at some points.
Yes, I agree with wrestling247. CM Punk is not going to become a jobber just because he got handed 1 loss to hardcore holly. If you watched the match closely, it wasn't that clean of a win, considering Punk's shoulder went into the steal post. The endings to matches are very subtle when it comes to who comes out on top.

Remember CM Punk getting put over by HHH, saying that he is the future of ECW. Keep in mind he has been with the company for less than a year, and isn't exactly built like Bobby Lashley or Brock Lesnar. Because of his size, he needs to get put over with the fans properly.

SO TO Y 2 JAKE. Please think before you make a stupid thread like this.
Maybe we ll get lucky and Punk will wind up on Raw while hhh is injured. I think punk is being held down in ecw. A move to raw would give him more exposure and he could go for the ic title.
Nah they moved Khali to Raw to replace HHH's star power. Now, I'm not saying I AGREE with any of this, but that's WWE's current logic. CM Punk will most likely stay in ECW. He is very over with the crowd, sure, but Vince evidently doesn't feel Punk is big superstar material.. at least not yet. In WWE, rookies only get monster pushes if they are built like bodybuilders.

Losing to Hardcore Holly, clean or not, would be a big dent for Punk's push. I'm not saying that Vince is purposely trying to bury Punk or anything, but at the very least, he's slowing the push down. Punk is obviously more over with the crowd than Lashley, so maybe Vince is trying to put more of the focus on Lashley.
I honestly believe that Punk's loss last night opens the door for many opportunities. I mean, in my mind, now that he lost he can have a believable feud with someone that can compete with him. For example if you were to put him in a feud with RVD now, it is believable that he will get some wins and some losses, as opposed to when he was undefeated and everyone would job to him. I don't know if you'll agree, but I like it better when a superstar's push is a slow steady one instead of rushed.
I believe Punk would be better off moving to Smackdown. I know RAW is the top show but on Smackdown he could have amazing matches with guys like Benoit, Finlay and Booker. Smackdown is just the better show, I don't want to see pointless drivel like they put on RAW. I like wrestling so therefore I like Smackdown better. C.M. Punk on Smackdown would be the best idea I feel.
CM Would do better in SD! and what i think they could geive him a good push Maybe have him feud with mysterio when he comes back as his first match or benoit. the anaconda vice vs the crossface
According to Dave Scherer and Buck Woodward, the main culprits in the recent depush for for CM Punk are Arn Anderson and Fit Finlay. Scherer and Woodward said that they were the agents, ahem, "producers" for the Elimination Chamber match as well as Punk's loss to Hardcore Holly. They both said that losing Heyman was a big deal as Heyman wanted Punk to make Show tap out to the Anaconda Vice but Finlay and Anderson both said that Punk and the Vice weren't over enough yet to justify having Punk be the one who would eliminate Show.

Additionally, while of course Heyman is a fighter when it comes to trying to get his ideas over, the new ECW writer Dave Laguna is more of a laid back guy who just wants to go with the flow so Anderson and Finlay have had a much easier time getting Punk booked to look weak. Scherer and Woodward said Punk's first loss was originally going to occur through a ref bump type screwjob but Finlay and Anderson once again got the match changed to the clean loss for Punk.

Source- PWinsiderElite.com
I would really send Punk to Raw to help them out without HHH, but McMahon cleary thinks that worthless piece of garbage, The Great Khali can fill HHH's spot
I'd rather see Punk on SD!, anybody that thinks he would get a better push on Raw is wrong, look at what they're doing with Shelton for proof of this, on SD! they could have him feud with Helms for awhile eventually winning the CW title, then he could move on to other feuds with the likes of Noble and Divari as well as London and Kendrick then after a few months as the CW champuion he could drop the title ibn a triple threa or fatel fourway or somthing along that nature, then he could move on to the U.S. title picture and feud with guys of that caliber for a good year or so, then maybe look at the WHC picture and see if their is a good match for him their maybe do a quest for the gold type of storyline or somthing like they did with Benoit when they gave him the title, they should also trade Maria over to SD! so that she and Punk could have more time together
Y 2 Jake is probably right, CM Punk's first loss against Hardcore Holly could be the beginning of a downward spiral for this talented superstar.


^I stumbled across this on another website saying that Punk is in the "doghouse". It made me sick to read that Vince wants Punk as a heel b/c Punk is a huge fan favorite right now and i think it could ruin his future in the WWE or maybe this is no big deal and Punk will get back on the right track.
Credit: Chris Johnson

- CM Punk is currently in the dog house for openly disagreeing with the layout of the Elimination Chamber match at December to Dismember. This is the main reason why his winning streak was ended on ECW TV this past week. Punk was personally told by Arn Anderson that "after 14 years on being on WWE televison, Holly is the bigger star" as an explanation as to why the heel should pin the babyface clean. Also Vince McMahon has suggested that CM Punk turn heel.
Credit: Chris Johnson

- CM Punk is currently in the dog house for openly disagreeing with the layout of the Elimination Chamber match at December to Dismember. This is the main reason why his winning streak was ended on ECW TV this past week. Punk was personally told by Arn Anderson that "after 14 years on being on WWE televison, Holly is the bigger star" as an explanation as to why the heel should pin the babyface clean. Also Vince McMahon has suggested that CM Punk turn heel.

when I read shit like this, it just drives me a little further away from WWE, I really wish they would just give the fans what they want, the fans like Punk therfore he should be a face and fighting for the ECW title or on another show fight for a title, to turn him heel just because he's a fan favorite is just fucking ******ed, and since when is senority a good reason to give a heel a clean victory over a face, if I remember correctly Booker has been with WWE alot longer than Batista and I don't remember when the last time he got a clean win, and isn't Vince the same dumb-ass that suggested RVD should be turned heel aswell despite the fact that he is ECWs biggest draw, maybe it's just time for Vince to just step away, before he destroys WWE beyond repair, and alienates all of the WWE fans

Punk and RVD as heels, stupidest idea I've everheard:disappointed:
Now hold on a second.
Yes, CM punk is very well over with the fans, including myself. He has great charisma, and can put on an outstanding match with anyone. However, if you're familiar with his work in "Ring of Honor", you would know that Punk is good as a heel as well.

I don't think its a bad idea to eventually turn him heel. However, I believe before this should happen, he needs to get some victories over some big names in the company to give him more credibility
but it seems like Vince just wants them as heels because they are fan favorites, that's what makes it sound so stupid to me, Cena is guy that should be turned heel, he's contantly being boo'd and IMO was much better as a heel anyway, to me I think Vince has things a little backwards

I could understand turning Sabu heel, since they arn't doing anything with him anyway, they could have him come to the ring to help RVD then pull a 180 and attack RVD this could set-up a great feud, but that hasn't been mentioned within WWECW to my knowledge, Lashley is another guy I wouldn't mind seeing turned heel, pair him up with Burke and Terkay, that way he would have somebody good to cut promos for him and I think he could fit in with those guys pretty well, he looks like a fight team kinda guy
Well...I am a big fan of CM Punk. He has been my favorite guy on the indy scene for a long time. His work with Eddie, Rey, Chris Hero, Raven, AJ, Samoa Joe, etc, has been gold and I hate the idea of him getting burried in WWE because he rubbed some egoes the wrong way. Right now, the best thing that can happen for CM Punk is moving from ECW to Smackdown where he could actually get a push. Let's face it, ECW has already penciled in Lashley Vs RVD feud for the title. With Test, Sabu, and some of these other names around I just can't see Punk getting anywhere close to the title picture. Plus, having people in the back work against you makes things so much harder. With Michael Hayes on SD Punk would stand a chance to work in a meaningful program with someone like Ken Kennedy, Chris Benoit or maybe even Booker T. Whoever thinks that Punk getting over with the fans was a fluke needs to get their head checked. CM Punk is one of a million kind of a guy and I hope WWE won't waste him.

As long as him going heel, absolutely. I am all for it, but I don't think it should happen yet. Punk has a lot going for him as a face right now. He is mad over with the fans and they should let him ride that wave for a little while until he establishes himself as one of the upper midcard guys. Then, if he would go heel, there would be some meaning to it and maybe, justr MAYBE it could lead to a main event push.
CM Punk.... I'm not really a fun of him.. But I do think he is an exceptional wrestler and has alot of talent and I think he can do alot in WWE. But if they start jobbing him to Holly then it is over for him, Vince is burying his career before it can get started. I think Punk will eventually end up in TNA again and do something big there.. But as for people getting fantasies about Punk being the next big thing in WWE sorry but it ain't gonna happen!
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