
Live Yáz;5015017 said:
Its a well known fact that they both secretly fuck dogs, so they are trying to see who is the alpha male dog fucker.

Both must be big fans of this tune I'd imagine.


This thread was hilarious though. I like when people get overly sensitive on little things like this and freakin lose it. He was no JohnJohnson.

To be fair though. Who really is? Besides THE JohnJohnson.
Also, the moderators/administrators would definitely not hold a member with a dozen instances of breaking the rules in the same regard as someone with a clean slate, in matters of suggestion, criticism, request or consideration- be it exemption from another infraction or of adding another member to staff.

I had a decent little rap sheet when I was offered a mod spot. If I'm not mistaken, Lee had already went through a prison stint before becoming a moderator.
Not just prison. He was perma banned for a while. Fun times.

I remember you telling me and Spidey this story on Skype one night. But I never got how it was decided he'd be allowed back to run the fed. Or how that even came about, like did someone get in touch with him elsewhere about it?
Seriously who the fuck is Smark Madden

He is The Great Khali of WZ. Slow, unfunny & has a superiority complex.

Essentially the brown knight of justice & morality. Heed his warnings or else become irritated by numerous inconveniently timed sales calls.

How did this Nightmare-Smark Madden shit even start?

Because he says stupid shit while trying to be high & mighty, cant take that I am funnier than he is & hates that I use my powers for evil.

Live Yáz;5015017 said:
Its a well known fact that they both secretly fuck dogs, so they are trying to see who is the alpha male dog fucker.

Says the man with rainbow colored Equestrian jizz drying on his lips. He says its glitter lip gloss from kissing strippers, but we all know it's just pony protein.
I remember you telling me and Spidey this story on Skype one night. But I never got how it was decided he'd be allowed back to run the fed. Or how that even came about, like did someone get in touch with him elsewhere about it?

He was given clemency by IC [or was it Shocky?] And the fed needed people to join at the time. He basically took his second chance on the forums and ran with it.
Live Yáz;5015131 said:
Long story short, the forums, particularly the fed were like a hot mess.

It was bad enough that I started a parody fed and destroyed WZCW for at least a year. I think all of the staff was involved in mine, it was the biggest thread on the forums, and I had parodies of my parody.
I started reviewing and it took up too much time. I did however have the final show planned and even wrote out your final promo.
It was hand written and would have come at the end of a long story.

The next pay per view would have been a Survivor Series style tag match with the World, Tag Team and Taz Titles on the line. The idea was that each fall would decide a title and both the winner and loser would leave. The match would end with KB and Sabre joining forces as the new Big Bad with the Impact Players being broken up and trying to fight back but failing each time. The only chance left was for Rusty to beat KB, who has ducked him for months because he's the one guy that KB knows he taught Rusty everything he knew and Rusty would beat him one on one.

The main event of Final Chapter 3 would have been KB vs. Rusty for the title but KB said Rusty would have to beat Papa Shango earlier in the night, knowing that it was the one thing Rusty couldn't do. Rusty agrees to the match, as long as it can be no holds barred. Shango and KB, thinking that there's no chance Rusty can win, agree to the match.

The Impact Players return and destroy Shango with the debut of Total Impact: Shango is laid out in the middle of the ring with chairs wrapped around every limb and his neck. The Players all get chairs of their own and springboard up to Pillmanize all four of Shango's limbs, his neck and crush his balls at the same time. Rusty covers, says he's got about 20 minutes before the cops come and arrest him for killing Shango, so KB should get out here right now now. The final match in OCW is Rusty Ratings Spiking KB for the title and being sent to prison as champion.
I'm not ones for "Who?" comments but seriously "who?"
Kind of what I was thinking.
These forums? Harsh? This place, bar room included, is babytown frollicks.
Well people do get banned for stupidity real fast in here compared to other forums. So it is harsh in that sense.
That's true. You're welcome.

Actually, it's not stupidity which gets people banned, but an inability to read and follow the rules.
Anyone who feels as if he or she has to walk on eggshells feels that way because they know we don't suffer fools.
You still being here proves your statement untrue. Actually, I don't know how true that is, but it needed to be said.
This forums is looking like the WWE. New blood with fresh input is cast off in favour of returning part timers.
Nobody casts anyone off, we just want people who follow rules.
I had a decent little rap sheet when I was offered a mod spot. If I'm not mistaken, Lee had already went through a prison stint before becoming a moderator.

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