You are on your own now, kid. We laid down swords & Rayne extended a hand but all you want to do is act like a dick.

I tried to start an actual conversation & you respond with more whiny bullshit. All that proves is you want people to fire back at you for attention. For someone who does not care what people here think- you sure do keep coming back....

If you fucking hate this place so much then just leave man. We really dont need another foul mouthed parrot who thinks he is a genius. That shit gets old fast.
No one is calling you ******ed. We just think that your behavior is remarkably similar to people who suffer from Asperger syndrome, and this may be at the root of your inability to control your actions and adapt to changing circumstances.

You aren't ******ed; that's just a word grade school kids toss around when they're trying to hurt people's feelings. We just think you have a condition which you'd be happier if you learned to manage.
You are on your own now, kid. We laid down swords & Rayne extended a hand but all you want to do is act like a dick.

I tried to start an actual conversation & you respond with more whiny bullshit. All that proves is you want people to fire back at you for attention. For someone who does not care what people here think- you sure do keep coming back....

If you fucking hate this place so much then just leave man. We really dont need another foul mouthed parrot who thinks he is a genius. That shit gets old fast.

Ok, lil bitch, whatever you say.

I have started topics and they've been hijacked by the band of merry ******s who feel I should be the topic. Lil bitch copies what I've said about him and tries to use it on me. I suppose copying the work of others is the lil bitch WZ way.
No one is calling you ******ed. We just think that your behavior is remarkably similar to people who suffer from Asperger syndrome, and this may be at the root of your inability to control your actions and adapt to changing circumstances.

You aren't ******ed; that's just a word grade school kids toss around when they're trying to hurt people's feelings. We just think you have a condition which you'd be happier if you learned to manage.

Actually, ******ed is a medical diagnosis for a person who is significantly behind in terms of their cognitive ability for their age. It's you, lil bitch. You seem to function, even with your respite worker, at about a 2 year old level cognitively. You qualify as being ******ed, lil bitch.
And as a medical term, has been out of use for thirty years.

Usage of vocabulary out of context with its audience is yet another marker for Asperger syndrome. Sufferers will repeat phrases and actions without noticing what effect they are having on their audience. The repetition of "lil bitch" illustrates this in action. Long past the point where people respond to it or even recognize it, you continue to use the phrase. Most people recognize these changing circumstances and adapt; however, you may have a condition which prevents you from doing so.

This would also explain how you feel you're being repeated. To most people, you appear to be blatantly using other people's material, then accusing them of taking it from you. Your condition prevents you from noticing your own actions. Earlier, I mocked this behavior of yours by endlessly re-quoting you, and in retrospect that was wrong. Not only would your condition prevent you from noticing that (tiny) degree of subtlety, your lack of ability to process social context would lead you to genuinely believe that you were being repeated for the sake of your material, and not merely to mock your behavior.
See that? "Us" aspies. This all started with you being completely excluded from a group (twice), and now people are trying to include you in a group.

I think you'll be far happier if you learn to manage your condition, and learn which behaviors that you engage in exacerbate it. If you're concerned about how truthful people who write on professional wrestling websites are, perhaps watching professional wrestling isn't the best idea for you right now.

This all started with people just thinking you were an obnoxious douche, but I think we're on our way to some real progress. During your next three day break, while you're lurking away on the forums, perhaps you'll have some time to reflect on the roots of your repetitive behavior.
Here is a list of wrestlers.
Kevin Nash
Kurt Angle
Alex Wright
Macho Man
Chuck Palombo
Gene Snitsky
Stone Cold

That's all.
And as a medical term, has been out of use for thirty years.

Usage of vocabulary out of context with its audience is yet another marker for Asperger syndrome. Sufferers will repeat phrases and actions without noticing what effect they are having on their audience. The repetition of "lil bitch" illustrates this in action. Long past the point where people respond to it or even recognize it, you continue to use the phrase. Most people recognize these changing circumstances and adapt; however, you may have a condition which prevents you from doing so.

This would also explain how you feel you're being repeated. To most people, you appear to be blatantly using other people's material, then accusing them of taking it from you. Your condition prevents you from noticing your own actions. Earlier, I mocked this behavior of yours by endlessly re-quoting you, and in retrospect that was wrong. Not only would your condition prevent you from noticing that (tiny) degree of subtlety, your lack of ability to process social context would lead you to genuinely believe that you were being repeated for the sake of your material, and not merely to mock your behavior.

Actually, lil bitch, as a medical term it is still quite commonly used, however the criteria to be considered mentally ******ed are more stringent due to the negative connotation the term has. I will, however, point out that you clearly fit within the stringent criteria that is currently used. It's ok to be ******ed, lil bitch. You are who you are, and the fact that you don't seem to have an ounce of creativity in you and simply resort to copying the ideas of others, is just part of who you are.
See that? "Us" aspies. This all started with you being completely excluded from a group (twice), and now people are trying to include you in a group.

I think you'll be far happier if you learn to manage your condition, and learn which behaviors that you engage in exacerbate it. If you're concerned about how truthful people who write on professional wrestling websites are, perhaps watching professional wrestling isn't the best idea for you right now.

This all started with people just thinking you were an obnoxious douche, but I think we're on our way to some real progress. During your next three day break, while you're lurking away on the forums, perhaps you'll have some time to reflect on the roots of your repetitive behavior.

I think you'll never be "far happier" because as a sad lil bitch, you really have nothing to be happy about. Maybe your respite workers, who are paid to spend time with you, can be your friends, you know, since they're being paid. Eventually your fat, ugly echo cunt ****e mother (your opinion) will put you in a home for other mentally ******ed people and you can fly with the other birds of your feather.
Insistence on using literal vocabulary regardless of social context is another strong marker for Aspergers'. :(

The whole autism thing admittedly started off as a joke, but the more we do this the more it seems like you have a legitimate, unaddressed condition; or a condition which you are aware of but very defensive about. I've never seen anyone refer to 'respite worker' as often as you do.

Pill up and have that talk with your parents.
Insistence on using literal vocabulary regardless of social context is another strong marker for Aspergers'. :(

The whole autism thing admittedly started off as a joke, but the more we do this the more it seems like you have a legitimate, unaddressed condition; or a condition which you are aware of but very defensive about. I've never seen anyone refer to 'respite worker' as often as you do.

Pill up and have that talk with your parents.

First, clearly your respite workers haven't taken the time to explain to you the difference between "Aspergers" and "Autism". They likely don't want to hurt the fragile feelings of your mentally ******ed self, especially when you think you're using terms correctly. I, on the other hand, could care less and will crush your fantasy by simply telling you that the two terms are not interchangeable. Aspergers belongs to the family of ASD, yes, but full "Autism" is a distinct diagnosis. Notice that I have no need for Wikipedia. That would be because this is common knowledge for a person of any normal adult intellect. Given that I have given you generous credit of being able to function at the level of a child in Grade 2 or 3, I wouldn't expect you to know this. Remember, lil bitch, when the doctor said you were mentally ******ed, he wasn't insulting, as you claimed before, he was diagnosing you.
You do seem to have an unusually large amount of knowledge concerning respite workers, autism, and FAS, so I might have to defer to you on this one.
You do seem to have an unusually large amount of knowledge concerning respite workers, autism, and FAS, so I might have to defer to you on this one.

It's because I am an intelligent human being and you are simple a mentally ******ed FAS patient who has respite workers paid to be your "friends" because you have none.
I have not been a part of this at all. If you want to talk about anything at all I'll be around.
I absolutely will not argue that you are more familiar with autism, respite workers, and FAS than I am. You may just be the board expert on that.
What an all-out awful thread. Two people just saying "YOU'RE A ******!" "NO YOU'RE A ******!" over and over. It's painful to read. Don't reply because it would depress me to have to come back here.
What an all-out awful thread. Two people just saying "YOU'RE A ******!" "NO YOU'RE A ******!" over and over. It's painful to read. Don't reply because it would depress me to have to come back here.
And yet you did, for like two fucking months, begging for people to be put in here. You are the last fucking person allowed to complain about the content in here.
I absolutely will not argue that you are more familiar with autism, respite workers, and FAS than I am. You may just be the board expert on that.

Look, lil bitch, compared to you, everyone is an expert on anything and everything. It's a shame that you miss the point so badly every time, but it is nice that you are starting to realize just how mentally ******ed you are.
And yet you did, for like two fucking months, begging for people to be put in here. You are the last fucking person allowed to complain about the content in here.

See what happens when you, a mentally ******ed person, interacts with people. Clearly, when you think about it, I'm not the problem if you can't get along with others as well. Clearly, you are the problem. Your respite workers really should keep you on a tighter leash, lil bitch.
What an all-out awful thread. Two people just saying "YOU'RE A ******!" "NO YOU'RE A ******!" over and over. It's painful to read. Don't reply because it would depress me to have to come back here.

Let's be clear. He erroneously uses the terms "autistic" and "Aspergers" interchangeably and to describe me. Clearly, he has no idea what he's talking about. I have, since I can, concluded that lil bitch is, in fact, mentally ******ed.
Clearly, he has no idea what he's talking about. I have, since I can, concluded that lil bitch is, in fact, mentally ******ed.

That's too many commas, compadre. Even for dramatic effect that's too many.

Who's your favorite wrestler? What is your favorite moment when it comes to said wrestler?
That's too many commas, compadre. Even for dramatic effect that's too many.

Who's your favorite wrestler? What is your favorite moment when it comes to said wrestler?

Lil bitch, the commas that are used are not for "dramatic effect" they are to be "grammatically correct". Seriously, man up and pass Grade 3.

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