This is actually kind of eerie.
Good Ole' Wikipedia said:
Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger disorder (AD) or simply Asperger's, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical (peculiar, odd) use of language are frequently reported.

Educate yourself.
He probably argued with the doctor or professional who diagnosed him, and his warped logic (which actually isn't a sign of autistic behaviour, rather just an ignoramus) concluded that he didn't have it because he thought he was right.
You can stop with the name calling. It's over. If I had realized earlier that you had a legitimate social handicap and weren't just an obnoxious douche, I never would have gotten started down this road.

You know, lil bitch, I have said this about you for weeks now, so it stands to reason that it took you, given your ******ed mental state, this long to repeat what I said about you and think you're clever.
It's OK. I understand now how you'd completely miss the social context of taking the insults that I had used, using them immediately after, and then accuse me of repeating you immediately after that. You've done it three times now. It's not your fault; it's a function of your brain which you were born with. A compulsion for repetitive behavior and an inward focus causing you to miss exterior social clues are markers for Asperger syndrome.

If you're sensitive about being publicly identified as an Aspergers' sufferer, perhaps you could avoid so publicly displaying markers for the condition. You seem to have a very unusual familiarity with what a respite worker is, which is not typically a term I see thrown around on the internet to insult people.

I'm not sure if you've been diagnosed, but I think you should sit down and have a talk with your parents. It's very common for children in your situation to have parents who receive information like this at an early age, and keep that information from their children in hopes that they have a 'normal' life. In your case, possession of this information might help you manage your life better. As it is, you're repeatedly visiting a professional wrestling message board to complain about the truthfulness of internet tabloid writers. That shows an unhealthy level of devotion to a fairly meaningless topic, and perhaps that energy could be better channeled elsewhere. Are you unusually good with numbers? The military is always looking for people who score well on the clerical section of the ASVAB.

Either way, I'm done insulting you, and if there's some positive benefit to this, the mobile ads for this thread are now displaying information on autism. I've done something good today.
At first I thought it was just a funny coincidence that so much of his behavior matched the markers for autism, but the more he talks the less funny and more awkward it seems. I feel kind of gross now. :(
At first I thought it was just a funny coincidence that so much of his behavior matched the markers for autism, but the more he talks the less funny and more awkward it seems. I feel kind of gross now. :(

It's nice that you've moved on from quoting me to quoting your doctors and parents, lil bitch. Although, through your realization that your doctor was right and the epiphany you've come to about yourself here, it does make it clear why you think it's ok to have the opinion that your mother is a fat, ugly echo cunt ****e. What's even better is that your mother is seeking treatment for you on top of the respite care you receive. I don't, however, think she'll get her wish of finding a way to abort you at this late of an age.
It's OK. I understand now how you'd completely miss the social context of taking the insults that I had used, using them immediately after, and then accuse me of repeating you immediately after that. You've done it three times now. It's not your fault; it's a function of your brain which you were born with. A compulsion for repetitive behavior and an inward focus causing you to miss exterior social clues are markers for Asperger syndrome.

If you're sensitive about being publicly identified as an Aspergers' sufferer, perhaps you could avoid so publicly displaying markers for the condition. You seem to have a very unusual familiarity with what a respite worker is, which is not typically a term I see thrown around on the internet to insult people.

I'm not sure if you've been diagnosed, but I think you should sit down and have a talk with your parents. It's very common for children in your situation to have parents who receive information like this at an early age, and keep that information from their children in hopes that they have a 'normal' life. In your case, possession of this information might help you manage your life better. As it is, you're repeatedly visiting a professional wrestling message board to complain about the truthfulness of internet tabloid writers. That shows an unhealthy level of devotion to a fairly meaningless topic, and perhaps that energy could be better channeled elsewhere. Are you unusually good with numbers? The military is always looking for people who score well on the clerical section of the ASVAB.

Either way, I'm done insulting you, and if there's some positive benefit to this, the mobile ads for this thread are now displaying information on autism. I've done something good today.

So, one of two things happened here:

1) You found those pamphlets that the doctor gave your mother about your condition.
2) You are taking time out of your day to try and be clever and understand the diagnosis the doctors gave you.

Most parents, but clearly not yours, would have explained this stuff to you and saved you the pain of having a relative stranger, your respite worker, explain it to you. Clearly, your parents don't want to spend time with you though, and why would they? But then again, your parents are trying to blaze trails in the world of medicine by attempting to be the first parents to abort a child based on their mental age as a fetus rather than their physical age as a grown ass lil bitch.
I know you're suffering from a rather serious disorder Elmer, but you can do better than mother insults.

I'm not insulting his mother. That is what he said his opinion of her is, lil bitch. Then again, you'd have to be able to read to figure that out, so, where you're concerned, it's hopeless.
Here's a link to Autism Speaks, one of the leading groups for autism awareness in the world. I think the "DONAT NOW" button is likely a typo.

I'm going to make some good come of all this.

Look I'm glad your helpers are seeking out the help you need. It's a shame you're mentally incapable of following through and simply deflect on to others because of your fundamental lack of intellectual capacity. Oh, sorry, those are big words, so let me break it down to you: you're an idiot who needs to focus on not being ******ed more than trying to convince yourself that others are the problem.
There's no longer any need for you to be defensive and hostile. I'm on your side. I mean, except for the whole weird thing about professional wrestling columnists.

For the rest of you, early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders can make a world of difference in the quality of life of its sufferers. Many sufferers go through life undiagnosed, and early action can prevent situations like this one.
Rayne, what you are doing is a good thing- but he isnt going to stop talking shit. He wont let himself. At this point he wouldnt even try to hold a normal conversation on a topic without turning every post back at you.

You tried though. Just let the kid leave on his own or ramble in here by his lonesome.
Rayne, what you are doing is a good thing- but he isnt going to stop talking shit. He wont let himself. At this point he wouldnt even try to hold a normal conversation on a topic without turning every post back at you.
It's just a reflex action, like your knee moving when the doctor taps it with a hammer. Sufferers of Asperger syndrome are comforted by routine, repetitive behavior. I'd be more concerned if he were to stop of his own volition; rather than indicating that a new, preferable learned behavior has replaced the old, it's very likely that he could instead be having a depressive episode and have shot himself. (Depression is also a strong marker for Asperger's.)

The real goal is to help Yeh2.0 move from unhealthy repetitive behavior to behavior that's more constructive. For instance, instead of repeating the same insults for weeks at a time to people who only notice his existence when he's stomping up and down and shouting about it, he could be organizing his posts into descending order by character count, or developing new, more thorough ways to wash his hands.

Asperger's isn't some kind of crippling social disease; it's a condition where the sufferers can lead entirely 'normal' lives, so long as they are aware of and can manage their condition. If information about ASD's are available to Yeh2.0, perhaps during his next three-day break he might start using it and filling in some of his personal puzzle pieces.
I get what you are saying. I know 2 people with Aspergers- one of which is a relative of my wife. Now he has a somewhat milder case than this, but nonetheless.

The reason I say this is that he will act like this sometimes & the best way to handle it is leave him be & not feed into it. Sometimes he just likes to push peoples buttons until he runs out of steam. Then he snaps back to 'normal' & can be a really cool kid. He is actually very damn smart- as are most with Aspergers. There is a big difference between his daily routines & repetitive insulting. One is calming & the other is for his fun. The repetitive thing does carry over, but they do not necessarily have the same reasoning behind them.

If this guy wants a place to converse & joke around then there are people that will. If he wants to just pop in and be a dick then he can leave. It is up to him. He just needs to replace his feelings about WZ with different thoughts. Right now he just sees this place as one thing based on his actions\posts. Until he drops that & replaces it with the same reasons we all are here- to have fun & discuss topics- then he will just keep on.

Again- it is up to him to decide whether he wants to re-focus his energy here into something more constructive.
Before his obsession with Paglino and playground insults he was actually a pretty decent WZ member to give him credit.

Asperger's may really be the case here. :( poor dude.
You three accounts are truly too stupid for words. I make reference to your collective mental ******ation, and all of a sudden, there is a need to copy this. Its typical of jealous people, really. I guess it's true that being copied is the sincerest form of flattery. But really, lil bitch, I don't care what you say, and I am not flattered. I do however get a laugh at your pathetic attempts to be witty and your use of wikipedia as a "reliable source" of information.
Are you really going to start again? Why not pick a topic to discuss. That is what the forums are for & I will even start you off:

With Wrestlemania around the corner & plenty of things still left up in the air- What match do you see being for the title? Which match do you want to see that may not happen?
When everyone in a room is trying to tell you something.... everyone in the room could be trying to tell you something.

And maybe they just want to help.
When everyone in a room is trying to tell you something.... everyone in the room could be trying to tell you something.

And maybe they just want to help.

Yes, but when I, the smartest guy here, shows repeatedly how all you're doing is repeating what I've said about you, then 'everyone' is in fact wrong. Also, 'everyone' seems to be 'one' person, more accounts, lil bitch.
Are you really going to start again? Why not pick a topic to discuss. That is what the forums are for & I will even start you off:

With Wrestlemania around the corner & plenty of things still left up in the air- What match do you see being for the title? Which match do you want to see that may not happen?

When I start a topic, lil bitch makes it about me. That's the lil bitch way on here. I know I'm the most important thing to the "BooHoo lil bitch crew", which would be flattering, if I gave a shit what ******s 'think'.

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