Bryan Danielson to ECW?

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The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Bryan Danielson has been told by WWE officials that he will be bypassing developmental and heading straight to the company's main roster. He is expected to debut on EC

So what do you all think of this? I myself think its great i love to see all this ROH/FCW talent go to ECW when they first debut.I would love to see him in a good feud with Benjamin. I think that if he does debut on ECW then we may finally see Christian leave ECW.So what do you think of this and if he does debut in ECW how will he effect it?
This should be great. Danielson on ECW will give yet another reason to watch every tuesday night. I don't think he'll start feuding with Christian right away, but Shelton Benjamin wouldn't be a bad choice. I say this because I don't see Shelton winning the ECW title at TLC, and getting into a feud with Danielson would be a nice boost for him. I'm hoping that just maybe he can do something with it.

Danielson will be a great addition. Maybe now we can see another mid-card feud besides Ryder and Benjamin. It's starting to get stale.
He's only going to be on ECW to get his feet wet. He's waay too good to be on that show, and to be honest, I wouldn't have been surprised to see him debut on Raw or Smackdown. I think the reason for this is because he's not used to the WWE way of doing things. He has to watch the language and learn to tell a story as opposed to being a wrestling machine.

And I hope they don't change his name. Makes no sense to do that. Name recognition goes a long way. Ask Braden Walker and Marcus Cor Von.
And I hope they don't change his name. Makes no sense to do that. Name recognition goes a long way. Ask Braden Walker and Marcus Cor Von.

Name recognition usually goes a long way, but look at the success Desmond Wolfe is having in TNA, with only about half the crowd knowing who he is.

Danielson will be fine, and I'm glad they're debuting him on ECW, instead of putting him through developmental, or even worse, dropping him on RAW or Smackdown. As long as he doesn't get the Vance Archer push, he'll be fine. His finisher is outstanding, and I could see him quickly pushing for the title.
I think this will be good for him. He won't be on ECW long though, as Lariat said, I feel this will just be so he can get used to the WWE style of work. I can see him maybe coming in and making a huge impact and possibly winning the ECW championship, and maybe if he impresses, he will move to Smackdown in the draft, if he even debuts soon.

I too hope his name doesn't change either, I just can't see him wrestling under a different name. Either way I look for Danielson to make a big impact within the WWE.
He's only going to be on ECW to get his feet wet. He's waay too good to be on that show, and to be honest, I wouldn't have been surprised to see him debut on Raw or Smackdown. I think the reason for this is because he's not used to the WWE way of doing things. He has to watch the language and learn to tell a story as opposed to being a wrestling machine.

And I hope they don't change his name. Makes no sense to do that. Name recognition goes a long way. Ask Braden Walker and Marcus Cor Von.

His name will be changed. You and I both know it. WWE wants names used in WWE to be copyrighted and they can't copyright the real names of talent.

And do you really think the WWE casual fanbase has a clue who Bryan Danielson is? I can guarantee you will hear crickets chirping even if he was introduced as that on his first night.

But why do you think that just because Danielson is a great wrestler, that he will get over with the WWE audience? Has Regal gotten over with the WWE audience based on his wrestling ability, OR his on-screen character?

Character and skills on the mic will always get you more over with the WWE audience more so than wrestling ability. We've seen this proven time and time again.
Yeah, it's a pretty huge chance that his name will be changed and he'll be given a weak gimmick. But if he's allowed put on matches that he's been putting on for years, then there should be no problem. Danielson lets his in-ring work speak for him.

Anyway, ECW is the best place for him to start. I know it may sound stupid, but the ECW/Smackdown crowds always seem to take to new guys quicker than Raw crowds. I'm thinking the debut will happen the week after Wrestlemania, like they did with Brock Lesnar. That's always a good option as the shows the week after Wrestlemania always get higher ratings than normal.

If they don't wanna wait till Mania, having him appear in the Royal Rumble match is always an option. PPVs are usually attended more by hardcore wrestling fans rather than the more casual audience that the TV shows usually have. So I think he'd get a decent reaction at the Rumble.

Whatever they decide to do, I just hope he pops up on ECW before Christian leaves for SD/Raw, because I would definitely love to see Danielson vs Christian. Fingers crossed.
He's gonna be a lower mid-carder and nothing more. He will be lucky if he is as successful as Tyson Kidd or Evan Bourne. If he wants to stick around his best bet is to find a tag team partner. We won't last long on his own. Bourne is way better than him and he is struggling to move up.
But why do you think that just because Danielson is a great wrestler, that he will get over with the WWE audience? Has Regal gotten over with the WWE audience based on his wrestling ability, OR his on-screen character?

Character and skills on the mic will always get you more over with the WWE audience more so than wrestling ability. We've seen this proven time and time again.

This is true, but Bryan Danielson has much more to him than just his wrestling ability.

The thing is, his wrestling ability is so damn good that it overshadows just how good he is on the mic (heel or face), and just how much charisma he has. If you ever watch Bryan Danielson in ROH, the man knows how to carry himself. You look at him and see a champion. He has THAT kind of aura, presence, whatever you want to call it about him.

Anyway, am I happy about Danielson going to ECW? Eh, mixed feelings. On one hand, I'm very glad he's skipping the developmental stage (it really pisses me off when good wrestlers spend so much time there, when they don't need to), but a part of me just wanted him to have this great debut on Raw. Was it wishful thinking? Sure, but there's no point in being a fan if you're not going to wish for the best.

But I will say that him going to ECW will force me to start watching the show every week. Lately, the only WWE I would watch would be Raw about twice a month. But I am a huge, huge, huge fan of Bryan Danielson, and it will be a good thing to be able to watch him perform every week. I just hope WWE doesn't fuck it all up, which of course is possible.
His name will be changed. You and I both know it. WWE wants names used in WWE to be copyrighted and they can't copyright the real names of talent.

And do you really think the WWE casual fanbase has a clue who Bryan Danielson is? I can guarantee you will hear crickets chirping even if he was introduced as that on his first night.
Those points are both true.Vince doesn't want his competitors to benefit much off of his (and by his, i mean his company's) work, and preventing talent from jumping with their ring names limits how much another company can get out of someone without any effort of their own.
But why do you think that just because Danielson is a great wrestler, that he will get over with the WWE audience? Has Regal gotten over with the WWE audience based on his wrestling ability, OR his on-screen character?

Character and skills on the mic will always get you more over with the WWE audience more so than wrestling ability. We've seen this proven time and time again.
However, we've also seen that if you're good enough, you can get over based on one thing. The Undertaker pretty much got over due to having one of the best (if not the best) gimmick in wrestling ever. The Rock probably could have gotten over even if he was a midget who couldnt wrestle and had fat hanging off him like he was Viscera (although he'd probably have been a manager). Chris Benoit and Bret Hart got over on the back of their wrestling skills, despite having no mic skills to speak of whatsoever (although Bret did have a catchphrase, which makes him marginally better on the mic than Benoit). If the hype about Danielson is true, then he's in The league of Benoit, Bret and Angle in terms of pure wrestling ability and thus mic skills, a gimmick and charisma are all optional.

I have no idea if Danielson is that good. I dont watch ROH, thus I'm basing this entirely off of the hype he gets of people who do.
I really think Danielson is a step in the right direction for ECW. He has some previous experience (was he on ROH when it started being televised?) and could teach the Tatsu's and Jackson's of ECW a thing or two that Christian may not have been able to because of y'know, them not wanting to listen to Christian because he's a veteran (I'm basing this off of people I know, I'm probably wrong).
His name will be changed. You and I both know it. WWE wants names used in WWE to be copyrighted and they can't copyright the real names of talent.

Scotty Smithers. I'm convinced the WWE will change his name to Scotty Smithers...or something just as ******ed. I'm holding onto a thread of hope that I will hear the name Bryan Danielson announced upon his debut, but I know it won't happen. Goddamn copyrights.

It's true- the casual WWE probably doesn't know who Bryan Danielson is (shame on you people). However, chances are that the casual WWE fan didn't know who CM Punk was before he signed with the WWE. Danielson is every bit as talented and just as big of an indy wrestling god as Punk was. This gives me hope that Danielson can and will succeed in the vastly different world of the WWE.

With that being said, the WWE groomed CM Punk for success from the gate. He had weeks of vignette promos that introduced him to the fans. People who had never heard of him were anticipating his debut. The WWE has put that kind of support behind anyone since Punk. Where are the Danielson vignettes, I ask?? The WWE has a potential future Wrestlemania headliner on their hands and they have done nothing to promote him. It makes me nervous, I tell you....
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It makes sense if you think about it. Since the WWE is going to be doing away with the ECW name in and of itself, and thereby start focusing the show on young talent in a more organized way, then it seems logical that whatever ECW is destined to be called next year will be where he'll start out.

Now, I dunno anything about the guy except for all the internet hype. For the most part, I've enjoyed Desmond Wolfe's presence in TNA so I'll just have to wait and see if Danielson lives up to the hype.
Good move! Wouldn't surprise me to see them bring him in heel with Regal (his former trainer!) and really get a decent push! Regal's stable is falling apart right now, he'll need to bring in someone new to take out Christian! Enter: Bryan Danielson!
I think they should kind of debut him like MVP debuts. They can hype him up as being an international sensation. They can talk about how he was huge in Japan and that he is like the biggest star Tiffany ever signed. They should do like video packages hyping him up to be a great wrestler or something. I think it could work. He should be a heel. He would be like a douche bag who thinks his shit doesn't stink and that he is entitled to special treatment because he is a the new franchise. He would be like a First Round draft pick from the NBA or NFL. I think he is decent on the mic so he might be able to pull off being a stuck up superstar that thinks the whole world revolves around him. He would go around backstage and start shit with people and say "Don't you know who I am?" maybe stick him with a manager. Most big time boxers have managers do it would be interesting.

I really hope they do not change his name. Maybe they can call him "American Dragon" if they don't like calling him by his real name or maybe just shorten it to Danielson. Changing his name would be stupid and would ruin the possibility of him being brought in being hyped up as an international star. I think it would be an interesting Idea. Also they can maybe use it in the Teddy Long storyline where Vince would insult Teddy for failing to bring American Dragon to Smackdown. I think there is a lot they can do with him.Im not the biggest fan of him but no sense in wasting him.
Danielson, by any name, is going to come to ECW and impress EVERYONE. He has the technical skill and presence to become a big star in the company, just like another ROH alumni, CM Punk.

I thoroughly expect that Danielson will have runs with the IC or US championships in his WWE career. The possibility of him receiving shots at the World title seem a bit slim considering his size, but that hasn't stopped the WWE in the past. I predict he will do well for himself and look forward to watching Tuesday nights to see his progress.
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