Brock Lesnar, what if?

Cats Pajamas

Serenity now!!!
Lets annoy Dana White a little more and persist with our Brock talk.

What if Lesnar actually wanted to come back full time? How do you handle his return? Which roster would he make a better fit for and why?

For me, I'd like to see Lesnar back home on Smackdown for a while. Right now, Smackdown could use the a big guy who brings Lesnar's kind of intensity and athleticism. Lesnar would be a great candidate to revitalize interest in Smackdown.

What do you all think? Anyone have any good ideas for return feuds?

As always, thanks for all the feedback
Wait, I just thought of a good return feud... what do you think about a Lesnar/Swagger feud. Wrestling backgrounds, former world champs, and it would give Swagger something to be a part of for a while (I'm still hoping for you, Swagger). Besides, as two high endurance technical wrestlers, we could get some pretty incredible matches between those two.
Although I don't think we will ever see Brock back Ill bite on this one. I would start by having him return at Royal Rumble and have him win it.Then go on to Wrestlemania to challenge who ever is WHC and win. You have to book him about as unbeatable as anyone in history. Today's wrestling fan is smarter, we dont buy into clowns and dead guys anymore so no one is gonna believe that Lesnar is beatable except on very rare occasions. Everyone has watched his fight and know that hes an animal. So i would slap the belt on him and give him a nice old fashioned long run.Maybe all the way to next years Mania. Have him beat everyone for the WHC all year. Then you have set up Undertaker vs Lesnar perfect for wrestlmania next year. Brock would look unstoppable and the streak would be on the line. What a great build up. It would sell like crazy. Personally that's not the way i would want to go with Undertaker streak but thats another discussion. I'm not a Lesnar mark. I was actually happy when he lost to Cain but the only way to book him and have people still buy it is for him to go on some kind of run we haven't seen in a long time.
If Brock were to return I'd start if off with him in the crowd at an event and have him get into it with one of the wrestlers, leading to him returning at Wrestlemania to face them.

I think Orton would be the perfect foil for Lesnar but Id wait to do that one after Brock has been back a year.
If Lesnar were to come back...I always thought him to be the TRUE leader of Nexus. Here are a few points that could've made this work...

(We still do not know if Punk truly is the new leader of Nexus, Otunga just said "NEW MANAGEMENT" and in the case of business, a manager is not someone who runs a company, just overlooks it.)

1) Lesnar (or Heyman), unhappy with his last tenure in WWE puts a team of rookies together and sets them off to destroy WWE, paving a way for his comeback.

2) After his confrontation with Undertaker when Lesnar lost the UFC title, Lesnar sicks Nexus on Taker to take him out. THAT would be the "REAL" reason Nexus attacked Taker as to what Otunga alluded to.

3) When Barrett made Nexus all about him and made it personal about taking out Cena, he couldn't get the job done so he was placed aside in order for a new person to take the lead...CM Punk.

4) While Punk overlooks Nexus, Heyman and Lesnar are looking for a way to make a comeback. With the #1 face of the company out and the longest employee out (Taker), Nexus can start to turn their attention to controlling WWE.

5) Lesnar finally makes his way back to WWE, saying that he conquered UFC for a time and now he is back to reclaim the WWE. Vince is out, Triple H (maybe) is out, Cena and Taker out and he controls the biggest force in WWE...the Nexus.

6) Cena make his return along with Bourne and they take out Punk, setting up Cena vs Punk at WM.

7) Undertaker has begun playing mindgames with Lesnar at this point as he makes his comeback...setting up Lesnar vs Taker at WM, maybe title vs streak.
I want to see Brock back as a heel with an MMA gimmick. Then he could shit on MMA (I'm a fan of MMA, by the way) by saying that there was no competition in MMA so he's come back to the WWE to face some real competition. At that point, he'll challenge Taker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak. Then he and Undertaker will go on to Wrestlemania where Taker will defeat Brock. But after the match, Brock would assault and destroy Taker, putting Taker on the shelf. Of course, after it's too late, Cena will run out to Taker's rescue. As a smug Brock ascends the ramp, Cena will pierce through him while cradling Taker's limp carcass, thus settting in motion another Cena/Brock feud.
To be perfectly honest, I'm glad that Lesnar isn't coming back and, even if he was, I wouldn't be all that keen on him becoming a full time member of the roster.

As the WWE is a business and the goal of any business is to make money, I couldn't blame Vince for bringing Lesnar in if he could. Whether you love Lesnar, hate him, thing he's overrated or that he's just in it for the money with no love for wrestling whatsoever; the simple truth is that Brock Lesnar would draw. There's no denying it and Lesnar would almost certainly be in the main event picture right from the start.

I have little doubt that Lesnar would wind up on Raw. It's the WWE's flagship show, it's live almost every week, it draws the bigger audience and is always the show that ultimately gets most of the media attention.

What I wouldn't like about Lesnar returning is that he would pretty much run roughshod over anybody put in front of him. Lesnar returning to the WWE would garner huge media attention, it'd be all over the various entertainment news shows, the net would be buzzing, many MMA fans would be drawn in, ESPN would be all over it, etc. so of course Vince would put him in extremely prominent spots & feuds in which he'd almost certainly come out on top. He'd go right after the WWE Championship and would almost certainly demolish The Miz.

As a wrestling fan, it'd bug me a lot to see Lesnar just suddenly come back after being gone for more than half a decade and pick up right where he left off. It'd bug me to see guys that've busted their ass in the WWE get pushed aside for Brock Lesnar simply because he's Brock Lesnar and is looking to get paid. However, it's always going to be about the bottom line in any business. If Lesnar did return, he'd no doubt be making serious money and Vince is going to try and get the very most out of his investment. The only way to do that is to make sure that Lesnar simply doesn't become just another guy on the roster and I'm sure that he wouldn't.
I would want to see Undertaker vs Brock for the title at Wrestlemania. Brock wins, gets the title and has a year long dominant run until the next Wrestlemania where he is beaten by Wade Barrett in the main event.
Wait, I just thought of a good return feud... what do you think about a Lesnar/Swagger feud. Wrestling backgrounds, former world champs, and it would give Swagger something to be a part of for a while (I'm still hoping for you, Swagger). Besides, as two high endurance technical wrestlers, we could get some pretty incredible matches between those two.
Yo I swear I thought the same thing! I AM ACTUALLY A HUGE SWAGGER FAN!! I loved his promos when he was talking about being PROM KING and Scrabble champ!! I say have him win the belt back after a nice KURT ANGLE run of ankle locks... He strats braggingthat he is the BEST ALL AROUND WRESTLER AND FIGHTER in the world and that he could make anyone tap out to his ankle lock!!! That is when HERE COMES THE PAIN kicks in!!! It even ties in the MMA angle because of BROCK tapping out 2 MIR!! I think this can help PROPEL SWAGGER and be a perfect match up 4 BROCK!!!

Then after that ALBERTO DEL RIO!!! another former WRESTLING CHAMPION AND MMA FIGHTER!! SMACKDOWN WOULD BE PERFECT FOR BROCK! Bringing up the talent level in SD immediately and setting up some TREMENDOUS FUEDS!!!
Jack Hammer makes a good point, again. Lesnar would no doubt run over a bunch of talent in a likely short quest for a title. And likely because he is Brock Lesnar he'd wind up on the more popular Raw, where he'd make futile the recent pushes of Morrison and Miz which I don't want either. Personally I wish he could be in a several month long non title feud before he'd take "his" title
He would certainly be an instant draw but I think that it would not take long for the whole thing to become disappointing. You just cannot fake the intensity of UFC within the way WWE presently does matches. If we get a Brock with a moveset of various Big Show KO punch type moves then that is going to get old quick. It is also easy to forget that while Brock is somewhat personable by UFC standards, he is a little lacking by face of the WWE standards. I just do not see many believable matches worth watching him in with the WWE's current crop of talent. I do not think you can go back to WWE fulltime after what he has accomplished. I also would find it shocking if Brock wanted to go back to working a WWE schedule for at best the same money. I am no expert on the guy but he seems to like his free time and the WWE is the antithesis of that. Most likely this is all a bargaining chip so he can try and get what UFC likely owes him. What does WWE get out of helping him get it? Possibly that one appearance that would be awesome and believable with the Undertaker at wrestlemania.
After the initial comeback, I think Lesnar would be a big disappointment for 2 main reasons.

1. We've seen him fight for real. Shamrock came from the UFC in 97 when hardly anyone watched it. Most people had no idea who he was and had never seen him before. Therefor, his MMA wrestling gimmick could work. Lesnar has been one of the most famous athletes in the world for 2 years now. Millions of people have seen him fight and win in UFC main events. It would look ridiculous for him to start "fighting" like a professional wrestler after we have seen how he wins in the UFC. There would be no crossover audience from the UFC. The majority people that like the MMA usually don't like wrestling and think its stupid. Honestly, it probably wouldn't even drive up Wrestlemania buys that much. MMA fans might be interested in seeing Lesnar wrestle again once, but they probably aren't interested in paying 60 dollars for three and a half hours of stuff they don't care about when they can just see clips online.

2. Who would he wrestle? The Undertaker could work at Wrestlemania because of Takers size and MMA gimmick. It wouldn't be totally "believable" but it could work once. Lesnar has gone through the best heavy weight fighters in the world and dominated. Heath Harring, Frank Mir, Shane Carwin, and Randy Couture, who is one of the most respected fighters of all time. The single most important thing in wrestling is that the suspension of disbelief isn't broken. No one is going to buy Brock Lesnar against Edge, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, or almost anyone else in the WWE locker room. A match with Cena might work, but could you imagine him fighting the Miz or CM Punk? Lesnar against anyone but a super heavyweight would make people laugh. If the Miz got any offense in on Lesnar the audience would probably just start laughing. Thats the problem, eventually, a wrestler has to lose clean. With a few exceptions, there is no one in the WWE locker room that could realistically beat Brock Lesnar. If they do, it would look really "fake" and people would stop watching. In fact, WWE would probably lose fans to the UFC. Not to mention the way that ESPN and other outlets would mock Lesnar for loosing to someone half his size like Edge after a spear. It would be humiliating for Lesnar.

We have already kind of seen this before with Mike Tyson. At Wrestlemania 14 Tyson knocked out Shawn Michaels with one punch. Shawn Michaels was WWE champion at the time and arguably the best wrestler in the world. They had Tyson knock him out with one punch because fans would believe it. They knew how stupid it would look for Tyson to wrestle when he had the best knockout punch in boxing history. Same with Lesnar. How stupid would it look for Brock to go for a dropkick or a vertical suplex against someone like Randy Orton when everyone knows he could ground and pound and have the match won in under a minute. Brock Lesnar going back to the WWE wouldn't work in any way.
If Botch Lesnar comes back to wrestling, I would like him to be on Superstars. This way when he screws up moves like he did when he was a wrestler it will be on a roster that won't really miss them.
FreezeIzGAWD, as soon as I can spread some Reputation again I'm going to for you because after the Swagger feud I think Del Rio would be a great ffeud to follow. I'm a pretty big Swagger fan too, and I've really enjoyed what I've seen from him so far. He's got good character in his promos I've especially noticed.

Tuffy, I have to agree with you and a few other posters as well. I could easily see Brock come in as an unstoppable beast and tear through other talented individuals due to his enormous "outside WWE" credibility. I'll play devil's advocate, though, just because I always enjoy reading your opinion: could the Universe be made to believe Lesnar isn't invincible again?

Hear me out... Lesnar had really only been training in MMA for a little while before his UFC debut and it sorta showed. I'm a huge, HUGE Lesnar fan, but look at his record: UFC debut was a submission loss to Mir after a (very heartbreaking) miscalculation by Brock. Later on after a rough year with diverticulosis he got a pretty shocking win over Carwin (its shocking if you watch their first round). Fianlly, against a guy a lot of people had Lesnar poised to beat, Cain clinched an early victory. Sure he's had some dominating fights, just not lately.

So, I say this as a Lesnar fan, but, I think he could be built into some wrestling feuds that could work, such as the afformentioned Swagger or Del Rio feuds. I think we could get several months of great matchups from Lesnar before he was embroiled in a Title hunt.
Gotta say for the life of me I dont see Brock making a come back to the WWE unless its for a one time thing or very short fued. I just dont see how you can take a huge man who is beating the hell outta people in real fights come back and then do fake stuff. Now I'll admit Imma huge Brock fan and maybe I just dont want him to leave the UFC yet but I dont think you can make it believeable. Now on to the question of what if.... If this was to happen I feel he'd need to make a splash really quick somthing huge to start out.. They are gonna be paying him top dollar to make a return so they need to start it out big.. For the most part and this will be disputed but Brock isnt to well liked in the UFC so I gotta think he'd come back as a heel.. I dont think Cena is the right man for the job nor do I see orton as the right person.. What I see and god im probably comepletely wrong with this one but you got the Miz who I kinda like but he is saying he is the most must watch champion ever, I gotta believe brock would wanna change that... So he comes back heel vs heel. Of course Brock gets the win but something like that would shoot the miz through the roof with credibility win or lose.. Tell me what ya'll think

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