Bring Back WCW it could Work!!


Dark Match Winner
If Vince would do things correctly he would just get rid of smackdown... Now here's where it gets crazy, you either bring Stephanie or HHH back on tv and make them the owners of WCW, say something happened with Stephanie pulling some kind of scam and signing the contracts of WCW and she's now the owner and make it totally separate from the WWE... Make Nitro again and have seperate PPV's and everything also this would make the Titles separate and also when you have shows invading one another it would feel alot more realistic than what it is now, Bragging rights would actually mean something, it could open up huge doors for you and up coming guys in the Buisness, Zach Ryder could be a star of the show, also you could have people crossing over, I mean there are alot of things that you could make work that hasnt been working... I just feel like WWE needs to be refreshed, it's very bland right now and needs a major spice up and bringing back WCW not ECW who no body really wants to see, would really draw alot of attention!! So Please WWE bring back the WCW!thoughts?
It wont work because no matter how you package it and no matter what name you put on it, it's still the WWE, with the same WWE talent. Now if when they had bought WCW and kept it on tv, and ran it as a seperate company, and done the whole invasion angle they would have struck gold, but they didn't.
If the WWE brought back WCW they would complete ruin there legacy and make it a complete joke like what they did with ECW when they brought that back, Yes I do agree with you about WWE been bland and shit, but bringing WCW back is not going to solve it in my opinion what WWE needs to do is get rid of the hollywood writers and bring in writers that know something about wrestling & entertainment as well. And there's know point in getting rid of smackdown because it's a decent show granded I haven't watched a full episode but smackdown has been going 12 years now and there's no point in getting rid of it.
How would bringing back those three letters do anything? ECW was unique because it was hardcore.

And having separate PPVs? So WWE would double it's PPVs then? Good idea. And what day would Nitro be on? Monday against their own product?

Makes no sense.
Bad idea. Look at what happened to WWECW. WCW was WCW because of the talent they had, and considering most of that talent is dead/retired/working for TNA/not gettin along with Vince, it wouldn't be WCW. I was a big fan of WCW until the end, and it just wouldnt work now.

You look at the biggest guys WCW had, and see where they are now:
Hulk Hogan (TNA)
Goldberg(left WWE unhappy a few yrs ago)
Chris Benoit (passed away)
Eddie Guerrero (passed away)
Mysterio (with WWE, but getting old)
Nash(with TNA, but old)
Hall(Back in rehab now? No condition to wrestle fulltime)
DDP (out of wrestling?)
Jeff Jarrett (TNA)
Randy Savage (passed on, but was out of wrestling anyway)
Luger (health problems, cant wrestle)
Rocco Rock (passed on)
Bret Hart (retired, but could be used as a manager still)
Harlem Heat (Booker T can go, Stevie Ray retired)
Steiner brothers (Scott with TNA, Rick out of wrestling)
Bischoff (TNA)
Hennig (passed away)
British Bulldog (passed away)
Dynamite Kid (disabled, wheelchair bound)
Ricky Steamboat (works for WWE, retired from wrestling but looks like he could still go)
Malenko (works for WWE, retired from wrestling)
Konnan (from what i hear, cant wrestle anymore)
Kidman (retired)

And thats just some of the bigger names they had. If Vince tried to bring WCW back, it'd be a failure like WWECW. We wouldnt be getting WCW, we'd be getting more WWE with a familiar name stuck on it.

If you wanna see WCW again, just flip over to TNA, because thats at close at you're gunna get. Bischoff and Russo running(ruining) the show, Hogan being the top guy (somehow), guys like Flair and Sting still being used ...yep, that's WCW..
That couldn't work either way. If they made it a pretty much copy of the original WCW, it would fail, because the original WCW was an awful product really. If they changed it and made it a WWE b-show with nothing in common with WCW other than a name, it would fail. And getting rid of Smackdown wouldn't work either, because some fans, like myself, prefer Smackdown to Raw.

And this whole "Zack Ryder being a star of the show" thing is just insane. What? A new show gets made, click your fingers and Zack is the world champion? Ryder isn't even on TV at the moment. I only see a Tag Title reign or maybe US title reign within the near future.
If Vince would do things correctly he would just get rid of smackdown... Now here's where it gets crazy, you either bring Stephanie or HHH back on tv and make them the owners of WCW, say something happened with Stephanie pulling some kind of scam and signing the contracts of WCW and she's now the owner and make it totally separate from the WWE... Make Nitro again and have seperate PPV's and everything also this would make the Titles separate and also when you have shows invading one another it would feel alot more realistic than what it is now, Bragging rights would actually mean something, it could open up huge doors for you and up coming guys in the Buisness, Zach Ryder could be a star of the show, also you could have people crossing over, I mean there are alot of things that you could make work that hasnt been working... I just feel like WWE needs to be refreshed, it's very bland right now and needs a major spice up and bringing back WCW not ECW who no body really wants to see, would really draw alot of attention!! So Please WWE bring back the WCW!thoughts?

I do not understand why every new guy has to claim that Zack Ryder has to be the leader of th new generation.. I mean yes, the guy is entertaining, can garner some heat, has good youtube videos, but that's it.. How many times have we seen him ACTUALLY perform something good or given some entertaining promos on air.. For all we know, he might have to rehearse them 10 times and edit them another 15 times.. He's good, not great.. I would push Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, hell, even Jack Swagger or Drew McIntyre before him as the new stars..

The rant being over, how would it make a difference.. It would be the same stars, the same executives running it.. There would be no other feeling except for the rebranding of Smack Down.. As far as drawing attention is concerned, it would do so for a PPV strech, but that's it.. The only thing coming from it would be the different PPVs, which would give time for story developing between superstars, but we dont have the depth in the rosters to do so...

Yes, it needs to be refreshed, but not this way.. And trust me, when in a couple of years of time, when the Kliq has the business and the young generation has been established, it will automatically be good.. Its a slow era, thats all.. Cant help it..
Bad idea. Look at what happened to WWECW. WCW was WCW because of the talent they had, and considering most of that talent is dead/retired/working for TNA/not gettin along with Vince, it wouldn't be WCW. I was a big fan of WCW until the end, and it just wouldnt work now.

You look at the biggest guys WCW had, and see where they are now:
Hulk Hogan (TNA)
Goldberg(left WWE unhappy a few yrs ago)
Chris Benoit (passed away)
Eddie Guerrero (passed away)
Mysterio (with WWE, but getting old)
Nash(with TNA, but old)
Hall(Back in rehab now? No condition to wrestle fulltime)
DDP (out of wrestling?)
Jeff Jarrett (TNA)
Randy Savage (passed on, but was out of wrestling anyway)
Luger (health problems, cant wrestle)

And thats just some of the bigger names they had. If Vince tried to bring WCW back, it'd be a failure like WWECW. We wouldnt be getting WCW, we'd be getting more WWE with a familiar name stuck on it.

If you wanna see WCW again, just flip over to TNA, because thats at close at you're gunna get. Bischoff and Russo running(ruining) the show, Hogan being the top guy (somehow), guys like Flair and Sting still being used ...yep, that's WCW..

This is 2011 mate, Nash is in WWE..

Otherwise decent post with fair point.. They wont have the fucking roster to pull it off..
If you don't let things die, you won't let new things grow.

A nostalgic feel is all your going to get out of bringing back WCW, and they won't even work for that long.

Let things die in peace. ECW came back, and it was fun at first, then it got worse and worse because it couldn't be the real thing. Then on top of that, when you try to remake, or rebuild the same feeling, you really don't do much justice to original entity, and you don't have that same feeling.

Now, if the WWE wanted to do something better with NXT, and turn it into a third brand of the WWE, that would be cool. It needs to happen. Too much roster not being used.

Bringing back the WCW name, would not help things out at all. The name is dead, not very profitable.
The only way it would have made sense is if they had started calling Smackdown "WCW Smackdown" and running it next to "ECW" on Tuedays, and of course "WWE Monday Night Raw". From a marketing standpoint, it could have made more sense in terms of brand rivalry, and given the Draft more controversial consequences. Keeping WCW as a completely separate entity would have made sense from a traditionalist standpoint, but here's the reason why it didn't happen: WCW tried to put Vince out of business and he'd like people to forget about that.

He took Bischoff on because he's a smart business mind. Heyman did some dickish things back in the day, but ECW was a different format on a smaller scale that didn't pose a major threat to WWF. This is why ECW got their own throwback PPV and they resurrected the brand as (supposedly) its own. Vince would rather take credit for burying the company that almost ruined his dream and offer the occasional mention with respect to a performer than keep their legacy going. Consider Nexus: how often did we hear "I've seen this before," without mentioning nWo as a reference point, or the company they "invaded/took over"? It would be cool for old school fans to see some recognition for WCW, but Vince doesn't think it's in his best interest.
How could it not work without giving it a try, First of all i wouldnt say double up on ppv's I would say on month WCW one month WWE... There are plenty of wrestlers out there that are waiting in Line for a shot at being on the show , it could be a great platform to make new stars, Have Nitro on Tuesday nights alot of people would watch if it were on Tuesday... You will never know if it would work if you don't try it. If you make it believable that somehow Stephanie or you bring Shane Back as the owner and make it separate and actually make it separate put the WCW stamp on it and it's actually separate, hell WWE owns the stamp why couldnt they actually do it??

You don't need the Old WCW guys to make this work!!!
How could it not work without giving it a try, First of all i wouldnt say double up on ppv's I would say on month WCW one month WWE... There are plenty of wrestlers out there that are waiting in Line for a shot at being on the show , it could be a great platform to make new stars, Have Nitro on Tuesday nights alot of people would watch if it were on Tuesday... You will never know if it would work if you don't try it. If you make it believable that somehow Stephanie or you bring Shane Back as the owner and make it separate and actually make it separate put the WCW stamp on it and it's actually separate, hell WWE owns the stamp why couldnt they actually do it??

You don't need the Old WCW guys to make this work!!!

Persevering on an illogical point doesnt make it logical.. You can raise your arms towards the heaven an cry for it to happen and yet it wont look believable..

For WWE to have two different entities to run separately and successfully, they would need a good roster having some depth to it.. We have just lost few good superstars in the past couple of years and more are due for retirement.. Who would you put there to carry the flag?? Who would carry the portion of entertainment.. It would have to be two RAWs basically, and in today's case, even one RAw per week has become a bit tedious at times.. I dont see it working.. PERIOD!!
Can't happen. You can't grow new flowers in the space of a dying rose. It just doesn't happen. WCW is dead. All there is to it. At this point, it would just be renaming Smackdown!

Sure, the first few weeks would have really swollen ratings. After a few weeks? It goes back to the Smackdown! ratings.

All the WCW stars are either dead, retired and damn-near one of the two. I could understand if the WCW name had clout. However, it doesn't. It brings up thoughts of failure.

WWE needs to do what it's been doing. Trying out new stars and new directions. Keep building. Eventually, the structure, will stand.
It wont work because no matter how you package it and no matter what name you put on it, it's still the WWE, with the same WWE talent. Now if when they had bought WCW and kept it on tv, and ran it as a seperate company, and done the whole invasion angle they would have struck gold, but they didn't.

They didn't keep it on TV because other networks didn't want it. The WCW name wasn't worth shit when it went under thanks to the morons in charge. No network wanted WCW wrestling on their station.

WCW COULD work today if it was put in the right hands. But it would have to be kept separate from the WWE for it to work. Not like Raw and Smackdown are now. No drafts or guys going back and forth all the time. It would need to have its own style.
the only thing i can see happening is tht wwe hold a monday nitro like they did with the old school raw.

and tht wud be loads of fun. beyond tht nope i dont see any resurrection of wcw in any way. really apart frm mysterio and booker t, who do u have who really made in impact in wcw. no one. and both those guys have gotten old. and the guys who did make an impact r either in tna or are extremely old/cant wrestler or dead.

u cant have wcw run by wwe guys. and plz stop with the give zack ryder a push. i acatually read a post tht said make him wwe champ. i wudnt be surprised if he was made wcw champ though. the day david arquette got the title. i literally changed the channel. anyway yea apart frm a one nighter dont see wcw coming back.

I would rather see a storyline involving a Chris Jericho led heel stable made up of Ex WCW wrestlers if the name WCW was ever going to be bought back. Maybe taking over Smackdown instead of ending Smackdown for good. A storyline leading up to Wrestlemania where Jericho becomes World Heavyweight Champion and sprays WCW on it or modifies it so it's the WCW Heavyweight Championship (Kayfabe). Then at Wrestlemania Jericho fights The Miz who happens to be WWE Champion (taking the title out of The Rock and Cena match).. The Miz by this point is a face and the match is Jericho Vs The Miz - Title Unification match. The Miz wins..ending the stable and the WWE Championship gets a new design.

Maybe the WCW stable could continue for a while after Wrestlemania and get Cena to join along the way and turn heel.. Leading to a PPV match which sees The Rock and Miz team up to take on Jericho and Cena to bring an end to the WCW storyline and this way The Miz and Cena have swapped heel/face roles.

Not sure if there are enough good wrestlers with strong WCW connections around to pull it off though..

Chris Jericho
Chavo Guerrero
Rey Mysterio
Bring in Goldberg?
I don't really think there ever needs to be another WCW. I can see why some people want a third brand, or a third show. But the talent, even with as much under utilized talent, is shallow enough now as it is. In the early days of NXT I was hoping it would become that third brand, or that Nexus would become something like NWO (A brand/company within a brand sort of thing). At the end of the day, I would love for a third brand or show to be on TV, but it would just go down to SmackDown status eventually. Unless they make a third show or brand with a feel like Saturday Night's Main Event or even WWECW, I'm good with Raw and SmackDown... Of course, if they put SuperStars back on TV, I'd watch that, too. Have you guys seen the matches lately? They're awesome!
This is 2011 mate, Nash is in WWE..

Otherwise decent post with fair point.. They wont have the fucking roster to pull it off..

Oh right, sorry, forgot he jumped back over to WWE. Even still though, he's old, and his body probably couldnt handle a fulltime wrestling schedule.
I always thought the same.. a few years ago, i thought of that.. having maybe Bischoff come to smackdown as GM or something and say he's turning Smackdown into WCW.. or whatever.. because I always hated Smackdown vs Raw, because that's just WWE vs WWE.. would've been nicer to say it's WCW vs WWE.. and yes, i know.. no matter what way you spin it, it's all still WWE.. but still would've been cooler :)

of course this idea was back when ECW was still on air.. WWE vs WCW vs ECW.. Vince vs Bischoff vs Heyman :)
I don't think WCW garners the same nostalgia as ECW.

WCW was pretty horrible. The product and the company. Seems most wrestlers don't have many good things to say about it.

ECW stars were home grown. WCW didn't build many stars, and most guys who worked for the company made their names in the WWE. Goldberg, DDP, Flair, Arn Anderson, Sting, Bagwell, maybe Luger. Those are the only guys I can think of who I strongly associate with WCW. Nash, Hall, Mysterio, Hogan, etc are all WWE guys, no matter who they're working for.
If you don't try it, it wont work? Um. They did try it. Hell, they tried it twice.

Or do you not recall the brand split? The idea of having two separate companies, run by different McMahons, competing against each other for ratings and ppv buy rates was an idea that actually happened ... AND FAILED. Twice.

Originally planned to be a WCW vs WWE war, VKM scrapped the plan when 1) no network wanted to pay a WWE price for the WCW name and 2) the WCW "talent" didn't have near the star power necessary to compete with the WWE guys. (The discussion of non-signed guys that couldve been involved is one for a different thread...) Instead, VKM opted to have two WWE products based around Raw and Smackdown! as opposed to the WWE vs WCW ... please tell me you're aware of this 'cause its watered-down version still exists today.

The plan was altered again when the WWE discovered that most people weren't willing to shell out $40 each month to watch half the roster perform. Also. Since the WWE was focused on splitting their audience between the two shows, they also ended up splitting their ppv buy rates ... or cutting them in half each month. That's a terrible business plan. That's why they decided to put both brands on all pay-per views. That way, a Raw fan can see his guys and a Smackdown fan can see his guys.

Your idea to let Stephanie run it ... Well, she was involved with the original invasion angle as the owner of ECW. That didn't work. She was then named the commissioner of Smackdown! That didn't work.

Shane? He was the owner of WCW in the orginal invasion angle and it didn't work. Thing is, people were then - and would quickly become again - sick of seeing the McMahons make everything about themselves on TV. No one cares to watch 4 hours each week of those three people fighting over trust funds and inheritences. It was annoying then. Fans shit on it. It would be annoying now. Fans would still shit on it.

In closing. If you want to watch WCW, then tune into Impact on Thursdays. Same wrestlers. Same writers. Same terrible show.
Wow totally agrees with Pieman, most of them retierd and are very old, it will just be bunch of 60+ years old dudes wrestling, no high fly nothing.
The main problem with the entire theory is that it wouldn't be profitable.

Think of who the WWE has as their target audience and who makes the company the most money. It's the kids. And the kids could careless about some company that they never watched that failed to compete against the WWE.
They didn't keep it on TV because other networks didn't want it. The WCW name wasn't worth shit when it went under thanks to the morons in charge. No network wanted WCW wrestling on their station.

WCW had a large following of loyal fans and probably would have been the highest rated show on alot of other networks. I'm sure WCW fans and WWE fans would have tuned in to see how Vince would have run the show & what changes he would have made.

WCW COULD work today if it was put in the right hands. But it would have to be kept separate from the WWE for it to work. Not like Raw and Smackdown are now. No drafts or guys going back and forth all the time. It would need to have its own style.

In my opinion I just don't see it working, nobody else is gonna run the show it's Vinces property. It would be ran like Raw or Smackdown, maybe not exactly, but along the same lines. No matter what name you attach to it, it would fail just like WWECW.
WWE creating WCW is just stupid. WWE is already huge and the most popular 'entertaining' organisation around. There would be no point creating a rival for it's self. And anyway, they would not devote enough time into creating a new organisation. Look at ECW... started off with Hardcore battle royals and ended with Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust vs Dudebusters...

Now on the other hand if another company attempted to create a similar show such as WCW TNA could do it. I know people hate on TNA because let's face it, it's shit. But that is because they either mirror what WWE does or creative are a bunch of 5th graders.

TNA could create WCW v2.0. They would need to get new management. Either attempt to get J.R by offering him a monster contract or get Heyman to work solely alongside Bishoff to run the company. Retire talents such as Sting and Steiner because thier old farts (no offence to their legacy' and make them trainers. Retire Angle and Jarrett and make them scouters to find new talent. They need to stop hiring WWE rejects and scout Worldwide over all the Indy scenes and sign people such as The Briscoe Brothers, El Generico, TJ Perkins, Claudio Costangli, Delirious. Sign Seth Rollins who is stuck in WWE development FCW, resign Conquences Creed and Jay Lethal, get 2nd/3rd generation talents such as the Uso's or Richie Steamboat. Get rid of all the oldies' and replace them with new guys. Stop making people heels or faces week in week out. Make meaningful storylines.

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