Bring back Kurt Angle and reform Team Angle

Will Angle ever return to WWE

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Humor me for a moment:

Now let's just say for the sake of the arguement tha Angle decided to come back to WWE.....

Okay now that that happens we can move forward....

Imagine,its just another boring RAW,nothing important just terrible promo after terrible promo,bad match after bad match.Jack Swagger comes out and says how he is the best wrestler in the world and that the WWE has "never" had a wrestler of his caliber on its roster.So he should get some more respect around here.Just then.....the trumpets go off and guess who.....KURT ANGLE!!!!!!(MARK OUT MOMENT).

Down he comes to the ring strutting his stuff,screaming,telling,spitting,you know the Kurt Angle we love.He gets in the ring and talks about his accomplishments and how Jack Swagger couldn't lace his boots,even if he had a "broken freakin' neck".Jack Swagger has his minute to come back then we get the return of the "headbutt heard round the world" as Angle goes off on him with the Angle Slam,then the infamous Ankle Lock.He tells Swagger that if he wants some respect he can face him later on that night.

Okay its match time.Swagger comes out then Kurt comes out to a HUUUUUGE pop.They put on a 15 minute wrestling clinic (I know Jack has it in him,even though I'm not a fan).At the end Kurt gets the "w",but he is so impressed with Swagger that he shakes his hand at the end.

Next week on RAW Angle comes out and says that he is back and he is at the top of his game.But he is missing something.He is missing his "team".He says tonight is the dawning of a new era in WWE, "The Angle Era".He talks for a minute and then says that he wants to completely take over RAW from top to bottom.He says that to do that he is gonna bring back the most dominant "wrestling" faction ever created.....The music goes off and down come Haas and Benjamin,The World's Greatest Tag Team.Angle then says that he doesn't want to stop there.He says he has had his eye on a certain superstar for quite some time.Now he has decided to add one more member....Out comes jack swagger dressed in the Team Angle jumpsuit like the other three.The all pose with the Angle pose as Angle finishes by saying "It's true,It's true,It's Damn True!!!!!".We close the show........

Now with all this talk about lack of stables,or at least good ones for that matter.I think this stable could not only work,but do damage and really turn out to be a stable that goes on to make some real noise in the WWE anals.Of course this is all dependent upon an Angle return which is highly unlikely.But hey,never say never.(Even though in this scenario,you can)
Honestly, if Angle did ever come back to WWE that would be a great way to go. It would make Shelton, Charlie and Jack relevant. They get crappy programs and are tremendous athletes. This would be the one way to bring back stable wars and get some more underused talents to shine.
I've often thought - well, I once thought - that Angle should at least be briefly be involved with Swagger should he return to the WWE. Swagger isn't entirely dissimilar to Brock Lesnar. Come to think of it, he's not actually dissimilar to Kurt Angle. If they were to re-form Team Angle, I definitely wouldn't be opposed to Swagger being in it.

Haas and Benjamin, on the other hand, have had their chance. They've come up wanting. Yes, they're both tremendously athletic. Actually, Benjamin is tremendously athletic. Haas seems as if he isn't all there. Having them as Kurt's goons again wouldn't really be a step up from them, but I still think it'd be pointless. They're padding for midcard matches.
The more I think about it, the more I think it could work...which means it will never happen. I think it would freshen up a current stale product. Shelton needs and deserves a push, Swagger needs a mouthpiece, and Charlie needs to come out of witness protection. Kurt would get a reduced schedule...but where would they go, and who would they work. They could work an angle on Smackdown against Jericho and the Harts??
i honestly would love to see that. Angle, Swagger, Benjamin, and Haas together. That would help the tag division with Shelton and Charlie, fueding with the likes of The Hart Dynasty and other tag teams. Swagger could be the midcard guy possibly go to the main event, All of them could go midcard, and then Kurt would be at the top.
The more I think about it, the more I think it could work...which means it will never happen. I think it would freshen up a current stale product. Shelton needs and deserves a push, Swagger needs a mouthpiece, and Charlie needs to come out of witness protection. Kurt would get a reduced schedule...but where would they go, and who would they work. They could work an angle on Smackdown against Jericho and the Harts??

I think if they started taking out other stables and maineventers on Raw that would be a way to go initially.But let's say the dominate RAW.Well maybe Kurt would one day come out and say that he is tired of dominating the same people.He decides to extend TEAM ANGLE from Brand to Brand.Thus,Team Angle "RAW" and Team Angle "SMACKDOWN" would be born.Making Team Angle the most dominant force to ever come through the current brand extension era of wwe.I for one would LOVE to see a stable dominate WWE as a whole like dx did in their bout you?
I think Angle / Swagger / Shelton / Hass would also make a well-formed stable. It makes sense for Angle so his work load is lessened but still be a factor in storylines. It allows for some tag matches with Hass/Shelton, some Mid-carding with Jack, and Main Events with Kurt.

I personally just don't like your idea of Angle confronting Swagger, then Jack joining Angle. If a stable is going to work, the fans need to know there is loyalty and camaraderie within a group.

Angle had a small faction with Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak, but it was never really explained why these two where even aligned with Angle. So I never felt like there was solidarity in that association. It makes it so much better knowing that one member of a group is going to bleed, going to sacrifice, going to give his last breath for another member (or its leader). Arn Anderson and the Horsemen were like that. Evolution to a lesser extent were like that. 1997 Hart Foundation were like that. So it doesn't work for me that Swagger would have be challenging Angle one week and joining him the next.

Just off the top of my head, for a month of so Jack could speak about a new mentor, and maybe even tease some of Kurt Angle's moves (Angle Slam, Ankle Lock, Headbutt). Then Shelton could start doing some of the same moves. Fans aren't dumb they will know what is going on. It would build anticipation, until those trumpets hit.
It's looking like Kurt has gone back on his plan to jump back to WWE but I kind of had this idea but in reverse in a way. WWE resigned Charlie Haas because Angle wanted to bring him in and they've been slaughtering Swagger's credibility over the last month or so, so I figured he was close to the chopping block, but then they went and gave him a decent match with Triple H, effectively killing my idea of Haas and Swagger moving to TNA to team up with Angle there.

What about Benjamin? Meh, I don't really care for him. Sure he's technically sound, but besides a nice IC title reign and that initial push on Raw his career amounts to a series of OMG high spots. Sure, those are nice, but it's not enough to convince me he deserves a big run. Maybe TNA would let him wrestle though, who knows.

In essence I'm all for the idea but I imagined it happening in TNA rather than WWE.
i loved kurt angle and team angle as a gimmick, and i think jack swagger would be a great addition to make them a viable stable, and i too, think theres a better chance of that happening in TNA, but regardless, a stable of wrestlers, real wrestlers, would be great to watch wherever it happens...
If they do bring back Angle, I imagine he'll be in a Shawn Michaels-esque role. That is to say that he probably won't be winning titles, but he will be challenging for them and he will be used to put over young guys on their way through the ranks. As a result, a stable isn't an entirely bad idea, because stables lead to break out stars, and that is the sort of person he can put over.

However, if they do go down that road, then Dolph Ziggler and Swagger are much better candidates. They are athletes that have moved into professional wrestling, but they are also people who can be elevated. Both Haas and Benjamin have found their level, in the lower card and midcard respectively, and putting them in a reformed Team Angle would almost certainly be a wasted opportunity.
I want to start by saying I FULLY expect Kurt Angle to finish his career in WWE. As TNA gets bigger and bigger, Vince McMahon's desire to stick it to them will become more insatiable and what better way than to take their biggest star? He'll give Kurt a lot of money and the HBK/Taker schedule and Kurt will finish his wrestling career where it all began.

Having said that I'm a bit bleh at the Team Angle idea. I'm sick of always looking backwards. Now, I could understand just the re-signing of Angle is, in a way, doing just that, but giving him something fresh when he returns would be so much better than rehashing old gimmicks with old wrestlers who just can't cut it in the spotlight anyway. I want nothing to do with a re-vamped Team Angle even if it does include Swagger. I don't mind Angle aligning himself with Swagger as I actually think as a mentor character it would be a good fit and a nice rub for Swagger who I think is a talented young guy. But, lets keep the past in the past and come up with something new.
What's done is done. I liked Team Angle back in the day as much as the next guy, but to see it again just wouldn't be as amazing as it was roughly 7 years ago. It's like when DX reunites after the nostalgia factor wears off, DX just isn't that cool anymore.

If (and when) Kurt Angle returns to WWE, the first thing I want him to do is put Jack Swagger over. And for the most part up till the Team Angle gimmick I like the OP's idea of Swagger and Angle having a match where Angle wins but respects Swagger's ability.

I thought of this idea where Jack Swagger has a few matches where he starts doing Angle's trademark moves (Angle Slam, Ankle Lock, multiple German Suplexes), then one week Swagger comes out and talks about great he is, then Kurt Angle's music plays, he comes out and grabs a mic. Angle talks about how he's been watching Swagger on RAW and he says he's pretty impressed. But when Swagger does Angle's moves, Angle says that he's doing them wrong. The Angle Slam goes like THIS!!! And Angle plants Swagger with the Angle Slam. Then Kurt takes the mic again and says, "The Ankle Lock goes like THIS!!!" And Angle slaps the Ankle Lock on Swagger.
Okay this is not a chance for me to run WWE down and push TNA above by no means. I would honestly love to see Angle back in the WWE, I think he would give them what they are missing and could get the a few more viewers than they have. Angle's a great wrestler and a great person in appearances, he has name, image, ability, speech, and he knows alot behind the scenes and can help out booking and being an agent. But I do not think that Angle would be willing to go back to the WWE especially when the TNA is moving forward and he has a major spot in helping it succeed an flourish and become the main event player in professional wrestling. A lot of times we as fans forget that even though the WWE calls their product "sports entertainment" let's call a spade a spade, it is professional wrestling and I think that the WWE has forgotten that. NOW........
I want to start by saying I FULLY expect Kurt Angle to finish his career in WWE. As TNA gets bigger and bigger, Vince McMahon's desire to stick it to them will become more insatiable and what better way than to take their biggest star? He'll give Kurt a lot of money and the HBK/Taker schedule and Kurt will finish his wrestling career where it all began.

As far as Angle finishing his career in WWE, I do not see that happening. He's at the forefront of the TNA movement. He can be there and help a young up and coming product move to class A and get out of the shadows of the WWE. NOW, had this been back in the early 80's and Angle was wrestling then, sure I'd be the first one to say that at the end of the year Angle would come out on WWE television to his chorus of "You Suck" and we would all mark out like little girls. BUT, my friends an you mark my words, it's 2010, Angle is at the forefront of the TNA Main Event, I am sure he has some pull backstage, he works a lighter schedule than the WWE, he keeps getting to add title reigns to his record, he gets to wrestle young stars and give them his expertise. He even has a movie that is coming out..........Angle was with the WWE for how long? 8 years, how long was WWE films around? 20 was the production company to give us "No Holds Barred", It produced Kane's "See No Evil", John Cena's "Marine", and "12 Rounds" but yet no where was there a movie for Kurt Angle to be found. Kurt Angle reportedly told WWE he was wanting to go to rehab and asked for his release. Reportedly WWE was under the impression that Angle was coming back to them after he finished rehab. That was not the case as that fateful night on October 19th, 2006 when we heard the "Headbutt heard around the World." Angle I think would not be as welcome as everyone thinks he might be back in the WWE. Infact, if I were a betting man.....I'd bet that Kurt Angle is to TNA..........what HBK is to WWE.

As for Team Angle reformed, I'd love to see that while people despised Team Angle, I was a total fan. I think Team Angle and The World's Greatest Tag Team, are the heels that honestly brought me to the forefront of rooting for certain heels, like Randy Orton, Samoa Joe, Miz, CM Punk, Edge, Jerishow, AJ Styles. It's awesome as hell to be sitting in a live WWE Raw audience start a "You Screwed Bret" chant *in his hometown* directed towards HBK. Have him look directly at you and give you the saddest look ever an then to have Randy Orton standing just a few feet from you and be able to cheer him on when he hits the RKO on HBK in San Antonio and the audience erupts in boos an yet, all alone is a group of 4 guys cheering him on. But as much as I liked TWGTT, I do think that if Angle went back to the WWE. The Team Angle should be Angle, Swagger, and Ryder (dropping the gimmick he has right now). But hey that's just me, I like putting people who would not necessarily team together to form a stable that dominates.

I think, and maybe you are right, maybe Vince will throw money and less road time at Angle and he might accept that offer. But if I were Angle, I'd be saving for the future now, and wouldn't have to accept that call from McMahon when and if it comes. And you are right about Vince is going to try to take all the talent from the TNA that he can so he can deplete the roster and strengthen his hold on the business of professional wrestling. And that my money in the bank!
i love this idea if only angle were to come back because all 3 benjamin haas and swagger are great athletes and them all in the same team would only elevate them and help get them over with the crowd if angle were to be there leader. however it would probably have to be benjamin being the mid card and haas and swagger being the tag team.
I recently put all the pay-per-views from the 2004 survivor series up till TLC on my netflix and I gotta say that I remember hating Kurt Angle. Now that I am a bit older and can appreciate what is actually going on in the ring, I love Kurt Angle, he consistently put on great match after great match and I think he would be great to have back in the WWE. I love where your head is at with the whole Swagger idea. I like Swagger and think he is just inexperienced and could do well with some guidance and who better than Kurt Angle. This would be awesome to revive Shelton Benjamin who for some reason is not getting the respect he deserves.
If they do bring back Angle, I imagine he'll be in a Shawn Michaels-esque role. That is to say that he probably won't be winning titles, but he will be challenging for them and he will be used to put over young guys on their way through the ranks. As a result, a stable isn't an entirely bad idea, because stables lead to break out stars, and that is the sort of person he can put over.

However, if they do go down that road, then Dolph Ziggler and Swagger are much better candidates. They are athletes that have moved into professional wrestling, but they are also people who can be elevated. Both Haas and Benjamin have found their level, in the lower card and midcard respectively, and putting them in a reformed Team Angle would almost certainly be a wasted opportunity.

A stable with Dolph Ziggler AND Jack Swagger being mentored by Kurt Angle would pretty much be my wet dream. I actually think it would work really well, and you're right in saying that their backgrounds in College Wrestling would help tremendously. I don't know how I feel about reforming old stables however, and would prefer if they made a new one with the same intent and feel, but different name. I don't know. Have the stable to do with the re-ordering of the world. In like, a new way. Something fresh and original like that. Otherwise you'll always have people drawing comparisons and that will harm the progress of its members. Should Kurt Angle ever return to the WWE, this would be great for him however, and I would accept it and definately tune in to see it.
Once again I completely agree with Tasty on this. If Angle were to comeback a stable between him, Ziggler, and Swagger would be awesome. Zigs and Swag are both amateur wrestlers and both are young and solid in the ring. Angle would instantly make them more relevant and instantly give them a solid rub.

While I love Benjamin, he should not be in a reformation of Team Angle. Same would go for Haas. Both of them had their chance with Angle and new one I think would be much more successful than a reformation of the original Team Angle.

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