[This Space for Rent]
And Will, would you be interested in trading Dean Malenko?
Yes. But after roughly scanning your roster, I think the main reason you want him - would be to put him up against the one guy I'd ask to trade, for him.
Send me some PM suggestions on who you'd be willing to trade. If you haven't figured out who I mainly want, it's Rey Mysterio.

Also.. Hiphopapotamus
If you still want Finlay, for Austin Aries.. deal.
EDIT: Hiphopapotamus, also.. Who would you want from my roster for any of the following guys.. mainly the ROH guys, but RVD and Booker would be worth something I'm sure as well.
Booker T
Bryan Danielson
Chris Hero
Nigel McGuinness
Tyler Black
And MattMoses: What would you want for Ric Flair?