Book This! - General Discussion

We'll see what happens. Just in case:

May 18th views for 'active' threads (posts in the last month):

Rated R Nightmare 647
Arcade 359
The Kid 2943
Ryan Thunder 197
Global Icon 236
GCB 54856
niallf96 418
Vault08 128
Thrash 380

See if the competition continues over the next week(s).
About half done with the Raw recap of what happened from the second week of shows until Extreme Rules.

I think me and Swagger doing recaps until Extreme Rules instead of more full pointless shows is gonna work out much better. It'll give us more time to focus on Extreme Rules as well as get it done much quicker and then right after Extreme Rules we have the annual WWE Draft (like it was in real life) so that should give things a nice shake up.
Shall we bring back the BT rankings?

For those of you who missed them before, we used the difference between the views at the start of a fortnightly period and those at the end of a fortnightly period to create a rating for the show. It gave people an indication as to how people were reading their shows. Obviously, posting a show gave you a boost in terms of readers as opposed to not posting a show but with a few new shows popping up, should we bring it back?

And then we can see if anybody can topple the King?!!! :D

Don't see how this is useful tbh. We know that posting a show will get views, what's so complicated about that? Views aren't important, just post quality shows people.
Don't see how this is useful tbh. We know that posting a show will get views, what's so complicated about that? Views aren't important, just post quality shows people.

Post a show then, show us all how it's done.
JAM, the past week, you've just got super attitude-y and really fucking annoying. Leave it out.

Anyway, I just realised (it totally slipped my mind), that Big Show challenged Randy Orton & Sheamus to a match on Friday Night, on the first episode of Raw. I need to sort this out, so my Smackdown's gonna be a bit later.
I'm just saying that I don't think it's useful. Can we not voice our opinion now? Maybe you guys should try reviving this place instead, huh?
And once again, you become even more pathetic.

We've all been trying to revive BT, while you've just sat there and done fuck all on your own. Dude, shut your mouth, keep it down, because nobody wants to hear your snide comments.

Or, maybe, do a show that we think is good.
And once again, you become even more pathetic.

We've all been trying to revive BT, while you've just sat there and done fuck all on your own. Dude, shut your mouth, keep it down, because nobody wants to hear your snide comments.

Or, maybe, do a show that we think is good.

:lol: I suggest take your own advice. That is all.
:lol: I suggest take your own advice. That is all.

You know, I've never proclaimed that my show is good, I do it for my enjoyment and if someone like you doesn't like it then oh well, no big deal.

It's nice that you say this because you obviously think you're great, constantly telling everyone what they can do better, or telling people to PM you because you have better help.

You know what, I once PM'd JAM for help in formatting because I thought he would take some time to help a guy out. What did he do? Gave me a link, to a different forum, to have a look at somebody else's work. Then, told me absolutely nothing about how I should format things himself, just have off a half-hearted, feeble attempt to get me to dig up to that forum because apparently, "It's better than WZ."

JAM, don't bother trying to lay into everyone in the BT Section for trying, because at least they're all going something. You might think you're awesome, but you're no Theo or GCB and you never will be. Just keep your fucking mouth shut because you're just making this place less enjoyable for rveryone.

Yeah, you picked the wrong day to piss me off.
You know, I've never proclaimed that my show is good, I do it for my enjoyment and if someone like you doesn't like it then oh well, no big deal.

It's nice that you say this because you obviously think you're great, constantly telling everyone what they can do better, or telling people to PM you because you have better help.

You know what, I once PM'd JAM for help in formatting because I thought he would take some time to help a guy out. What did he do? Gave me a link, to a different forum, to have a look at somebody else's work. Then, told me absolutely nothing about how I should format things himself, just have off a half-hearted, feeble attempt to get me to dig up to that forum because apparently, "It's better than WZ."

JAM, don't bother trying to lay into everyone in the BT Section for trying, because at least they're all going something. You might think you're awesome, but you're no Theo or GCB and you never will be. Just keep your fucking mouth shut because you're just making this place less enjoyable for rveryone.

Yeah, you picked the wrong day to piss me off.

Oooooh, I'm so scared :p

But anyway, I never claimed to be great and I'm sure everyone will see that. As for your "help story" that's a load of bullshit. Yeah, you did ask me, and I provided you with help, maybe it was too COMPLEX for you? Not sure. But yeah, you asked me cause I said you could ask me anytime and that's what I did. I didn't say that the other place was better, but that it had more experienced people, more experience than me. So I thought, I should pick someone who knows what they're doing so that you could have an awesome thread.

Also, you claim that I wanted you to check out that other place? No. Again, I just thought there were good examples over there so that's why I suggested that place. Plus, people like you are exactly the kind of people the forums don't need. Not sure why you're even getting angry, but ohwell. Hope your day goes better so you don't take it out on someone. G'day to you.
No offence meant, JAM. But he's right that you've sounded a bit snidy of late. You're entitled to an opinion, course you are mate, you're well respected round here. But I've raised my eyebrows at a couple of comments lately - specifically, the comment about people posting quality shows to get people to visit. A lot of the threads around here are written by newcomers so they're not going to be quality yet, IMO. They need work. You're on the right lines with the feedback you're giving but, I don't know, it does sound strange the way you're wording things. I think the BT rankings could work again because (a) it could motivate these newcomers to keep going and (b) view counts are important. I don't worry about a lack of feedback, I would stop posting if my view count slowed up as if nobody was reading no more.

I agree in principle: more quality is needed in BT. But it needs to grow again. The newbies need time to get going again so we can build up a core of quality posters like we had 18 months - 2 years back. BT has been hit hard by the loss of some heavy hitters of late - Theo, Peep, Prophet (or whatever his name is now) and yourself as well as my long breaks - but it is slowly recovering from what I see. IMO, the rankings will motivate people to post at least once a month, it will motivate people to improve their shows and it will motivate people to promote their shows elsewhere. Surely that would help BT?

Like I say, a couple of comments lately are not "JAM like" mate. I'm not going to fall out with you over it but there have been some questionable comments of late.

Maybe if you guys were nice to each other instead of barking at each other all the time people would come...

Welcome back. Let me educate the newbies. This is the guy who offered to bed my daughter ...


... She is 17 months old. #makeyourownmindup
How's that scumbag not banned though if he said that to ya? Hate ********s like him.

Anyways, a quick question on BTB.

How do guys actually plan things out, do you plan out show details in advance, or just write them n the fly. How far ahead do you plan?
How's that scumbag not banned though if he said that to ya? Hate ********s like him.

Anyways, a quick question on BTB.

How do guys actually plan things out, do you plan out show details in advance, or just write them n the fly. How far ahead do you plan?

This time around for Raw & Smackdown, I wrote them off the top of my head, which is why my first Raw had WAY too much in it. I've written (mentally), next week's Raw and Smackdown, that's probably how I'm going to do it from now on.
How's that scumbag not banned though if he said that to ya? Hate ********s like him.

Anyways, a quick question on BTB.

How do guys actually plan things out, do you plan out show details in advance, or just write them n the fly. How far ahead do you plan?

Not sure how. I didn't report him for it, maybe I should have done.

In terms of planning ahead, I had an idea for WrestleMania and then I worked back from there with that one storyline thinking about the matches needed at the PPV. I then planned the other feuds around it. I plan TV shows after I've written a PPV right up to the next PPV.
Not sure how. I didn't report him for it, maybe I should have done.

In terms of planning ahead, I had an idea for WrestleMania and then I worked back from there with that one storyline thinking about the matches needed at the PPV. I then planned the other feuds around it. I plan TV shows after I've written a PPV right up to the next PPV.

I reported him earlier for advertising other shitty forums via PM, so if you did, there's a chance he might end up in the Prison, which would be nice.
How do guys actually plan things out, do you plan out show details in advance, or just write them n the fly. How far ahead do you plan?

I usually try to announce something in advance for the next weeks show. I always know ahead of time what my main event will be and try to build the show somewhat around it.

In the past I planned ahead to big PPV's and knew what would happen at them but that got boring for me because I wasn't sure how to get there.
Everyone take a deep breath. Choxy get out.

I'm really trying to make a return to the section but with a very, very small project. Don't hold me to this but I might try something different if I've got the time/motivation in the next few weeks.

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