Book This! - General Discussion

Yeah that would be fine Bearded, I would maybe suggest writing in a little recap (maybe who dominated or if it was a squash, back and forth and add some psychology) and then just write out the finishing spots in full.
Yeah that would be fine Bearded, I would maybe suggest writing in a little recap (maybe who dominated or if it was a squash, back and forth and add some psychology) and then just write out the finishing spots in full.

That's what I was going to do. I'll see how it works.
I decided to go with making every show a big show instead of the weekly format. But the problem with that is that I'm going to have to write out each match in it's entirety, and I've realized I'm not very good at that.

Would anyone read it if I kept the promos complete but do the matches in recap form? If I do it that way I think the show would be better and I probably would already have a couple shows finished.

As I have said Johnny Gargano for World Champion. And making each show a big one would work well. It gives the more "indy" feel which I get from your roster. One thing you could do to separate from the other created promotions is to not have a television deal. Say you are airing these events from the internet, give it the ROH feel. I like the roster you have and it's good to see that you have not made the decision to bring in a major WWE/TNA star.
Doesn't it suck when you have an entire story planned and then the feud plays out on television? On a completely unrelated note, listening to “Just Close Your Eyes” for shits and giggles. Such fun it is to not have that fool in my project. And something else for you to think about, this could be my most hated RAW ever. I just don't like what is planned at the moment. I may just have CM Punk wrestling for an hour and a half. That would be better then what I have at the moment.

Note: That may be an a bit much, it's a solid RAW but nothing special.
Hopefully I break the 8000 mark with this latest edition of RAW. Little sad I didn't get one review for Smackdown. But hey, stuff happens.

Hi mate. Not got time to review SMACKDOWN for you, sorry. However, I have read it so I am still keeping up to date with it. I think that was as good as TV show as I have ever seen on here. Brilliant. Loved the ending and the title picture looks brilliant heading to Armageddon. I'd say Fatal Four Way BUT you just had that on SMACKDOWN. So I'm going to call you bringing back the Armageddon 6 man match from the end of 2000 and going with the four in the SMACKDOWN main event plus Kurt Angle and Mr. Kennedy. Maybe the Undertaker returns there to deny Kennedy?

Keep up the good work!

I sure GCB's thread just went up 200 views without a post or anything. I smell a conspiracy, C-O-N-spiracy.

I'm just that damn good. :)

Hoping to get RAW up, #1 contender match to come. Orton, Miz, Sheamus and a mystery opponent - who will face Barrett at Vengeance?
Anybody got a guess at who the mystery man will be in the RAW 4 man Elimination match? Sheamus vs. Miz vs. Randy Orton vs. ?????? :banghead::sad:

Also, I gave your show a read Jam, and I liked it; you have a lot of matches on there though. Something either GCB or Proph told me early on (actually it might have been Sign Guy, but I'm pretty sure it was GCB) was that you don't want to have to many big matches on your "TV" shows. Good show overall, and sorry, my schedule has been really cramped up lately, and it probably will be very cramped up for the next couple of weeks, so I really can't give you a full review.
Oh damn, a bet was it? LOL. Ohwell, not a bad name :D AHAHA.

Thanks man. Ehh, well it's ECW. Lots of stipulation matches and such so I went with what felt right. And it's alright man. Review whenever you want.
Jam, wondering why your ECW is like the WWECW brand when it is run by Heyman.

Oh and GCB, is it Steve Blackman?
It's Hornswoggle. He has been getting a major push since taking out Triple H and will become the WWE Champion before the end of the year.
Not really. Hornswoggle has changed in the past months. He was vital in the defeat of Triple H for Sheamus. He has played up the heel role by teaming with Sheamus and having the little guy in the fatal four way would kind of make sense. Who else has had a better couple of months then Hornswoggle? Has anyone else been standing tall at both the Cyber Sunday and Survivor Series PPV events other then Hornswoggle? The little guy has really developed into someone you need to watch when facing Sheamus. And about winning the title, I don't see why not. Sheamus could be wrestling for the title, have Hornswoggle run through the ring (like he did in real life) and after Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick (someone would distract Sheamus), Hornswoggle covers the guy that was knocked down to become the new WWE Champion. It could be for a day, I would mark out though. Something nobody has ever done. So yeah, Hornswoggle for president and WWE Champion.

Note: I can't believe I just wrote that.
Hornswoggle? Champion? Someone Book This! Lol.

Well anyway, I was just wondering. I saw like 28 people viewing the Book This section just a minute ago. Then now, there's only two. Wondering if that's a glitch, or if it's really 28 GUESTS who are viewing the thread? Well, if it's real people, I hope they join in!
Hornswoggle? Champion? Someone Book This! Lol.

Well anyway, I was just wondering. I saw like 28 people viewing the Book This section just a minute ago. Then now, there's only two. Wondering if that's a glitch, or if it's really 28 GUESTS who are viewing the thread? Well, if it's real people, I hope they join in!

It was real, happens all the time with people viewing the section. Notice it happened after I posted the Hornswoggle comment. It's clear that someone should put a title on him. And I'll be dropping a review to you Jam after I finish this RAW which is never ending.
It was real, happens all the time with people viewing the section. Notice it happened after I posted the Hornswoggle comment. It's clear that someone should put a title on him. And I'll be dropping a review to you Jam after I finish this RAW which is never ending.

Alright man, hope I get that soon, lol. And how's Raw treatin' you? :D
I'm so tempted to go with Hornswoggle now! :)

It isn't the little green man, though. It's not Steve Blackman either, Peep. That's a worse guess than Hornswoggle! Blast from the past, Blackman is. I remember quite liking him when he was feuding with Shane-O-Mac!

I'm so tempted to go with Hornswoggle now! :)

It isn't the little green man, though. It's not Steve Blackman either, Peep. That's a worse guess than Hornswoggle! Blast from the past, Blackman is. I remember quite liking him when he was feuding with Shane-O-Mac!


Well, you lost my view.
I'm so tempted to go with Hornswoggle now! :)

It isn't the little green man, though. It's not Steve Blackman either, Peep. That's a worse guess than Hornswoggle! Blast from the past, Blackman is. I remember quite liking him when he was feuding with Shane-O-Mac!


Hornswoggle is ratings! Put the title on him.

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