Book This! - General Discussion


I'm not into TNA mate so have avoided it a little. I'll go have a look now. Might give you some pointers although I doubt I'll get into the storylines, I just don't rate it that much. Still, good to see some variety here on BT!

All good that's how I feel about WWE. I find their rosters really boring. I am a huge fan of Barrett though, that guy is a talent!
How would I know if you improved?

That's true but it sounded like you din't think I did or even could when you said "you got me there"

Anyway I'll be posting Thursday Night Annihilation tomorrow, and maybe having the Preview for the next influx of shows.
Ach, bugger. Unlucky mate.

Don't you write it in Word or something? Much easier. I have the blank format saved and I just add the bits I need into it. Auto-saves every few moments anyway if it does crash. Just a thought.

EDIT: With Sign Guy doing a bunk again, is someone else going to do the ratings thing? I'm not suggesting it because I'm #1, I'm suggesting it because the newbies and developing guys can use it to guage their improvements etc ... I don't mind doing it if nobody has any objections! Feel free to pop back and take it over though Sign Guy wherever you are!

Midnight (GMT) August 10th:

GCB 9340
Global 934
Prophet 7987 (nearly 8000!)
Grandsword 917
Jam 644
The Best (and his Cock Shaped Pillow) 1509
Theo 2733
Peep 2434
Avitus 2014
Mr HD 4405
Mr Hashasheen 5088
Sign Guy 1885

Be my guest. I'm so busy I can barely do the show, none the less the ratings.

Greetings, Book This section! It is I, WrestleZone mainstay Coco The Monkey! Me and mah exclamation marks will be joining you down here for a while. Hope everyone gets a kick out of what I have to offer and I hope to develop a greater appreciation of this alleged haven of creativity.

Lol. J/K.

Looks like size doesn't mean everything.

Sign Guy, how's things?

Okay I fix the size and you still criticize the show, I swear it's people like you and Proph that make me just want to quit Book This, I'm getting sick and tired of the critcism that hasn't even helped me anybit.
Ah, well if that's what you have to do :shrug:

Right now you're just making this place seem full of coky fantasy bookers who when they get to a certain level want to pick on all the newcomers, I did this for fun but now you're ruining it for me, Would you like it if I went on your Book This and started criticizng something you worked hours for, Hmm maybe I should do that.
It's nothing to do with your Book This writing, I don't write ten thousand word shows and anyway, how could you not have any time - you are thirteen?
It's nothing to do with your Book This writing, I don't write ten thousand word shows and anyway, how could you not have any time - you are thirteen?

Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean I can't have a life, I would prefer not to sit ona computer screen all day typing 10,000 word shows for people like you that will criticize it a day later.
You don't have to sit at a computer all day? How is it that hard to understand?

Look Peep, I'm not trying to cause any trouble, I don't want to fight with you and I'm really in no position to, I'm just trying to fit in around, here, I just get annoyed when people criticize my BT, Only been doing this for 3 weeks overall.
Okay I fix the size and you still criticize the show, I swear it's people like you and Proph that make me just want to quit Book This, I'm getting sick and tired of the critcism that hasn't even helped me anybit.

What did I do again? Oh yes I gave you advice that didn't stroke the ego you must have. I'm very sorry for that, next time I'll be sure to end my post with "xoxoxo". Listen everyone here is allowed to have an opinion on others shows. Peep is the last one to start drama around these parts and if he has something bad to say then you should listen. He is one of the better bookers here and is able to write a show which is under 10,000 words but is still very good. If you can't take the advice then leave. Simple as that. I will be the first to admit, I was one of the worst bookers on the site. Go take a look at some of my past work. You will find some of the worst shows ever. Then have a look at my thread and you will see how good I have become because of the advice I took. If people suck up to you then you will gain nothing. The advice isn't helping because you don't want it to. To be honest I'm sick of having to deal with this stuff every single time you return from ban. We have a solid little group around this area and don't need trouble coming into the section.

I suggest everyone stop feeding the problem here. If you have feedback do it in his thread, little comments like what we saw aren't needed. Wrestlingfan, if you enjoy booking stay, if not leave. Don't cause drama with people. Have fun and enjoy.

EDIT: Thanks for the review, many thanks.
What did I do again? Oh yes I gave you advice that didn't stroke the ego you must have. I'm very sorry for that, next time I'll be sure to end my post with "xoxoxo". Listen everyone here is allowed to have an opinion on others shows. Peep is the last one to start drama around these parts and if he has something bad to say then you should listen. He is one of the better bookers here and is able to write a show which is under 10,000 words but is still very good. If you can't take the advice then leave. Simple as that. I will be the first to admit, I was one of the worst bookers on the site. Go take a look at some of my past work. You will find some of the worst shows ever. Then have a look at my thread and you will see how good I have become because of the advice I took. If people suck up to you then you will gain nothing. The advice isn't helping because you don't want it to. To be honest I'm sick of having to deal with this stuff every single time you return from ban. We have a solid little group around this area and don't need trouble coming into the section.

I suggest everyone stop feeding the problem here. If you have feedback do it in his thread, little comments like what we saw aren't needed. Wrestlingfan, if you enjoy booking stay, if not leave. Don't cause drama with people. Have fun and enjoy.

When I hear little things like " looks like size doesn't mean everything" please explain how that's giving advice, That's just plain critcism, I don't see how that's helped my Booking in any way or even helped me to continue doing it. And I don't see why I shoud listen to Peep, throughout I've known him he hasn't given me any credible advice, Seems like you're judging him on his writing ability then who he actually is. I still hear critcism after I spent a week on a 6,000 word show.

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