Bill Lesnar made another alt.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
MankindFoley said:
Bill lesnar is more determined than vever to be on the prison roster. Bill lesnar si pleading with you Kb to allow him atleast a trial run to see how things go. Bill lesnar is desperate for another chnace to prove himslef. Bill lesnar is oory for the speloliung as he does not ahve much time to type out of fear of being abnned.

Bill lesnar is on his knees asking Kb for one more chance. Bill lesnar is just asking for a trial run in the prison

Another PM:

Bill lesnar will post soley wrestling in the Prison. Bill lesnar will do his best to make great posts in the prsion. Bill lesnar will type without errors and will be informative and give his opinion on the porduct. Bill lesnar will strive to please in the prsion. Bill lensar definately will not amke the mistake of spamming again and will not gte baited. Bill lesnar is on his knees KB, Bill Lesnar is desperate to prove hjimslef. Bill lesnra is sick of making alts. Bill lesnar just wanst another chance, Bill lesnar is eager to post his thoughts on the miz vs Lawler and other current and past happening.

Bill Lesnar just asks you KB, please give Bill Lesnar one more chance
Bill lesnar wants to be back Kb. Bill Lesnar will be a great ddition to the cage and will make his own WWE thoughts thread which will be a great success. Bill lesnar just wanst his old acc back, so he can talk wrestling. Wrestling is in Bill Lesnars blood. Bill lesnar doesnt know what else he can do. Bill lesnar is giving it his all to be back in the prsion under his old acc
Bill lesnar wanst the chance to be best the best prisoner that this forum has ever seen. Bill Lesnar wanst to talk about KOFTR, PPVs, new starts, promos etc. Bill Lesnar can prove to you uncle phatso, that Bill lesnar can back up his words and that he can become the most decorated poster that this forum has ever seen. Bill Lesnar is trying to show the moderatrors how keen he is to come back. Bill lesnar knows his career got of to a rocky start (in the wrestling forums and has made enemys), but Bill lesnar wanst WZ to see another side of him in the cage
Bill lesnar has made a post in the prison. Bill lesnar is kindly asking KB to check it out. Bill lesnar is sorry for being repititive, he is a man of few words
Don't let him into prison, send him to the gallows.

Bill lesnar wonderds which section the Gallows is in?, Bill lesnar likes the name though, Bill lesnar queries, is it like the prison?
Bill lesnar is going off line now. He will leave this decision to the mods. bill lesnar hopes for the best
When will he realize that making 7000 alts does nothing but just get him banned again?

Dont believe the hype, because there's none surrounding Bill.
Here we have it guys, one of our candidates for ROTY on these forums. What a joke, considering this guy for the ROTY when there are 6-8 legitimate guys to choose from (and it won't be an easy decision).
He finally cracked and realized how stupid he is? Damn those free proxy services finally come back to hunt us.
I've always found Bill Lesnar entertaining and kind of funny. He had some good posts when he first came here. Don't know the full story though, just thought I'd defend him a little.
Bill Lesnar is a Bonafide draw, allowing him to make his home in the prison may be the smart business move.

If bill lesnar is allowed in the prison, then people will flock to this site to see bill lesnar, bill lesnar can make kb and sly alot of money to live comfortably for them and there families for generations to come. bill lesnar.
I know I'd frequent the prison more. I'm glad Bill Lesnar came back, it had been a while since I received Bill Lesnar green rep. Well it was purple but it's the thought that counts.
Bill Lesnar is a classy guy.

He should be given another chance.

Btw, how stupid are them christians. What fools they are.
I'm gonna go write in my blog now about how stupid christians are and how they tried to force religion on everyone else. May be I'll post my blog on here when I'm done and if anyone wants some reading material on why christians are so dumb and evil send me a pm. I can't stand those damned christians and there constant attacks on people who don't have the same believes as them, they are the most evil and stupid imbeciles in the world and religion is a joke.

I'm gonna go write my blog and read more Pascal's wager.

Alright, if anyone wants me to post my blog and find out the real horrors of christians send me a pm.
Bill Lesnar is a classy guy.
Which is a hell of a lot more then I could say for christians. The stupidty makes my brain hurt.
You're a heartless cunt sometimes, KB.

For fuck's sake, Bill Lesnar was on his fucking knees, man. What more can you do to OUR hero, the People's hero?

The dude just wants to post, and his determination is unstoppable. Please KB, just please BELIEVE THE HYPE. Because all of our love for Bill Lesnar DEFINES HIGH IMPACT.
He's not coming back. The guy broke our rules and got banned. Why should he get any special treatment? What special talents does this guy have? Oh wait he can speak in the third person and talk like he's spearing random people. I'm sure this is enough validation for breaking MORE rules.

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