Biggest Main Event Ever?


On they have another countdown, this time the top ten biggest moments in Smackdown history. Number 3 is the main event from the pilot episode which featured the Undertaker and HHH versus the Rock and Steve Austin. When looking at that lineup now, that has to be one of the biggest main events ever.

Of course at the time, HHH and the Rock were still rising and the Undertaker and Steve Austin have since only grown in legend, but I wonder if, looking at it now, that is the biggest single match in terms of star power (without others bringing it down like a giant Survivor Series match or Royal Rumble) we've seen.

The only other one I can think of is a RAW when the NWO debuted and it was Rock and Austin versus Hogan, Hall, and Nash.

Any others?
I want to put the six-pack Hell in a Cell match in there... Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Kurt angle, Triple H, and... err... Rikishi.

Wow I think Rikishi being there takes away from the other five, haha!

But anyway, I rank this match as one of the "biggest" in terms of star power, even though the actual match was kind of all over the place. It also featured appearances from Vince and Foley.
Yeah I agree with u there prax, that definately was a star studded match, that I htoroughly enjoyed.

The appearances from Foley and Vince were great.

I like u proax, agree that Rikishi brought th others down, he was really sorta of out of place to me, no matter how much the WWE pushed him as a heel I just didnt take to it. Would of preferred Kane to be in the cell with them instead of Rikishi.

How about some of the Elimination chamber matches??? The may not have had The Rock or Austin but the did have as many stars as possible
Im not sure if this was a main event, but Hulk Hogan & The Rock Vs. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. It was on an episode of RAW. Just by sheer name power you have some of the biggest names in all of Pro Wrestling in a tag match. Nothing to do with quality of matches, but Star power.
FUCK man Simply the Rock vs. Hulk Hogan could be considered one of the biggest main events of all time! I don't even think I need to explain myself on that one!

Wotdoiput, Rikishi was incredibly out of place, but it was nice to see him in the main event.. he was a hard worker. Don't remember what they other guys were doing those days.... anyway.

Yeah the elimination chamber matches were obviously awesome, but I never really remember any of them standing out as beig star-studded. Triple H and Goldberg among the six I think is the best they've ever done in terms of star power. That i can remember anyway... but if I can't remember it probably isn't worth remember based on the subject of this thread, lol.
I think that the first 2 Elimination Chambers were the best. But the 3rd edition did have HBK as the special ref so that added to the star power of it.

But I htink not having Austin, The Rock, Undertaker in any of the Chmaber matches makes it so they arent as star studded as min events contiang these guys.

Elimination Chamber I: Triple H (champion) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T vs. Kane

Elimination Chamber 2: Triple H (champion) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Nash vs. Randy Orton vs. Goldberg

Elimination Chamber 3: Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Edge with HBK as special referee.

I wont even go into the crap fest of the Extreme' Elimination Chamber.

Watched the Chamber match that Cena won the other day again. Man thats out of place to have Masters and Carlito in the last 3. Best part of that match was Edge claiming the title thanks to Money in the Bank. Plus Cena being booed everytime he pulled of a move.
The closest you'll get to the level we're trying to discuss here is probably the second one with Nash and Goldbert, along with Triple H and HBK, Jericho and Orton in there as well.

Third one's pretty good but Batista and Orton weren't that big back then.

I just feel like the structure itself takes too much away from the competitors in that match, that's why I'm all meh about this match when it comes to this category... that wasn't the case witht he 6 pack HIAC match, the guys in the ring made that match more than the structure.

Whereas the Elimination chamber was about the chamber... anyway, just don't get as excited when I think of those matches... maybe they're too close in my memory.

(btw, congratulate me on my 400th post :D)
Congratulations on your 400 post Prax.

Yeah I agree it seemed to be more about the structure than the actual match, and to me nothing can beat that Armageddon Hell in a Cell match.

Elimination Chamber matches had 2 or 3 big stars and a couple of not so big, possibly even say mid carders at the time. But I guess that has to be seen as the effect of the Roster split not being able to put all the stas in matches together.
Chris Jericho vs Steve Austin for the first ever Undisputed Championship was a huge main event to say the least b/c it determined who was the one and only true champion instead of having a seperate WCW champion and WWE champion. Hmm... Maybe they should do that to the World title and WWE title(and maybe ECW title), I am sick of three seperate champs, it takes the prestige away from the titles.
I don't really mean prestige or importance, but purely star power. Amount of people in the ring for one match.

I suppose another match would be Bash at the Beach '96: Nash, Hall, and Hogan (sort of) versus Sting, Savage, and Luger
Bash at the Beach and the first couple of Elimination chambers rank up there. The 6 Pack challenge wasn't half bad with Austin as the Referee counting Triple H as champion. Even the main event at WCW/WWE Invasion was loaded with names. Dudleyz, Booker T, DDP and Rhino v. Austin, Taker, Kane, Jerico and Angle.

Probably the 6 man HIAC stands out as the best of the multiple wrestler main events. Rikishi did stick out,b ut that didn't bother me so much. You knew he was going off the cage. The only thing that bugged me in that match is the Rock was the only one not to go to the top of the cage, that irritated the crap out of me.

Kane woul dhave been nice, but remember, he was involved in a pretty damn good Last Man Standing match with Jericho that saved the undercard from being a complete bust.
how could we forget the biggest main event of all!

Cena and HBK vs. Batista and Undertaker!!!

I don't think we'll get another historic match for a while unless some people come out of retirement.

The only people that fit the bill now are HHH, HBK, The Undertaker, and Ric Flair. I really don't mind him, but John Cena never has and never will match the popularity and appeal of Rock, Austin, Hogan, etc.
I don't like the idea of the most number of people being what makes the star power in the match. In that case you can just take most 6 Man Tag Team matches and put them on the list... Star power main events (and by main events I'm only putting matches that appeared last on the card) :

Hogan vs. Andre (Wrestlemania III)
Rock vs. Angle vs. HHH (Summerslam 2000)
Rock vs. Austin II (Wrestlemania 17)
HHH vs. John Cena (Wrestlemania 22) - Like it or not it's true.

Why these choices ? Cause all of these men have been World Champions (except for Andre, who was undefeated for 15 years in WWE so come on...) and are those who the company was built on.
Definitely Hogan versus the Rock at Wrestlemania (18 I think?).

The way the crowd, very unexpectedly, turned their backs on the People's Champion, I don't think anyone saw it coming. Not the Rock, not Hogan, not even the WWE brass.

The end of Hollywood Hogan, nWo Hogan, and a return to Hulkamania, which whether you like it or not, is a big part of classichistorical wrestling. The unexpected flipping of face and heel (reminiscent of Bret Hart vs Stone Cold). The beginning of the end for the Rock.

No matter what, the fans were cheering Hogan and booing the Rock. Imagine that, booing one of the most popular wrestlers in recent history at the height of his popularity. You don't see that every day.
Well the question of the thread is best main event based upon star power, not best main event. Yes a lot of the individual matches are better, but this is not what we're discussing.
If it's from SD, I don't remember. If it's the greatest Main Event in history, Rock and Austin has to be at the top, along with Shawn Michaels Vs Bret Hart, Triple H Vs The Undertaker, Shane McMahon Vs Vince McMahon (if you want to call it a Main Event)

On RAW, There haven't been many. When was the last WWE Title match? Wasn't it RVD Vs Edge Vs Cena? Well, IMO, It's Shelton Benjamin Vs Shawn Michaels.
not sayin it's the best....but the fatal fourway at wrestlemania 2000 with Triple H, The Rock, Mick Foley, and the Big Show was pretty good it included Vince, Linda, Shane, and Stephanie McMahon
Just for looking at Main Events not mentioned, what about WM and Backlash 2004, with Micheals vs HHH vs Benoit. But you can't beat Backlash 2006, when Shane O'Mac and Vinne Mac were against Micheals and God. Like seriously, you cannot have a bigger draw than God...

But I think that Smackdown Main Event trumps anything. It was such a huge Main Event, like you had HHH and Undertaker vs Austin and Rock. It was just a huge, watershed moment in the wwe. Austin/Rock, two bitter rivals for like forever, who had just fought over the title, were teaming for the first time. HHH and Undertaker, two wrestlers at the time that were as far apart as can be, coming together under the formation of the corporate ministry. And lets not forget the most important part of that match, Vinne Mac coming to the ring and sacrificing himself by taking a chairshot instead of his most hated adversary, Stone Cold. This match did not just have the star power, I think it really made all see that anything goes in the wwe, anything can happen...
What about...erh...I don't remember the exact ppv. The Megapowers vs. The Million Dollar Man and Andre. It woulda been in the mid to late 80's, but just having Hogan, Savage, and Andre is big enough, but throwing in the biggest heel of the moment kind of makes that a pretty big deal.
The "biggest" main event of all time is Hulk Hogan vs Sgt Slaughter at WrestleMania 7. It's just that simple. I know, I know "read the post" we are looking for star power, but i want to take this in a vastly different direction. The Hogan / Slaughter match was on a whole other level because of CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE. The event MEANT something to the American people. If troops overseas and the symbol of America isn't "star power" to Americans, then there really is a problem with priorities.
What about that Starrcade where sting came back to the ring after forever vs. hogan and I Bret ran in to help sting capture the win, I didn't see it but I think thats how it goes. Also hogan vs. goldberg and goldberg vs. hall, and oh side note, i went to that orton vs. triple h vs. jericho vs. goldberg vs. hbk vs. nash chamber match! It was my first wrestling ppv event and I was hella close cause I barely started working then! Well worth the $$$ imo.
I would have to say in terms of drawing power, it would have to be the main event of Wrestlemania XV, Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs The Rock, to me there is no bigger match in the history of professional wrestling.
i thought the 2 best main events was the survivor series match WWE vs. the Alliance, great match and probably IMO the best championship singles match stone cold vs. the rock at WM 17 great match also

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