Biggest Jobber of the Past 15 Years


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Aside from the normal names everyone can or could come up with... Brooklyn Brawler, Iron Mike Sharpe, etc... who do you believe is the biggest jobber we've seen in the WWF / WWE in recent years.

I made the thread the past 15 years, because Monday Night Raw debuted 16 years ago and since its inception, matches have been relatively competitive with known superstars. Granted, there has been numerous amounts of squash matches, but most jobbers are one time appearances.

That being said, the "biggest jobber of the past 15 years" will more than likely be a big name superstar.

I'll make my selection and choose The Big Show.

Yes, he's held a Heavyweight belt five times along with Tag Titles, the Hardcore Championship and the US Title, but the fact this guy could dominate anyone in the ring has never been utilized.

He's been beaten by a 5' nothing, 130 pound boxer. He had to wear a thong and take part in a Sumo match. He's been beaten dozens of times by cruiserweight wrestlers. And he's been used as comic relief numerous times throughout his WWF / WWE career.

In reality, they should of or could have made The Big Show a dominant force much like Andre was back in the day. He wouldn't have needed to carry a belt - Andre never did, yet he was revered as the most dominant wrestler ever.

When all is said and done, I think The Big Show will be remembered more for his time in WCW than he will be for his time in WWF / WWE.

Biggest jobber of the past 15 years... maybe.

What do you think ??
Criss Jericho, Seriously I thought long & hard on this guy. In my opinion his entire career all he as ever done is make other guys look good, and yes he has held titles plenty of times.

he came "Back" a 2'd time to "save" the wwe, and when it was obvious no one gave a Sh*t they made him a Heel. since then all he has done is job people giving them title wins & big pushs.

criss jericho in my opinion has been the biggest JOB pusher in the wwe in recent years
I don't know if you can say big show, I guess it depends though on how you define "jobber". For me, if you know that he is going to lose, regardless of who he is squaring off against and doesn't ever appear on a pay per view, that would make someone a big jobber.

To say big show, I can't quite agree with that. On a normal show of say RAW, when he has a match you can't ever say for sure that he is going to lose. On a pay per view, sure, I'll give you that, but I don't think you can say the same on normal programs. He's more of a "jobber to the stars", similar to khali, umaga, mark henry, and koslov.

As far as guys who show up somewhat regularly and yet always lose, there are quite a few. Probably some of the biggest jobbers in recent history are val venis, chavo, haas, jamie noble, and paul burchill.

If you're looking for who has been a jobber for the longest amount of time, it could have been val venis while he still worked for the company, or tommy dreamer before he was finally given a title run out of pity, but I think funaki probably holds the current record. You knew whenever either of these 2 showed up that they'd put on a decent show but no way were they walking away with a win.

If you're looking for someone who is a big name, shows up regularly on programs, and always loses but is still in a higher echelon than the other jobbers, I would have to go with william regal. Outside of being given the gift of king of the ring, that guy seems utterly incapable of being allowed a clean victory (or even in general a victory) in the past few years at least.
Unfortunately, it's Kane. I'm suprised by his activity of late...he's beaten Mysterio (the IC Champ) and Hardy (the #1 Contender to the WHC) since his return, yet he's not in any title picture. You never know when Kane is going to win or lose and he's never put into a storyline anyone's interested in. For the longest time, Kane has been the guy that faces are forced to face when they piss off the GM/authority figure. Kane has always deserved to be at the top of the card because no one works better than Kane. He makes the small guys look good, he puts on a great show with the heavyweights, and can feud with the super heavyweights. He is so versatile and so good at what he does and yet, what is his direction? Big Show at least only jobs to Cena on PPV. Other than that, he's a monster on the weekly program. Kane has no direction, no predictable outcomes, and no direction. Not the best way to treat a former WWE Champ. I know he held it for one day, but he has always been there for whatever WWE needs him to do, and deserves better.
I don't agree with those who mentioned Big Show, Kane, and Jericho. I would not refer to them as "jobbers" as they do win quite frequently. I do consider them as fully developed talent who have no problem putting less developed talent over (unlike some people *cough* *cough* HHH *cough*). My definition of a jobber is a wrestler who as soon as he enters the ring, the fans now that there is a better chance of hell freezing over than there is of them winning. For my pick, I'm gonna have to go with Funaki. Honestly this guy has made a career out of getting his ass handed to him by other guys. The only time I can remember him having relative success was when he briefly held the Crusierweight title from late 2004 to early 2005, and even then he still seemed like a fluke champion. Then last year he sort of got revitalized with the Kung Fu Naki gimmick, but that quickly fell through. I know there have probably been several bigger jobbers but i can't think of any right now so i'll just go wiith Funaki.
Chris Jericho? seriously are you a fucking ******? Jericho is hardly a jobber, theirs a difference between a jobber and a Vet, a future legend, and the best in the world of Professional Wrestling currently.

As far as your top jobbers go, you cant just name one guy. The major players in the WWE in this classification are.

Its Big Show, its Kane, its Henry, and its Khali. These are the four biggest guys, and Im talking about size, not their place in the company or on the card, but in size alone. These four massive fucking guys constantly do the job to guys 1/2, and sometimes 1/3 their size.
Big Show went from feuding with Cena to fighting for the US Title? seriously?

Kane is always on a rollercoaster, but its been stated that he doesnt really care about title wins, so he is just there to help the younger guys make a name for themselves, but he's fucking the Big Red Machine Kane, so there will always be insain, pain, KANE when his name comes up.

Mark Henry has actually had a decent past 18 months, moving him to ECW was a big help, then giving him the title helped him even more, but the fact is, hes been jobbing in the WWE since day one, and I swear hes been there for 15 years now, and has only been decent to watch the past 2 years. His face turn wont last, he'll quickly get boring, and slide back down the card like he always does when he gets a major push. Because no one cares about Mark Henry.

Then we have the Great Khali. Khali is major jobber, but still a major player because he brings in big ratings for Vince's WWE in his home country of India. He doesn't need to have an active part on the show, or wrestle for his people to tune in, all he has to do is show up, even for a split second.

Now the question is why they are used to build up the smaller guys on the roster by getting their asses handed to them on a regular basis, its easy. It makes that smaller guy look tougher when he beats the big WWE bully. They've used this countless times with Rey Mysterio to build him up so he's credible. When Big Show or Kane beats the piss out of him and he comes back and wins the match, all the little kids go ape shit and buy more of his craptastical merch. They started using the same angle with Even Bourne vs. Henry on ECW last month to help Bourne. It helped to get Bourne over even more, but its pretty much a given that people are going to love this guy, he's a small high flying risk taking kid, and people love that.

Honerable mention goes to Kung Fu Naki, ”Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, Tommy Dreamer, and Charlie Haas. Fu Naki's been with the WWE for like 15 years, and hasn't done anything meaningful in the past 10. Hacksaw might still be listed on the Raw superstars list, but Im to lazy to go look and we all know he never needs to see the light of a WWE Ring during Raw, unless its for the Hall of Fame. Dreamer was on a nonstop downward spiral of losing until they built him up to win the ECW Title. Its odd that he's the only original left on the roster. And Haas cant seem to get over, no matter what they do with him so he's usually doing the job to someone else.
i'll say........Chavo Guerrero. he's gotten beat by Hornswoggle 3 STRAIGHT TIMES! how can that not be ultimate jobber status? it's kinda sad really
wow so many names come to mind but i will have to go with EUGENE. the guy was such a talented wrestler nd was over with his gimmick but never did much after his feud with triple h. triple h dident even put him over. he dident headline much ppv held one tittle nd lost almost every match
Size- Kane He beat some of the very best in the business, multiple Tag Titles and only had a WWE tittle for 24 hours? and you make him a jobber? I know he doesnt want the title but you dont have to drop him on his ass

All Around- Chavo Guerrero, I feel he should have had the push at Wrestlemania 22 instead of Rey Mysterio, at least he was related too Eddie, and He is so good
I think it's a tie between Kane and the Big Show (which is a real shame for both as BOTH guys could of had much more successful careers). Seriously, think about some of the people these 2 have lost to, these guys have jobbed to anybody and whenever they do get a push, it's booked so terribly that you seriously don't give a shit about either guy.
Wrestlers like these 2 monsters have to look strong all the time (booked like Taker and Andre respectively), the Big Show can't beat Cena 1 week (cleanly) and lose to Mysterio the next (cleanly), what momentum does that build. It doesn't matter if he beat Cena one week, all that work was flushed down the drain when he lost to Mysterio (I don't care how good someone is, a 5'6" 175lb guy should never be able to beat a 7' 500lb mountain of a man, it makes the mountain look like mush). Kane is pretty has the same argument as the Big Show, someone who would have done alot better if he wasn't booked so sloppy.
I wouldn't consider Jericho, Kane, or Big Show jobbers. How are they jobbers? Just because they have lost a few matches and did some comedy skits? Didn't Triple H lose a match to Shelton Benjamin and Hurricane Helms? Is he a jobber? NO! HE HOGS ALL THE LIME LIGHT! Jericho's career is TOO epic to be called a jobber career! Kane's is too contreversial. And Big Show dominates week in and week out!

Now I think the best jobber in 15 years is Santino! Just because he's hilarious, yes I know awkward at times but hilarious! People love the guy! And he's Canadian :). Thats a good thing. Canadian Italian mix FTW! Santino is the best at what he does! And thats wrestling comedy! No one is in his league! As far as Comedy in the WWE goes. And he will be around a long time being humiliated and making fun of names. Because thats what he excels in and people love him! John Tschena (John Cena), Tiple Actche (HHH lol), Ranmy Orrrtaann (Randy Orton lmao), those are just some examples folks, CHECK OUT SANTINO'S CASA! FUCK YEAH!
I think it all depends on what span of years we are talking about. I remember 5-6 years ago, Mark Henry and Viscera where both jobbing left and right. Big Show went through his little span as well. Unfortunately, I think Kane has jobbed out more then anyone recently. I dont think he's won a PPV match in years. I know thats almost by choice (I've often read that Kane stated he wanted to help put over younger stars), but still, Kane really *has* jobbed a lot.

But at the same time, Mark Henry, Kane, Big Show etc all went through their respective years of being "Dominant". So its hard for me to call any of them the "biggest jobber in the last 15 years". Jobber to me is someone who's made a career out of losing. Someone who never really had a big "break". Two names come to mind for me, one current, and one thats been going on for a while now.

Funaki and Santino Meralla.

Funaki has been jobbing since his first day in the WWE. Honestly, I think he's won 12 matches in the last 15 years....I dont recall him ever being relivant. (Wait, didnt he tag up with someone back in the 90's with mild success? Its been a while, I barely remember). And unfortunately, Santino is becoming the same way. Can anyone tell me what Santinos finisher is? Has he EVER won a match? Sadly, I dont see him becoming much of anything either.
yeah it cant be jericho, just based on the fact that he makes others look good while looking good in the process. that IS HIS JOB! being picked to win big and lose big is what makes legends. the same could be said of HBK. if only you look good then nobody likes you, like john cena. he cant make others look good because he's such a giant chode he makes HIMSELF look stupid while facing great wrestling techs like jack swagger..i say jillian hall and that is that.
You know this is a hard decision to make, but I am entitled to my opinion.
So my choice for the ultimate jobber over the past 15 years has to be Ron Simmons.
Unfortunately he was never considered a real main event wrestler for the wwe.
I know a lot of people are going to tear me apart on this but as for his time in the wwe how many singles belts did he hold????
Come on he was a joke in the wwe and thats it
One of the biggest jobbers of the past 15 years has got to definitely be Chavo Guerrero. He has jobbed to everyone there is to job to and their mothers. I really cannot remember the last match he won. And it’s not like he jobs every once in a while, he jobs constantly. The worst part is, he jobs to people who don’t even need a win over someone. Want to know what’s even worse? The fact that he jobs to people and it’s not something that is even believable. Who actually believes that Hornswoggle could defeat Chavo? No one does. It’s just no realistic. If they are going to turn him into a jobber, at least put him up against opponents that is obvious he has no chance against. Guys like Mark Henry or The Big Show.

Well I guess he is a jobber and one of the biggest ones in the last 15 years but in a way it’s a good thing. In a very peculiar way. At least he is still getting featured on TV every week, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes. At least that’s more than a lot of people can say. When was the last time you saw Beth Phoenix or Charlie Haas on TV? I don't remember. But I do remember the last time I saw Chavo jobbing. But like I said even if he is jobbing, at least he is still getting featured on TV.
I know this sounds crazy, but I have to go with HBK. I know he is very talented and one of the most talented wrestlers in the industry, but I never have thought of him as a big time winner. I don't know if it is because he is only a 3 time WWE Champion (1996, 1997, 1997) and a one time World Heavyweight Champion (2002). But certainly these past 5-7 years he has helped put many superstars over (Cena, Orton, Undertaker, Hogan, Angle to name a few). He has not been very successful at Wrestlemania in his career (defeated Jericho, McMahon and Flair, Bret Hart) (lost to Diesel , Razor Ramon, Stone Cold, Benoit, Undertaker, Cena, Angle). Almost every one of HBK's match is very entertaining and he puts on a great show, but I think he especially as of late has served as a jobber to make room for new main eventers. I'm most likely wrong, but I think the lack of championships he has been crowned makes him overrated. What do ya'll think.. be nice
In response to hustle, I see your point on HBK. I wouldn't call him a jobber by any means, more so lack of respect in my opinion. But I do believe if HBK wanted to be champion so badly, he would be, multiple times. I think it makes him that more special that he's only one a few times in his career, which makes those moments memorable. I can't even name what matches Triple H won each title. Jobber to me means someone who constantly loses, sole purpose is losing, comedy, etc. Big Show isn't a jobber, just misused by (un)creative. I'd go with the Brookyln Brawler just cause you loved to see the guy lose week in and week out.
Big Show? Jericho??? I'm surprised at what some people consider a jobber these days. True, they are not in the same league as guys like Triple H or Cena and usually end up on the losing side against them. That doesn't make them jobbers. They are solid established parts of the show with name value.
Kane comes a little closer to a jobber. A "Jobber to the stars" one might say. Although I still wouldn't call him that. "Mid-carder for life" would be a more appropriate label for him.

You want jobbers? Look at guys like Hardcore Holly - now THAT was a jobber. Or if you want old school, check out Virgil. Or Tito Santana (after he became El Matador). Barry Horowitz. The Brooklyn Brawler. Or more recent examples would be Stevie Richards, Val Venis, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero and (in my opinion the king of all jobbers) Funaki.

Oh, and as for HBK - calling him a jobber is nothing short of a joke. An incredibly decorated veteran who goes out of his way to make the younger stars look good, rather than desperately hogging the spotlight - and the result is that some say he's a jobber. Sad. Michaels is far beyond needing to be champion or even needing to win. He's Shawn Michaels - that's enough to put asses in seats.
Spike Dudley, and he was damn good at it. He lasted 4/5 years in WWE and was credible for about one year during that time. He spent most of his time bumbing and selling and 'playing Ricky Morton' when he was thrown into random tag-team matches (generally with the Dudley Boyz early on).

Matt Hyson bumped for and jobbed to everyone for years. Notable amongst those he jobbed to is Steve Austin. Even during that 2001 heel turn where Austin still tended to get pops, Spike making him look like a bully helped Austin draw heat.
Still with the WWE - Chavo Guerrero as he hasn't won a title since the ECW title he had over a year ago and promptly lost in eight seconds to Kane.

Former WWE Competitor - Tie with the Brooklyn Brawler and Colin Delaney. Delaney only got what, two, maybe three wins and a plethora of losses. The Brawler has been a jobber since he started and I honestly don't think he cared.
The biggest overall jobber goes to The Big Show. A man who's 500 lbs doesn't need to lose to everyone. Yet, he does. And takes their finishers clean, too.

But since the WWE is developing Superstars, having people JUST to make them look good doesn't look good for business, so they need an established star to make them look better. Big Show fits that description. He's a former WCW/WWE World champion, and US Champion, so a win over him means something...but it's losing it's luster, with him losing so often.

Another glorified jobber is Chavo Guererro. Apparently, his usefullness was maxed out and now, he's relegated to jobbing to Hornswoggle. I remember when he beat the hell out of Rey Mysterio, too. That seems like a decade ago.

But one of my all time favorite jobbers and this is a true jobber, was Barry Horowitz. He was entertaining, with a gimmick, and lost nearly every match. I remember an instance where he beat Chris Candido on Superstars and the crowd went crazy. This is when he was coming out to Jewish music. Good times.
But one of my all time favorite jobbers and this is a true jobber, was Barry Horowitz. He was entertaining, with a gimmick, and lost nearly every match. I remember an instance where he beat Chris Candido on Superstars and the crowd went crazy. This is when he was coming out to Jewish music. Good times.

THANK YOU LARIAT! How on earth did it take 20 people to say Barry Horowitz. This guy was an "enhancement talent" (nice term for jobber) forever, and they finally rewarded him for years of loyalty jobbing by giving him a win over Chris Candido (Skip from the Body Donna's), a lower-card worker. Then he started coming to the ring to Hava Nagila, and even was part of a Survivor Series team (1995 I believe). And who can forget the Mullet?

Everyone who was saying that the established guys are the best jobbers misinterpreted the term. Jobbers are simply the enhancment talent, much like the local guys that come in and get squashed. Established superstars are not jobbers, because they actually win matches. The reason we don't see a lot of them anymore is because WWE just uses local guys now, so we do not get to see them week in and week out. I still remember after Horiwitz (who Bobby Heenan kept calling "Horiblewitz") won his first match, they had Gorilla Monsoon (the play-by-play guy for the match) look at "the history books," and he said something about Horiwitz having over 700 matches, never winning a single one. nowadays WWE doesn't have jobbers who wrestle 5 times for the company.
Depending on viewpoint of jobber, meaning in that loses more often than not, or just is made to look bad or a character that is built around losing

Here's My List
#1 Barry Horrowitz/Steve Lombardi - Either of these guys for me are the biggest
Lombardi had a run as one of the Doink the Clowns, but other than that i can't remember either of them ever winning more than a few matches as themselves except maybe Lombardi vs a starter guy wjhich doesn't count. Horrowitz only won a handfull of matches in WWE towards the end of his tenure after 10+yrs of either of them being in WWE then Horrowitz went to WCW where he continued as a jobber

#2 Tommy Dreamer - 20yrs of wrestling and only held 2 world titles. His current one was not his first ECW title regardless of what WWE is stating and lost the vast majority of his career and almost every match he's been in since ECW folded, which he stated was his character, the eternal loser who never gave up and pushes new talent.

#3 Val Venis/Goldust. they had classic fueds when they started out but since the mid 90's they've been nothing more than enhancement talent who occasionaly get a victory.

#4 Dwayne "Gillberg" Gill - Classic jobber, career built around losing and being the complete opposite to Goldberg but that character was really brief if not hilarious "Gillberg GillBerg Gillberg" who's first LOL

lots of other guys that are losers but not even close to buggest character based losers of the last 15yrs.
Sadly, I would have to go with my fave wrestler. Chris Jericho. He's jobbed so much lately its not funny. Jobbed to Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Jeff Hard and even Mark Henry. Think about it, he's pretty much on the same level as Cody Rhodes right now, Cody walked out of a match with Henry, what did Jericho do the next week? The same thing. The only difference is Jericho goes around saying hes the best in the world, when he hasn't won a single match against a decent opponent in forever.

Why? His entire career was as a jobber to the jobbers on ECW, got the fans support somehow through not giving up, jobbed even more, found a mentor (Tommy Dreamer) who was a jobber too, turned on Dreamer, then got fired.

I had hoped he would last longer, but looking back on it.... that's who I'd say is the biggest jobber I can think of.

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