Aside from the normal names everyone can or could come up with... Brooklyn Brawler, Iron Mike Sharpe, etc... who do you believe is the biggest jobber we've seen in the WWF / WWE in recent years.
I made the thread the past 15 years, because Monday Night Raw debuted 16 years ago and since its inception, matches have been relatively competitive with known superstars. Granted, there has been numerous amounts of squash matches, but most jobbers are one time appearances.
That being said, the "biggest jobber of the past 15 years" will more than likely be a big name superstar.
I'll make my selection and choose The Big Show.
Yes, he's held a Heavyweight belt five times along with Tag Titles, the Hardcore Championship and the US Title, but the fact this guy could dominate anyone in the ring has never been utilized.
He's been beaten by a 5' nothing, 130 pound boxer. He had to wear a thong and take part in a Sumo match. He's been beaten dozens of times by cruiserweight wrestlers. And he's been used as comic relief numerous times throughout his WWF / WWE career.
In reality, they should of or could have made The Big Show a dominant force much like Andre was back in the day. He wouldn't have needed to carry a belt - Andre never did, yet he was revered as the most dominant wrestler ever.
When all is said and done, I think The Big Show will be remembered more for his time in WCW than he will be for his time in WWF / WWE.
Biggest jobber of the past 15 years... maybe.
What do you think ??
I made the thread the past 15 years, because Monday Night Raw debuted 16 years ago and since its inception, matches have been relatively competitive with known superstars. Granted, there has been numerous amounts of squash matches, but most jobbers are one time appearances.
That being said, the "biggest jobber of the past 15 years" will more than likely be a big name superstar.
I'll make my selection and choose The Big Show.
Yes, he's held a Heavyweight belt five times along with Tag Titles, the Hardcore Championship and the US Title, but the fact this guy could dominate anyone in the ring has never been utilized.
He's been beaten by a 5' nothing, 130 pound boxer. He had to wear a thong and take part in a Sumo match. He's been beaten dozens of times by cruiserweight wrestlers. And he's been used as comic relief numerous times throughout his WWF / WWE career.
In reality, they should of or could have made The Big Show a dominant force much like Andre was back in the day. He wouldn't have needed to carry a belt - Andre never did, yet he was revered as the most dominant wrestler ever.
When all is said and done, I think The Big Show will be remembered more for his time in WCW than he will be for his time in WWF / WWE.
Biggest jobber of the past 15 years... maybe.
What do you think ??