Big Show Corporate Storyline is waste


Pre-Show Stalwart
To me this whole storyline with the Big Show and Triple H's Corporation was a massive missed opportunity. Plain and simple Big Show's role should have been done with somebody else. Somebody that needs it, like a Ziggler or The Miz. Something to validify their face turn. What does this do for Big Show so late in his career, absolutely nothing. To me his role would have been perfect for someone like Dolph Ziggler. This would have made him into so much of a bigger star but yet again something like this is wasted on the Big Show. Someone who should have retired at least 4 years ago.
The problem with your idea is that while it is not a bad one, The Big Show is a household name who people will be interested in one way or another. Unfortunately, Dolph Ziggler seems to be in the Doghouse as does The Miz. The Big Show is a larger than life giant who people can relate to more easily, Ziggler has no personality.
Personally, I agree that someone else should occupy Show's role. Initially, it looked like it was gonna be Daniel Bryan and, frankly, I believe he should be the one in the role. He's been the hottest talent on the WWE roster since the break up of Team Hell No, fans go nuts for everything he does or says in the ring, his merchandise is selling like crazy and they hang on whatever he's into. If WWE feels there's more money in Big Show vs. Triple H than Bryan vs. Triple H, then it's a POV I not only don't agree with but can't understand. I think it'd been great for CM Punk to be in this role as well, reignite that feud he had with Triple H a few years back. Punk's the embodiment of a sarcastic, antagonistic, anti-authoritarian.....well....punk.

But, to be fair, it's not as if most fans seem to be all that turned off by Big Show being in this role and I do understand why he's in it. Since Big Show's latest return, he's arguably more over now than he's been at any point in his career. He's someone that's well known in WWE and MAYBE WWE was thinking that someone already established as a long time player could draw in this role better than someone who isn't a long term, established guy. If so then, again, it's not an opinion that I personally share. I think he's done a great job in this role, but I do agree that this was an opportunity to highlight someone younger on the roster rather than someone who's already long since established and will no doubt be in the WWE Hall of Fame someday.
The problem with your idea is that while it is not a bad one, The Big Show is a household name who people will be interested in one way or another. Unfortunately, Dolph Ziggler seems to be in the Doghouse as does The Miz. The Big Show is a larger than life giant who people can relate to more easily, Ziggler has no personality.

Ziggler has not been given the opportunity to flesh out his character. Just imagine him in this storyline, dealing with hitting dusty rhodes, getting fired, stepping up to HHH and knocking him out. We would have seen more of Ziggler's personality, more of his range. It would have made Ziggler a household name.

Big Show's time has gone and passed him by frankly and its just annoying seeing him in such an important storyline. This isnt Wrestlemania season, draws and whatnot shouldnt matter as much as creating household names should matter.
Ziggler is clearly suffering for a couple of things, one - his brother's behaviour during the Bill DeMott/Releases saga and he also got himself attached to Max Landis' new film - going so far as to be pictured with the cast. It's entirely possible Zig's contract allows this but had WWE been involved in this they'd have announced it themselves or be rumoring it, but that Landis tweeted the pic, using his WWE name may well have rubbed Vince up the wrong way as it isn't a WWE Studios flick, wasn't necessarily authorised and he won't possibly get the standard "exec producer" credit that he gets when one of their guys branches out into a movie. So all told, Zig has a lot he could be in the shitcan for...especially if he was the one Vince "didn't see money in".

As for Big Show, he is there because he is someone who "SHOULD" have money, for these kind of angles to work it has to be someone who should have it all but their mistakes have forced them to this... Bryan, not really - would only work if the contract he was under from the 2nd chance he got was so loaded that he'd have to comply... The only other guy who could have made this work convincingly was Orton, that he was under his last shot, 3rd strike and does as told or he's gone...
Big Show has one thing in his favour he can knock people out. Imagine the finish on Raw from Monday if Ziggler or Miz had come out and hit zigzag/skull crushing finale on each member of the Shield in turn, it just doesn't work the KO is good for the story. Big Show's size and finisher make him perfect for the role. If it was Ziggler or Miz HHH would just put them in a handicap match vs the Shield, the Shield would destroy them and that would be the end of the rally. There is only 1 other guy on the active roster(so not Lesnar) who could play Big Show's role and that would be Reigns. He is big enough to fight multiple smaller guys and look dominant, he has a quick finisher that doesn't need much to set up and the finish can look devastating.
Is the story over? I've feel like this story is more about establishing HHH and Steph as abusive asses. I expect HHH to get the last laugh over Big Show. This will build HHH and knock down Show. HHH getting bigger will make more impact when Bryan, Punk, Rhodes or Ziggler are the one to take HHH down.

Maybe I'm wrong and Big Show will be the triumphing hero at the end of this but I highly doubt it.
You miss the point. Even older wrestlers who have paid their dues over years deserve big storylines. Big Show is one guy who has paid his dues as much or more than anyone over the last 15 years, he takes the bumps, he can talk the talk on the mic, hes a one in a million wrestler at his given size, and hes been subject to many failed gimmicks and storylines, I'd say mostly due to creative being so bad in WWE and WCW over the past 15 years. Big Show deserves this big storyline against Triple H.

And I maybe agree with the above post, maybe its Ziggler or Bryan who gets the last laugh in the end over taking Triple H and Steph and company down the road, and Big Show is just doing his role right now to help build it up. And maybe Big Show will get his time in the spotlight at the end, who knows. Either way Big Show deserves the role hes given, and it shows the crowd still cares greatly about him.
Not every single storyline has to push someone new. The Triple H/Big Show angle is just to entertain us. If it's not entertaining you, then I understand why you're complaining, but if it's not entertaining you because no one's getting over then you have a problem. Personally, I'd rather Big Show vs Triple H than Miz vs Triple H.
The problem with your idea is that while it is not a bad one, The Big Show is a household name who people will be interested in one way or another. Unfortunately, Dolph Ziggler seems to be in the Doghouse as does The Miz. The Big Show is a larger than life giant who people can relate to more easily, Ziggler has no personality.

Since when was The Miz in the dog house? Miz is in a terrible situation where he can't find anything to do. They need to turn him heel so he can go back to doing what he does best.
Honestly, no. Big Show was the perfect guy for this angle, and it took me until last week to realize it.

1. As much as you want to use the slot to push a new guy, it would make little sense. Show, as a veteran, would definitely value his 15+ year job more than some blue chipper. They didn't have to do the "Big Show is broke" angle admittedly, but it otherwise connects, especially since they could use the ironclad contract against him. Plus, Cody and Bryan already got rubs from this angle, and the last thing you want to do is pollute a star-studded mega angle with too many rookies. Vets and Main Eventers should not be cast aside just for being older or in a good spot. THEY ARE YOUR BREAD AND BUTTER, USE THEM! Don't forsake your stars of today to try to make the stars of tomorrow, because otherwise you have no stars. Use up what little time the vets have left on the roster wisely.

2. The KO Punch is the best finisher to use for this angle, no matter how much I'm against the concept of superpowering Show's punch. It's already proven that taking out the Shield in succession with a quick finisher is epic. Besides, it'd look awkward if Steph commanded, say, Fandango, to legdrop their targets. The only other people who could have fit this role with their finishers are Sheamus and Mark Henry because both finishers take all of about half a second... but they're both injured.

3. Show is a better actor than most of the roster. The crying was annoying only because he was not giving a single damn a few months earlier, but to see him flip the switch from whimpering victim to conflicted antihero to pissed off giant to vengeful former employee is admirable in a pro wrestler (given some suck as actors other than their 1 dimensional on screen persona).

4. Show v. HHH is a vet combination that isn't too overdone over the years and can definitely be done. Besides, I don't trust HHH around any superstar who needs a bump from him, as it often doesn't work out too well. Give him a vet to work with and it not only draws, but works out well enough for all parties involved.
Not every single storyline has to push someone new. The Triple H/Big Show angle is just to entertain us. If it's not entertaining you, then I understand why you're complaining, but if it's not entertaining you because no one's getting over then you have a problem. Personally, I'd rather Big Show vs Triple H than Miz vs Triple H.

Well Big Show hasnt been entertaining since his feud with Floyd Mayweather which was a good 5 years ago. The flip flopping from heel to face to heel has made his character worse.
Honestly, no. Big Show was the perfect guy for this angle, and it took me until last week to realize it.

1. As much as you want to use the slot to push a new guy, it would make little sense. Show, as a veteran, would definitely value his 15+ year job more than some blue chipper. They didn't have to do the "Big Show is broke" angle admittedly, but it otherwise connects, especially since they could use the ironclad contract against him. Plus, Cody and Bryan already got rubs from this angle, and the last thing you want to do is pollute a star-studded mega angle with too many rookies. Vets and Main Eventers should not be cast aside just for being older or in a good spot. THEY ARE YOUR BREAD AND BUTTER, USE THEM! Don't forsake your stars of today to try to make the stars of tomorrow, because otherwise you have no stars. Use up what little time the vets have left on the roster wisely.

2. The KO Punch is the best finisher to use for this angle, no matter how much I'm against the concept of superpowering Show's punch. It's already proven that taking out the Shield in succession with a quick finisher is epic. Besides, it'd look awkward if Steph commanded, say, Fandango, to legdrop their targets. The only other people who could have fit this role with their finishers are Sheamus and Mark Henry because both finishers take all of about half a second... but they're both injured.

3. Show is a better actor than most of the roster. The crying was annoying only because he was not giving a single damn a few months earlier, but to see him flip the switch from whimpering victim to conflicted antihero to pissed off giant to vengeful former employee is admirable in a pro wrestler (given some suck as actors other than their 1 dimensional on screen persona).

4. Show v. HHH is a vet combination that isn't too overdone over the years and can definitely be done. Besides, I don't trust HHH around any superstar who needs a bump from him, as it often doesn't work out too well. Give him a vet to work with and it not only draws, but works out well enough for all parties involved.

I'm with you on the acting side of things, I'd even go as far as to say Show is the most "natural" actor they have. He can do the range and remain credible, within his persona and most importantly "on target" every time... if they need him whimpering, he can do it, if they need him slapping hands and kissing babies he can do it better than most... if they need him dark, moody and scary he has the tools to make it look right... he's also perhaps the funniest guy they have as well - even down to his impersonations. He hasn't made it to where he is without that charisma, he's no Khali or Kurgann...

Look back at the other "greats". Shawn, brilliant wrestler, crap actor - no body bought his "lost smile"/title forfiet face which he used regularly, when he was in hock to JBL he couldn't truly sell it and he even seemed to fail when Jericho (perhaps the other top actor they have) punched his wife...

Remember in real life and in story line it was "ironclad" Show has made a million a year guaranteed for 15 years... if he has "blown that money" he'd be desperate... These angles stand or fall on the desperation of the wrestler. Volkoff was awful cos you never imagined he made any money anyway, Shawn was just the wrong guy for it but Show has the persona that you can buy fucking up so badly that he needs to do this.
I don't see what the big deal is with having Big Show do stuff. He's a wrestler isn't he? He's more entertaining than Dolph Ziggler thats for sure.

Besides Ziggler can't exactly stand up for people like Show can. Can you imagine Dolph Ziggler running down and taking out the shield? It would just be embarrassing.
Just another mark complaining that his boy DZ isn't getting pushed. DZ doesn't have the mic skills for the role Show is in. Not even close. Not to mention someone imposing like Big Show is a perfect fit for that role. Another thing Miz or DZ doesn't have. Finally, the knockout punch is a perfect way to take care of the 3 on 1 situations that he has encountered since much of this feud involves the Shield.
While I'm not a fan of The Big Show, I do think he is the right choice and he they have built the storyline around him. He is a giant that has been left powerless due to Triple H and Steph - that is perfect. Moreover, he is experienced and a respected figure making the morale dilemma of helping others/keeping his job more realistic.

I do think that the likes of Ziggler and The Miz could be used more in this storyline but The Big Show is the right man for his role. Never mind the fact they are using the knock-out punch.
Since when was The Miz in the dog house? Miz is in a terrible situation where he can't find anything to do. They need to turn him heel so he can go back to doing what he does best.

There giving Miz the washed up legend character (as if that could be a character) I want Heel Miz only one doing great as face is Rhodes (Cody) Make him or Punk be the new face of the WWE not Bryan (they have the look the ring skills,the mic skills,Punk is known a bit,Cody could easily get known after a couple of movies. But as for Show I think this should lead to SS HHH screws him out of beating him Show keeps doing Hunters bidding Jim Ross comes out say's he brought everything back for Show.Show goes on aKnock Out Frenzy.L'Oing HHH,Steph,Vickie(Is She Heel or Face I'm Confused) ,Brad,Orton,Shield then retire (for real).
If you are watching the story, only a few people would work for this role. It has to be some one who is a beast and can just destroy people. Someone with the big guy look, and some one who has had major pushes and been around for a while. Big show is perfect for this. Other than him only Kane, MArk Henry, Seamus(I refuse to use the Americanzed spelling) and two others. Those two are Wade Barrett and the Former chosen one Drew McIntyre. Any smaller wrestler just isn't imposing enough to work here.
Just another mark complaining that his boy DZ isn't getting pushed. DZ doesn't have the mic skills for the role Show is in. Not even close. Not to mention someone imposing like Big Show is a perfect fit for that role. Another thing Miz or DZ doesn't have. Finally, the knockout punch is a perfect way to take care of the 3 on 1 situations that he has encountered since much of this feud involves the Shield.

Excuse me but im not a DZ or Miz mark, im a mark for creating new stars, you know for the future, not relying on washed up has beens who have overstayed their welcome.
The thing is that you have to look at the whole angle. The cool rebelling part Show is doing now would be ideal for Punk, who clearly isn't fully fit and could do with the light role that kept him involved in a big angle that didn't feature Ryback, but Punk couldn't have done the previous parts like whimpering in the middle of the ring and as many have said the power over a Giant with a KO punch is devastating and useful, plus if you demoralize and break a man like that you keep the rest in line. So Big Show makes sense in this angle.

The other thing to keep in mind is we are in November, does anyone really think Triple H's power crusade will end anywhere but Mania? Show is going to be the first guy in the fight back that Triple H dusts off his ring gear to handle personally, but Show wont win, he'll just get a few more moral victories en route to losing. The pay-off will come at Mania and I do think it will be a young guy that gets cemented by being the one to topple Triple H on the biggest stage of them all.
It wouldn't have worked with too many other guys. Part of the appeal is that HHH is bullying the biggest guy on the roster. So when HHH makes him punch guys, it has a big impact. It also has a big impact because Show is so huge, it's a way for HHH to obnoxiously flaunt his power.

Now that show has turned, DB has a big alley. Other guys wouldn't really fit the position. I don't think you guys get subtlety very well. Little nuances are what make these things work.
I don't think you guys get subtlety very well. Little nuances are what make these things work.

True. It must be remembered that the main person being picked on is a little guy already: Daniel Bryan. Fans would be saying that the big, bad corporate machine goes after only people who can be easily ganged up on.....a cowardly proposition on the part of a corporation that sees itself as all-powerful.

So, they throw Big Show into the fray. The Levesques' prove they're not afraid to bring down giants, in addition to shrimps. After watching them pick on Daniel, their influence increases by showing they'll take anyone down. I enjoyed the whole "buying his house and kicking him out of it" scenario.

Surely, using Show in this role is more effective than someone like Dolph Ziggler, as was suggested earlier. Show has the big mouth and big presence necessary to face down Trips & Steph. Dolph would simply look over-matched (verbally). He isn't ready for that kind of non-wrestling role, and I don't know that he ever will be.

It's a good program. Big Show has played so many characters.....and played them well.

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