Big Mikes Sigs

Good Or Bad?

  • They look like a drunk monkey made them

  • Not bad they need work though

  • Oh...My...God these sigs are FABULOUSE!

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The End Is HERE! ARMAGEDDON, I have high expectations for this match.

I love the sigs man, good job on them. this is actually really dumb, but is that Pittsburgh in the background getting blown up? I ask this because it is only fitting too have Pittsburgh in the background because this event is taking place in Pittsburgh. Well the one building looks familiar, well actually it looks like i have been in it a couple of times, but the others i can barely tell, its not your sigs, its my eyes. :(

If none of you have noticed I have kind of addopted the hole "Rated R" Thing and turned is into my own "Rated M for MIKE"

this might not look that good how it's set out but I use it as my MSN D.P and it's really eye catching so I thought I'd post it

I Think I better redeam myself latley my sigs havn't been that good so what do you think of this Orton sig.

If your woundering why this sig isn't all gold and sparkly like any other orton sig would be, It's because I wanted to use ortons new gimmick, "the sick bastard champion" gimmick
hey big mike would you be able to make me one. of jeff hardy, if you want me to send you some pictures i can!!!

I don't care what people say about JBL to me he truely is a wrestling god

I like the sig. I am not fond of the color, I could be blind, and i like the image in the background. I think it is nicely done... It isn't to out their in color, and it isn't to plain.
Can you please make me a Randy Orton sig :)
Can it say "Randy Orton"
and somewhere else say "The WWE Champion"
Thanks :)
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