Big Forum Announcement - Special Member Forum

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It's not a prank, I have proof right here:


If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.

Print a screen of the whole forum. I know the Mischief Room is somewhere on there.
It's obvious that this is fake. I mean if it was real I would have access to it, and I don't. Therefore, it's fake.
If you think I'm being serious then you're stupid.

Forget the forum...and the blackjack!

Anyway I gotta say this is a pointless announcement. Besides a couple people being mad over not being able to get in, That's entertaining. Personally I couldn't care less about the whole thing.

But if Sly chooses who's in then shouldn't Mack Militant get in for all the sucking up with the avatar of his? :shrug:
It's very Sly to have an All Star forum announcement. If you're not in it who cares but I can understand it.

For example, I'm not in it, if I get invited cool but frankly I don't give a shit (which is what I feel about rep). I just like debating and have a discussion about wrestling, even with a good amount of friends in my life all but 1 know nothing about wrestling so I can't talk about it with them, they just stare at you with that "what the fuck you talking about" look, then we get drunk and talk about sports or something. Whether on the forums or in life I'm always up for a new friend I can get along with but if not I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. For example I don't know what Sly, or KB, or any other member of the All Star forums think of me (well some I do but whatever) but either way I'm not losing sleep over it. I can understand certain posters desire to talk amongst themselves about certain things without random noob poster going on a "Cena Sucks" rant. That shit can get head achy quickly, all in all who gives a shit if they have an all star forum. I believe Sly is kind of a system admin mod of sorts so its his prerogative. I just don't understand why some (not all of you but some of you) would care, is it really that big of a deal there's an all star forum that you aren't apart of? Are you here to have discussions about wrestling or are you here to win a damn popularity contest?

It's pretty hilarious though and typical of many posters on here.
The holy trinity! That is pretty cool, though, you can view every forum on WrestleZone.

...or can you?

Neh there's a G-Mod forum and an Admin forum both of which I've had access to.
I wasn't but I was one of three in the running. As such I had access to a sub forum in the admin room.
I have access to the All-Star section, the regular Board Room, the Admin Room, Creative Control as well as other places all but a handful of people know about.
I have access to the All-Star section, the regular Board Room, the Admin Room, Creative Control as well as other places all but a handful of people know about.

I actually remember seeing you in the Creative section once or twice when I was in there. Took me completely by surprise each time.
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