Big Forum Announcement - Special Member Forum

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Wow, there are actually no black or (openly) gay members in there, though if I remember correctly Xfear is bisexual. There are two women in there, though, so we do hit that quota.

This is the internet, it sounds discriminatory for you to say "(openly) gay" but not "(openly) black" as well. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though. Anyway, more questions:

Are the "special" pages free of advertising? Do you guys get tax exempt status? Can you marry outside the club? How have you kept this a secret for so long? How much time do you spend pretending to be amused by KB's stuffed animal talk? Do the two women get their periods at the same time?
This is the internet, it sounds discriminatory for you to say "(openly) gay" but not "(openly) black" as well. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though. Anyway, more questions:

Are the "special" pages free of advertising? Do you guys get tax exempt status? Can you marry outside the club? How have you kept this a secret for so long? How much time do you spend pretending to be amused by KB's stuffed animal talk? Do the two women get their periods at the same time?

I had ad block so wouldn't know.
No tax exemption.
Good question, I honestly don't know.
But seriously though there can't really be an elite forum. Surely people like Dagger would be in it.

If Dagger's rejected, then I don't want to be invited! This is the problem with WZ: You can't handle it when somebody comes along and challenges what you deem "good wrestling discussion". I've been here and since day one I haven't changed. I became "Comedy Jobber for life AKA Santino" as ManureTheBear. You'll never change me! Get used to it!


I hope that came off as sincere...
This is the internet, it sounds discriminatory for you to say "(openly) gay" but not "(openly) black" as well. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though.

Good point. I guess there are (at least) two openly Jewish posters in there.

Anyway, more questions:

Are the "special" pages free of advertising? Do you guys get tax exempt status? Can you marry outside the club? How have you kept this a secret for so long? How much time do you spend pretending to be amused by KB's stuffed animal talk? Do the two women get their periods at the same time?

1) They are if you have adblock.
2) Not yet, we still need to fill out the paperwork.
3) Yes, but it is discouraged.
4) Blood oath.
5) Never.
6) Yes, it's disgusting. They talk about it in extreme detail as well.
In a move which I'm sure will leave many people butthurt over their exclusion, I have created a special forum in which only the best and most elite posters are allowed to post. I have called this forum the All-Star forum, and inclusion is by invite only.

Some of the rules of this All-Star forum are as follows:

1) You must be a great poster. Being a well-liked poster or a moderator has nothing to do with it.

2) You must not cause drama on the forums.

3) You will not tell of anything which is said in the All-Star forum.

4) Due to the inclusion of borderline racy/pornographic materials, a poster must be at least 18 years of age.

This forum has existed for a while and already has a few members. We have finally decided that today is the best day to take our private forum public. I've invited some of the All-Stars to post in this thread and answer questions.

The hope is this will inspire posters to improve their posting quality. If you're interested in joining, there is no application process, just engage in a long and high quality posting spree.

Best of luck to those interested in joining.

High school invades Wrestlezone Forums, eh? I should have known, considering the amount of times you've slipped up in the past.

This isn't a prank. I've seen the thing with my own eyes. Well, I've seen Mozz get a Quote Notification from it when he annoyed Gelgarin one time.

It's not really that I expected better from them, considering who's in it, but the fact that a group of adults feels the need to gather together to make fun of posters on a wrestling message board in their secret clubhouse disappoints me.

Have fun with your secret club, folks. Not like I had much respect for any of you before, but you know.
What was it I said earlier?

In a move which I'm sure will leave many people butthurt over their exclusion

Ahh, yes, that's right.
I still call bullshit.

It's funny though.

It's not a prank, I have proof right here:


If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.
Most of you don't know each other in real life, its a stupid high school like concept on the part if the creater but its not that important.
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