Big Ace Vs The Enforcer

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Big Ace

Championship Contender
*Ladies and Gentlemen plays across the arena and Big Ace comes out with jeans and a jacket with raining boo's*

*He demands a mic*

Big Ace: Shut up! You people think I give a damn what you say? No. I'm a legend and I'm larger than life! AND there is nothing you dumbasses can do about it! Now, Wordisborn, you come out here being the jackoff you are, and you run your mouth about how you love the fans. That's B.S. You know you really hate these idiots. Also, I heard that you want me to face you at WZMania? Ha Ha Ha! You're funny. Listen kid, I'm more talented than you. I'm stronger than you. I'm bigger than you, in more ways than one. You want to challenge me to a match? Come out here in front of these no-good, two-dollar, Aussies and say it to my face.

*Big Ace waits for Wordisborn*

Big Ace: See, at WZMania, I'm going to make sure you never forget my name. It's Big Ace!

*Crowd Boos*
Big Ace: And I will make sure you NEVER EVER forget my quote and that is, I'm full of Confidence...Attitude....Personality...and Sexuality!

Big Ace: So where are ya Wordisborn? Oh you see that? He's scared. He's scared just like everyone else in the WZ Locker Room. He's scared of the one move that everyone else eventually falls to, and that is the pedigree. So wo..

*Big Ace is interupted*
*Evolution plays as Wordisborn comes out in dress slacks and dress shirt, no tie with a mic in hand. As the crowd gives a huge pop*

*He stops at the entrance ramp as the music cuts off*

Wordisborn: You know what Big Ace I have sat back for the past couple of months as you have run your mouth about how great you are and how you have demolished your oppoinents. Well the fact is that you have never faced anyone like me. I have beaten everyone that has faced off with me in that very ring that you are standing in. They all thought that they had what it took to knock me off the top but in the end they all came up short and you will be no different.

*Crowd chants "Wordisborn, Wordisborn"*

Wordisborn: You talk about how I wont forget your quote but the fact is that you will swallow that damn quote when I hit you with some Sweet Chin Music!

*Huge Pop*

Wordisborn: So Big Ace just remember I may be Wordisborn but my Word Is Law!!

*Crowd pops for the catchphrase*

*Evolution music plays as Wordisborn stares down Big Ace*
*Big Ace chuckles*

Big Ace: You actually think you can stand in the ring, look me dead in the eyes and tell me that you're gonna superkick me? Well then go ahead and do it. See, you don't have the balls to do that to me. You don't have the guts, you don't have the passion that I do. My work is unparelled and there is nobody back there that can even match me in the ring. I'm more talented than you and when we get to better hope that I'm in a good mood because I am going to kick your ass! Hell, I should get to do it in my hometown but unfortunatly, I have to do it on yours. Your piece of crap of a city. But the fact of the matter is, I'm at the top of the food chain. There is nothing that you can do about it, because once we step in the ring, you will feel the tension. You will fall on your knees and bow down to the greatest that has ever lived...and that is me!

*Crowd Boos*
Oh and here's the storyline

Frustrated that he couldn't win the WZRumble, Big Ace decides to take it out on certain legends backstage. Wordisborn tries to snap him out of it but it just enrages Big Ace even more. Ace then goes on a self-righteous tirade complaining to GM Jonny about how he is being screwed everywhere he goes. Wordisborn once again tries to help Ace but Ace slaps him in the face. Ace then goes on the mic for several weeks after the 'Rumble stating that he had no respect for the legends in WrestleZone and that he is ''King of the world'' Wordisborn finally had enough and asked Ace for a match at WZMania but Ace quickly denied. They keep it quiet for a week but the following week, Wordisborn had a #1 contender's match against Downward Spiral and the winner would go on to face Jake for the title at WZMania and Ace interfered and knocked out Wordisborn with a pedigree and a chair shot. Wordisborn finally had enough of it and said that Big Ace was nothing more than a ''Rookie with no passion for the business that the legends created'' Ace finally agreed and they are on their way to WZMania to find out if the legend can defeat the loudmouth.
Wordisborn: Big Ace did I just hear you say that you were at the top of the food chain? I mean I think we can all see thats obvious, look at you, your gut is busting out of your shirt.

*Crowd Pops*

Wordisborn: Look the thing is Big Ace that there was actually a time I liked you, I thought of you as a brother. But then all of a sudden you started to think that you were better then everyone. And I for one can not allow you to disrespect these fans and myself with your actions as of late backstage. First you turned your back on me in our tag match last month against Jackson and Pastie. And then you want to cost me my title shot? I dont think so! Everywhere I have gone, I have heard Word are you really going to fight Big Ace? And I tell them the same thing everytime, Yea the little whipper snapper needs to learn some respect. So that is exactly what I will do at Mania. As a matter of fact, Why wait?

Wordisborn: Do you all want to see me go down to the ring and teach Big Ace some respect?

*Crowd screams YES!!*

*Wordisborn begins to walk down to the ring*
*Wordisborn makes his way down to the ring and begins to lay into Big Ace. Big Ace attempts to make a comeback but Wordisborn stops that dead in its tracks. After delivering Sweet Chin Music to Big Ace, Wordisborn grabs a mic and ask the crowd if they want him to finish off Big Ace. *Crowd screams YES* So Wordisborn makes his way out of the ring and grabs a chair and comes back into the ring and delivers 2 Con Chairto shots to Big Ace.*

*Wordisborn walks out of the ring leaving Big Ace laid out and bloody in the ring*

*Wordisborn makes his way to the back and approaches Todd Grisham and grabs his mic*

Wordisborn- Now it seems like Big Ace was not ready to compete against me and I doubt that he will be physically ready to compete against me at Mania. I am here to make my challenge to get into the title match at Mania. I have been here long enough and I am making it known that since I no longer have an oppoinent for Mania that I want in on the title match!
*Big Ace gets up slowly and grabs a mic*

Big Ace: You people think you deserve to watch me wrestle? NO! nobody in that locker room or Wordisborn is even on my level. I'm above all of you! You will NEVER beat respect out of me wordisborn. I laugh at you for thinking that you can even put my shoulders down on the mat! But ya see, I have passion. I have intensity. I have the choice and I don't have to fight against you until WZMania. But I'll give you a little preview. How about, tonight, I get the night off, which I've earned, and you have a match with Downward Spiral again? See, at WZMania, I'm going to kick your ass. I'm going to give you the beating of your life you pathetic son of a...Wait a minute! I already gave you the beating of your life at the WZRumble when I pummeled your ass with that chair. I'm sick of being labeled the bad guy around here, so from now on, I do what I want, when I want and there's nothing you, or anybody else can do about it. So nobody is ever gonna beat respect out of me. I deserve the glory, I made this company and I can kill it if I wanted to. Wordisborn, what you feed the fans is complete bull****. You don't live up to your words. But I will. I guarendamntee, that at WZMania, I will come out on top. Whether it's against you, or whether it's against anybody else, I will be the number one guy on WrestleZone. If you have a problem with that, then just come to say it to my face!

*He leaves, flipping off the crowd and wordisborn who is watching through the monitor*
*Wordisborn after watching this take place on the monitor looks back at Todd*

Wordisborn-You know what Todd, these young kids just never learn. Todd ever since I came to Wrestlezone I have treated everyone with respect. Granted when I first got here I was a little brash with people but I learned that you have to pay homage to those who paved the way for you to be here. This little punk kid Big Ace hasnt learned that lesson. There was a great man, you may know him his name is Jonny, who once told me that "In order to be the man, you have to beat the man!" And Big Ace you have yet to do that. It took a punk move like eliminating me from the Rumble when I had my back turned for you to think that you were the "Man".

*While saying this Wordisborn begins to spit a little from passion* You have pushed me to a place where I vowed that I would never go again. You have just unleashed the Animal! I will go back down to the ring tonight and give you an example of what I will do to you at Mania when I face Downward Spiral. And after I am done with him we will go on to Mania and I will inflict so much bodily damage to you that you will have no choice but to pay your respect! And remember my "Word is Law!!"

*Wordisborn continues to stare into the camera in pure intensity as the camera fades out to commercial*
This is for the week after the Spiral-Wordisborn match. Wordisborn won but got abused by Ace after the match with a steel chair.

*Big Ace in the locker room with Todd Grisham*

Todd: Hello Ace. I was just wondering if I cou..

Big Ace: Shut up. I don't care what you want. No matter what you want you're not getting it from me. See, last week, I angered wordisborn. He says that he's gonna unleash on me? I don't give a damn. Bring anybody you want to the ring, because at WZMania, I will make sure that you never, EVER, forget my name. That is, Big Ace. And I will make sure that you never ever forget my quote...and that is...I'm full of confidence...attitude...personality..and sexuality! And Wordisborn, you can become whatever character, whatever used up gimmick you want to use. The fact of the matter is, I don't respect anybody. I paved the way for the business. I have beaten the man. Until anybody pins me on the ground and beats me to a bloody pulp and beats me....I will remain the man and there is nothing, you can do about it! Here's a little tribute video that my peeps made!

*Big Ace tribute vid plays*

Big Ace: If that doesn't show you how much of a top guy I am, then I'm going to show you in the ring at WZMania!
*GM Jonny makes his way out to the ring later that night, he is holding a clip board in his hands*

Jonny- As you all my have noticed things have been getting out of hand with this whole Wordisborn and Big Ace feud. As much money as it has been making me I have to put an end to it so that none of my superstars gets hurt. So from here on out there will be no contact between you 2 what so ever unti Mania and if you dont follow that rule then you will be fired on the spot! Now you all may notice that I have a clip board in my hand. Now what this is, is a contract for the 2 of you to face each other at Mania. Now this wont be any normal match seeing as the pure hatred that you 2 have for one another. This match will be a LAST MAN STANDING MATCH! Now you all know that the only way for you to win is to beat your oppoinent to where they can not respond to a 10 count. So I want the 2 of you to come out here and sign this right now!!

*Evolution hits the speakers and out comes Wordisborn to the ring*

Wordisborn- You know what Jonny this may have been the smartest thing I have heard all night. I am tired of this little punk kid running aroung back there like he is running the show. He hasnt proved anything to me or these fans but that he is a punk that has to attack people from behind. Do you all want to see me beat Big Ace to a bloody pulp at Mania? *Huge Pop* I will gladly sign this Jonny. *Signs Contract*

Jonny- Thank you Wordisborn, Now Big Ace get out here and sign this contract!

*Big Ace music hits and out he comes to the ring*

*After cutting a brief promo reitterating how great he is and how he isnt afraid Big Ace signs the contract and he and Wordisborn have a staredown. Big Ace makes a jump at Wordisborn and Wordisborn doesnt flinch at all*

*Big Ace slowly backs up and leaves the ring looking a little nervous wondering what he just got himself into as Wordisborn continues to stare him down*

*Next week on WrestleZone*

Maria: Hi Ace! How are you feeling about having to face that cute wordisborn?!

Ace: Cute? Maria, you want cute? Go be a stripper or something because that ''cute'' wordisborn, won't be cute when i'm done with him! See Maria, you stand here and act like a dumb little ***** but let me ask you a question that even you might understand, who do you think is going to win at WZMania? Me? or that dumbass?

Maria: Well, I think he's a really fun guy! Wordisborn is so nice and you're n...

Ace: I DIDN'T ASK YOU THAT QUESTION! so get out of my face before I show you what's going to happen to wordisborn 2 weeks from now! Now with that idiot out of the way, I can finally talk. Wordisborn, do you recall me saying that I would do what I want, when i wanted? Well last night, I swung by your lady's house and I showed her the big pipe!

*Big Ace laughs*

Ace: And guess what? Ace has got a new partner in crime, none other than international wrestling superbabe..April Hunter! You see, this very beautiful valet will be escorting me, the future of professional wrestling, to the ring that sunday night at WZMania! So you better watch your back, because if your not careful...maybe even April will kick your ass!

*Big Ace laughs and walks off*
*Big Ace walks down to the ring with a mad look on his face*

Big Ace: I am sick and I am tired of the **** everyone in the back is giving me! I made this goddamn idea and you people underestimate me. If it wasn't for me, WZMania wouldn't even be here! From now on, I hear anybody giving somebody credit for a good promo, I will beat your ass so bad that you won't even want to cut promos anymore. I have bled, sweated, and paid the price to be here! You people have done nothing for this company! I give my all every time and these idiots should be paying more to see me wrestle live and in living color. You're all pathetic! I'm better than every single one of you but I don't get the credit for it? That's bull**** I'm sick of being mistreated around here! So you know what? I'm bringing war to everybody in the back. You think that I don't have passion? I'll show you all that I am the most talented and the most gifted wrestler WrestleZone has ever seen! Enforcer, you are the first of the many names that will fall at my feet! Once we get to WZMania, the gloves come off and the blood comes out. No more of the Big Ace that gives people chances. I'm going to be ruthless and I will take no prisoners. I'm going to kick ass and take names. WrestleZone, you better get ready, because the Main Event...HAS ARRIVED!
*Evolution blasts across the speakers and the crowd goes crazy*

*Out walks The Enforcer dressed in his 2 piece cream color suit with a mic in under his arm and clapping his hands*

The Enforcer- I am glad to see that you got all of your bitching out of the way for the night, maybe now we can get down to buisness. Before I continue, make sure you take your panties out of your ass and take your birth control! On a more serious note, Ace people dont give you respect cause you havent done anything to earn it. You talk about how you put your sweat and tears into the buisness but yet you cheat in every single match you have been in. All you do is come out and bitch about how you dont get any respect. Ace why dont you quit all of the talking and come do something. I havent been hiding from you, I have called you out on many occasions and you always have some damn excuse. You hide behind your little team like a little BITCH!

Big Ace- Enforcer now you just...

The Enforcer- YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH! Its little things like that, that get your assed kicked. Now you keep talking about how at Mania your going to beat my ass, and how your going to make blood pour from my flesh. Well why wait? Why dont we give these fans what they really want to see? Me and you, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!

*Enforcer takes off his jacket and begins to unbutton his dress shirt*
*Big Ace backs away*

Big Ace: Whoa, Whoa! Calm down. I'm not facing you tonight. I'm a little tired of you wanting to wrestle me every week. It's the same damn thing with you and you got to learn that I have to perserve these precious looks for WZMania. But I will give you what you want. At WZMania, I'm gonna make sure that you come out looking battered, brusied, bloodied, and everything else after that Last Man Standing match. No need to unbutton your shirt. It's not happenin' tonight. Me? A bitch?

*Crowd chants ''Big Ace sucks''*

Big Ace: I didn't ask for your opinions! So I'm the bitch? I don't think so. Seems like you're the bitch for these 10000 DUMBASSES!

*crowd boos*

Big Ace: Now as I was saying, I don't have to hide behind Team Jonny because in reality, You're just pissed off that Team Jake keeps getting an ass-whipping every week. But to focus on you, you're nothing to these fans. They cheer you one night, they boo you the next. Don't get used to it because all of these people, they're so idiotic that they don't know who to root for. They should be rooting for the real winners. Team Jonny.

*Crowd boos again*

Big Ace: You're not on my level. Hell, you can't even tie up my boots. You're not even a standout to these people. Just a nobody. It's all you are, and it's all you ever will be. So why don't you think about what team you're going to join next time? We don't even need you on Team Jonny. We're the greatest faction in sports-entertainment history. There's nothing you, Jake, or that idiot DC can do about it. You know, I wish you'd think about joining us. I mean, it's not like you'd make much of an addition for us. I mean, for Jake, you just run out and do his dirty work plain and simple. You're nothing and that's all you've ever been. So for once in your life, be a MAN about things and join us. Be part of the greatest to ever grace WZ. What do you say?

*Enforcer thinks about it*

*Big Ace extends his hand*

*Enforcer punches Big Ace right in the face and he punches him a few more times before clotheslining him over the top rope. Enforcer goes out to chase him but Ace runs away before Enforcer can catch up to him*

*Enforcer grabs a mic*

Enforcer: WZMania...You're going to get your ass handed to you! and that's a guaren-damn-tee!

*Crowd cheers as Enforcer's music plays*
Big Ace vs The Enforcer - Last Man Standing

*Hype video is played, showing the whole fued until this point*

*The bell rings as Lillian Garcia grabs the microphone to announce the next contest*

Lillian: Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds....Big Ace!

*The crowd gives a mixed reaction*

*Ace is not seen anywhere*

JR: Well where the hell is he? Did he chicken out?

King: There's no chance that he chickened out, after all this talk!

*Ace's music starts playing again and the camera goes all the way up to the ceiling. Ace rapels down from 100 feet in the air, much to the delight of the crowd*

JR: Oh my King! It's Big Ace!

*Ace climbs the barricade and demands a mic*

Ace: Now cut my music. Me, being the nice guy that I am, have arranged a special segment for The Enforcer. Just to look back, and reflect on the finer things of his life. To let you all know what Enforcer used to be like before he got ass his beat by me. So folks, let me give you all something that you will never EVER forget. your life.
*Snazzy music plays*

Ace: So to kick this baby off, I'm going to bring out Enforcer's ex-girlfriend. So folks, give it up to...Shaniqua Lequsha?

*Out walks a oddly-shaped ''woman''*
Ace: So this is Enforcer's Ex?

Shaniqua: You damn right Boyfriend!

Ace: Uh, your voice is a little deep there. What happened?

Shaniqua: Well, after I dumped Enforcer, I looked back to see what was wrong and why I couldn't draw better looking men. I realized that it was because I was an ugly woman, and so I turned into a man.

Ace: Erm, looks like the surgery turned out successful?

Shaniqua: Hell yeah! So...are you single?

Ace: Well, yes I am, but I don't fe...

*Shaniqua puts his finger on Ace's lips*

Shaniqua: Shhh. Nobody has to know.
Ace: Moving on! Here are the 2 next guests. Enforcer's mom and step mom.
*Ace struggles to get away from Shaniqua but finally does*
Ace: are you two lovely ladies doing?

Both Moms: Fine.

Ace: That's great. So how was little Enforcer, running around in his fake tights, wishing he could lose weight?

Enforcer's Real Mom: That little bastard was always watching Porn. Just like his dad. A shame and a disgrace of a child.

Enforcer's Step Mom: I saw them watching it too. A hardcore porn movie at that. I always found it as a turn-on though, as weird as it sounds.

Ace: That was very strange. So how was Enforcer like as a teen?

Enforcer's Real Mom: The same. He was always disturbed.

Ace: That must've been a great life. Porn, Wrestling, and a GF turned into a man!

Enforcer's Step Mom: Your kinda hot, did you know that? I love cheese.

*Enforcer's dad comes out with a beer in his hand and dirty slacks and shirt*

Ace: and who in the blue hell are you?
Enforcer's Dad: Can I have some money? I wasn't paid enough to appear here.
Ace: Well, I'm a rich Son of a bitch but you're not worth it old man.

Enforcer's Dad: Well then I'll kick your ass just like you're going to kick my son's.

*Enforcer's dad takes a swing at Ace but Ace ducks. Ace then nails him with a Superkick.

Enforcer's Real Mom: Wow. That was pretty good. That fat slob that calls himself my child won't stand a chance.

Ace: Oh really? So then after I beat him, maybe you and I can go out for a victory celebration?

Enforcer's Mom: We'll have to see.

Enforcer's Step Mom: Can I come?!

*Ace smiles and grabs the mic once more*

Ace: I have one more special guest to announce. The woman that looks completely different from Enforcer. A woman with class, and a huge ass! Enforcer's sister!

*Enforcer's sister walks out in a white mini-skirt and a bra*

Ace: I think I speak for all the guys here when they say, ''DAMN!'' How about we..

Enforcer's Sister: Sorry I'm a lesbian.

Ace: Yeah right. Prove it.

*Enforcer's sister goes into the crowd and picks out one girl. She proceeds to kiss that woman*

Ace: Dudes, she just made out with a plant!

*Crowd pops big-time*

*Enforcer's music hits*

Enforcer: Hey! What the hell is this! This is exactly why I'm fighting you tonight: Lack of respect. You hired all these actors just to give us a cheap laugh? For entertainment? Well guess what? It sucks! I guess the joke is on you Ace because.....You've officially pissed me off. Now, I'm gonna whup your ass!

*Enforcer runs down the ramp into the ring and the bell rings as the match begins*

When Enforcer ran into the ring, he was immediately stomped on by Ace, much to the dislike of the crowd. Ace grabs Enforcer by the hair and starts hitting him with uppercuts. Ace swings himself to the other ropes and comes back, attempting a clothesline on Enforcer, but Enforcer gets out of the away. Ace grabs the ropes at the last second though and stops himself from going over. When he turns around, he is met with quick rights and lefts from Enforcer. Enforcer then grabs Ace and hits a powerful stand-up Suplex. Enforcer grabs Ace and starts punching him, causing Ace to go into the turnbuckle. Enforcer keeps hitting body shots and head shots. Enforcer once again grabs Ace and clotheslines him over the top rope. Enforcer taunts Ace while Ace gasps for breath on the outside. Enforcer goes out and makes the ref re-start his count. Ace slowly gets up but quickly sees a momentum-filled Enforcer charging at him. Thinking quickly, Ace reverses it into a Drop-Toe hold and Enforcer's head smashes on the Steel Steps. Ace gets up and goes to the Spanish Announce Table. He takes off the top and the cameras.

JR: No! No! Put that equipment back on! What the hell is he thinking!?

King: Come on Ace! I can't wait for a slam onto that Table!

Ace goes back and grabs Enforcer. Enforcer counters though, and hits Ace with a few elbows to the stomach. Enforcer then quickly throws him out of the ring. Enforcer gets set to lock in a Submission move, but Ace counters it into his own SharpShooter. Enforcer starts tapping out, but since the match is A Last Man Standing match, it doesn't matter. Ace lets go after about 1 minute and then starts stomping at both legs of Enforcer. Ace looks ruthless and goes out to ringside and looks under the apron. He finds a steel chair and then throws it in the ring. He looks at it menacingly and then repeatedly slams it across the left knee of Enforcer. Enforcer screams out in pain as Ace continues to slam it. Ace then throws the chair aside and starts laughing. He does Enforcer's taunt and then drags him to the middle of the ring. Ace walks to the turnbuckle, walking in a Ric Flair-like way. He slowly climbs up and then does a little crotch chop. He waits for Enforcer to get up. Enforcer quickly limps to the turnbuckle though, and he hits a Super Samoan Drop on Big Ace! Both men take time to get on their feet. The ref is up to 6 when Ace started to get up and Enforcer started limping up. Ace slowly slides behind Enforcer and hits him with a Forearm to the back of his left leg. Ace works again on the left leg, this time dragging it to the ropes. Ace then sets up the leg on the bottom rope and jumps on it twice. Ace then pulls Enforcer out to the middle again and puts in a Figure Four Leg-Lock. He snaps Enforcer's legs and Enforcer screams out in pain. Ace maunevers himself to the ropes and starts to grab them. He holds on with all his force before Enforcer starts fighting back.

JR: Look at the will to win on Enforcer's face! This man is a true champion who will give it his all to win this match!

King: I've had enough of this guy. He's gotten his butt kicked the whole match and NOW he's coming back? I think his energy is all gone now.

Enforcer reverses the Leg-Lock on Ace and Ace starts screaming and tapping out. The referee acknowledges this and tries to get Enforcer to stop, but Enforcer yells ''I'm going to teach him a lesson!'' Ace keeps on tapping but Enforcer won't let go of the hold. Enforcer then goes to the outside and grabs a sledgehammer, much to the crowd's liking. Enforcer holds it up and starts banging it. He waits for Ace to get up and then he powerfully slams the Sledgehammer onto Ace's face. Ace starts bleeding as Enforcer starts laughing and looks at his Sledgehammer. He hits Ace with it several more times before throwing the sledgehammer outside. He then looks at the crowd and looks at Ace. He grabs Ace's legs and then puts him in the middle of the ring. He locks in an Indian Death-Lock. Ace starts screaming in pain once again. Enforcer is smiling while locking in this agressive Submission move. Enforcer keeps it on for another minute before finally letting go. He signals the crowd and Ace that the match is almost over. He stands there in position waiting for Ace to get up so he can hit his version of the Pedigree. Ace struggles to his feet and when he turns around, he is met with what looks like a Pedigree for sure, but Ace reverses it into a back body drop. Both men stay down for awhile as the ref counts to 8 this time. Both men struggle and then start throwing lefts and rights for awhile, before Enforcer starts taking control. With a limp, he starts punching Ace into the corner again. He builds up momentum and swings himself from the other turnbuckle, trying to crash into Ace, but Ace moves out of the way. Ace starts serving up his own punches while the crowd boos him heavily.

JR: Listen to that reaction King! It's as loud as I've heard it tonight!

King: They're all just jealous JR. Just jealous because they can't be like him.

Ace kept punching at Enforcer until he fell to the ground. Ace then started stomping at him, and even choked him. Ace went to the other turnbuckle and relaxed on the ropes as the Ref counted to 7 on Enforcer. Ace started taunting Enforcer and grabbed him and threw him out of the ring. Ace then proceeded to slam his head constantly on the Announce Table. Ace then hit a body-slam on the table. Ace ran to the ropes nearest the Table. Ace then did a Moonsault onto Enforcer, causing the Table to crash! The crowd chanted ''Holy ****!'' Both men used the barricade to get up right before the count of 9. Ace got up first and yelled out ''Forget this crap!'' He then slowly walked up the ramp. Enforcer came limping from behind and knocks him out. Enforcer grabs Ace by the hair and throws him backstage. The camera men follow Enforcer as he keeps punching Ace, knocking the curtains down. He takes Ace into the shower and punches him several times more, knocking Ace into the wall. They see a man who was on the toilet, but then runs away as he sees the chaos. Enforcer grabs Ace and slams his face into the sink, causing Ace to bleed even more. Enforcer looks in on the toilet and sees a huge piece of crap in it. Enforcer gets a huge smile on his face and grabs Ace's head, and yells ''Eat ****!'' he then puts Ace's face in the **** laughing the whole time. The crowd laughs loudly along with Enforcer. Enforcer then yells out ''SOMEBODY FLUSH THAT!'' and he then flushes it repeatedly, much to the delight of the crowd once again.

JR: Well, there goes Ace's pretty looks. That must stink more than cow manure.

King: I think that IS cow manure!

Ace tries running away but he keeps slipping. Enforcer laughs at him and tells him ''We're going for a ride'' Enforcer then takes him through the whole backstage area, through the exit, and to the Parking Lot. Enforcer irish-whips Ace so hard into a car that Ace flips over it. Enforcer grabs Ace again and throws him through the window of a Limo. Enforcer then kicks him in the mid-stomach and gets ready in Pedigree position. He taunted too long though, and Ace pushed him away and climbed up the Limo. He taunted Enforcer, and Enforcer got pissed so he followed him. They were slowly trading punches, both trying to gain more momentum. Ace then tried to hit the Pedigree but it was reversed into a back-body drop by Enforcer. The crowd popped big-time as it waited to see who the victor would be. Enforcer then grabbed Ace and quickly hit a Pedigree on top of the Limo, causing the top to break and collide onto the bottom of the car. The crowd was silent as both men stayed down. The ref finally caught up to them and tried to see where they were in the huge collision. He finally saw both of them, and started counting.


Enforcer and Ace are down.


They remain down through 7.


Ace starts showing signs of life.


Ace is almost at his knees....


Enforcer gets up, but at the same time, Spiral comes out of nowhere with a chair and sledgehammer and helps Ace get up. Both use the limo to start brawling and throwing lefts and rights again.

JR: My god King! I thought this match was over! No! No! No!

King: JR, we're watching a classic! How can you not be enjoying this?

JR: Because King, these two people are putting their LIVES AT STAKE! THE WILL TO WIN FROM THESE MEN WILL END UP KILLING THEM DAMNIT!

Enforcer and Ace once again start brawling by the car. Enforcer gains control and starts throwing lefts and rights quickly at Ace. Enforcer used up all his energy and both men fell to the ground. They quickly got up and then Ace took Enforcer to the outside of the Arena. The crowd popped big time as Ace grabbed a sledgehammer from Downward Spiral on his way out. Ace yelled out 'I got this!'. Ace grabbed Enforcer and threw him face-first into one of the poles in the parking lot. Ace then yelled out something degrading and hit Enforcer straight in the nose with the sledgehammer. The crowd boos as Ace starts laughing and taunting Enforcer. He uses his foot to choke Enforcer on the pole. Enforcer starts choking blood while Ace keeps taunting. Ace tells the ref to make the count. 1...2...3....4....5...6....7...BAM! Ace sees that Enforcer is on his knees and then hits a thigh right to the mid-stomach, causing Enforcer to choke out more blood. Ace then grabs the chair that Spiral had and sets it up in a sitting position next to a table.

JR: Bah gawd, If I'm not from Oklahoma, then Ace is going to kill both of them here!

King: Shhh JR! This is the climax!

Ace sets up the chair and stands on it, laying Enforcer on the table. He takes his time and then starts climbing a nearby ladder. Ace climbs to the top and then tells Enforcer to suck it. Ace is about to splash off the top until he sees Enforcer getting up. Enforcer then goes up to the top of the ladder and they start brawling there. Both connect with lefts and rights but when one is about to fall, they manage to hold on at the last second. Ace is about to fall and Enforcer gets to the top and swings Ace's body onto his. Enforcer takes a leap and Spinebusters Ace onto the table! Enforcer take several seconds to get up. The ref doesn't even count and he starts yelling for the EMT's and Admin. Admin comes in and sees all the destruction, but says that the match must go on.

JR: What the hell! That conniving Son of a bitch! HE'S GOING TO LET THEM CONTINUE!

King: As you know JR, the show must go on!

Ace and Enforcer are knocked out cold but Spiral goes out to help Ace. Ace is bleeding and knocked out cold but gets up anyway. He takes a shot at Enforcer, who is on his knees, but Enforcer ducks. Enforcer then kicks Ace in the mid-stomach and hits a Pedigree right onto the chair! Ace's neck snapped back and he didn't even move. Spiral goes for a Spear on Enforcer but Enforcer moves at the last second and Spiral goes crashing into a Limo. The ref counts as Enforcer sits on the chair, bloodied and battered.


Hey Ace, I thought the match was awesome, but I must admit the promo before the match was even greater that was some classic stuff(LOL!) as for the match incredible back and forth action with some comedy thrown in for good measure, thought you did a real good job promoting the match and writing it out, You are a great writer and I look forward to anything you put out next, good luck man!
I edited a few bits and I added a new ending, thanks to Spiral's inspirational match lol. Hope you like the new, and hopefully improved, ending.
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